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holder på med "validate my key" og "yes" hehe trykk på ein vent og håp så tykk på andre knapp og håp

brukt 1 timer på den skjermen nu men jeg fikk det her av ein venn av meg


1.go to war-europe.com

2.sign in using the box at the top left

3.keep smashing connect untill it does

4.enter key and just move any errors out of the way

5.hit validate and when the errors change to 414 click OK

6. you will need to click yes and then get rid of the 414 errors but disregard any 1103's

7. rinse and repeat step 6 untill "this key is already in use" is achived and the dough has a consistency of skittles.


så det er det eg driver med, kom meg raskt inn til selve key phase

Endret av Zargas
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New account pages will be available at www.war-europe.com tomorrow morning from 08.30. To gain Open Beta access, create a fresh account using these pages, log in with it and enter the code you have been given. This only applies to new testers; all previous testers have automatic Open Beta access,


A minor patch will be available before the servers are brought online early afternoon tomorrow. The suspense will soon be over; WAR is dawning and we all have a very exciting time ahead of us.


dette er irsk tid så da vill de være oppe 09:30 her

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Og det der var meldingen som var ment for gårsdagens åpning av OB, barin ;)


Det ser ut til at de faktisk tør å innrømme at de hadde problemer i går, to oppdateringer på websiden deres nå, hvorav en er fra CEO i GOA.


Og siste status ser foreløpig ut til å være:


[...]This operation will continue through the night and when complete, we will shut down the database and reconfigure it.


If the operation works as anticipated, we can once again give you access to the account page and let you register your code for the open beta. We expect the whole maintenance to be finished late Monday morning.


Naturally, we will keep you informed of the development of this maintenance and we expect to give you an update mid-morning.


We thank you for your understanding at this very impatient time and we sincerely apologize for the situation.

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