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Benekte eller bekrefte Holocaust


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Tenker meg sånn at det ville jo ikke passet så bra inn om holocaust var oppspinn (ikke at jeg har satt meg så godt inn i dette). Men det var vel et av hovedargumentene for å gi jødene sitt eget land. Og vi har vel alle sett hvordan det har gått(ikke at jeg har satt meg så mye inn i denne delen av hisorien heller:) Men det hadde jo ikke passett inn at Israel ble opprettet på en eneste stor løgn sammensatt av personer som har enorme interesser i midtøsten den dag i dag. men hva vet vel jeg. Levde verken under 2. verdenskrig eller i midtøsten.

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Jeg skjønner ikke hvorfor holocaust må "diskuteres"? Hva er det rundt dette temaet som man må analysere så grundig?


At holocaustbenektning er ulovlig i flere land fungerer som en fin intellektuell musefelle. Det er bare naturlig utvalg med litt drahjelp.


Å forby holocaustbenektelse vil uansett bare gi benekterne blod på tann. Det gir inntrykk av at man er redd for å diskutere dette, noe de bruker for alt det er verdt. Det er også ironisk at en forbyr denne type ytringer, når det er bl.a. mangel på ytringsfrihet, Nazi-Tyskland kritiseres for.

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Er det i det hele tatt mulig å benekte Holocaust? Det finnes dokumenter konfiskert etter 2. verdenskrig, som til og med omtaler drapsmetoder og statistikk over drepte fanger. Og hva med dødsleirene, som fremdeles står i Polen? Litt mistenksomt at tyskerne sprengte i filler flere bygninger da de allierte nærmet seg, noe som i senere tid har vist seg å være krematorier?


Hva med bilde-dokumentasjon?


Spør du meg, er det umulig å benekte Holocaust. Vitneforklaringer, bilder og skriftlig dokumentasjon, samt faste bevis (konsentrasjonsleirene i Polen) som fremdeles står, slik det ble forlatt av tyskerne.


Kan hende jeg har tatt feil av hva du skrev i trådbeskrivelsen, men Holocaust er ikke noe man feier under et teppe.

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Helt enig! Med så mange beviser, er det i det hele tatt mulig å så mye som prøve å benekte at det har skjedd? Hele verden vet, og hele verden husker. Verden glemmer ikke. Jeg synes det er respektløst overfor de som ble utsatt for Holocaust å i det hele tatt tvile på eller nekte for at det har skjedd. Av de heldige som overlevde, hvorfor skulle de lyve? Amerikanske styrker fant mindre konsentrasjons- og arbeidsleirer, noe serien "Band of Brothers" er et bra eksempel på, og amerikanerne tok bilder og vitneforklaringer som senere kunne brukes i en rettsprosess. Skal vi benekte at det har hendt, tross for dette?

Endret av galexon
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etter hva jeg har hørt handler ikke holocaust denial om det skjedde eller ikke.. men at grunnen og antallet er feil


dvs at folk ble ikke tatt fordi de var en spesiel rase eller noe sånt men fordi de var politiske fanger...


grunnen til at holocaust denial finnes er jo fordi att noen land i det hele tatt forbyr i det hele tatt og utforske området


Irans president sa jo selv at grunnen til at han tror at holocaust ikke skjedde er på grunn av nettop att det er ulovlig og undersøke det

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The three key claims of Holocaust deniers are:[2][3]


* The Nazis had no official policy or intention of exterminating Jews.

* Nazis did not use gas chambers to mass murder Jews.

* The figure of 5 to 7 million Jewish deaths is a gross exaggeration, and the actual number is an order of magnitude lower.


Other claims include the following:


* Stories of the Holocaust were a myth initially created by the Allies of World War II to demonize Germans.[3] Jews spread this myth as part of a grander plot intended to enable the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine, and now to garner continuing support for the state of Israel.[16]

* Documentary evidence of the Holocaust, from photographs to the Diary of Anne Frank, is fabricated.[3]

* Survivor testimonies are filled with errors and inconsistencies, and are thus unreliable.[3]

* Nazi confessions of war crimes were extracted through torture.[3]

* The Nazi treatment of Jews was no different from what the Allies did to their enemies in World War II.[17]


Holocaust denial is widely viewed as failing to adhere to rules for the treatment of evidence, principles that mainstream historians (as well as scholars in other fields) regard as basic to rational inquiry.[18] The prevailing — and indeed virtually unanimous — consensus of mainstream scholars is that the evidence given by survivors, eyewitnesses, and contemporary historical accounts is overwhelming; that this evidence proves beyond a reasonable doubt that the Holocaust occurred; and that it occurred as these sources say it occurred.


The Holocaust was well-documented by the extremely bureaucratic German government itself.[19][20] It was further witnessed by the Allied forces who entered Germany and its associated Axis states towards the end of World War II. Among the evidence produced was film and stills that showed the existence of prisoner camps, as well as the testimony of those freed when the camps were entered. The Holocaust was a massive undertaking that lasted for years and was implemented across several countries, with its own command and control infrastructure, a bureaucracy that left a large trail of documentation. Although Nazi officials made attempts to destroy evidence of the Holocaust when it became evident that their defeat was imminent, substantial documentation remained. After the Nazi defeat, many documents were recovered, including numerous reports written by the Nazis about the number of Jews killed, records of train shipments of Jews to the camps, orders for tons of cyanide and other poisons, and large numbers of photographs and films of the camps and their victims. Many thousands of not-yet-decomposed bodies were found in mass graves located near facilities that were indisputably concentration camps. Thousands of interviews with survivors, perpetrators, and bystanders added to the massive level of documentation that attended the Holocaust. A diary written by German anti-Nazi Friedrich Kellner attests that some atrocities, such as the murder of Jews at gunpoint, were indeed committed by German soldiers, but also illustrates that an awareness of such crimes was present among some German anti-Nazis.


According to researchers Michael Shermer and Alex Grobman, there is a "convergence of evidence" that proves that the Holocaust happened. This evidence includes:[21]


1. Written documents—hundreds of thousands of letters, memos, blueprints, orders, bills, speeches, articles, memoirs, and confessions.

2. Eyewitness testimony—accounts from survivors, Jewish Sonderkommandos (who were forced to help load bodies from the gas chambers into the crematoria in exchange for the promise of survival), SS guards, commandants, local townspeople, and even high-ranking Nazis who spoke openly about the mass murder of the Jews

3. Photographs—including official military and press photographs, civilian photographs, secret photographs taken by survivors, aerial photographs, German and Allied film footage, unofficial photographs taken by the German military.

4. The camps themselves—concentration camps, work camps, and extermination camps that still exist in varying degrees of originality and reconstruction

5. Inferential evidence—population demographics, reconstructed from the pre-World War II era; if six million Jews were not killed, what happened to them all?



Much of the controversy surrounding the claims of Holocaust deniers centers on the methods used to present arguments that the Holocaust allegedly never happened as commonly accepted. Numerous accounts have been given by Holocaust deniers (including evidence presented in court cases) of claimed "facts" and "evidence"; however, independent research has shown these claims to be based upon flawed research, biased statements, or even deliberately falsified evidence. Opponents of Holocaust denial have compiled detailed accounts of numerous instances where this evidence has been altered or manufactured (see Nizkor Project and David Irving).


Interessant lesning.



Endret av GrandMa
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