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Tror dere tupac lever?


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tupac er nok død ja...

uansett, her er bilde av han død:




i live:





jeg ser ingen forskjell på tatoeringen ihvertfall...


edit: siste bilde av tupac i live:




mange mener skjegget er anderledes under boksekampen og dette bildet, men har ikke funnet noe fra boksekampen enda...

Endret av aklla
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A late-model Cadillac with four men inside pulled up directly to the right of the BMW and sprayed 13 rounds into the car. Police reported that a .45 was shot, but itÂ’s believed that information was withheld to identify the real shooter; apparently a .9mm was used. Tupac saw it going down and tried to jump into the back seat. He was hit twice, one bullet hit him his leg and ricocheted up into his lung. Suge was hit in the head with a piece of shrapnel. There were reports that gunfire was returned, but this has been debated and has not been verified completely. The Cadillac turned right onto Koval Lane and vanished. Some cars in the entourage tried to follow the Cadillac but it seemingly disappeared.


Tupac remained at the intensive care unit while family and friends had a vigil at the hospital. When I found out Tupac had been shot I was shocked, I really wasn’t expecting it. I said “yeah, just wait till he comes this time, he’s gonna be really pissed.” The thought that Tupac could have died really didn’t occur to me at first, he always seemed larger than life. While in the hospital Tupac had his right lung removed, he was in and out of consciousness and was highly sedated. Later he was placed on a ventilator and respirator, life-support, and put into a drug-induced coma. The doctor made a promising statement that Tupac had passed the critical phase and had a fifty percent chance of survival. Considering the odds Tupac had been faced with through out life and had always succeeded, a fifty percent chance seemed like a certainty. Unfortunately they couldn’t stop the internal bleeding and Tupac passed. After several attempts to revive him, his mother Afeni, decided to let him rest. “I really felt it was important for Tupac, who fought so hard, to have a free spirit. I felt it was important for his spirit to be allowed to be free. So I rejoiced with him, with the release of his spirit.” On September, Friday the 13th, the always-lively Tupac had breathed his last breath.



uthevet skrft kan kanskje ha noe med hvordan han ser ut...

bildet er etter obduksjon

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Perhaps I was blind to the facts, stabbed in the back

I couldn't trust my own homies just a bunch a dirty rats

Will I, succeed, paranoid from the weed

And hocus pocus try to focus but I can't see

And in my mind I'ma blind man doin time

Look to my future cause my past, is all behind me

Is it a crime, to fight, for what is mine?

Everybody's dyin tell me what's the use of tryin

I've been Trapped since birth, cautious, cause I'm cursed

And fantasies of my family, in a hearse

And they say it's the white man I should fear

But, it's my own kind doin all the killin here

I can't lie, ain't no love for the other side

Jealousy inside, make em wish I died

Oh my Lord, tell me what I'm livin for

Everybody's droppin got me knockin on heaven's door

And all my memories, of seein brothers bleed

And everybody grieves, but still nobody sees

Recollect your thoughts don't get caught up in the mix

Cause the media is full of dirty tricks

Only God can judge me



"expect me, like you expect jesus to come back, expect me nigga, im comin"-Tupac Shakur


A True Legend


Tupac Amaru Shakur



Endret av Oceans
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2Pac var en forbanna god rapper, digga flowen hans og måten ordene slo deg. Dessuten kjenner jeg få rappere som fikk rimene å sitte så tight som pac klarte, og jeg hører på en god del mer hip-hop enn folk flest ;)


Ingenting hadde vært bedre enn om han dukket opp igjen, men desverre er det nok bare en tynn konspirasjonsteori..


Men som nevnt tidligere lever han enda gjennom musikken og holdningene han hadde..



Endret av ArcticOC
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Tupac er da ikke død. Han kommer tilbake i 2014 for å holde live-konsert sammen med Michael Jackson. :) Går rykter om at vi kanskje får se Elvis også. :thumbup: Og han nevnte jo Jesus i en av sangene sine, så kanskje vi får se han også? :D


PS: Er snakk om at Saddam Hussein har fått backstage pass på denne konserten. Gleder meg. :w00t:

Endret av Latias
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