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Fifa 09 får trophy support:)


"First off there seems to be a lot of questions around PS3 trophy support for Fifa 09 so let me speak to that. Yes it will be available for Fifa 09 and you don’t need to buy Ultimate team in order to get it."






må vell få kjøpt dette da, venter på at det skal kommer til 200... :p

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Jeg har spilt det veldig mye, og etter 2000 kills, har jeg gitt opp. Jeg har søkt på google, men har enda ikke funnet ut om noen har klart platinaen. Dessuten er ikke 10.002 kills den som tar lengst tid, det er trofeet hvor du må få alle in-game-trofeene. :blink:

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w00t? hvilke er de?


Du får "awards" for å gjøre spesielle ting online.


For eksempel "3 road kills IAR" (In A Round)

Det finnes utrulig mange slike "awards" du må klare for å få dette trofeet:


bronzesmiley.pngI am Bad Company

(Online) Achieve all the awards

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IAR = In a Round





Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy

6 kills with Compact Assault Rifle (IAR)


Avenger Trophy

3 avenger points (IAR)


Best Squad Trophy

Best squad of the round (IAR)


Carbine Efficiency Trophy

6 kills with M16A2 (IAR)


Big Guns Trophy

5 kills with artillery (IAR)


Clear Skies Trophy

5 kills with stationary weapon (IAR)


Combat Assault Rifle Efficiency Trophy

6 kills with compact assault rifle (IAR)


Combat Aviator Trophy

5 kills with air vehicle (IAR)


Combat Efficiency Trophy

6 kill streak (IAR)


Combat Engineer Trophy

20 vehicle repair points (2 repairs) (IAR)


Demo Pack Efficiency Trophy

3 kills with C4 (IAR)


Emplacement Trophy

5 kills with stationary weapons (IAR)


Explosive Efficiency Trophy

10 kills with explosives (IAR)


Firearm Efficiency Trophy

3 kills with handgun (IAR)


Frag Out Efficiency Trophy

3 kills with grenade playing Demolition (IAR)


Grenade Launcher Efficiency Trophy

6 kills with grenade launcher (IAR)


Grenadier Efficiency Trophy

3 kills with grenade playing assault (IAR)


High Card Trophy

Get the best IAR score (IAR)


Kill Assist Trophy

5 kill assists (IAR)


Laser Designating Efficiency Trophy

3 kills with laser designator (IAR)


Light Machinegun Efficiency Trophy

6 kills with light machinegun (IAR)


Marksman Trophy

5 kills with sniper rifle (IAR)


Medic Trophy

20 heal points from medkit (2 heals) (IAR)


Melee Combat Trophy

5 melee kills (IAR)


Mine Placement Efficiency Trophy

3 kills with AT mine (IAR)


Mortar Strike Efficiency Trophy

3 kills with mortar strike (IAR)


Naval Surface Warfare Trophy

5 kills with sea vehicles (IAR)


Objective Attack Trophy

Destroy the last objective (IAR)


Objective Defender Trophy

30 defend bonus points (IAR)


Objective Destroyer Trophy

Destroy 3 objectives (IAR)


Rocket Launcher Efficiency Trophy

3 kills with rocket launcher (IAR)


Saviour Trophy

30 saviour points (IAR)


Shotgun Efficiency Trophy

5 kills with shotgun (IAR)


Squad Medication Trophy

40 squad member heal points (4 points) (IAR)


Squad Member Trophy

Assist or save 5 squad members (IAR)


SVU Efficiency Trophy

5 kills with the SVU (IAR)


Tank Warfare Trophy

5 kills with tanks (IAR)


Target Tagging Efficiency Trophy

2 kill assists from dartgun tagging (IAR)


Transport Vehicle Trophy

5 kills with transport vehicle (IAR)


Ump Trophy

6 kills with UMP (IAR)


Wheels of Hazard Trophy

2 road kills (IAR)


Winning Team Trophy

Winning the round (IAR)





1 on 1 Air

Destroy an air vehicle of the same kind without any assistance (IAR)


