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Yakitate Japan!






The story focuses on Kazuma Azuma, a boy on his quest to create Ja-pan, a national bread for Japan itself. He initially heads to Tokyo to expand his bread-making horizons at the bread-making chain Pantasia; the story continues with Azuma's exploits with his other coworkers.


The title of this series itself is a play on words; Yakitate translates to "freshly baked", but Japan has a double meaning. Besides referring to the country of Japan, "pan" is the Japanese word for "bread" (stemming from Portuguese "pão" [2]). Ja-pan is a pun for this series. This mimics the style of the names of other varieties of bread in Japanese, such as "furansupan" (French Bread), "doitsupan" (German rye-based bread), "itariapan" (Italian bread), etc.


Besides the desire to create his Ja-pan, Azuma also possesses the legendary Solar Hands. These hands are warmer than normal human hand temperature, and allow the dough to ferment faster. This gives him some advantage at the beginning of the series, but his innovation and many Ja-pans are his greater talents.


Although the story has baking as its main theme, the parts that generate the most interest are the outrageous puns in the story. Especially notable are the "reaction" based puns made by the judges, who go to great lengths to prove a single point about the bread that they had tasted. The series in general also pokes fun at the shōnen genre's tendency to be melodramatic over mundane tasks


Dette er en veldig morsom serie til tross for at den handler om brødbaking :D humoren ligger ofte i ordspill og mangen av de er kanskje litt vansklige å se humoren i siden mye ligger i ekte japanere. Men det er også veldig mange morsomme scener hvor de spøker med andre animer :D


Serier som kan ligne :hmm: litt samme humor som Full metal Panic! og One Piece :)

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Full Metal Panic! (FMP!)




A hidden military organization mobilizes crack troops to secretly protect a young Japanese girl in the most dangerous battleground of all: High School. Their operative: a battle hardened veteran named Sagara Sousuke. Can he adapt to this new battlefield, and to the opposite gender? Will he stop bringing firearms on campus?

Den handler om en ung leiesoldat som jobber i en hemmelig organisasjon som slåss mot terrorister og liknende, når Sagara får nytt oppdrag så er det kanskje ikke det oppdraget som passer han best. Han skal passe på ei ung jente på en japansk skole, der han er som en fisk på land.


24 episoder på første del, må også se FMP? Fumoffu som er enda mer humoristisk.


Veldig bra serie, bra historie og morsome hendelser.

Terningkast 5.

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Gun X Sword

Westerlignende historie. Den utspiller seg på planeten Endless Illusion. Van er en vandrer, i byen møter han en jente med navn Windy, hun blir med han i håp om at han skal bringe henne til broren sin, som har blitt kidnappet. Van liker egentlig ikke selskap så veldig godt, men han lar nå Windy holde følge. Van er på utkikk etter mannen som kidnappet Vendys bror selv. Ikke så veldig mye mer å si, plottet vises heldigvis ikke før du nærmer deg slutten.. :)


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This is basically a cowboy-western story, but occurring on another planet.


The planet Endless Illusion is a utopia for scoundrels, where the deserts are filled with dreams, and the towns are full of violence. Van, a vagabond, meets a girl, Windy, in one such town. She is waiting for her elder brother who has been kidnapped. Suddenly, Luck the Roulette, appears, accompanied by many outlaws. Windy fights against them with the gun left by her brother, but…

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Samurai Champloo

6/6 Fantastisk morosom serie. Handler om Mugen, Jin og Fuu. En blanding av gammel/moderne stil. Med innslag av moderne hip/hop elementer. Denne er en av yndlingsseriene mine, fantastisk, gal, morsom. Abosulutt verdt å få med seg.


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4/6 Daimonji Kuro er en fattig detektiv, som blir rekrutert av slottet for å finne en "kraftig" magisk bok, men før han får tid til å lete skikkelig etter boken, finner den han. Boken er så mektig at den har mulighet til å gjøre seg selv om til en menneskelig skikkelse. Når den møter Daimonji Kuro, gjør den han til sin mester, noe som igjen gjør at han får makt til å styre Demonbane, en kraftig robot som er en blanding av magi og teknologi.


