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===== Microsoft X-Box 360 Launch FAQ =====




Microsoft Hardware FAQ Version 0.92

12 December 2005

Copyright 2005 Mikael Forsgren (foppe_v @ hotmail.com)



= Contents =



0. Introduction

1. What is the X-Box 360?

2. Specifications

2.1. The Hardware

2.2. 2 Systems released

3. Launch Information

3.1. Launch Dates, Packages and Prices

3.2. Launch Titles

3.3. Launch Dates

4. Accessories

4.1. Accessories

4.2. Cables

4.3. Controllers

4.4. X-Box Live

4.5. Personalize

4.6. Storage

4.7. Wireless

4.8. 3rd Part

5. Games

5.1. Released Games

5.2. Unreleased Games

5.3. WTH did he say?

5.4. Backward Compatibility

5.4.1 Backward Compatibility USA list

5.4.2 Backward Compatibility Europe list

5.4.3 Backward Compatibility Japan list

5.4.4 Backward Compatibility Australia list

5.4.5 Removed Backward Compatibility list

6. Your TV

6.1. 720pi? 1080i?

6.2. What Video cables will I use?

7. Installing your X-Box 360

7.1. Place it out

7.2. Connecting the unit

7.3. Starting it up the first time

7.3.1 Offline Profile

7.3.2 I Am a Member of Xbox Live

7.3.3 I Want to Join Xbox Live

7.4. The dashboard

7.4.1 Xbox Live

7.4.2 Games

7.4.3 Media

7.4.4 System

8. Xbox Live

8.1. The Golden Silver

8.2 Xbox Live Arcade

8.3 Xbox Live Marketplace

8.4. Launch Marketplace

9. Media

9.1. Music

9.1.1 Official Supported Music Players

9.1.2 How The Heck Do I Stream Music From USB?

9.1.3 How The Heck Do I Stream Music From my PC?

9.2. Pictures

9.2.1 Official Supported Cameras Unofficial Supported Cameras

9.2.2 How The Heck Do I Stream Pictures From USB?

9.2.3 How The Heck Do I Stream Pictures From my PC?

9.3 Use DVDs and CDs

9.3.1 DVD Movies and Audio CDs

9.3.2 Burned Music CDs

9.3.3 Burned Picture CDs

9.3.4 Burned Music And Picture CDs

9.3.5 Burned Movie DVDs

9.4 PSP

9.4.1 Music

9.4.2 Pictures

9.5 Movies

9.6 Dashboard Themes

9.7 Extern harddrive

10. Gaming Achievements

10.1. Ordinary Games

10.2. Arcade Games

10.3. Japanese Special

10.4. Special

11. Bad Microsoft

11.1. Change this Microsoft

11.2. I AM ERROR

12. Region Free?

13. The rest

13.1. FAQ

13.2. Credits

13.3. Legal Information

13.4. Email Policy

13.5. Version Information




= 0. Introduction =



The X-Box 360 is the first of the next generation gaming system to be released

with at least 6 months before Nintendo or Sony is releasing their Revolution

and Playstation 3.


The reason why I´m making a X-Box 360 FAQ is to make some people less confuse

about things that have to do with the X-Box 360.



= 1. What is the X-Box 360? =



The X-Box 360 is Microsoft´s second attempt to release a gaming system and rule

the world...

The first X-Box was not a flop but still not a big success. Now people will

start to send me angry emails saying that I´m a big idiot, but if you look at

the aw facts you´ll see that a big cut of the systems was modified and used

to play illegally downloaded games and used as media centers to play movies on,


This is something that Microsoft discovered, and decided to make it harder to

do the same thing with the X-Box 360.

They have gone down on a lower level this time to prevent piracy, and why would

you modify your X-Box 360 to be a media center when it´s already a media center

from the box?


And this is the really first step into trying to include the High Definition

into the gaming world.



= 2. Specifications =




- 2.1. The Hardware -



The specs are truly looking good, and are getting fanboys drooling all over the

world. But remember, it´s the games that decides if the system is great or bad.


Custom IBM PowerPC-based CPU

: 3 symmetrical cores running at 3.2 GHz each

: 2 hardware threads per core - 6 hardware threads total

: 1 VMX-128 vector unit per core - 3 total

: 128 VMX-128 registers per hardware thread

: 1 MB L2 cache


CPU Game Math Performance

: 9 billion dot product operations per second


Custom ATI Graphics Processor

: 500 MHz

: 10 MB embedded DRAM

: 48-way parallel floating-point dynamically-scheduled shader pipelines

: Unified shader architecture


Polygon Performance

: 500 million triangles per second


Pixel Fill Rate

: 16 gigasamples per second fillrate using 4X MSAA


Shader Performance

: 48 billion shader operations per second



: 512 MB GDDR3 RAM

: 700 MHz DDR

: Unified memory architecture


Memory Bandwidth

: 22.4 GB/s memory interface bus bandwidth

: 256 GB/s memory bandwidth to EDRAM

: 21.6 GB/s front-side bus


Overall System Floating-Point Performance




: Detachable and upgradeable 20 GB hard drive

: 12X dual-layer DVD-ROM

: Memory unit support starting at 64 MB



: Support for up to 4 wireless game controllers

: 3 USB 2.0 ports

: 2 memory unit slots

: Built in Ethernet Port


Optimized for Online

: Instant, out-of-the-box access to Xbox Live features, including Xbox Live

Marketplace for downloadable content, Gamer Profile for digital identity and

voice chat to talk to friends while playing games, watching movies or

listening to music

: Built in Ethernet Port

: Wi-Fi Ready: 802.11 A, B and G

: Video Camera Ready


Digital Media Support

: Support for DVD-Video, DVD-ROM, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, CD-DA, CD-ROM, CD-R,


: Stream media from portable music devices, digital cameras, Windows XP PC´s

: Rip music to Xbox 360 hard drive

: Custom playlists in every game

: Windows Media Center Extender built in

: Interactive, full screen 3D visualizers


HD Game Support

: All games supported at 16:9, 720p and 1080i, anti-aliasing

: Standard definition and high definition video output supported



: Multichannel surround sound output

: Supports 48 KHz 16-bit audio

: 320 independent decompression channels

: 32-bit audio processing

: Over 256 audio channels


System Orientation

: Stands vertically or horizontally


Customizable Face Plates

: Interchangeable to personalize the console


Parental Controls

: Parental Controls to restrict the games and movies that are played

: Xbox Live controls to manage Friends List, voice and video communication,

and Gamer Profile sharing


Physical Specs

: Height: 83 mm

: Width: 309 mm

: Depth: 258 mm

: Weight: 7.7 lbs.




- 2.2. 2 Systems released -



Microsoft decided to release two versions of the X-Box 360. The ordinary

System (called Premium) and the Core System. To say it easy, the Premium system

is a X-Box 360 with some accessories while the cheaper Core system only has

what you need to start and play the X-Box 360.

Some say that the Premium system is the luxury model.

I´m saying that the Core model is released just so Microsoft can say that the

releaseprice was lower, and to trick player that know nothing to later buy the

accessories for a higher price.

The difference between the systems are:


X-Box 360 Premium X-Box 360 Core

Console with Console

Premium Chrome Finish

Hard Drive

Wireless Controller Wired Controller

Xbox Live Headset

Component HD AV Cable Composite AV Cable

Ethernet Cable


The first launch of the Premium version will also get a Bonus Media Remote.

It´s smaller and have fewer buttons then the official one.



So exactly what can you do with your ordinary and Core system?


X-Box 360 X-Box 360 Core

Play X-Box 360 games Yes Yes

Watch DVD movies Yes Yes

Play Music CD´s Yes Yes

Connect an MP3 player Yes Yes

and listen to music*

Connect a Digital Camera Yes Yes

and view pictures*

Listen to music and view Yes Yes

digital pictures from a

Windows XP-based PC

Use up to 4 wireless

controllers simultaneously Yes Yes


Play X-Box games Yes No/Yes***

Save games and content Yes No/Yes****

Game online with Xbox Live Gold** Yes No/Yes****

Join Xbox Live Silver for free Yes No/Yes****

Voice chat with friends over Yes No/Yes*****

Xbox Live


* Not every single MP3 player and Digital Camera is supported

** 1-month trial of Xbox Live Gold included

*** Only Yes if you have bought a hard drive.

**** Only yes if you have bought a hard drive or memory unit.

***** Only yes if you have bought a headset and hard drive or memory unit.



So once again, you can play games with the Core system.

You can´t save, but you can play your games.




= 3. Launch Information =




- 3.1. Launch Dates, Packages and Prices -



The North American launch date is November 22 2005. The official price will be

399.99$ for the Premium system and 299.99$ for the Core System (some stores

will just drop the 99 cents on the price).

I think that Microsoft are officially only releasing the Core and Premium

system, but a lot of resellers are adding games and accessories and are making

their own bundles/packages. I will try to list the most known bundles just for



Xbox 360 Premium System -399.00$

Xbox 360 Game Console

Wireless Controller

Combination High-Definition Component and Standard A/V Cable

20GB Hard Drive

Ethernet Cable


Bonus Media Remote

Xbox Live Silver

Xbox Live Gold 30-Day Trial


Xbox 360 Core System -299.00$

Xbox 360 Game Console

Wired Controller

Composite A/V Cable

Xbox Live Silver

Xbox Live Gold 30-Day Trial


Xbox 360 Ultimate Bundle (EBGAMES) -699.92$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Perfect Dark Zero Limited Edition

Call of Duty 2

Kameo: Elements of Power

Project Gotham Racing 3

Extra Wireless Controller

Play & Charge Kit

Extra Rechargeable Battery Pack


Xbox 360 Core Bundle (EBGAMES) -599.93$

Xbox 360 Core System

Perfect Dark Zero: Limited Edition

Call of Duty 2

Kameo: Elements of Power

Project Gotham Racing 3

Extra Wired Controller

Memory Unit


Xbox 360 Core Bundle (GAMESTOP) -689.91$

Xbox 360 Core System

Perfect Dark

Project Gotham Racing 3



Call of Duty 2

Extra Wired Controller

Memory Unit

1-Year Product Replacement Plan


Xbox 360 EA Bundle (GAMESTOP) -839.90$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Madden NFL 2006

Tiger Woods 2006

NBA LIve 2006

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup

Extra Wireless Controller

Play & Charge Kit

G-Pack Travel Case

1-Year Product Replacement Plan


Xbox 360 Silver Bundle (GAMESTOP) -839.90$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Perfect Dark

Project Gotham Racing 3



Call of Duty 2


Extra Wireless Controller

Play & Charge Kit

1-Year Product Replacement Plan


Xbox 360 Ultimate Bundle (GAMESTOP) -1189.84$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Perfect Dark

Project Gotham Racing 3



Call of Duty 2


Quake 4

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

King Kong

NBA 2k6

Madden NFL 2006

Extra Wireless Controller

Play & Charge Kit

Xbox Live 12 Month Card

1-Year Product Replacement Plan


Ultimate with Dell Plasma Screen (GAMESTOP) -3689.83$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Perfect Dark

Project Gotham Racing 3



Call of Duty 2


Quake 4

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

King Kong

NBA 2k6

Madden NFL 2006

Extra Wireless Controller

Play & Charge Kit

Xbox Live 12 Month Card

1-Year Product Replacement Plan

Dell 42-Inch Plasma TV


REMOVED Xbox 360 Omega Bundle (GAMESTOP) -2000.00$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Perfect Dark Collector's Edition

Project Gotham Racing 3

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Dead or Alive 4

Call of Duty 2


Quake 4

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland


Madden NFL 2006


Amped 3

Ghost Recon



Ridge Racer 6

Top Spin 2

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Tiger Woods 2006

FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup

Extra Wireless Controller

Extra Wireless Controller

Extra Wireless Controller

Wireless Network Adaptor

Memory Unit

Fuego Faceplates

Play & Charge Kit

Rechargeable Battery

Xbox Live 12 Month Card

1-Year Product Replacement Plan


They removed the Omega bundle because some of the games included in it (4 I

believe) got a later release date. It also existed a Omega Bundle with the Dell

plasma screen (like the Ultimate pack from Gamestop) for a price of 4499.68$.