1 on 1 Land

Destroy a tank of the same kind without using any assistance (IAR)


1 on 1 Sea

Destroy a sea vehicle of the same kind without any assistance (IAR)



2 seconds airtime with any land vehicle (IAR)


Armor Buster

Kill 5 armor vehicles (IAR)



50 avenger trophies (Global)


Beat the House

15 kills with grenades (IAR)


Cab Driver

5 minutes as driver in vehicle with passengers (IAR)


Chopper Chopper

Kill 5 air vehicles (IAR)


Dead Eye

100 headshots with any sniper rifle


Destruction Site

Destroy 50 objects (IAR)


Deuces Are Wild

Kill 2 of each class (IAR)


Five of a Kind

Destroy 5 vehicle of the same kind (IAR)



4 roadkills with any air vehicle


Full Deck

52 total kills (IAR)


Full House

Destroy 3 vehicles of same the kind and 2 of another (IAR)



80 kills with handgun (Global)



20 Kills from headshots (IAR)


Santa's Little Helper

10 kill assist points (IAR)



50 savior trophies (Global)


Snake Eyes

Get 11 kills as 2 different classes (IAR)


Squad Avenger Card

100 avenger kills revenging squad members (Global)


Squad Wild Card

1 squad member trophy per squad member (IAR)


Staying Dry

2 seconds airtime with a sea vehicle (IAR)


Straight Flush

Destroy 1 vehicle of each kind (IAR)



Kill 10 enemies at the same time (IAR)


Tank Buster

Kill 5 tanks (IAR)


Three of a Kind

Destroy 3 vehicle of the same kind (IAR)


Top Squad Wild Card

Get 10 squad member bonus points (IAR)


Two Pair

Get 2 of any 2 trophies (IAR)



Bronze Patches



Artillery Patch

1 kill with artillery - 3 big guns trophies


Assault Patch

2 kills as assault (IAR) + 1 assault rifle efficiency trophy + 1 grenade efficiency trophy + 1 grenade launcher efficiency trophy


Attack Patch

Destroy one objective + 1 objective destroyer trophy + 1 objective attack trophy


Avenger Patch

10 avenger points (IAR) + 3 avenger trophies


Combat Aviator Patch

Destroy 2 helicopters in helicopter combat (IAR) + 3 combat aviator trophies


Defend Patch

2 kills as a defender (IAR) + 3 objective trophies


Demolition Patch

2 kills as demolition (IAR) + 1 rocket launcher efficiency trophy + 1 shotgun efficiency trophy + 1 frag out efficiency trophy


Emplacement Patch

Destroy 3 enemy vehicles with stationary guns (IAR) + kill 3 enemy soldiers with stationary guns (IAR) + 3 emplacement trophies


Naval Surface Warfare Patch

Destroy 2 naval vehicles (IAR) + 3 naval warfare trophies


Recon Patch

2 kills as recon (IAR) + 1 marksman trophy + 1 firearm efficiency trophy + 1 laser designating efficiency trophy


Savior Patch

10 savior points (IAR) + 3 savior trophies


Specialist Patch

2 kills as specialist (IAR) + 1 compact assault rifle efficiency trophy + 1 target tagging efficiency trophy + 1 demo pack efficiency trophy


Squad Patch

10 squad points (IAR) + 1 squad member trophy + 1 squad medication trophy


Support Patch

2 kills as support (IAR) + 1 light machinegun efficiency trophy + 1 medic trophy + 1 combat engineer trophy


Tank Warfare Patch

Destroy 2 tanks in tank combat (IAR) + 3 tank warfare trophies


Transport Vehicle Patch

2 road kills (IAR) + 3 transport vehicle trophies



Silver Patches



Artillery Patch

1 kills with artillery + the bronze artillery patch + 5 big guns trophies


Assault Patch

2 kills as assault (IAR) + the bronze assault patch + 1 m16 efficiency trophy


Attack Patch

Destroy one objective + 3 objective destroyer trophies + 3 objective attack trophies