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Hunter X Hunter:




Handler om en ung gutt som heter Gon, han har en drøm om å bli en Hunter. En hunter er en person reiser rundt i verden og gjør alt fra å finne glømte skatter fra å beskytte rike personer som er i fare. Du får også endel privilegier som andre personer ikke har.



Gon`s father, long believed to be dead, is still alive and was once one of the greatest Hunters in existance. Gon believes he will be able to meet his father once he himself becomes a Hunter. However, before he can become a Hunter, he has to pass the Hunter Exam first, an exam made of numerous tasks and dangerous trials. Persevering and refusing to give up, Gon manages to reach the Hunter Exam, all the while keeping his innocent attitude. Throughout many of the tasks and trials of the Hunter Exam, Gon manages to make many unique friends. Kurapica, a sole survivor of his clan seeking revenge, Leorio, who wants to become a doctor, and Killua, a member of an infamous assassin family, all eventually join up with Gon in hopes of passing the exam together. Each of them have their own reasons for taking the exam, but will they manage to pass it alive? It will be no easy task, as the tasks and trials in the exam are not easy. Aside from worrying about dying from the exam itself, Gon and his friends also have to watch out for killers participating in the exam.



En underholdene serie på 62 episoder + ova'er.

Terningkast 5




Bra tråd btw, mange bra serier som har blitt nevnt alt =]

fiksa på bildet :p

Endret av Zippio
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Rurouni Kenshin

(Terningkast 4/6) TV Serien

(Terningkast 5/6) Filmene





Informasjonen er copy/paste fra Anime-Planet.com

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Himura Kenshin is a Rurouni (A wandering samurai) who has sworn his life to protect without killing, though he bears the title of Hitokiri Battousai: the most feared killer in Japan's history. Now, Kenshin must overcome his past and new enemies as he fights along side Sanosuke, Kaoru, and Yahiko for the future of Japan.


Zippio: Kunne du ha gjort Hunter x Hunter bildet ditt litt smalere? evt et annet bilde.

Endret av Instict
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School Rumble




2 sesonger + 1 OVA.




Plot outline fra animeinfo.com:




Tsukamoto Tenma is a second grader in high school who, like other girls her age, falls in love. However, she could not bring herself to confess her love to her classmate Karasumaru. She discovers that Karasumaru will transfer out next year and, with the help of her friends and her little sister Yakumo, tries to confess her love. Tenma also uses unorthodox methods such as disguising herself as a nurse or shooting arrows with a love letter attached to express her feelings for him.


On the other hand, Harima Kenji, a delinquent, has feelings for Tenma. Unfortunately, Tenma's preoccupation with Karasumara ensures that she doesn't notice Harima's affection, much to Harima's dismay. To make matters worse, one day, he sees Tenma and Karasumaru having lunch together. This causes him to skip school and embark on a journey of enlightenment.





Min meining:


Denne serien er noe a det saftigste eg har sett. Genial humor,herlige karakterer og vanvittige situasjoner til tider(henger ofte ikkje på greip egentlig). Begge sesongene er meget bra og anbefales på det sterkeste. OVA kan vere grei å se, i og med at småting kommer frem. Denne kommer imellom s.1 og 2.

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Gatts, an incredibly powerful warrior, is a lone swordsman in a medieval-fantasy world. He loses in a battle with a mysterious swordsman named Griffith, who holds a powerful pendant called the Eye of God. As the story progresses, secrets are revealed and the darkest depths of fantasy combat and political intrigue are explored.




Dette var vel i grunn en av de første seriene jeg så innen animeverdenen og den skuffet absolutt ikke. Jeg er litt glad i "en banker alle"-serier og denne serien innfrir de forventningene. Når det i tillegg skjer med sverd så er jeg solgt, men kampscenene er ikke like spektakulære som i f.eks Bleach. Ikke at det ødelegger for min del, jeg digger denne serien.