It now seems that Gamestop still has a Omega bundle that is exactly the same

as the Ultimate pack, but it will be shipped some month after the release.


Xbox 360 Customer Choice Bundle (Walmart) -689.06$

Xbox 360 Premium System

One additional wireless controller

A Play and Charge Kit

Live 12-month Gold Card

Your choice of a faceplate

Three games


Xbox 360 Game Bundle (Walmart) -579.06$

Xbox 360 Core System

One additional wireless controller

A Headset

A 64 MB Memory Unit

A Play and Charge Kit

Your choice of three games


Xbox 360 Live Bundle (Walmart) -579.16$

Xbox 360 Core System

One additional wireless controller

A headset

A 64 MB memory unit

A Play and Charge Kit

Live 12-Month Gold Card

Your choice of two games


Xbox 360 Pro Bundle (Walmart) -719.24$

Xbox 360 Premium System

One additional wireless controller

A Play and Charge Kit

Live 12-month Gold Card

Wireless Network Adapter

Your choice of two games


Xbox 360 Bundle (Costco) -479.99$

Xbox 360 Premium System

One additional wireless controller

A Play and Charge Kit

Project Gotham Racing 3


Xbox 360 Turbo Bundle (Gamestop) -999.87$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Call of Duty 2


King Kong

Madden NFL 2006

Need For Speed

Perfect Dark Zero Collectors Edition

Quake 4

One extra wireless controller

One extra wireless controller

A Play and Charge Kit

A Play and Charge Kit

1-Year Product Replacement Plan


Xbox 360 High Octane Bundle (Gamestop) -1499.38$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Amped 3

Call of Duty 2


Fifa Soccer 06



King Kong

Madden NFL 2006

NBA Live 2006

Need For Speed


Perfect Dark Zero Collectors Edition

Quake 4

Tiger Woods 2006

Tony Hawk American Wasteland

One extra wireless controller

One extra wireless controller

Condemned Official Strategy Guide

Quake 4 Official Strategy Guide

A Play and Charge Kit

A Play and Charge Kit

1-Year Product Replacement Plan


Xbox 360 Pro Player's Bundle (Toys R Us) -999.95$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Call of Duty 2


Kameo: Elements of Power

Perfect Dark Zero: Limited Edition

Project Gotham Racing 3

Quake 4

Ridge Racer 6

Tony Hawk American Wasteland

Two months of rentals from Gamefly.com

one-year subscription to OXM

additional Wireless Controller

a Play and Charge Kit

a Rechargeable Battery Pack

faceplate Xbox 360 Pro Player's Bundle


Xbox 360 Core Player's Bundle (Toys R Us) -999.95$

Xbox 360 Core System

Call of Duty 2

FIFA 2006

Kameo: Elements of Power

Madden NFL 2006

NBA Live 2006

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Project Gotham Racing 3

Ridge Racer 6

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006

Tony Hawk American Wasteland

Two months of rentals from Gamefly.com

one-year subscription to OXM

additional Wired Controller

64 MB Memory Unit



Xbox 360 Pro Player's Bundle II (Toys R Us) -999.95$

Xbox 360 Premium System

Call of Duty 2

FIFA 2006

Kameo: Elements of Power

Need for Speed Most Wanted

Project Gotham Racing 3

Ridge Racer 6

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006

Tony Hawk American Wasteland

Two months of rentals from Gamefly.com

one-year subscription to OXM

additional Wireless Controller

a Play and Charge Kit

a Rechargeable Battery Pack



Xbox 360 Core Player's Bundle II (Toys R Us) -999.95$

Xbox 360 Core System

Call of Duty 2


Kameo: Elements of Power

NBA Live 2006

Perfect Dark Zero: Limited Edition

Project Gotham Racing 3

Quake 4

Ridge Racer 6

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006

Tony Hawk American Wasteland

Two months of rentals from Gamefly.com

one-year subscription to OXM

additional Wired Controller

64 MB Memory Unit




The European launch date is December 02 2005. The official price seems to be

399,99 Euro (279.99£) for the Premium system and 299,99 Euro (209.99£) for

the Core system, unless it´s a bad translation done by Microsoft...


Xbox 360 Premium System -279.99£

Xbox 360 Game Console

Wireless Controller

Combination High-Definition Component and Standard A/V Cable

20GB Hard Drive

Ethernet Cable


Bonus Media Remote

Xbox Live Silver

Xbox Live Gold 30-Day Trial


Xbox 360 Core System -209.99£


Xbox 360 Game Console

Wired Controller

Composite A/V Cable

Xbox Live Silver

Xbox Live Gold 30-Day Trial


Xbox 360 Deluxe Paket 3 (Spelbutiken) -6295 SEK

Xbox 360 Premium System

Call of Duty 2

Perfect Dark Zero

Tony Hawks American Wasteland



The Japanese launch date is December 10 2005. The official price seems to be

37,900 Yen and it seems that they will only release the Premium system.


Xbox 360 Premium System -37,900 Yen

Xbox 360 Game Console

Wireless Controller

Combination High-Definition Component and Standard A/V Cable

20GB Hard Drive

Ethernet Cable


Bonus Media Remote

Xbox Live Silver

Xbox Live Gold 30-Day Trial

Final Fantasy XI beta disc



The Australia/New Zealand launch date is March 02 2006.

Everybody seems to forget Australia, even I did >_>

Since I´m not trusting the Australian version of xbox.com (they say that NO

game will support HDTV down under o_O ), I´m going to list more launch data



The South Korean launch date is February 24 2006.

The launchdate in Taiwan and Singapore is March 02 2006.




- 3.2. Launch Titles -





Amped 3

Call of Duty 2

Condemned: Criminal Origins

FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup


Kameo: Elements of Power

Madden NFL 06


NBA Live 06

Need for Speed: Most Wanted


Perfect Dark Zero

Perfect Dark Zero Limited Edition

Peter Jackson’s King Kong

Project Gotham Racing 3


Ridge Racer 6

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06

Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland




They believe these games will be launch titles


Amped 3

Call of Duty 2

Condemned: Criminal Origins

FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup


Kameo: Elements of Power

Madden NFL 06

NBA Live 06

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Perfect Dark Zero

Peter Jackson’s King Kong

Project Gotham Racing 3

Quake 4

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06

Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland





(em) -eNCHANTarM-

Every Party

Fifa 06: Road to FIFA World Cup

Final Fantasy XI BETA

Need for Speed: Most Wanted

Perfect Dark Zero

Project Gotham Racing 3 (delayed 2 days)


Tetris: The Grandmaster Ace








Games that Microsoft thought would be US launch titles but got a later release:


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

Dead or Alive 4

Tom Clancy´s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

Top Spin 2




- 3.3. Launch Dates -



The X-Box 360 must be the first gaming system (if not THE first, one of the

first) that releases games and accessories weeks before the gamint system.

This way people could feel the controller and look at the DVD disc long before

they discovered that they would´nt get the gaming unit until January thanks to

the shortage. I will try to list the official dates for the things that was

released before the system, but they can be +- some days depending on where

in USA you live. Some stores started to sell some stuff earlier, som stores

started to sell some stuff later. This is the American dates.



Xbox 360 Universal Media Remote

Xbox 360 S-Video AV Cable

Xbox 360 Live 1 Month Gold Card

Xbox 360 Live 3 Month Gold Kit

Xbox 360 Live 12 Month Gold Kit

Xbox 360 Headset

Xbox 360 Faceplate Silver

Xbox 360 Wired Controller

Xbox 360 Component HD AV Cable

Kameo Elements of Power



Xbox 360 G-Pak Travel Case



Xbox 360 Rechargeable Battery Pack

Xbox 360 Network Adapter Wireless

Xbox 360 Faceplate Woody

Project Gotham Racing 3



Xbox 360 Wireless Controller

Need For Speed: Most Wanted

FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup



Xbox 360 VGA HD/AV Cable

Xbox 360 Play and Charge Kit

Xbox 360 Live Marketplace Points 1600

Xbox 360 Faceplate Hot Rod



Mad Catz Xbox 360 Headcom Pro



Xbox 360 Memory Card 64MB

Xbox 360 Hard Drive 20GB

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06

Plantronics Xbox Live Headset GameCon X10C

Peter Jackson's King Kong

Perfect Dark Zero Regular Edition

Perfect Dark Zero Limited Collector's Edition


NBA Live 06

Madden NFL 06


Condemned: Criminal Origins

Call of Duty 2



Logitech Xbox 360 Harmony Remote Control



Xbox 360 Premiun Unit

Xbox 360 Core unit

Ridge Racer 6

Quake 4


Amped 3




= 4. Accessories =



Microsoft are releasing a bunch of new accessories and it can be hard to know

what you really need. I´m going to list them and their official launchprice




- 4.1. Accessories -



Random accessories that does´nt fit in another category.


Xbox 360 Play & Charge Kit -19.99$

This thing lets you recharge your Wireless Controller.

It comes with a NiMH rechargeable battery pack and a charging cable that you

can hook up to your X-Box 360. You will be able to get more than 30 hours of

play per charge.


Xbox 360 Rechargeable Battery Pack -11.99$

Extra battery to your Play & Charge, so you don´t need to have one for every

wireless controller. You need a Play & Charge to charge this NiMH battery

cell and you can get up to 25 hours of play per full battery charge.

Does this mean that you will get a better battery in the Play & Charge Kit?


Xbox 360 Universal Media Remote -29.99$

This is THE tool if you want to be lazy in the sofa. It lets you controll

your TV, X-Box 360 (turn it on/off, A, B, X, and Y buttons are included for

basic control of the system, even without a controller), your Media Center

PC and it can almost give you a cold Coke.

You get a nice and easy access to your digital movies, music, and games

library. And the buttons are backlight so you can see them in the dark.


Xbox 360 Limited Bonus Media Remote -XX.XX$

This one follows the first launch of the Premium system and can´t be

bought. See it as a collectors item.