Avenger Patch

10 avenger points (IAR) + the bronze avenger patch + 5 avenger trophies


Combat Aviator Patch

Destroy 2 helicopters in helicopter combat (IAR) + the bronze combat aviator patch + 5 combat aviator trophies


Defend Patch

3 kills as a defender (IAR) + 6 objective defender trophies


Demolition Patch

2 kills as demolition (IAR) + the bronze demolition patch + 1 mine placement efficiency trophy


Emplacement Patch

Destroy 3 enemy vehicles with stationary guns (IAR) + kill 3 enemy soldiers with stationary guns (IAR) + the bronze emplacement patch + 5 emplacement trophies


Naval Surface Warfare Patch

Destroy 2 naval vehicles (IAR) + the bronze naval surface warfare patch + 5 naval warfare trophies


Recon Patch

2 kills as recon (IAR) + the bronze recon patch + 1 SVU efficiency trophy


Savior Patch

10 savior points (IAR) + the bronze savior patch + 5 savior trophies


Specialist Patch

2 kills as specialist (IAR) + the bronze specialist patch + 1 UMP trophy


Squad Patch

10 squad points (IAR) + the bronze squad patch + 3 squad member trophies + 3 squad medication trophies


Support Patch

2 kills as support (IAR) + the bronze support patch + the mortar strike efficiency trophy


Tank Warfare Patch

Destroy 2 tanks in tank combat (IAR) + the bronze tank warfare patch + 5 tank warfare trophies


Transport Vehicle Patch

2 road kills (IAR) + the bronze transport vehicle patch + 5 transport vehicle trophies



Gold Patches



Artillery Patch

1 kill with artillery (IAR) + the silver artillery patch + 7 big guns trophies


Assault Patch

2 kills as assault (IAR) + the silver assault patch + 1 melee combat trophy


Attack Patch

Destroy one objective (IAR) + 6 objective destroyer trophies + 6 objective attack trophies


Avenger Patch

10 avenger points (IAR) + the silver avenger patch + 7 avenger trophies


Combat Aviator Patch

Destroy 2 helicopters in helicopter combat (IAR) + the silver combat aviator patch + 7 combat aviator trophies


Defend Patch

3 kills as a defender (IAR) + 10 objective defender trophies


Demolition Patch

2 kills as demolition (IAR) + the silver demolition patch + 1 avenger trophy


Emplacement Patch

Destroy 3 enemy vehicles with stationary guns (IAR) + kill 3 enemy soldiers with stationary guns (IAR) + the silver emplacement patch + 7 emplacement trophies


Naval Surface Warfare Patch

Destroy 2 naval vehicles (IAR) + the silver naval surface warfare patch + 7 naval warfare trophies


Recon Patch

2 kills as recon (IAR) + the silver recon patch + 1 combat efficiency trophy


Savior Patch

10 savior points (IAR) + the silver savior patch + 7 savior trophies


Specialist Patch

2 kills as specialist (IAR) + the silver specialist patch + 1 explosive efficiency trophy


Squad Patch

10 squad points (IAR) + the silver squad patch + 6 squad member trophies + 6 squad medication trophies


Support Patch

2 kills as support (IAR) + the silver support patch + 1 savior trophy


Tank Warfare Patch

Destroy 2 tanks in tank combat (IAR) + the silver tank warfare patch + 7 tank warfare trophies


Transport Vehicle Patch

2 road kills (IAR) + the silver transport vehicle patch + 7 transport vehicles trophies



Dette er hva du må gjøre for å få et trofe. Hvis du ikke vil gjøre alt, kan du alltids "bare" gjøre halvparten og også få et trofe. :whistle:

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Det er faktisk mye snakk om at det er en bug i et av Wildcard Awards som gjør slik at man ikke kan få trofeet, dermed er det ingen som kan ha platinaen.




Dannad, spiller du battlefield bad company mye?


Nei, men gjorde det da jeg kjøpte spillet. Mange måneder siden sist jeg spilte det.

Endret av dannad
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