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Samurai Deeper Kyo:





It is 1604, four years after the Battle of Sekigahara, perhaps Japan`s greatest civil war. The people try to recover from its aftermath and enjoy the newly attained peace. Amid such times Yuya Shiina, a roughneck girl who earns money by capturing outlaws, mistakes a roaming and peace-loving medicine seller Mibu Kyoshiro for the legendary wanted man "Onime-no-Kyo." But she soon realizes that she is wrong when she sees that Kyoshiro is just a weakling. Nevertheless, she ends up capturing Kyoshiro anyway -- he is wanted for running off without paying for a meal. As they travel together Kyoshiro tries to help Yuya catch another wanted criminal. In the process Kyoshiro is cornered. Then he mumbles, "Here he comes," and the color of his eyes turn a deep red. He pulls out his sword which he had never touched before and suddenly, Onime-no-Kyo, the legendary assassin said to have killed one thousand men with this sword, is standing there.


Kyoshiro and Kyo: Two spirits in one body. Yuya is looking for a "man with a wound on his back" who killed her older brother. The two head to Edo together. One after another, samurai come after Onime-no-Kyo. Why do Kyoshiro and Kyo share the same body?



Har bare sett halve serien enda men synes dette er en bra serie så langt.

Terningkast: svak 5

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Terningkast 6. En meget mørk og ikke minst blodig serie.


Shindu Ranmaru har akkurat bestått eksamen for å bli politi og blir satt til spesialgruppen TOKKI, grunnen til at han ønsker å bli med i denne gruppen er fordi han ønsker å finne ut mer om fortiden sin.

Første dagen han møter opp, så møter han en halvnaken jente som han har møtt i drømmenne sine.


Han finner senere ut at hun tilhører en spesialgruppe innenfor TOKKI kalt TOKKO (Spesialgruppen for offentlig sikkerhet) Etter en stund, så går han over til TOKKO for å hevne sine foreldres død og finne ut av hva som egentlig skjedde under massemordet i hjembyen hans.





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The setting of the story is that the main character, Ranmaru, lives with his younger sister since they moved from Machida 5 years ago [2]. He has also been having recurring dreams of a girl for some time, but they are growing more frequent. She seems to be covered in blood holding a giant sword.


At the beginning of the tale, Ranmaru graduates from his cadet class to become a new investigator for The Special Mobile Investigation Troops First Division or TOKKI to avenge his parent's death. Later on the day of his graduation, he sees the girl from his dream wearing a police uniform. She is a member of Section 2, known officially as Special Public Safety Task Force, or Tokko for short, being under the eye of the Public Security Investigation Agency. Throughout the story, it is explained that there are many rumors about Tokko, one of which is that they use swords to execute criminals. There are also rumors that they aren't even human

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Konjiki no Gash Bell!






It's about a genius middle school student Takamine Kiyomaro, who has an apathetic attitude towards life and is an outsider at his school because of his genius. One day, Kiyomaro meets a mysterious boy calling himself Gash Bell: Gash was found unconscious out in the woods by Kiyomaro's father, and when he came to, he had lost all his memory. The only clue to Gash's identity is the red book he was carrying when he was found, but it contains letters no one can seem to decipher. However, when Kiyomaro looks through the book, he notices that there is one word he can read even if he doesn't know the letters, and when he reads the word thunder comes out of Gash's mouth!


It turns out Gash is a monster ("mamono") boy from a world called "makai" (roughly, "demon world"), and that he has been sent to the human world along with 99 other monster children to fight out a battle for who will be the next king of "makai". All the monster children have their own books, which will enable them to use magic when they find the right humans to read them. Monster children keep coming to Gash and Kiyomaro to beat them ... will the apathetic Kiyomaro decide to help Gash at all? And if he does, will Gash and Kiyomaro be able to defeat them and will Gash become the next king?


Denne serien er en del som One Piece, slossing og humor! Bare det at det er Ikue Otani som har stemmen til hovedpersonen (damen som har stemmen til tony tony chopper i One Piece) Gjør dette til en god serie i seg selv :!: Serien er på 150 episoder so far og jeg mener den er ferdig sendt i japan, selv om jeg har lest forskjellig rundt på nettet :ermm:

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Mai-HiME (eller my-hime som den har blitt på engelsk)




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Fuka Gakuen is a combined school with classes from primary through to senior high. In Fuka Gakuen, there is a rumor that a mysterious monster had once appeared, and that the only counter-measures against the monster were girls called "HiME", who possessed the abilities of HiME (Highly-advanced Materializing Equipment).