This one is like a budget version of the Universal Media Remote and you can

only access your X-Box 360 and Media Center PC.




- 4.2. Cables -



The cables you need to connect your system to a TV/Monitor.


Xbox 360 Component HD AV Cable -39.99$

This is THE cables you want if your TV have support for HD. It´s a eight-foot

long shielded cable with Component (Y, Pr, Pb) high-definition video output,

which means that you will get High-definition gaming output of 720p or 1080i,

and progressive-scan DVD playback in 480p.

It can also be used as composite cable for standard TV output, if your TV

does´nt support high definition.


Xbox 360 S-Video AV Cable -29.99$

A eight-foot long shielded cable for your TV. Used for S-Video users, but it

can also be used as composite cable for standard TV output.

You also get Digital Optical Audio output and Stereo Audio output, which is

perfect if you want to run the sound in another system.


Xbox 360 VGA HD AV Cable -39.99$

A eight-foot long shielded cable to be used on your monitor or HDTV with VGA

input. It is a DV-15S Standard VGA Connector and it supports video outputs

settings of 480p, 720p, or 1080i.


Xbox 360 Advanced SCART AV Cable -35.99$

A Scart cable that´s probably eight-foot long (I can´t confirm it at the

moment) which is perfect for your TV that has a Scart connector.

This baby is only sold in Europe.




- 4.3. Controllers -



The official controllers.


Xbox 360 Wired Controller -39.99$

Take the X-Box COntroller S, give it a little more ergonomic form, add a

glowing Guide button in the middle, place the Start and Back buttons on each

side of the Guide button, move the Black and White buttons to the shoulders,

add a Integrated heatset port, make it as a USB-controller and you have a

X-Box 360 controller. Oh, the cable is 9 foot.

Download drivers to your PC with XP, and you can use it on your PC.


Xbox 360 Wireless Controller -49.99$

Take the Xbox 360 Wired Controller and cut the wire. This is the result.

It uses two AA batteries that last around 40 hours. When they are getting

low, they will tell you it, so you can easily connect your Play & Charge in

good time.

It uses a 2.4GHz technology that has 30 foot range, you can use up to four

controllers at the same time on one X-Box 360 system. You can use up to 20

controllers at the same time withouth them interfere with each other, perfect

for LAN´s at home.

You can adjust the vibration feedback to save battery life.

And the best part is that you still can use the headset for X-Box Live, even

if it is a wireless controller.



I just have to add one thing about the Guide button. With it, you can access

the dashboard whenever you want. This means that you can stream your own music

instead of playing the one in the game, it lets you look at pictures when you

take a pause from playing (looking at a scanned guide?), and it allows you to

enable a chat communication with your friends online, even if you are playing

a offline game.




- 4.4. X-Box Live -



Things that makes X-Box Live easier.


Xbox 360 Headset -19.99$

This is THE X-Box Live accessorie. It lets you talk and listen to people

using X-Box Live. Plan how to fight your enemy with your team, shout at your

enemies or just talking with your friends when you are playing. Need help

with a specific part of a game? Press the Guide button on your controller,

look if your friend is online and ask him what to do.

Use it to leave messages to your friends over the Xbox Live Message Service

and listen to messages that your friends have left to you.

Just plug it into your controller and it´s ready to go. It has in-line

volume control and mute switch so you can adjust the headset volume and

switch mute on and off easily.

It has a noise-canceling microphone, which improves game response to voice

commands, and gives you a crisp and clear voice communication with your



Xbox Live 12-Month Premium Gold Pack -69.99$

This package gives you a 12 month Xbox Live Gold membership and a Xbox 360

Headset. You also gets a 20$ Xbox 360 Game Rebate Card and 200 Microsoft

Points. And the Bankshot Billiards Xbox Live Arcade Game.


Xbox Live 3-Month Premium Gold Pack -39.99$

This is a smaller version of the Xbox Live 12-Month Premium Gold Pack.

It gives you a 3 month Xbox Live Gold membership and a Xbox 360 Headset.

You also gets a 10$ Xbox 360 Game Rebate Card and 100 Microsoft Points.


Xbox Live 13-Month Gold Subscription Card -49.99$

This is like a Xbox Live 12-Month Premium Gold Pac without the premium.

So the only thing you will get is a 12 Month Xbox Live Gold membership with

one bonus month. It´s nice that you does´nt need to get a new headset every

time you want to renew your Xbox Gold membership ;)


Xbox Live 3-Month Gold Subscription Card -19.99$

It gives you 3 extra months with Xbox Live Gold.


Xbox Live 1-Month Gold Subscription Card -7.99$

It gives you 1 extra month with Xbox Live Gold.




- 4.5. Personalize -



Just Faceplates that lets you customize the front look of your X-Box 360.


Xbox 360 Faceplate (Hotrod) -19.99$

A darkblue faceplate with s lighter blueflame on it.


Xbox 360 Faceplate (Silver) -19.99$

A faceplate in silver.


Xbox 360 Faceplate (Woody) -19.99$

A faceplate that makes it look like your system is made of wood.



Just a note, matching Xbox 360 dashboard themes are available online or

at participating retail kiosk, just to personalize the inside of your

X-Box 360.




- 4.6. Storage -



You need one of these to save your game and to use Xbox Live.


Xbox 360 Hard Drive (20 GB) -99.99$

Let´s you save in your games, save your Xbox Live profile, trailers, demos

and your own music that you can use as custom music in games.

With the harddrive, you can also play your old X-Box games and download

Xbox Live Arcade games.

It comes preloaded with some bonus content, including Hexic, a Xbox Live

Arcade game.


Xbox 360 Memory Unit (64 MB) -39.99$

Let´s you save in your games and saving your Xbox Live profile.

The X-Box 360 has two memory ports, in case you need more then one.

It also includes a portable carrying case that will fit you keychain, so it´s

harder to loose it.

If you take it to a retail kiosk, you can mostly download things to it, like

new dashboard themes.




- 4.7. Wireless -



Don´t want any cables? Make your X-Box 360 wireless.


Xbox 360 Wireless Networking Adapter -99.99$

Plug in this baby into one of the USB ports, and you have done your system

wireless. It´s small, takes the power from the USB port so no power adapter

is needed, and it uses dual band 5GHz and 2.4GHz 802.11 A, B and G protocoll.

Use it to connect to Xbox Live, stream music and photos from your XP PC, and

watch movies from your XP Media Center PC.




- 4.8. 3rd Part -



Many 3rd parts developers will make accessories to the X-Box 360. Each company

will probably release a big flush of own controllers that are cheaper, have a

different form, have turbo buttons, have rubber grips and other crazy things.

The same thing with the headset and cables. Everything from AV cables to

controller extension Cables. This is things I will not take up here. I will

only take up things that are...different.


Intec Game Holder 2-Pack Xbox 360 -19.89$

This gameholder lets you put 10 game cases vertically.

It´s build in "X-Box 360 Style" to make it look better near your gaming

system. It comes in a 2-pack.


Intec Vertical Stand with Game & Memory Storage Xbox 360 -19.89$

This will keep your X-Box 360 in a vertically position and have room for five

game cases on each side of the unit. It also have place for two memory cards.

It is made in Chrome finish.


Intec A/V Selector & Storage Xbox 360 -49.82$

This thing comes with two integrated storage compartments to store the

remote control, memory cards and other accessories. Features component

video, RCA and S-Video input and output jack connections, and two optical

inputs and one optical output to support audio and video demanded by HDTV.

It also features broadband Internet connections to support online gaming.


Intec Pro Gamer's Case Xbox 360 -49.82$

This is a aluminium case holds your X-Box 360, two controllers, attachments

and even games. Great if you want to transport your unit somewhere.




= 5. Games =




- 5.1. Released Games -



Just a shortie of what the Launchtitles are for games. Once again, this is for



Amped 3

A snowboarding game from Indie Built, Inc.

Game Rating: T (Teen) for Crude humor, Mild violence, Suggestive themes.

Players 1-2


HDTV 720p

*Content from Marketplace


Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Call of Duty 2

A World War 2 shooter from Infinity Ward.

Game Rating: T (Teen) for Blood, Mild Language, Violence.

Players 1-2

System Link 2-16

HDTV 720p

*Players 2-8



Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Condemned: Criminal Origins

A action game from Monolith Productions.

Game Rating: M (Mature) for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language.

Players 1

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


FIFA 06: Road to FIFA World Cup

A soccer game from EA SPORTS.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending) for Everyone.

Players 1-4

HDTV 720p



Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i



A shooter from Neversoft.

Game Rating: M (Mature) for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes,

Strong Language, Use of Alcohol.

Players 1

HDTV 720p

Storage Device

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Kameo: Elements of Power

A Action game from Rare.

Game Rating: T (Teen) for Animated Blood, Violence.

Players 1-2


HDTV 720p

Storage Device

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Madden NFL 06

American Fotball from Tiburon.

Game Rating: E (Everyone)

Players 1-4

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i



A NBA game from Visual Concepts.

Game Rating: E (Everyone)

Players 1-4

HDTV 480p

Storage Device



Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


NBA Live 06

A NBA game from EA Canada.

Game Rating: E (Everyone)

Players 1-2

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Need for Speed: Most Wanted

A racing game from EA Canada.

Game Rating: T (Teen) for Mild Violence.

Players 1-2

HDTV 720p

Storage Device

*Players 2-8

*Content from Marketplace


Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i



A NHL game from Kush Games.

Game Rating: E10 (Everyone 10+) for Violence.

Players 1-4

HDTV 720p

*Players 2-8


Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Perfect Dark Zero

A shooter from Rare.

Game Rating: M (Mature) for Blood, Language, Violence.

Players 1-4


HDTV 1080i

Storage Device

*Players 2-32


Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Perfect Dark Zero Limited Edition

Same as Perfect Dark Zero with some extra.

Perfect Dark Zero special edition comic booklet, Hong Kong Sunrise.

A collectible Perfect Dark Zero Glyph Card.

A bonus disc with:

The Art of Perfect Dark Zero video feature.

Kepi & Kat music track from the game.

Perfect Dark Zero Gamer Tiles to customize your identity on Xbox Live.

Perfect Dark Zero Heads-Up display (HUD) UI Skin to customize your

Xbox 360 experience.

The first chapter from the new novel, Perfect Dark:Initial Vector.


Peter Jackson’s King Kong

A action game from Ubisoft France.

Game Rating: T (Teen) for Blood, Violence.

Players 1-2

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Project Gotham Racing 3

A racing game from Bizarre Creations.

Game Rating: E10 (Everyone 10+)

Players 1-2


System Link 2-8

HDTV 720p

Storage Device

*Players 2-8

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i



A shooter from id Software.

Game Rating: M (Mature) for Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language.

Players 1

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Ridge Racer 6

A racing game from NAMCO-HOMETEK, INC.

Game Rating: E (Everyone)

Players 1-2

HDTV 720p

*Content from Marketplace


Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06

A golf game from EA Redwood Shores.

