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Hvordan bruke CQC i MGS4


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Tenkte jeg skulle poste noe jeg fant på nettet. Lærte meg hvordan jeg skulle bruke CQC skikkelig. Får en bedre opplevelse av spillet når man kan det skikkelig.


Her er en video-guide:





Here is a good guide that I found for close quarters combat tactics in Metal Gear Solid 4. Enjoy!


"Close Quarters Combat" -- or CQC -- is a mixed discipline for military, police, and self-defence applications. The focus is more on the application of technique, rather than the underlying philosophies behind the training. Even SYSTEMA, the Czarist-derived CQC program retained during the Communist era, has an underlying philosophy. In CQC, there is but one principle -- to disarm or disable an opponent at close quarters by any means necessary. Hence, for secular organizations which hold the means to an end, the practical approach of MMA-type CQC is very attractive. In Metal Gear Online, CQC may be used by the various soldier characters you play as. However, as in real life, different individuals will have different levels of CQC training, as represented by the CQC Master skill (expansive). Discussion of more advanced techniques are in the next section for now, focus on what you can do without that battle skill. Unless expressly noted, the rules and controls for CQC will hold true for Snake in single-player, multiplayer, and the generic PMC (private military contractor) you play in the online mode.


Basics of CQC | Basic CQC allows characters to do a take-down throw (for lack of a better term) using a single handed weapon. Single handed weapons include: all secondary weapons (handguns), support weapons (traps and thrown devices), and the stun knife. Characters may also perform the take-down by equipping nothing (bare hands) and some two handed weapons (it needs to have the CQC symbol on the weapon). This last note is a correction from Brennan on our video team. Please adjust your game options for best results for CQC. Weapons that are primary in nature -- essentially the other weapon types -- are two-handed weapons that only let your character do the standard take down (as if you do not have the CQC Mastery Skill); since we're focusing on holding a character, equipping an assault rifle to do CQC is an after-thought for MGO. While the take-down is effective, having the stun knife equipped lets you shock the downed enemy and that gives you a lot of time to decide what to do next. In the single-player mode, Snake will occasionally have weapons (like bazookas) that are too large to perform CQC take downs and weapon butts. In such cases, it's advisable to have a Stun Knife or similar light weapon for Snake to perform CQC when the situation requires it. There are two types of CQC motions -- hold R1 and tap R1. Tapping R1 will do a gun butt (with some two handed weapons) or a series of punches (all single handed weapons). All the blows save the final one in a one-handed CQC flurry session will hit high (the final kick hits low). This type of attack freezes your character in one spot, unable to turn until the attack sequence is over. It is not recommended. Holding R1 will result in a take-down throw (without the CQC Mastery skill, it does not matter if you are moving or not) when using a one-handed weapon. With a two-handed weapon, it sets the guy up for a gun butt or take down. A take-down will bring an opponent prone and on his back. Normally, this leaves an opponent open to attack, but those players using auto-aim and third person will be able to spin towards your character, aim and unload gunfire.

CQC Mastery | The expansive skill CQC Mastery will give your character the ability to perform holds and other techniques. Initially, this skill will require one slot, but because it is an expansive skill, the skill will "expand" as its level of proficiency increases, forcing you to eschew other skills to reap the benefits of the improved levels. All of the CQC blows and moves from Basic CQC applies when Mastering CQC. However, there is a big change. Although the take-down is still done when the character is moving, when the attacking character leaves his joystick neutral and holds R1, a CQC Mastery character will choke hold the enemy. This choke hold will slowly improve a character's proficiency with CQC. In single-player, Snake will be able to perform all these moves since his CQC level is higher than 3. Escaping a choke hold is the same as getting your character to wake up from a tranquilizer dart. Rotate or jiggle the L3 joystick. Your character may free himself before his stun meter is depleted. Snake will be able to encounter this in single-player when fighting soldiers who can perform CQC. Snake, or a character with CQC Mastery, can do the following moves to an opponent in a choke hold:


Sitting/Standing Positions (Level 1) - When holding an enemy, press the X button to toggle between standing and sitting positions. One position or another is required for some other CQC moves.


Take Aim With Hostage (Level 1) - While holding an enemy in any position, briefly release R1, then hold both L1 and R1 again. You must then release R1 to begin shooting your handgun (by pressing R1). This works best with the handgun, although you can use any other single handed weapon to perform this move. Note that while moving with the joystick, the hostage will not be in a choke hold.


