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Newcastle United Football Club


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Det var jo bra saker. Helt greit at Newcastle greier å gjøre jobben selv til en forandring, og ikke måtte satse på Man Utd-seier. Men da er det bare og få Carver og gjengen ut før kvelden er omme. For en nisse.



Morsomt med Jonas. Burde få et nytt år utelukkende pga. det målet og hele kampen generelt. Banens beste med god margin, etterfulgt av Janmaat.

Endret av Sonny Chiba
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Gjest medlem-105082

Er ikke så sikker på at vi blir kvitt han, om det kommer ny head coach inn blir han vel en del av støtteapparatet, dessverre. Vil ha han bort herfra så fort som mulig dog, for en idiot.

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Jonas, Raylor, Adam Cambell, Jak Alnwick og Remie Streete er frigitt, mens Sammy Ameobi er tilbudt en ny kontrakt. Ew.



Litt kjipt med Jonas, da. Kult-helt som hadde fortjent en ny kontrakt utelukkende pga kampen mot West Ham. Heller Jonas enn Sammy. Deilig fyr.

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Gjest medlem-105082

Forstår ikke hva Sammy har gjort som tilsier fortjent ny kontrakt. Få han bort, daukjøtt som ikke bidrar til en dritt. Ellers greit at Raylor, Campbell, Alnwick og Streete er frigitt. Ingen av de holder nivået.

Endret av medlem-105082
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Keith Downie ‏@SkySports_Keith
BREAKING: We understand Patrick Vieira will hold talks with @NUFC early next week over their Head Coach vacancy. More on @SkySportsNewsHQ



Da er vel jakten i gang. Skal bli spennende å se hvem som er dum nok til å ta managerjobben i Newcastle.

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I am a City fan who watches a lot of our youth games and have seen Vieira up close so thought I might drop in and give an opinion.

The first thing to say is that players absolutely love him to bits and will run through walls for him. He is very good at managing the young players and developing their skills as players.

This sometimes leads to strange tactical decisions though. He will often see a winger doing really well and move a player who needs to think about his positioning move over to fight him. It sacrifices the potential results of the team but makes that player better and gives them experience in being uncomfortable.

Vieira is a big fan of players outside their comfort zone in order for them to face adversity, he is clever when it comes to the mental side of the game.

Tactically he isn't going to be a revolutionary of epic proportions like a Guardiola or anything but he is solid. He's very good as a representative of the club and understands the modern football organisation and media. He won't hit anybody on the side of the pitch or draw attention to himself by claiming he's the best person ever.

In our teams he likes to play mainly a 4-3-3 with the 3 up top rotating around taking it in turns to play either out wide or centrally and favours a defensive midfielder with a good range of passing to create counter attacks. With that said he tends to play possession based attacking football with a high defensive line and a focus on quick movement and quick attacks. He doesn't seem to like centre backs who are "big strong lads" in front of good footballers. He worked a lot with Jason Denayer who has just won Scottish Young Player of the Year at Celtic about this and made him focus more on working with the ball than getting stuck in and its made him a far better player who can work in midfield.

He experiments with 4-4-2 and 4-5-1 at times and a few times with a 3-4-3 but not enough to really say that that is how he plays. 4-3-3 then 4-5-1 for more battling games.

He is very big on everybody working all the time and will get on their backs from the touchline if necessary. He is quite an imposing figure at times but rarely a ranter and raver for the sake of it. We have a young winger called Brandon Barker who is your typical young English winger where they want to take everybody on and score lots of goals. Vieira has worked with him a lot on the defensive side to get him thinking about defensive shape instead of just driving forward at every opportunity and although he has a way to go to be called a cultured winger he is a better player.

That is probably the best thing about Vieira. He is an excellent man manager and hugely respected by the young people and by the first team. Vincent Kompany has said a lot that he asks Vieira for advice and when we won the FA Cup in 2010 and he was a player, everybody in the dressing room was lining up for selfies with Vieira including guys like Lescott and Silva who you would have thought were experienced enough not to be fanboys but everybody seems to be a Vieira fanboy. They used to call him the Godfather when he was a player at City.

I don't think that he will move unless it is the right job for him. He has been talking about moving on from our U21 team for a little bit but has always said that it has to be to the right club under the right circumstances. He will want time to put his ideas in motion and let him work with the players you have and make them better, as well as getting them on his way of thinking and Ashley seems like he will give him that.

Jeg er for Vieira, heller han enn McLaren, Rednapp eller Bruce.
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