Game Rating: E (Everyone)

Players 1-4

HDTV 720p

Storage Device

*Players 2-4


Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland

A skateboarding game from Neversoft Entertainment.

Game Rating: T (Teen) for Blood, Crude Humor, Language, Suggestive Themes,


Players 1-2


HDTV 720p


Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i




- 5.2. Unreleased Games -



Just a shortie of what the at the launch unreleased titles are for games.


College Hoops 2K6

A basketball game from Visual Concepts.

Game Rating: E (Everyone)

Players 1-2

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Dead or Alive 4

A fighting game from Team Ninja.

Game Rating: M (Mature)

Players 1-4


HDTV 720p

*Players 2-16



Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Dead Rising

A actiongame from Capcom Production Studio 1.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i



A actiongame from Terminal Reality.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion

A actiongame from Bethesda Softworks.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i



A MMORPG from Square Enix Co., Ltd.

Game Rating: T (Teen) for Animated Blood, Violence.

Players 1

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Frame City Killer

A actiongame from Namco Hometek, Inc.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Full Auto

A racing game from Pseudo Interactive.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1-2

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter

A actiongame from Ubisoft.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1-4

HDTV 720p

*Players 2-16

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Saint's Row

A actiongame from Volition.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1-2

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Test Drive Unlimited

A racing game from Eden Games.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1-2

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


The Darkness

A adventure game from Starbreeze Studios.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


Top Spin 2

A tennis game from Pam Development.

Game Rating: E (Everyone)

Players 1-4

HDTV 720p

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i


The Outfit

A actiongame from Relic.

Game Rating: RP (Rating Pending)

Players 1-4

HDTV 720p

*Content from Marketplace

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i



- 5.3. WTH did he say? -



Now that you have taken a fast look at the shortie list, you will ask yourself

"WTH does he mean with this?". SO here I´ll explain what I really meant up


The first row is the title of the game. The second row tells what kind of game

it is, and who´s developing it. And remember I said developer, not releaser.

The third row is the ESRB rating. This means that kids are not supported to

play games that are rated 17 years. The ratings are Everyone (age 6+),

Everyone 10+ (age 10+), Teen (age 13+), Mature (age 17+) and Rating Pendent

(which means they hav´nt rated it yet).

The rows after this is different depending on what game it is, but mostly it

starts with how many players that can play it. The ones with a * in front means

that it is used for online play. I´ll list them all below so you can see what

they really means.


Players 1-2 This tells us how many players that can play on one system at

home. Each players must have one controller.

Co-op This means that the players can play cooperative. With other

words, you are all on the same team trying to beat the game.

HDTV 720p This shows what TV mode the game is supposed to be played in.

It can be 480i, 480p, 720p or 1080i. But it does´nt really

matter since the system transform the output to fit your TV.

System Link 2-16 This means that you can use more then one X-Box 360 to link

to eachothers, allowing more players to play against

eachothers at home.

Storage Device This means that the game was developed with the thoughts that

the users have a harddrive in their unit.

Supports: 480i 480p 720p 1080i This means that the game can be run in all TV

modes. Stupid to write since the unit is

doing this itself, no matter what game it is.


*Content from Marketplace This means that you can download extra stuff to

your game from the marketplace. Some are free,

some cost you cash.

*Friends This means that you probably can have a friendlist in the game

for your online friends.

*Players 2-8 This shows how many players you can play with online.

*Voice This game supports that you can talk directly to your friends

when you play with them.




- 5.4. Backward Compatibility -



With Backward Compatibility, you can put in your original X-Box game and play

it on your X-Box 360. Not only that, every game will be playable in high

definition. This means that every original X-Box game will be upscaled to 720p

and 1080i and taking advantage of X-Box 360’s anti-aliasing capabilities.

With other words, we will se a picture that is clearer and crisper than what

the original X-Box could handle. This sounds like heaven, but there are some

small things that you must think of...


1. You need a harddrive. Since X-Box 360 is using software to emulate each

X-Box game, they need somewhere to store the software. It would fill up a

memory card fast, so a harddrive is the only way. Since most people are

getting a harddrive with their units, it´s not such a big problem.


2. Not all games are compatible. The software preinstalled on all harddrives

(it does´nt matter if you buy the Premium version or buying the harddrive

separatly) are today supporting 200+ games for the North American version.

The European version is having fewer games supported, and the Japanese

version have twelve (12) games supported as it is now (The lists is listed


So what will you do if your game is not on the list (for example Burnout 3)?

The answer is easy, update the software and hope that it´s included in the

next release. Microsoft will continue to add games. And it´s easy to update.

Pop in your disc in your X-Box 360, connect to Xbox Live (Gold or Silver

does´nt matter) and it will download it if it´s there. If you hav´nt Xbox

Live, you can download a file to your computer, burn it to a disk and

install it from the disk. Xbox.com will also give you the possibility to

send you a CD for a nominal shipping and handling fee (some time after the

launch date). There is a possibility that updates can be included in games

that you buy, but it´s to early to tell now.


3. Games using Xbox Live. It will be possible to play X-Box games supporting

Xbox Live with your X-Box 360 Live account. And you can play cross-platform.

So you can play Halo 2 on your X-Box 360 against your friend that only owns

a X-Box.

But there is a negative thing...

You can´t transfer downloaded content from your X-Box to your X-Box 360.

This means that you must download it again. All free downloadable content

for original Xbox games plus premium content for Halo 2 will be available

on Xbox Live Marketplace for free. But if you payed for some premium content

you must pay for it again if you want it on your X-Box 360.


4. Saves. As with X-Box contents, you can´t transfer saves from your original

X-Box. So you must complete the games again.


5. Xbox Live. All current Xbox Live accounts transfer seamlessly to X-Box 360

as Xbox Live Gold accounts. You'll keep your gamertag and the friends,

stats, and reputation that you've built up over the years.




- 5.4.1 Backward Compatibility USA list -



Remember, this is the Launch list, more games will be added later and probably

have when you are reading this.

Games added will have a * in front of the name.

But since Microsoft removed the update, you can´t play games with a * in front

of the name at the moment. The reason is that they messed somethign up so you

could only play Halo 2 in a 4x3 screen.


AirForce Delta Storm


Aliens versus Predator Extinction

All-Star Baseball 2003

Amped: Freestyle Snowboarding

Army Men: Sarge's War

Atar Anthology

ATV: Quad Power Racing 2

Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance II


Barbie Horse Adventures Wild Horse Rescue

Batman Begins

Battle Engine Aquila

Battlestar Galactica


Brute Force

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds

Cabela’s Dangerous Hunts

Cabela’s Outdoor Adventures 06

Cabela's Deer Hunt 2005 Season

Cabela's Deer Hunt 2004 Season

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

Call of Duty: Finest Hour


Chicago Enforcer

Circus Maximus

Close Combat: First to Fight

Colin McRae Rally 4

Combat Elite: WWII Paratroopers

Commandos 2: Men of Courage

Conflict: Desert Storm


Crash Twinsanity

Crash Nitro Kart

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Dark Angel


Dead or Alive 3


Digimon Rumble Arena



Egg Mania: Eggstreme Madness

ESPN MLS ExtraTime 2002

Euro 2004

F1 2001


Fable: The Lost Chapters

Fairly Odd Parents: Breakin' da Rules

FIFA Soccer 2003

FIFA Soccer 2004


Fight Night 2004

Fight Night Round 2

Ford Mustang

Ford vs. Chevy

Forza Motorsport

Frogger Beyond


Fuzion Frenzy

Genma Onimusha

Goblin Commander: Unleash the Horde

Grand Theft Auto 3

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Gravity Games Bike: Street. Vert. Dirt.

Grooverider: Slot Car Thunder

Half-Life 2


Halo 2

Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

He-Man: Defender of Grayskull

Hitman: Contracts

House of the Dead 3

IHRA Drag Racing Sportsman Edition

IHRA Professional Drag Racing 2005

Jade Empire

James Bond 007: NightFire

Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death

Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis

Kabuki Warriors

Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer


Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

LOONS—The Fight for Fame


Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2

Max Payne

Max Payne 2

Medal of Honor European Assault

Medal of Honor Frontline

Medal of Honor Rising Sun

Mega Man Anniversary Collection

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System


Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing

Monster Garage

Mortal Kombat: Deception

MTV Music Generator 3

Murakumo: Renegade Mech Pursuit

MX World Tour: Featuring Jamie Little

Namco Museum


Need For Speed Underground 2

NFL Blitz 2002

NFL Blitz 2003

NFL Blitz 2004

NHL 2004

NHL Hitz 2003

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden Black

Outlaw Golf 2

Outlaw Volleyball


Phantom Crash

Pinball Hall of Fame

Pitfall: The Lost Expedition

Predator Concrete Jungle

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Pro Evolution Soccer 5

Pro Race Driver

Pump It Up: Exceed

Pure Pinball

Puyo Pop Fever

Quantum Redshift

Rayman Arena

Raze's Hell

Red Dead Revolver

Red Faction II

RedCard 2003

Robotech: Battlecry

Rocky Legends

Rogue Ops

Samurai Jack

Samurai Warriors

Scooby Doo! Night of 100 Frights


SEGA GT 2002

Shadow The Hedgehog

Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures

ShellShock: Nam '67


Sniper Elite

Soccer Slam

Sonic Heroes

Sonic Mega Collection Plus

Speed Kings

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

Splat Magazine Renegade Paintball

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom

SpyHunter 2

Spyro A Hero's Tail



Star Trek: Shattered Universe

Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Star Wars: Starfighter Special Edition

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords

Street Racing Syndicate

Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel without a Pulse

Super Bubble Pop

Super Monkey Ball Deluxe

SX Superstar

Tecmo Classic Arcade

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Test Drive: Eve of Destruction

Tetris Worlds (only offline)

The Great Escape

The Hulk

The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer

The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The Simpsons Hit and Run

The Simpsons Road Rage

The Terminator Dawn of Fate

The Thing

Thief: Deadly Shadows

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

*Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2

*Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon 2 Summit Strike

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3

*Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Black Arrow

*Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell

*Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory

*Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4

Tony Hawk's Underground 2

Tork: Prehistoric Punk

Toxic Grind

Ty The Tasmanian Tiger

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2: Bush Rescue

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 3: Night of the Quinkan

Urban Freestyle Soccer


Volvo: Drive for Life

World Series Baseball 2K3

Worms 4 Mayhem

Worms Forts: Under Siege

WWE Raw 2





* The December 2005 update includes the Monk Zheng content from the limited

edition of Jade Empire.




- 5.4.2 Backward Compatibility Europe list -



Remember, this is the pre-Launch list, more games will be added later and

probably have when you are reading this.