Choke Hold to Slam (Level 1) - When holding an enemy while standing, briefly release the R1 button, then press it again quickly while tilting the joystick in any direction. This slams an enemy to the ground, prone and face first. It does stun damage. Note that slamming an enemy forwards is generally better than to your side, since you place him far enough away for your gun to work (on auto-aim).


Sleeper Choke Hold (Level 1) - When holding an enemy while sitting, briefly release the R1 button, then hold it again quickly while tilting the joystick in any direction. This puts the enemy into a sleeper choke (face down) that drains stun energy faster. If you are looking to increase your CQC mastery, perform this move in the various "Training Matches" you may find online. These are special death matches where players practice using CQC moves to build their mastery quickly. Don't forget to wake up your opponents after knocking them out, as you need to help them help you help them help you get CQC Mastery to level 3.


Disarm Opponent (CQC 3 required) - Snake (or PMC) must commit to a standing CQC hold from the get go -- a crouching CQC chok hold will not allow you to disarm. At the initial moment of choke holding an opponent, release R1 briefly and then hold R1 again. If done correctly, the arms of the enemy will be pulled apart briefly, then the choke hold animation will follow. The currently equipped weapon the held enemy is using will be dropped from his inventory as an item box. I suggest trying this in the VR Testing Area on the humanoid holograms before you battle-test this move. It is difficult to do under duress.


Inject SOP Plug (Scanning required) - While holding an enemy in any position, press the Triangle button to inject the SOP S Plug into the enemy. You must have the S Plug selected, which comes free (like your choice of Fro-Gurt ™ topping) when you take up the Scanning skill. If you log more than 10 hours of Metal Gear Online, you will be able to start with this item in Snake's inventory. The S-Plug will help immensely in getting no alerts on any difficulty, without taxing your Solid Eye's battery.


Slash Throat (Knife 3 required) - While holding an enemy in any position, press the Triangle button to cut the throat of an enemy, killing him instantly. You must have the Stun Knife equipped, the the Knife Mastery level increased to 3. This move and the one above are mutually exclusive to PMCs, but for Snake, he will use his knife if the S-Plug is not selected as an item in single-player mode.

Basics of Stun Knife | Unless restricted by the game's host, the Stun Knife is always a part of your character's kit. It cannot be dropped during a match (hold R2 and Circle) unlike your other items and weapons. The Stun Knife is essentially two weapons in one -- by holding L1 (to aim) and then pressing R1, your character whips the knife, doing a smart little combo (keep pressing R1). By holding R1 when aiming, you perform a stronger stab that is instantly lethal to all characters (even Snake). The knife blade does not detonate explosive barrels, not does it do anything to shield-wielding soldiers (except attacks to the back and sides). It only works on soldiers and not Otacon's Metal Gear Mk.II, or anything remotely mechanical (Gecko) in the single-player mode. Pressing R2 while aiming will emit a sharp electric shock. This shock instantly disables any character (even Snake) and the enemy will need to spend time to wiggle himself awake. Once used, the charge takes time to recharge, so you need to be judicious when you are to use the stun charge. The stun knife can be auto-aimed in third person (recommended) but it can be manually aimed in first person mode. While prone, the knife can only be used at certain angles (generally while face down prone and parallel with the ground) so it is a poor weapon when taken-down. The knife combo does about one-quarter damage with each swipe, so four hits will kill an enemy in Metal Gear Online. One stab will kill an enemy, but you cannot move during that time. It is generally better to stun an enemy if you have that option, rather than chance your luck on a fatal first blow. And unless you're stupid, don't use the Stun Knife against the Battle Beauties in beast form. If you do, it's an open invitation to let those girls dance the salsa on Snake's testicles. While I recommend it with any party-girl you can hire at the fine establishments on Broadway, it's not something you want in the single-player game.


