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Sjapp spørsmål:


Jeg leste under lanseringen av OB at for nå, så var det kun OB nøkkelen som kunne benyttes.

Den er grei nok, men har det vært noe updates siden det på de to andre nøklene? Dvs. head start og bonus items?



Her har du noe info:



1. We've previously announced that we'd open the registrations for Head Start on the day it opens. In response to this week's events we are working very hard to enable registration before the 14th. I've yet to see this confirmed, however. I'll get back with an update as soon I can.
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Hva er problemet?

Se litt lenger opp hva jeg har skrivd.



Ah...beklager leste det nå. Okay...så du har 2 kontoer og begge har du registrert og fått bekreftelses mail på som du har trykt på linken i mailen og fått godkjent kontoen?


Og begge kontoene har du så da registrert beta key som da etter registrering gir deg Authentication feilmelding? Er jeg med så langt?

Stemmer fikk bekreftelse på begge, men når jeg trykka på linken på den første sto det at kontoen var suspendert. På den andre funka det helt fint, men når jeg skal prøve å logge inn kommer den feilmeldinga opp. Er 110 prosent sikker på at jeg har skrevet riktig. Jeg har prøvd å re installerer spillet og.

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Nitrius: Hva gjør du mot Meleeclasses som spiser deg opp levende så fort de kommer nærme? Er vandt med forskjellige former for CC fra wow, så dette er litt uvandt :p Dotdot, sear, fireball og løp før de kommer bort. Men har foreløpig (rank8) ingen måte å stoppe de på og jeg dør riimelig lett.


Skal dog sies at jeg egentlig alltid sloss mot highlevels :p Er jo lvl 11 folk overalt der jeg er :(


Nå er jeg rank 11 selv, og har fått en fin spell som låser folk fast i bakken(Fire Cage), samt så har vi Shield Of Aqshy og Smoke Screen som er ganske fine mot melee. Men igjen vi er fortsatt tidlige i rank fasen, og vi får noen ganske så fine spells/morals og tactics ettersom vi blir høyere lvl. Nå sier jeg ikke at jeg er uovervinnelig, er bare å spille smart.


Fin tråd om BW: http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/sh...ead.php?t=57651


Edit: @MrDarkey: Har du noe link til dette med at WAR skal ha Dx10 støtte? Og at det vil komme "bedre" grafikk? Jeg har nemlig ikke sett noe snakk om det.



grafikk upgrade står på siden dems, og dx10 støtte gidder jeg ikke grave opp en 6 månders tråd på only-war

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Sjapp spørsmål:


Jeg leste under lanseringen av OB at for nå, så var det kun OB nøkkelen som kunne benyttes.

Den er grei nok, men har det vært noe updates siden det på de to andre nøklene? Dvs. head start og bonus items?



Her har du noe info:



1. We've previously announced that we'd open the registrations for Head Start on the day it opens. In response to this week's events we are working very hard to enable registration before the 14th. I've yet to see this confirmed, however. I'll get back with an update as soon I can.


...på samme dag som "Head start"? Man skulle ha trodd at GOA hadde lært at å åpne opp to dører på en gang fungerer dårlig (semi metafor), med tanke på hvordan det gikk med OB på søndag.

Men men, de sier nå at de har/holder på å fikse registreringsystemt, så det er fortsatt håp :)

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Jaaaaaaaaaaaa! Nå kom jeg endelig inn. Sendte en mail til WAR tidligere idag. Nå må jeg bare vente til patchingen er ferdig. Noen som vet sånn ca hvor lang tid det tar? Og når er betaen ferdig? Dato Kl?



du viste vel at du ikke børr vente på mail for å komme inn? jeg er inne på 2 accounter og har ikke fått en eneste mail enda



betaen er ferdig om 2 dager, head start for Collectors edition eiere 14 sep, head start for standard 15 sep, offisiell relase 18 sep

Endret av MrDarkey
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You asked for it!

The Community is a vital part of making WAR a successful game. With your feedback we're able to better chart our course as we move into the months and years ahead. It's important that the changes we make are a reflection of the players that will experience them, and so we are dedicated to listening to all of you along the way.