Aliens vs. Predator: Extinction

All-Star Baseball 2003


ATV Quad Power Racing 2

Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance 2

Barbie Horse Adventure

Batman Begins

Battle Engine Aquila

Battlestar Galactica


Brute Force

Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Chaos Bleeds

Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth

Call of Duty: Finest Hour

Colin McRae 4

Combat Elite

Commandos 2

Conflict: Desert Storm


Crash Bandicoot: Twinsanity

Crash Nitro Kart

Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Curse - The Eye of Isis

Dark Angel


Deadly Skies



Dead or Alive 3

Egg Mania

Euro 2004


Fable: The Lost Chapters

FIFA 2003

FIFA 2004

FIFA Street 2005

Fight Night 2004

Fight Night Round 2

Forza Motorsport

Freedom Fighters


Fuzion Frenzy

Genma Onimusha

Goblin Commander

Grand Theft Auto III

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Gravity Games Bike: Street. Vert. Dirt.

Half-Life 2


Halo 2

Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire

Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone

Hitman: Contracts

House of the Dead 3

Jade Empire

James Bond 007: Nightfire

Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

Judge Dredd: Dredd vs. Death

Jurassic Park Genesis

Kelly Slater's Pro Surfer

Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events

Loons Fight for Fame

Lord of the Rings: Return of the King


Mat Hoffman's Pro BMX 2

Max Payne

Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne

Medal of Honor 3 Rising Sun

Medal of Honor Frontline

Medal of Honor: European Assault

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System


Mike Tyson Heavyweight Boxing

Mortal Kombat: Deception

MTV Music Generator 3

NBA Live 2003

NBA Live 2004

Need For Speed: Underground 2

NHL 2004

NHL Hitz 20-03

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden Black

Outlaw Golf 2

Outlaw Volleyball


Phantom Crash

Pitfall: The Lost Expedition

Predator: Concrete Jungle

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time

Pro Evolution Soccer 5

Pro Race Driver

Puyo Puyo Fever

Quantum Redshift

Red Dead Revolver

Red Faction II

Robotech: Battle Cry

Rocky: Legends

Rogue Ops

Samurai Warriors

Scooby Doo: Night of 100 Frights


SeaWorld: Shamu's Deep Sea Adventures

Sega GT 2002

Shadow the Hedgehog

Shellshock: Nam '67

Sid Meier's Pirates!

Simpson's Road Rage

Simpsons: Hit and Run

Soccer Slam

Sonic Heroes

Sonic Mega Collection

Speed Kings

Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy

SpongeBob SquarePants: Battle for Bikini Bottom

Spy Hunter 2

Spyro: A Hero's Tail



Star Trek: Shattered Universe

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars: Clone Wars

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2

Street Racing Syndicate

Stubbs the Zombie: Rebel Without a Pulse

Super Bubble Pop

Super Monkey Ball DX

SX Superstar

Tecmo Classic Arcade

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Terminator: Dawn of Fate

Tetris Worlds (only offline)

The Great Escape

The Incredible Hulk

The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction

The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer

The Thing

Thief: Deadly Shadows

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4

Tony Hawk's Underground 2

Toxic Grind

Ty The Tasmanian Tiger

Ty the Tasmanian Tiger 2

Urban Freestyle Soccer


Worms 4: Mayhem

Worms Forts Under Siege

WWE Raw 2





- 5.4.3 Backward Compatibility Japan list -



Remember, this is the pre-Launch list, more games will be added later and

probably have when you are reading this.


Crimson Skies


Forza Motorsport

Grand Theft Auto Double Pack


Halo 2

Halo 2 Map pack

Jade Empire

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden Black

Rainbox Six 3

The Simpsons Hit and Run



...yes it is 11 games and one package with maps for Halo 2...

Thank God they updated the list in time for the release, the official list for

the launch day is this.


Atari Anthology

Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Chaos Bleeds


Crimson Skies

Dead Or Alive 3


Forza Motorsport

Genma Onimusha

Grand Theft Auto Double Pack


Halo 2

Halo 2 Map pack

Hitman: Contracts

The House of the Dead 3

Jade Empire

Metal Arms: Glitch in the System

Ninja Gaiden

Ninja Gaiden Black

Outlaw Volleyball

Puyo Puyo Fever

Quantum Redshift

Rocky: Legends

Shadow The Hedgehog

Sonic Heroes

Sonic Mega Collection Plus

Super Monkey Ball Deluxe

The Simpsons Hit & Run

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3

Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell



And believe it or not, the American version of Halo 2 is running nice on a

Japanese X-Box 360. Maybe time to look if your imported X-Box games are running

on your 360?




- 5.4.4 Backward Compatibility Australia list -



The AUstralian version of xbox.com seems to list the same list as the European

list. But since I can´t really trust it yet (it says that NO games have HD

support o_O ), I´m going to say that we hope it will be at least the same as

the European list.




- 5.4.5 Removed Backward Compatibility list -



Games that was on the list, but later removed.


Blinx 2


Codename: Kids Next Door

Curse: The Eye of Isis

FIFA World Cup 2002

Grabbed by the Ghoulies

Legends of Wrestling


Rugby 2005

Sid Meier’s Pirates

Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon 2



* Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon 2 was added again in the December patch.





Fable was listed on the Japanese BC list, but was removed before the release.




= 6. Your TV =



So you got yourself a X-Box 360. And you have a TV. But how will you hook it up

to get the best picture? How can you hook it up? What is HD and what is 720pi

and whatever everybody is talking about? I will try and answer everything.



- 6.1. 720pi? 1080i? -



480i, 480p, 720p, 1080i and 1080p are different TV standards. 480i and 480p is

not High Definition. 720p is not really High Definition, but almost.

And 1080i and 1080p are High Definition. It´s like saying that the higher

number, the higher resolution is it using, and the better picture we´ll get.


480i: This is your basic non-HD TV-screen. It blurr the picture a little, which

is why you got a better picture with your games on a TV instead of on

your monitor some years ago, before the graphic cards got better.


480p: This is a progressive scan type, which means it gives a clearer

picture/text. If you don´t have an HDTV, this is probably what you want

your games to run in.


720p: This is not considered to be "true" High Definition because it can not

produce a extremely high resolution. When I wrote this, I did´nt knew

that I would get so many mails about this. Some saying I´m wrong, some

saying it´s correct, some saying it´s almost true. So what is correct?

720p is great. and so is 1080i. And 1080p is even better.

But for games with the TV´s today, 720p is better then 1080i in most

cases. So if you get a TV today, get one that at least supports 720p.

If you get a TV in the future, get at least the second generation of


This IS a standard today. Most DLP´s, LCD´s and

Plasma-TV´s can handle this.

This is better on bigger TV´s then 1080i, since 720p are showing moving

images better.


1080i: This is true High Definition. Too bad nothing can run it perfectly.

It´s using a big 1920 x 1080 resolution o_O

Most HDTV´s are supporting this standard.

About nothing can run it perfect, the way it draws the picture makes

it leaving small trails (or as people calls it, a ghost effect) if the

picture is moving fast, on bigger TV´s. If you have a smaller TV, say

28"-34", you will not see it.


1080p: This is the best you can get. This format is only used through HDMI-DVI

cables and produce the best picture possible. The only issue with this

is that nothing as of yet really use it. Harddrive stores videos can

send a 1080p signal to a screen, but no broadcast is sent through this

yet. Both Blu-ray and HD-DVD will be able to run in 1080p.

The X-Box 360 is NOT supporting 1080p.



So what does this have to do with the X-Box 360?

You see, the X-Box 360 supports the 480i, 480p, 720p and 1080i standards.

Most games will prefer to run in 720p (Perfecr Dark Zero is the first one that

prefer 1080i). But what if your old TV does´nt support it?

This is the big thing with the X-Box 360. It will scale up or down the picture

to give you the best you can get on your set.

Yes the picture will look worse on 480p then on 720p, but it´s better then

having no pictures at all.

Now you think that upscaled pictures mostly are ugly. You are correct.

And Microsoft know this, so thereby they have spent alot of money to make the

upscaling beautiful. And they did it.


I´ve got some letters saying that 720 is always better then 1080. This is up

to everyone to see what they like best. But I still believe that if you have a

smaller TV like said before, 1080 seems to look better.

But try both and discover what yourself like most.

I will probably get more letters now, but wait some years until 1080p is

standard. 1080p will look even better then both 720p and 1080i ^^

...why does´nt it exist 720i?


...and I still get emails about this. Ask your TV salesman, they can help you,

and they know more about this them me.


And to make an end to this, this is correct info from Dee about everything.


The difference between i and p is interlaced versus

progressive. The reason i looks blurred is because it takes the

resolution of the screen, chops the vertical in half, and sends half of

the image at a time. It was made like that because (1) at the time,

nothing was powerful enough to support 1080p and (b) thinking on

broadcast signals, the US standard tv resolution is interlaced anyway.

They did this to the HD signals to preserve bandwidth. HD television

video files are HUGE and interlacing cuts this size in half. The allure

is big for companies...less work and a bigger number.

You said you weren't sure which is "better." Well, it depends on how

you look at it. If you go simply by the numbers, then 720p is higher

resolution than 1080i, and 1080p is higher resolution than 720p. This

is because 720p = progressive, so 720 vertical lines of the image

information, 1080i is interlaced so 540 lines of vertical image

information, 1080p is progressive so 1080 lines of vertical information.

They play games with you like that because the companies want to make

bigger numbers so the average consumer will go "Oooo, bigger! Shiney!"

and buy it. 1080i looks better at times simply because the pixels are

smaller. The smaller the pixels used to create the image are, the

better the image looks, but keep in mind that while the pixels are

smaller, you're not getting as many of them as you would on 720p. I

personally prefer 720p or 1080p, but right now 720p is the most mature

out of the two, so I go with that.

Televisions might support 480p, but television signals are not sent in

that strength unless you have satelite (then you can get HD as well) or

digital cable (also now has HD).


Thanks Dee.




- 6.2. What Video cables will I use? -



So you got yourself a X-Box 360 and a HDTV. But what cables will you use to

hook up the unit with your TV? I will list all possible solutions you can do.


RF - Radio Frequency

The RF is the round hole with a smaller round hole inside. This is what you

hooked up your Nes with, if you are so old so you know what a Nes is.

This is the worst you can use. It´s so bad so it does´nt even exist any

Xbox 360-specific RF adapter, so you need to buy a adapter that converts

composite or S-Video into a RF signal. But you will loose picture details

if you do it. If your TV only supports RF, do yourself a favor and buy

something that at least supports S-Video or composite, the change will be

like comparing Super Mario Bros 1 with Super Mario Bros 3.

Or use the VGA cable on your monitor instead.



This is a cable with three wires in one, ending with a white, red and yellow

hat. The yellow one carries the video signal, and red and white carries the

sound. This is a nice cable, and should be standard these days.



This one is round and has some smaller sticks inside.

It carries the video signal in more parts, which means that we get more

details and a improved brightness. If your TV has both Composite and S-Video,

choose S-Video.



A scart is a rectangle with 21 small dots inside. If you live in USA, there

is a 83% chance that you have never heard about Scart earlier, since it´s

only popular in Europe. And you know how hard it is to try a European

standard to be standard in USA, it´s impossible.

The thing with Scart is that it can send a RGB, Composite or S-Video signal.

This means that it is as good as a Composite or S-Video, depending on what

signal it carries. If it carries a RGB signal, it looks better then both

S-Video and Composite. Since the European version is not released yet, it is

unknown what signal it will carry. In most times, it will choose what´s best

for the system automatically.