Knife Mastery | The expansive skill, Knife Mastery, will allow a character to move (slowly) while using the knife's weak slashes. The stabbing motion and final two heavy knife blows of the combo will still cause the character to stop. Knife Mastery is improved by landing hits with the stunner, knife blows, and kills with the knife (it can take some time). There is little difference between level 1 and 2 Knife Mastery, but once you have your Knife Mastery at level 3, you may combine that with CQC level 1 to grab opponents and then cut their throats. Apart from that one move (and the ability to move while slashing), there is little incentive to equipping Knife Mastery. It can come in handy sometimes against players who do not leave their weapon view to flee from a knife-monger, but smarter players will dodge to quickly increase the distance, turn and fire from beyond knife range. Lastly, the stun function of the knife is like bullet damage. It will detonate explosive barrels, so keep that in mind (as a suicide technique or whatever).

Supplementary Tools | Since the knife and CQC is best done in third person mode, any plans to do sniping in first person mode may be shattered unless you are quickly able to switch between views. CQC and Knife Masteries are hard to work with in a map that encourages sniping. However, if you are stealthy and battle-witted, you may be able to deliver some of the nastiest surprises to over-confident snipers and gun bunnies. However, keep in mind that almost every player packing a smidgen of SMC.G., SHOT.GUN, or ASSLT.R skills will be able to take down a simple knife wielding opponent (hence many law enforcement protocols call for lethal force against knife or cudgel armed suspects). You need to mix up your bag of tricks or else the enemy will always know that you have only a knife and will stay their distance. I include the following assuming you have no mastery with the firearms (hence devoting all your slots to Knife, CQC, or related CQC skills like Scanning). Here are some suggestions: Assault Rifle or SMG


- Depending on the match settings, you may be able to take one of these. While you do not have the accuracy of players with the SMG and ASR skills, at the range where most opponents step back to fire at you, even the VZ.83 can take out a large chunk of life, possibly incurring mutual annihilation. If you are quick with the first person view, you may even be able to pop a headshot and continue hunting.

Handgun - The great part about the handgun is that it is generally ignored by players who use heavier weapons to do their whack jobs. The handgun has a small enough magazine to make shooting the head of a moving target dicey but it works decently in auto-aim mode as a stop-gap. Since it's one handed, you can also use it well with the CQC choke hold. The downside is that almost anything will pack more punch. If you must rely on handguns (to master it or as a fetish), try the more powerful handguns available from Drebin.


Shotgun - A semi-decent stopgap (depends on how the retail code turns out). The shotgun's lock-on range is about the same as your knife, and you can stagger or knock down enemies with the close-up blast of the shotgun. Still, it is a matter of preference; the assault rifles and SMGs are more effective at range.


Sniper Rifle - You may elect to bring one along to deliver the long range hit against snipers exploiting your lack of range. However, try to not include it in your weapon cycle. The M14EBR, being essentially an assault rifle, is a good choice if you have the patience to master its jittery accuracy without Sniper Rifle Mastery in your inventory.


CQC Tips and Tricks |

Stealthy approach is key - You may have noticed that running and walking will deliver different amounts of sound. When possible, avoid walking on loud (metal) surfaces so you can sneak up on enemies. With your range disadvantage, you do not need to alert your foes of your impending presence. Slow movement applies not only to walking, but other aspects like ladder climbing, etc.

Damage sources prioritized - In a close up fight, the knife stab takes the cake (if you can get it off). The stun from the knife takes second place, and CQC takes third (depends what move is used and what follows after). Once killed or incapacitated (or thrown to the ground), you need to quickly end the fight with a stab or stun.


Ducking trouble - Ducking while doing CQC or attacking with a knife has the advantage of preventing your character from being grabbed by standing characters. While you can still move, you are slower (not good for catching fleeing enemies) but being able to ignore the standing CQC hold of enemies will let you get close and slam them. Ducking also puts you in a good spot to stab-kill a taken-down enemy. When prone, no one can grab you, but at the same time, you're easily killed by ranged weapons.


The Cardboard Box - Hiding as the cardboard box is effective, but only in certain cases. behind the opposing team's color carpet is workable, but don't forget some players can see you before they spawn in. Map knowledge is key, in addition to stealth and knife-skills when using the knife to ambush. The key thing is to never move when using the box. A moving box instantly draws attention as opposed to your humanoid blob moving in the distance. C-box ambushes are very real and pragmatic when spawn camping. Be sure to break all C-boxes in your spawn area, so you can fire on a C-box when you next respawn.