Below you will find a sample of what we've improved directly based on what we hear in game and on the forums. It is our goal to create a fun, engaging, and entertaining experience every time you log into the game. By continuing to play and provide us with feedback you are helping us to make that happen.



Keep up the great work and thank you for helping us make WAR an even better game...WAAAGH!!!


Loot Sparkles

We've continued to improve loot sparkles and have corrected one last small bug that caused corpses to sparkle even when you weren't able to loot them.


Pet User Interface and Behavior

In the near future we'll be working to make sure the Pet UI stays up for as long as your pet does so that it doesn't on occasion disappear when you log out or zone. For now you can re-open the Pet UI window simply by summoning another pet. One change that hs been made to pets already is that they have grown ever braver and will now listen to their masters' directions. Their responsiveness and pathing has been dramatically improved, and we've made improvements to Magus pets and Engineer turrets.


Continued Improvements to Performance and Crash to Desktop Errors

Your ability to play the game smoothly and reliably is always our most important goal. We continue to work to apply fixes that will make your experience even more enjoyable. To help us out and make the experience better for you, be sure you have up-to-date drivers - including audio! Out of date video and audio drivers are among the highest contributors to game crashes.


"Ability Not Ready Yet"

We've recently improved ability responsiveness which will reduce the chance of you receiving the "Ability Not Ready Yet" message erroneously. This should help combat feel more natural!


Open RvR Ruleset Change

You've given us your feedback and we've listened! Open RvR servers will now allow you to play one tier below your current level without turning into a chicken. This will allow you more time to experience the PvE content of the first 3 tiers, and it also adds more danger to the mix.


Improved Graphics Options

We've got some great plans for improved graphics options as we continue through launch. Our number one priority is player performance. It's important in an RvR game for performance to be smooth and allow the game to be accessible to as many people as possible. In order to achieve our goals, we had to ensure a certain level of compatibility between devices. With all of the combinations and options available, we wanted to keep things simple and accessible to everyone.


With that in mind, we have a fix that may improve the ability of higher end machines to load textures, and we will continue to smooth out the process of the way textures load on your screen. In addition to this, we are exploring other options to add which will further enhance the graphics for mid to high range computers.


Improvements to RvR Itemization

We feel that it's important for players to be able to play RvR and PvE without missing out on appropriate loot for their level and career. See below for some of the changes that we're looking into.


From Battlefield Objectives

Battlefield Sergeants will be itemized with the same loot table we use for other "Rare" spawn champions in PvE. This is to reflect the fact that BO's do not turn over super frequently and have a 15 minute lockout after they are taken. While they won't drop awesome loot every time they will drop much better loot more frequently!


From Keep Siege

We have increased the number of "loot bags" that drop from a successful keep capture from 4 to 12. We have increased the number of GOLD loot bags that could drop from a successful keep capture to 2 bags. Players should see more high end loot entering through keeps as a result.


From Fortress Siege

We have increased the number of "loot bags" that drop from a successful keep capture from 8 to 18. We have increased the number of GOLD loot bags that could drop from a successful keep capture to 4 bags. Players should see more high end loot entering through keeps as a result.



RvR - Now With Better Loot

We heard the call and upped your loot! Now, coin gained from RvR kills has been modified so that it scales to be more on par with loot gained in PvE. Also, we improved the item parity between those gained in PvE and those gained purely from RvR. Now you can kill your enemies and reap the rewards!


Thought I Knew Dat...

Abilities will no longer disappear from a player's quickbar when exiting a scenario. Now your quickbars will stay just as you arranged them while zoning.


NPCs Will Behave

Imagine going to work in the morning and knowing it's your job to be pummeled into a bloody pulp by the masses. We wouldn't want to do it either! But we've whipped our NPCs into shape. Now they'll come when provoked, attack back right away instead of flinching and hesitating like wussies, and properly engage the enemy rather than staying stuck at range. Also, they'll no longer fall into an "Unattackable" state or disappear in mid-combat.


Wait, My Boots are Really Gloves?

Wearing boots on his hands makes it a little difficult for a Bright Wizard to perform his casting incantations, or a Black Orc to swing that axe. All items which displayed incorrect item icons have been fixed.





Her er resten



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