Component cables looks like a composite cable that have taken steroids.

Instead of using one cable for the video, it uses three cables for video,

which gives us a better pictures. It supports 480p, 720p, and 1080i, while

Composite and S-Video only supports 480. Higher modes means a nicer picture.



Looks exactly as your monitor connector.

It lets you connect your X-Box 360 to a monitor. A monitor can easily display

720p and 1080i with no problem at all, even if it is some years old.

The negative part is that it is so small, a ordinary TV is in most cases

bigger then your monitor.




= 7. Installing your X-Box 360 =



I will make a shortie on how to install your system.



- 7.1. Place it out -



First you must make sure that you place your X-Box 360 on a safe place.

Place it somewhere where it is: Flat and level.

Stable and not likely to tip over.

Not likely that the unit can slip or slide off.

Clean and free of dust and debris.

And make sure that all four feet of the unit is in contact with the surface.

Don´t place cables and cords so children and pets can trip over them.


Don´t place the unit so any ventilation openings are blocked on the unit or the

Power suply.

Don´t place it in a sofa or othersoft surface.

Don´t place them in a confined space, such as a bookcase, rack, or stereo

cabinet, unless the space is well ventilated.

Don´t place them near any heat sources, such as radiators, heat registers,

stoves, or amplifiers.

Don´t place them in smoky or dusty locations, this can damage it.




- 7.2. Connecting the unit -



Have your unit turned off. Connect your AV cable into your unit and connect it

to your TV. If you are using a HD, set the switch at the AV port connector to

480p, 720p, or 1080i, depending on what your TV supports.

When you turn on your unit later, you can change your display settings from the

System area. Select the appropriate screen size and resolution for your TV.


Connect the power cord into your unit. Be sure to only use the official one

that follows the unit.


Insert the controller connector into a controller port. If you have a wireless

controller, put in the batteries and hold Start or the Guide button until it

starts. When you start your X-Box 360, press and release the connect button on

the unit. Then press and release the connect button on the controller. The

controller is now locked into that unit, even if you turn it off.

You can do it again on another XBox 360. but then you will loose the lock on

the first one.




- 7.3. Starting it up the first time -



Once you have hooked it up to a TV, all accessories are ready and you have

eaten your food, it´s time to start your X-Box 360.

Turn on the power, and it starts up.

And you must choose a default language!

Choose what you want, and press A. And now the unit is ready o be used.

Now you are ready to make your own Gamer profile. It is with this that you can

do everything with your X-Box 360. Keep your settings on the machine, play

with your friends online, and so on.

You can create a profile in three ways. The fastest is to choose Create an

Offline Profile. If you already have an Xbox Live membership, choose I Am a

Member of Xbox Live. Or if you are not yet a member of Xbox Live but know

you are going to join, choose I Want to Join Xbox Live.

Remember that your unit must be connected to the Internet with cable or DSL

before you are using Xbox Live.


After creating a profile, you can go to the System area of the Dashboard

(the dashboard is where you are) to change the settings, like change language,

time, audio, display, and automatic shutdown.




- 7.3.1 Offline Profile -



Choose Create an offline profile.

Now you are at Gamer Profile Name, so enter a name for your gamer profile.

While it's most convenient if this matches your gamertag—which you may or may

not have yet—you can easily modify your gamer profile name later (The Gamertag

is your oneandonly name when you are using Xbox Live).

Now select a gamer picture. Take the one you like most, you can get more later.


And you are done. Now you can play games or just look around on the dashboard.

Or change some options. More info about the dashboard later.




- 7.3.2 I Am a Member of Xbox Live -



So you already had a Xbox Live account on your X-Box?


Collect some basic information.

You must write your gamertag, your birthdate, and the e-mail address and

password associated with your Microsoft .NET Passport account.

And make sure your Xbox 360 console is connected to Xbox Live.


From the initial setup Gamer Profile screen, select I am a member of Xbox Live.

Select Gamertag and follow the on-screen instructions to activate your current




When you activate your existing Xbox Live account for use with X-Box 360, you

are not creating an additional membership. You are simply adding to the one

you already have. You´ll keep your gamertag, your friends list, and other

key information. And you´ll have full Xbox Live Gold privileges for the

remainder of your membership period. As long as you maintain the same gamertag,

you can play on both the original Xbox and the Xbox 360 systems using the same

Xbox Live membership.


You´ll be asked to select preferences for language, country/region, time-zone,

and Xbox Live promotions. You will also select your gamer picture and Xbox Live

Gamer Zone. You can easily modify these settings at any time.


And you are done. Now you can play games or just look around on the dashboard.

Or change some options. More info about the dashboard later.


By the way, it won´t accept you if your age is below 18, even if you have had

Xbox Live for some years...




- 7.3.3 I Want to Join Xbox Live -



So you want to join Xbox Live.

Make sure your Xbox 360 console is connected to Xbox Live.


From the initial setup Gamer Profile screen, select I want to join Xbox Live

and follow the on-screen instructions.


Here you will enter your gamertag (and choose a new one if your desired

gamertag is not available) and supply information like the e-mail address and

password associated with your Microsoft Passport Network account, your

country/region, your language, your name, and your phone number.


If you do not have a Microsoft Passport Network account you will have the

opportunity to create one, which requires supplying a valid e-mail address

and choosing a unique password.

When prompted, select your desired membership type from the list of options.

This means that you will choose a Gold or Silver membership.

Xbox Live Gold memberships are paid memberships that require you to supply

valid credit-card information.

Follow the remaining steps: enter a contact address, choose a gamer picture

and Xbox Live Gamer Zone, set your communication preferences for Xbox 360

promotions, and select a time zone and daylight-saving option.


And you are done. Now you can play games or just look around on the dashboard.

Or change some options. More info about the dashboard later.




- 7.4. The dashboard -



The Dashboard is the control center for your X-Box 360.

The Dashboard have four clearly defined areas that you can flip between using

either the D-pad or the left stick on your Xbox 360 controller.



- 7.4.1 Xbox Live -



From here you can:


View and edit your gamer profile.

Send messages and invites and chat with your friends.

Check messages and invites from other players.

Scan and add friends to your friends list.

Visit Xbox Live Marketplace.

Join or sign in to Xbox Live.



- 7.4.2 Games -



From here you can:


View and edit your gamer profile.

See the games you´ve played so far.

Check out and download simple, fun games in the Xbox Live Arcade.

Try demos from Xbox Live Marketplace.

Watch trailers from Xbox Live Marketplace.



- 7.4.3 Media -



From here you can:


View and edit your gamer profile.

Listen to music and create playlists from a portable player.

View pictures and slideshows, and set background images.

Use a single mixed-media CD to watch a custom digital-photo slideshow with a

custom soundtrack.

Watch videos stored on your Hard Drive.

Listen to music and view photos, live and recorded TV and movies.




- 7.4.4 System -



From here you can:


Edit your console settings, including settings for display, audio, language,

remote control, clock, and locale.

Adjust your Xbox 360 Family Settings.

Manage your memory, including moving or deleting saved games, profiles, and

other items on Xbox 360 storage devices.

Set up and test network connections.

Manage a connection to a PC with XP or Media Center.

Run the system setup you saw the first time you started your X-Box 360.




= 8. Xbox Live =



I´ve already told you how to join it, now it´s time to tell you what you can do

with it.




- 8.1. The Golden Silver -



To make it easy, it exist two levels of Xbox Live. One free, called Silver, and

one that costs, called Gold. The biggest differences are that Gold gets access

to new stuff earlier in the marketplace, that they can play games online and

chat with more than one person at a time. I will list what the differences are



Xbox Live Gold Membership:


Play your multiplayer games online with the online gaming service.

Use the new TrueSkill Matchmaking system to play against opponents with

similar skills.

Give player feedback to rate your teammates and opponents on their

sportsmanship, abilities, and conduct to influence matchmaking.

Play select original X-Box games online.

Get access to exclusive Gold Member content.

Engage in video chat (scheduled for 2006).

Enjoy all the Xbox Live Silver features.



Xbox Live Silver Membership:


Go online free of charge.

Register a unique gamertag and set up your individual gamer card to keep

track of your gaming accomplishments.

Engage in one-on-one chat with your friends vith the Headset.

Access Xbox Live Marketplace, download and view demos, trailers, and purchase

classic and casual games over Xbox Live Arcade using Microsoft Points.

Preview Xbox Live Gold during free weekend trials.

Download auto updates and free downloads for your Xbox 360 games.

Access Xbox Live Message Center where you can send and receive voice and text

messages from other members.

Compare gaming stats and achievements against other Xbox Live members.

Use your friends list to see who's online.




- 8.2 Xbox Live Arcade -



Here you can download arcade games to run on your X-Box 360. Some of them cost,

some of them are free, and it exist free demos of most of the ones that costs.




- 8.3 Xbox Live Marketplace -



The marketplace. Here you can download trailers, demos, themes for your

dashboard and player profile, Xbox Live Arcade, Game content and much more.

You don+t know what game content is? it is upgrades and extras to your existing

games. For example new maps in Halo, new cars in Need For Speed, new stars in

sportgames and so on.


And best of all, a Download history. So if you accidentally deleted something,

you can mostly download it again for free.


Free? Yes it exist both free stuff and stuff that costs to download.


You are using Microsoft Points. You can get these by buying them in cards in

a store, using credit card online or winning them online somehow.

It seems that they cost 20$ for 1600 points, or 1.25 cents per point.


One good question is how long stuff will stay on the marketplace. Will we still

be able to download the trailer to Halo 3 when Halo 6 is released?




- 8.4. Launch Marketplace -



I will here list the Launch marketplace, so you know what existed when it was



Amped 3

- Game Trailer (free)

- 10 Gamer Pictures (20 points each)

- 1 Theme (150 points)


Call of Duty 2

- Game Trailer (free)

- 7 Gamer Pictures (20 points each)

- 2 Gamer Picture Bundles (40 – 80 points each)

- 1 Theme (150 points)


Condemned: Criminal Origins

- Game Trailer (free)

- 10 Gamer Pictures (20 points each)

- 1 Theme (150 points)


FIFA Soccer 06 Road to 2006 FIFA World Cup

- Game Trailer (free)

- EA Sports Trailer (free)

- Game Demo (free)

- FIFA Team Logo Gamer Pictures (60 points each)

- FIFA Team Logo Themes (150 points each)



- Game Trailer (free)

- 5 Gamer Pictures (20 points each)

- 1 Gamer Picture Bundle (80 points)

- 1 Theme (150 points)


Kameo: Elements of Power

- Winter Warrior Pack (200 points)

- Game Trailer (free)

- Game Demo (free)

- 4 Gamer Pictures (20 points each)

- 2 Gamer Picture 5-pack Bundles (80 points each)

- 7 Themes (150 points each)


Madden NFL 06

- Game Trailer (free)

- EA Sports Trailer (free)

- NFL Logo Gamer Pictures (60 points each)

- Collection of All NFL Logo Gamer Pictures (500 points)

- NFL Logo Themes (150 points each)



- Game Trailer (free)



- EA Sports Trailer (free)

- Game Demo (free)


Need for Speed Most Wanted

- Game Trailer (free)

- Game Demo (free)



- Game Trailer (free)


Perfect Dark Zero

- Game Trailer (free)


Peter Jackson’s King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie

- Game Demo (free)

- Game Trailer (free)


Project Gotham Racing 3

- Game Trailer (free)


Quake 4

- Game Trailer (free)

- 7 Gamer Pictures (20 points each)

- 1 Theme (150 points)


Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 06

- EA Sports Trailer (free)


Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland

- Game Trailer (free)

- 10 Gamer Pictures (20 points)

- 1 Gamer Picture Bundle (80 points)

- 1 Theme (150 points)


Other (price unknown):

- High Definition Music Video “Show Me How to Live” from Audioslave’s Live

in Cuba DVD.