Mai is a transfer student unaware of this rumor. However, she is suddenly told that she possesses the power of a HiME. After facing a few problems, she learns to live her life as a HiME


Liker du animer med en gripende historie og rike karakterer, er denne å annbefale på det sterkeste!

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The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya


14 episoder




Frå aniDB:


Based on Nagaru Tanigawa`s "Suzumiya Haruhi" series of novels.


A far from ordinary school story starts here!


This is a story of Suzumiya Haruhi, who upon enrollment at school announced, "I have no interest in ordinary humans. If there are any aliens, beings from the future, or super-humans, come see me. That is all!"


Naturally, any normal person would think "What the...?" but Haruhi is dead serious. Things get crazy when everyone realizes just how serious she is about it all and establishes the "SOS Dan".


Suzumiya Haruhi is a good-looking high school girl who has a clear head, naughty personality and very egocentric thought. She has an unimaginably tremendous power to change the world, but she is totally unaware of her own power and so she is also unaware of the effect of her power on the outside world.


A delightfully strange, yet marvelously interesting story!


Serien handlar om Haruhi Suzumiya som starten ein klubb, SOS brigaden, saman med ufrivillige medlemmer og startar aktivitetar dei ikkje kan. Etter hvert finner man ut at det ligger meir bak Haruhi sin sjølvsikkerhet om at det finnst spesielle vesen og krefter. Serien er så bra teikna at mange trur at artistane gjorde ein pakt med djevelen.

NB: Serien vart vist ukronologisk, slik at f.eks. ep1 er eigentleg ep.11 og det er sånn den er ment å bli sett. Ikkje bli skremt vekk av den første episoda, den er i en egen klasse når det gjelder kvalitet.

Det går også rykter at andre sesong skal starte høsten 2007


EDIT: Delte den opp

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Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles




Sakura is the princess of Clow Country, which is ruled by her older brother, King Tōya. Her childhood friend Syaoran is a young archaeologist. Sakura is revealed to have strange powers when she has a vision of a mysterious symbol and places she has never seen. Meanwhile, Syaoran discovers the same symbol at the ruins he is excavating. He sees Sakura standing on the symbol on the ground. Ghostly wings appear on her back and a mysterious force begins to pull her into the walls of the ruins. Syaoran rescues her in time, but her wings are scattered across dimensions. The High Priest of Clow Country, Yukito, immediately realizes that Sakura's "wings" were the manifestation of her soul and memories; without her wings, she will die. In order to save Sakura, Syaoran must journey to retrieve Sakura's lost memories.


Nok en kjærlighets story fra meg :D Veldig bra musikk i serien og. det er kommet 2 sesonger på 50 episoder så langt , men sesong 3 begynner April 2007.


Minner om: Eureka 7, Gundam Seed, D.N.Angel og Elfen Lied



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Gilgamesh, 6/6.


Herlig serie, fikk meg virkelig til å revurde div. dype filosofiske ting, hva slags skal jeg ikke utdype, se serien og du vill forstå det. Nydelig tegnet, nydelig historie, nydeligt alt. Vakker og mørk serie :love:






The conflict of these groups occurs after a terrorist attack on Heaven's Gate, a research facility built in Uruk around the tomb of Gilgamesh, the Gilgamesh from the story 'The Epic of Gilgamesh'. The tomb site was discovered by a young genius-scientist named Terumichi Madoka, who was drawn to the energy resonating from the site, energy called Dynamis, which we are told is the Greek word for 'power'. He reports his findings to the world, and of course, all of the world's best scientists gather there to do research on Gilgamesh himself. Their goal was to study his genetic material to learn about what it is that made him half-god, and eventually, to find out the secret to eternal life, a secret that he himself could not find although he searched for it for many years. However, they had to halt all experiments when an unknown life form called Tear materialized in Delphys -a pit that seems to have no dimensions and that surrounds the tomb of Gilgamesh- and began to contaminate embryos that surrounded it.



