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Gjest medlem-105082

Stakkars fyr. Eieren til Montpellier hadde jo helt rett når han mente MYM aldri burde gå til Newcastle og at det var et feil valg av han. MYM har blitt holdt tilbake utviklingen sin i en halvannen sesong nå, og selvtilitten kan jo ikke være noe annet en knust. Pardew har faen ikke gitt han en ordentlig sjanse som midtstopper, men går heller ut ifra hvordan han presterer på høyreback om han fortjener å spille eller ikke. Forbanna klovn.

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Mbiwa har fått en skikkelig sjanse i Newcastle på stopperplass, og da ble han bedre med hver eneste kamp, og til slutt endte han og Williamson opp med å se ut som et skikkelig solid stopperpar. Hva skjedde da? Colo kom tilbake, Mbiwa fikk en kamp på kanten før han ble benka. Også pådro Colo seg en skade og Mbiwa ble... igjen på benken, mens Saylor fikk spille helræva på stopperplass til Colo var tilbake igjen. Måten Pardew behandler spillere på er både tragisk og trist.

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Sjekk videoen fra 11:30 - 17:35. De diskuterer ansettelsen av Pardew. Spesielt morsomt/interessant/tragisk/whatever det Stewart Robson sier om Pardew.


Setter det i spoiler for de som ikke gidder å se videoen.




”A Massive Ego… I have never been happy with his touchline antics. I’m not sure what he does on the coaching field. I know one or two people who have played under him, and weren’t too impressed… Jobi McAnuff being one of them, said he didn’t enjoy his time at West Ham because of Pardew.


“I just think that he’s got a massive ego. When West Ham were doing poorly he took a step back. When they started to do well, he became very big time and he’s promoted himself more than the team. So, I am not a fan of Pardew, and I think it’s the worst move Newcastle could make. I don’t know how he got the job. He must know someone on the board whose a friend of his.


“Alan Pardew will tell you he tries to play good football; that’s rubbish. He plays long-ball football, it’s very direct, there is no creativity in midfield. He just wants to play route one football… At times he can be a conman.”




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Gjest medlem-105082


Tja, la oss se. Sissoko et ute med skade. Haidara blir mest sannsynlig byttet ut med Dummett fordi Pardew er idiot. Santon på høyreback, så MYM på benken igjen. Da er vi oppe i tre spillere. Ben Arfa får ikke starte, fire. Hvem er den siste? Tipper Shola inn for Cisse.


Så: MYM, Haidara, Sissoko, Cisse og Benny ut fra startelleveren.

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Gjest medlem-105082

Og så er det Haidara sin feil at Santon glapp markeringen på andre målet, så han får ikke starte.

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Gjest medlem-105082

No more excuses, says Newcastle boss Alan Pardew

ALAN Pardew says there can be no excuses for his Newcastle side against Manchester United – after “making a stand” at the club.

Pardew and his players came under fire from fans after last weekend’s 4-0 hammering at the hands of Southampton.

And midfielder Moussa Sissoko – who limped off the pitch at the St Mary’s Stadium – has joined a lengthening injury list this week.

Forward Loic Remy won’t be fit in time to face Man United at St James’s Park tomorrow, while Tim Krul and Mathieu Debuchy miss out again.

But beleaguered manager Pardew – whose position has again been questioned by angry supporters – says the club’s injury list and Man United’s improving form can’t be used as excuses ahead of the Premier League game.

“I think there’s still a question mark hanging over Man United in the Premier League,” said Pardew, who will watch the game from the stands again as part of his touchline ban.

“We have to capitalise on that, but there are plenty of excuses for us this week.

“Man United have had a great result against Bayern Munich and have their tails up, while we’ve got a few injuries and didn’t play well last week.

There are a lot of excuses for us, but the excuses are irrelevant.

“We’re at home, we’re Newcastle United and we’ve got a team that’s good enough. We’ve got to try and win the game.”

Pardew asked his players to report to the club’s training ground last Sunday for an inquest into the Southampton defeat.

The 52-year-old, who wouldn’t be drawn on the decision of Norwich City’s players to reimburse fans who saw their club beaten 3-0 at Swansea City last weekend, felt he the team’s abject performance needed to be addressed – and quickly.

“It’s very important to make a stand quickly,” said Pardew.

“It wasn’t acceptable. We did that on Sunday. We had some (players) in.

“I think we owe the fans a performance, especially those that travelled down. We want to give them something to shout about.

“The most important thing for this group is that there’s a recognition that when you don’t do the job correctly, that it must be done correctly.”


“We’re on 46 points, we have a few excuses in terms of injuries so it’s easy to go ‘oh well, okay, the summer’s not far away’

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Jeg syns det var tungt å være supporter da Dalglish tok oss til litt under midten av tabellen for en halv evighet siden. Enda tyngre da vi rykket ned til Championship, men selv da hadde jeg troa på bedre tider. Nå derimot... gitt opp. Vi kommer aldri til å bli noe som helst med Pardew som skipper.

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