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supersmashbrothersbrawlsaken eller derre Fury spillet.


Special Features for Fury:


PvP combat focused - every development decision is made with the goal of providing players the ultimate Player vs. Player experience.


Combat with the exciting pace of an FPS game, and the strategic depth and character development of an RPG.


A dynamic matchmaking system that ensures players always fight opponents of equal skill and experience.


Classless advancement system for ultimate flexibility means no more gimping your character or being constrained to a specific set of abilities. In Fury you don't choose a class - you define your own!


Fury provides instant action to catch your attention, and the meaningful depth to hold it.


A core system of Ladders and Tournaments that allows clans and solo players to prove their skill.


There are over 400 abilities, each with 10 available ranks providing near endless possibilities for character advancement and achievement.


Fury is an MMO that you can actually achieve things in during your lunch hour.


Challenge system for battling friends, group mates or clan mates, either for practice or for bragging rights.


This ultimate next-generation game is built on Unreal Engine 3.




gratis å spille vanlig versionen.

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Du har ikkje skrevet om det skal være gratis eller et spill du skal kjøpe og spille, men eg ville anbefalt WoW hvis du vil ofre litt peng for et bra spill.

Men hvis du vil ha et gratis spill så kan du jo spille;

-Runescape(som allerde er sagt)

- Sherwood Dungeon


-Adventure Quest


Det er noen spill som er gratis og lett å finne.

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