Faking It - To exploit the sounds you make while running, you can choose to run against a wall to confound enemies with your footsteps. They may think you are running away or towards them, when you can quickly stop and see how they react. Depending on which spot on the map, the enemy's experience, and a little luck, you may be able to buy some time for your allies to come to your aid or just befuddle the enemy.


When stun is better than killing - In some modes, like Base Capture or Capture, stunning an enemy is more effective than killing him instantly. By locking out a player in sleep state, you can out-number the enemy team temporarily and get an advantage. Stay by your sleeping enemies when capturing bases; when they are about to wake up (target them to view their stun bar -- if the Invisible option is on, watch for them to yawn and wake up), kill them with a weapon.


Loot the enemy - If you stun an enemy, always stand next to his body and hit Triangle to boot out his primary weapon. Try to do it a second time for his support weapon. In Metal Gear Online, opponents almost always manage to keep their secondary weapon, since at that point, someone finds them and kills them. Be sure to keep the item boxes that are created. While this may seem trivial, but if you are killed or something happens so you cannot finish off the enemy, he will awake and be without his weapons (you will not drop any collected items except the Drum Can or ENVG when killed). It also forces the player to spend Drebin points should he survive and make it back to his base.


Share the spoils - Taking items from enemies lets you use weapons that you don't need to pay for in Drebin points matches. For the cost of nothing ($0 for the VZ86, GSR, Stun Knife, and Frag Grenades), you can nab an opponent's weapon and either use it yourself, or you can drop it off (hold R2 and press Circle) for an ally to use. Generally speaking though, sniper rifles are best since you get so little ammunition when stealing enemy weapons.




In short: CQC is handy in CQB situations, but one shouldn't rely on it. For example, when fighting some of the bosses in single-player mode, or when walking down a long hall in Groznyj Grad, the last thing you want to do is rush headlong into battle with a stun knife and the CQC Mastery skill. However, when used sparingly and in the right situations, a CQC oriented player is a very valuable raider, harrasser, and in some cases, a scout. Here're some behaviors I've noticed of characters playing with CQC:

During a match in Groznyj Grad, one CQC/knife player tended to follow the largest group of his team, generally venturing off or around them and attacking from the rear or sides.

During that same match in Groznyj Grad, the CQC/knife player disabled (stunned) an enemy sniper on the roof, stole his sniper rifle, then proceeded to take pot-shots at enemy snipers in the towers and spawn point.


During a match in Ambush Alley, another CQC/knife player seemed to be intent on lighting up my team with the Enemy Locator device. I think he had on the Runner and Throwing skills, allowing him to toss further and go back to his spawn point to restock his ammo. It was a Drebin point enabled match, so he wasn't idle either, killing my team with his GSR (handgun) and occasionally dying and getting his free


1000 DP (E Locators cost 750 DP).

During a Base Capture mission (forget which map), a CQC/knife player brought in his scanning skill and used the SOP Destab (after injection) to disable the other team (I was on this guy's team). SOP Destab disables the enemy soldiers (like in the single-player movie) and allows your team to capture bases quickly. When the effect is about to end, you can prolong the disabling effect by using the stun function on the enemy instead of killing him or her.


Rolling (X while running at full speed) is used by both CQC and non-CQC players to dodge and evade enemies, hence the best CQC players usually have a a level of area/map knowledge that lets them ambush careless or new players. Being surprised by not checking your corners when you turn them means you will have no chance to escape a CQC hold or slam. Veteran gun-using players will mind corners by staying beyond grab range when rounding them, and only get close to them if they have their cameras looking around them (possibly searching for your ambush attempt).

I've found the fastest and most effective aiming mode for CQC play is third-person with auto-aim on. While this counters the fine aiming of firearms, keep in mind the knife is instantly fatal with the strong jab, making auto-aim much more handy than with firearms.

Snake -- in single-player -- will kill enemies eventually with the CQC choke. However, there is no chance of that in multiplayer (I've not bothered with any MGS game since the Playstation one in 1999). When using Snake in Sneaking mode in Metal Gear Online, your partial invisibility (even when discovered) means you should try to roll into and CQC slam the enemy (his auto-aim will not work, making CQC PMC characters using auto-aim very weak against Snake). CQC players can still slam Snake if they press and hit R1 and connect with him. Note that the ducking and standing positions apply not only to the PMCs, but with Snake as well.







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