- Music Video “Do You Want To” from Franz Ferdinand’s new album, You Could

Have It So Much Better.

- “Aeon Flux” HD movie trailer from Paramount.

- “Pulse” HD movie trailer from Magnolia Pictures.

- Penny Arcade Gamer Pictures and Themes.

- Red vs. Blue Videos.

- High Definition Movie Trailers and Music Videos.

- Game Trailers for upcoming games.



And these can be found at Xbox Live Arcade:


- Bankshot Billiards 2 (1200 points)

- Bejeweled 2 (800 points)

- Gauntlet (400 points)

- Geometry Wars Retro Evolved (400 points)

- Hardwood Backgammon (400 points)

- Hardwood Hearts (400 points)

- Hardwood Spades (400 points)

- Hexic HD (full version included free with X-Box 360 System)

- Joust (400 points)

- Mutant Storm Reloaded (800 points)

- Outpost Kaloki (800 points)

- Smash TV (400 points)

- Zuma (800 points)



These games was supposed to be on the Xbox Live Arcade, but is released in late

December instead:

- Robotron 2084 (400 points)

- Wik: Fable of Souls (800 points)




= 9. Media =



Want to get your MP3´s to your unit? Or watching yor pictures? Change your


Then read on.

And yes, you can stream music and pictures from your PSP.



- 9.1. Music -



So you want to listen to ABBA when you play Perfect Dark Zero? No problems.

First you need to get the music to your unit. There is 3 ways that I can think

of doing that.

1. Rip it from your CD. This is so much faster then what it was on the original


2. From USB. Connect your portable music player or memory stick and you can

stream the music from it. It supports the MP3, Wav and WMA format.

It also supports playlists in wpl and m3u format.

You shall be able to download a patch that allows you to listen to ACC

music, as long as it was NOT downloaded frm iTunes. But MP3 in your IPod

works great.

3. From PC. Stream it from your XP SP2 PC or XP Media Center Edition 2005.

Connect your X-Box 360 to your home network and you can stream your music.



- 9.1.1 Official Supported Music Players -



These are the official Supported Music Players. More can work, and more will

be added later.




iPod (Not music from iTunes).



XS10D, Gmini-XS 200.



PowerShot SD 200 Elph, PowerShot SDA520.



EX-S100, EX-Z55.


Creative Labs;

PMC, Zen Micro, Jukebox 2, Jukebox 3, Jukebox Zen, Jukebox Zen NX,

Jukebox Zen Xtra, Zen Touch, MuVo NX, MuVo Slim, MuVo TX, MuVo TX - FM,

MuVo² (1.5GB), Zen Nano, Zen Nano Plus, Nano 128, Nomad MuVo² (4.0GB).



Pocket DJ, DJ2, Digital Jukebox.






H10 (5.0GB), PMC, IFP-790, IFP-890T (256MB).



Easyshare DX4330, Easyshare CX7430.



Coolpix 5600, Coolpix 4800, Coolpix E7900.



C-60 Zoom, U Mini-Digital S (TruePic Turbo), M:Robe, X-500.









Chiba, Carbon.



PMC, Digimax V50, Digimax 4010.



Sony Cyber-shot DSC-M1, Cyber-shot DSC-P73, Cyber-shot DSC-T7, DCR-DVD403.




- 9.1.2 How The Heck Do I Stream Music From USB? -



Step by Step guide to stream from USB.


1. Connect a USB cable between the device and a USB port on your unit.

2. Configure the device to play through the USB port (Read the device manual if

you don´t know how).

3. On your unit. select Media, Music, Portable Device.

4. Select the music or playlist you want to listen to.




- 9.1.3 How The Heck Do I Stream Music From my PC? -



You need a PC with XP SP2 or A Windows Media Center-based PC. First you need to

connect your PC with your X-Box 360 in the same network.

You can do this with a Ethernet connection from the Ethernet port on the back

of your X-Box 360, or with a wireless network.

Then you must go to www.xbox.com/pcsetup and download/setup the Windows Media

Connect software to your PC.

When you are done, Select Media on your Dashboard, and then select music from

your PC. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish Windows Media Connect





- 9.2. Pictures -



So you want to watch your digital pictures on your TV?

Think how fun it is to show everybody those pictures of your brother when he

cried after you beating him in Perfect Dark Zero?


There are two ways to show pictures with your X-Box 360.

1. From USB. Connect your Digital camera or memory stick and you can stream

the pictures from it. It supports the bmp, gif,jpeg, jpg, png, tif and tiff


2. From PC. Stream it from your XP SP2 PC or XP Media Center Edition 2005.

Connect your X-Box 360 to your home network and you can stream your





- 9.2.1 Official Supported Cameras -



These are the official Supported Cameras. More can work, and more will be

added later.




QV-4000, EX-S100, EX-Z55.



PowerShot SD 200 Elph, PowerShot SDA520, PowerShot A95, PowerShot S1 IS,

IXY 50 (Japan).



FinePix 2600Zoom, FinePix 2800Zoom, FinePix 1300, FinePix 2400Zoom,

FinePix 4700 Zoom, FinePix 6800Zoom, Finepix 6900 Zoom, FinePix A101,

FinePix 4800Z, FinePix 4900 Zoom, Finepix S602 Zoom, FinePix 30i, E550.



Photosmart 315, Photosmart 735, Photosmart 935.



Easyshare DX4330, Easyshare CX7430, Easyshare DX 4900, DX3600, DX3215.



Coolpix 2500, Coolpix 5600, Coolpix 4800, Coolpix E7900.



D-40 Zoom, D-510 Zoom, D-520 Zoom, C-4040 Zoom, C-60 Zoom, U Mini- Digital

S (TruePic Turbo), M:Robe, X-500, C-700 Ultra Zoom, C720 Ultra Zoom, D-100,

D-370, D-380, D-550 Zoom.






Digimax V50, Digimax 4010.



DSC-P9, Cyber-shot DSC-M1, Cyber-shot DSC-V3, DSC-P31, Sony Cyber-shot

DSC-M1, Cyber-shot DSC-P73, Cyber-shot DSC-T7.




- Unofficial Supported Cameras -



Canon Powershot Pro1




- 9.2.2 How The Heck Do I Stream Pictures From USB? -



Step by Step guide to stream from USB.


1. Set up your digital camera for viewing pictures. See your camera

instructions for details about how to view pictures.

2. With your console turned on, use a USB cable to connect your camera to a

USB port on the console.

3. The console will detect your digital camera. Follow the on-screen

instructions to access your pictures.




- 9.2.3 How The Heck Do I Stream Pictures From my PC? -



You need a PC with XP SP2 or A Windows Media Center-based PC. First you need to

connect your PC with your X-Box 360 in the same network.

You can do this with a Ethernet connection from the Ethernet port on the back

of your X-Box 360, or with a wireless network.

Then you must go to www.xbox.com/pcsetup and download/setup the Windows Media

Connect software to your PC.

When you are done, Select Media on your Dashboard, and then select pictures

from your PC. Follow the on-screen instructions to finish Windows Media

Connect setup.




- 9.3 Use DVDs and CDs -



This section will probably not be read by many people, but stay, it has some

nice info after all. FOr example, use burned CD´s with MP3 ;)




- 9.3.1 DVD Movies and Audio CDs -



Open the disc tray.

Place the disc on the disc tray with the label facing up (to the right if the

unit is vertical).

Close the tray. The DVD movie or audio CD will begin playing.


Can somebody look if Audio DVD´s are supported?




- 9.3.2 Burned Music CDs -



Open the disc tray.

Place a CD-R or CD-RW containing MP3 and/or WMA media on the disc tray with

the label facing up (to the right if the console is vertical).

Close the tray.

Go to the Media area of the Xbox Dashboard. Select Music, Current Disc.


To play all tracks on the CD, select either Play All or Add to Current


If you have an existing playlist open, Add to Current Playlist will append all

tracks on your current CD to that playlist. Selecting Play All will clear a

current playlist and create a new one consisting of all the files on the

current CD.


If it is MP3, you can´t copy the music to your harddrive.


Can somebody look if a burned DVD-ROM, DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW with MP3 and/or

WMA media are supported?


UPDATE: DVD+R/RW discs with MP3 and WMA are supported! Thanks James.

DVD-ROM only seems to support MP3, not WMA (strange)! Thanks KK0425.




- 9.3.3 Burned Picture CDs -



It seems that it only supports discs with JPEG files...


Open the disc tray.

Place a CD-R or CD-RW containing JPEG files on the disc tray with the label

facing up (to the right if the console is vertical).

Close the tray.

Go to the Media area of the Xbox Dashboard. Select Pictures, Current Disc.

Pictures are shown alphabetically by file name. To watch a slideshow composed

of all JPEG files on the CD, select Play Slideshow.

To view a specific picture, use the controller´s left stick to highlight the

picture you want to see and then press A.


While viewing a slideshow or a single image, use the left stick to call a

toolbar with the following controls:

Pause (only at a slideshow)

Skip back one picture (not working on one picture)

Stop (only at a slideshow)

Skip forward one picture

Shuffle pictures (only at a slideshow)

Repeat slideshow (only at a slideshow)

Rotate image clockwise

Rotate image counter-clockwise


Can somebody look if a burned DVD-ROM, DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW with JPEG files

are supported?


UPDATE: DVD+R/RW discs with pictures are supported! Thanks James.




- 9.3.4 Burned Music And Picture CDs -



Open the disc tray.

Place a CD-R or CD-RW containing MP3/WMA/JPEG files on the disc tray with the

label facing up (to the right if the console is vertical).

Close the tray.

To listen to the music, go to the Media area of the Xbox Dashboard. Select

Music, Current Disc.

To see pictures, go to the Media area of the Xbox Dashboard. Select Pictures,

Current Disc.


Can somebody look if a burned DVD-ROM, DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW with music/JPEG

files are supported?


UPDATE: DVD+R/RW discs with MP3, WMA and pictures are supported! Thanks James.




- 9.3.5 Burned Movie DVDs -



Open the disc tray.

Place the disc on the disc tray with the label facing up (to the right if the

unit is vertical).