These embryos were clones of the scientists who worked at Heaven's Gate, that would be used if something were to happen to the scientists. As the scientists were about to stop all of the experiments, Terumichi Madoka went down to Delphys, breached all of the guards around it and came into direct contact with Tear, causing an immense explosion that blocked out the sky with a mirror-like layer. This was considered an act of terrorism, as after the explosion, electricity stopped working and the human population was nearly wiped out. This occurred on October the tenth, so the incident is called Twin X. Of the people who worked at Heaven's Gate, which was left in ruins, only Madoka and a woman we are introduced to as the Countess von Werdenburg survived. Madoka fled, taking with him ten test subjects contaminated by the life form Tear from the rubble of Heaven's Gate, who grew up to become the ten Gilgamesh. The Countess Von Werdenburg leads a team of three children -the ORGA- who can use the Dynamis to battle the Gilgamesh, that work for Madoka. We do not meet the present Madoka -who calls himself Enkidu and that the Gilgamesh refer to as the Professor- until the very last episode of the series, but we learn through the Gilgamesh that he wants to wipe out the human race in a 'Cleansing Flood' and give rise to a new, more powerful human race. He needs his two children, Tatsuya and Kiyoko -the Siblings- to help him do that, but they want nothing to do with their terrorist father. They are on the run from debt collectors and such, because their dead mother was in deep, deep debt that had to be paid. The story follows the repeated clashing of the three groups as the siblings, who can be called the main characters, try to figure out who to trust - the Gilgamesh who appear to want a better work, or the Countess and ORGA, who are fighting the Gilgamesh.




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Wolf's Rain


Den beste etter min mening.. 6/6 <33

Det er en serie som utspiller seg i fremtiden, og i fremtiden har ulver vært utdødd i 200 år - tror menneskene, iallfall, men egentlig har ulvene bare lært å kamuflere seg som mennesker slik at de ikke blir oppdaget. Fire ulver møtes i begynnelsen av serien (Kiba, Toboe, Hige og Tsume) og legger ut på reise sammen for å finne paradis, siden det sies at det finnes et paradis som bare kan bli funnet og åpnet av ulver når verden går under.


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Handler om Hideki, en gårdsgutt som drar til byen for å studere.

Greier ikke helt å beskrive serien, les på engelsk for en bedre beskrivelse. Til tider hysterisk morsomt.. :thumbup:


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Kilde : Wikipedia (klikky)

The story centers on the life of Hideki Motosuwa, 19, (in the anime, 18) a repeat student ("ronin") attempting to get into university by studying at the Seki cram school in Tokyo. An honest and unassuming teenager raised on a farm, he has little experience with women, though his imagination and libido are both quite active. Besides a girlfriend, the other thing he dreams of having is a persocom. A Persocom is an android used as a personal computer, hence the name Persocom from the Japanese shortening of personal computer as "pasokon" (see Etymology). Hideki discovers that persocoms are commonplace in the city. They are programmed with fairly subdued personalities; they assist their owners with chores (such as shopping, dictation, email, and accounting), are easily identifiable by the large data ports on the sides of their heads that look like ears, and surf on the internet. But persocoms are expensive and Hideki has no money, so he figures the only way he'll ever have one is if he were to find one lying on the curb.
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Handler om to kamerater som kaller seg selv GetBackers, og kan skaffe tilbake ting du har mistet eller blitt frastjelt. De har ikke alltid lykken med seg så derfor kommer det endel rare saker til dem.





Ban Mido and Ginji Amano, is known as the "GetBackers" whose motto is "If it`s stolen, we can steal it back!". And the GetBackers` success rate is always 100%.


Always waiting around the Honky Tonk, clients call in to ask the GetBackers to retrieve something for them. And so, Ban and Ginji go through many weird and bizarre cases as they set forth to "get back" the belongings...



Har bare sett 22 episoder av / 49 så langt men fy så moro det er.


5- svak femmer.

Endret av Zippio
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lock-aze: Hva med å lære seg hvordan redigeringsfunksjonen virker, så du slipper å ødelegge tråden enda mer?


Cowboy Bebop 4/6


Har ikke fått sett så mange episoder enda, men sålangt virker det ikke så aller verst. :)



Cowboy Bebop is a Japanese anime series created by Sunrise and directed by Shinichiro Watanabe, later continued onto a motion picture and manga series. It follows the adventures of a group of bounty hunters travelling on a spaceship, the Bebop, in the year 2071.






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