Close the tray. The DVD movie will begin playing.




- 9.4 PSP -



I´ve got so many mails about thisso I must do a section about it.




- 9.4.1 Music -



First you need a USB to USB mini cable.

Connect the PSP to the 360 and put the PSP into USB mode (go to the settings

menu, all to the left). The 360 shall now be able to see it.

Go to Media on the Dashboard, and choose music.

Select Portable Device, and you are on the PSP. Now you must go to the right

folder, which is Portable Device -> PSP -> Music.




- 9.4.2 Pictures -



First you need a USB to USB mini cable.

Connect the PSP to the 360 and put the PSP into USB mode (go to the settings

menu, all to the left). The 360 shall now be able to see it.

Go to Media on the Dashboard, and choose pictures.

Select Portable Device, and you are on the PSP. Now you must go to the right

folder, which is Portable Device -> PSP -> Photo.




- 9.5 Movies -



Sorry guys, this is in next update >_>

But I can tell that you need a Windows Media Center 2005-based PC to stream

movies to your 360, and it seems to only support:



Windows Media Video (WMV) 7, WMV 8, and WMV 9.

Maximum resolution of 1920x1080 (1080p).

Windows Media Audio Standard or Windows Media Audio Pro audio.

WMV content may be Windows Media DRM-protected.

MPEG-1 with MPEG-1 layer I or II audio.


Maximum resolution of 1920x1080 (1080i).

AC-3 or MPEG-1 layer I or II audio.

WMV Image 1 (Photo Story 1 & 2), and WMV Image 2 (Photo Story 3).




Windows Media Audio (WMA) 7 through WMA 9.

WMA Standard content may be Windows Media DRM-protected.

WMA Professional.

WMA Professional content may be Windows Media DRM-protected.

WMA Lossless.

Windows Media DRM protected WMA Lossless is not supported.


Other formats that have a DirectShow decoder installed on the host computer

that outputs pulse code modulation (PCM) audio.




- 9.6 Dashboard Themes -



Press the Guide button, Personal Settings, then Themes.

So easy is it to change Dashboard Themes o_O




- 9.7 Extern harddrive -



If you take a harddrive, format it in FAT32, use it in a USB 2 ATA adapter and

inserts it into your X-Box 360 USB drive, you can stream music and photos from

the harddrive.

You can NOT save files on it, since USB is read only.

You can NOT watch movies from it.


Think of it as a big MP3 player for your own music in your 360 game whenever

you want.




= 10. Gaming Achievements =



When you play your games, you can earn Gaming Achievements (I think all 360

games have those). I will later include all achievements here.

Activision did this back in 1982 on the Atari 2600. If you took a photograph

on the TV with a topscore and sent it in, you got a nice cloth badge.


Most games can give you around 1000 points, and most arcade games can give you

around 200 points. And no points for demo versions ;)


I will list them this way:


NAME OF GAME - Total Gamescore - Total Achievements

Achievement Name

Description (most time you can see it by the Achievement Name)

The GameScore

The Picture


I know that the order can seem strange on some games, I´ll fix it later when

I have most Achievements done.



Easiest game to get points in: NBA 2K6.

Lowest score: 5 G, in most Arcade games.

0 G, in Quake 2.

Highest Score: 400 G, in Madden NFL 06.

Most Gaming Achievements: 50. Perfect Dark Zero, Condemned and Quake 4.

And the only for Japan game, Tetris: The Grandmaster Ace.

Fewest Gaming Achievements: 5. NBA 2K6 and NHL 2K6.




- 10.1. Ordinary Games -



Amped 3 - 1000 - 15

Supreme Snow God

Earn a Gold Medal for ALL challenges and media callouts

140 G

A crown


Lesser Snow God

Earn any Medal for ALL challenges and media callouts

70 G

A small hat


Park Designer Merit Badge

Build 200+ terrain park objects

30 G

A hand and a hammer


King of the Mountain Lab

Impress the required number of bystanders in each area of DC to Own the


40 G

A DC badge


Laax Stock & Barrel

Impress the required number of bystanders in each area of Laax to Own the


40 G

A LX badge



Impress the required number of bystanders in each area of Valle Nevado to

Own the Mountain

60 G

A VN badge


Big Musical Finale!

Congratulations! You defeated the Baron!

100 G

A act 5 badge


Reunited…and it feels so good!

Finish Act IV of the story by rescuing the rest of the crew

100 G

A act 4 badge


Rescued Weiner Boy!

Finish Act III of the story by rescuing Weiner Boy and gaining access to the

secret C.A.I. area

90 G

A act 3 badge


Snowbird Dawg

Impress the required number of bystanders in each area of Snowbird to Own

the Mountain

60 G

A SB badge


Vamonos a South America!

Finish Act II of the story to unlock Valle Nevado

80 G

A act 2 badge


Sledding Merit Badge

Earn 1,000,000+ points in sledding scores

30 G

A sledding badge


Northstar Nirvana

Impress the required number of bystanders in each area of Northstar to Own

the Mountain

60 G

A NS badge


Snowbird bound!

Finish Act I of the story to unlock the Snowbird resort

70 G

A act 1 badge


Snowmobiler Merit Badge

Travel 10+ kilometers on a snowmobile

30 G

A snowmobile badge



Call of Duty 2 - 1000 - 13

Veteran of the Winter War

Finished The Winter War on Veteran difficulty

60 G

A picture of a snowy house


Won the War

Finished the Single Player Campaign

150 G

Picture of a soldier


Completed Training

Completed Basic Training

50 G

A picture of a soldier


War Hardened

Finished the Single Player Campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty setting

200 G

A picture of a soldier


Veteran of Stalingrad '42

Finished "Not One Step Backwards!" mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of a house in Stalingrad


Veteran of Fortress Stalingrad

Finished Fortress Stalingrad mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of a house in Stalingrad


Veteran of El Alamein

Finished The Battle of El Alamein mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of a rock in the desert


Veteran of Rommel's Last Stand

Finished Rommel's Last Stand mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of a Indian house


Veteran of The Tank Squadrons

Finished The Tank Squadrons mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of a tank


Veteran of The Battle for Caen

Finished The Battle for Caen mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of a house


Veteran of D-Day

Finished D-Day mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of houses


Veteran of Hill 400

Finished Hill 400 mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of a battlefield


Veteran of Crossing the Rhine

Finished Crossing the Rhine mission on Veteran difficulty

60 G

Picture of some houses



Condemned - 970 - 50

Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Fire-Arm Freedom Award

You found every available fire-arm

20 G

A revolver


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

50 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Chief Investigator Award

You found every piece of evidence

20 G

A badge


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Test Pattern TV Xbox 360

You found the Test Pattern TV

10 G

A test pattern


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Silver Detective Badge

You found the Silver Detective Badge TV

50 G

A silver badge


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Gold Detective Badge

You found the Gold Detective Badge TV

50 G

A golden badge


Bronze Detective Badge

You found the Bronze Detective Badge TV

50 G

A bronze badge


Gold Melee Master Award

You completed Condemned: Criminal Origins with only melee weapons

50 G

Two crossed melee weapons


Silver Melee Master Award

You completed three levels of Condemned: Criminal Origins with only melee


20 G

Two crossed melee weapons


Bronze Melee Master Award

You completed single level of Condemned: Criminal Origins with only melee


20 G

A plank with a nail


Melee Mayhem Award

You found every type of melee weapon and fire-arm

20 G

A pipe


First Propaganda Report

You unlocked the first propaganda report

20 G

A report?


Second Propaganda Report

You unlocked the second propaganda report and the Internal Affairs report

20 G

A report and a coin?


Third Propaganda Report

You unlocked the third propaganda report and the DUO report

20 G

A report and a coin?


Fourth Propaganda Report

You unlocked the fourth propaganda report

20 G

A report and a coin?


Static TV Xbox 360

You found the Static TV

10 G

A static TV screen


Ripple TV Xbox 360

You found the Ripple TV

10 G

A ripple TV screen


Bird Bath Xbox 360

You found the Bird Bath TV

10 G

A bird in a TV screen


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

50 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

50 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box



FIFA 06 RTFWC - 1000 - 6

Cup Qualification

Qualified for the FIFA World Cup in the Road to FIFA World Cup mode

300 G

A number 1 medal


Win World Masters

Won the World Masters tournament in the Road to FIFA World Cup mode

200 G

A number 2 medal


Win International Open

Won the International Open in the Road to FIFA World Cup mode

200 G

A number 3 medal


Win Custom League

Won a League tournament created in the Create Tournament Mode

150 G

A number 4 medal


Win Custom Knockout

Won a Knockout tournament created in the Create Tournament Mode

100 G

A number 5 medal


Win on Perfect

Won a match playing on Perfect difficulty level

50 G

A number 6 medal



GUN - 1000 - 31

Take Down Hoodoo Complete

Progress through the 'Take Down Hoodoo' level on any difficulty

20 G

A star


Defend the Hideout Complete

Progress through the 'Defend the Hideout' level on any difficulty

20 G

A revolver


Ambush the Train Complete

Progress through the 'Ambush the Train' level on any difficulty

20 G

A speeding bullet


Escape From Jail Complete

Progress through the 'Escape From Jail' level on any difficulty

15 G

A bandit


Law and Order Complete

Progress through the 'Law and Order' level on any difficulty

20 G

A sheriff star


Stage Coach Complete

Progress through the 'Stage Coach' level on any difficulty

20 G

A old western coach


Quick Killer Complete

Progress through the 'Quick Killer' level on any difficulty

15 G

A Indian tomahawk


The Red Hand Gang Complete

Progress through the 'The Red Hand Gang' level on any difficulty

20 G

A bandit


Honest Tom Complete

Progress through the 'Honest Tom' level on any difficulty

5 G

A horse


Steamboat Massacre Complete

Progress through the 'Steamboat Massacre' level on any difficulty

15 G

A cross


The Hunt Complete

Progress through 'The Hunt' level on any difficulty

5 G

A cow skull


Save Soapy Complete

Progress through the 'Save Soapy' level on any difficulty

20 G

A cross


Hollister's Fort Complete

Progress through the 'Hollister's Fort' level on any difficulty

20 G

A knife


Attack the Fort Complete

Progress through the 'Attack the Fort' level on any difficulty

20 G

A revolver


Battle at the Steamboat Complete

Progress through the 'Battle at the Steamboat' level on any difficulty

20 G

A sheriff star


Across The Badlands Complete

Progress through the 'Across The Badlands' level on any difficulty

25 G

A horse


Escape the Ambush Complete

Progress through the 'Escape the Ambush' level on any difficulty

50 G

A speeding bullet


Magruder's Mine Complete

Progress through the 'Magruder's Mine' level on any difficulty

70 G

A revolver


Easy Difficulty Complete

Complete the game on the Easy difficulty

10 G

The GUN logo


Normal Difficulty Complete

Complete the game on the Normal difficulty

30 G

The GUN logo


Hard Difficulty Complete

Complete the game on the Hard difficulty


The GUN logo


Insane Difficulty Complete

Complete the game on the Insane difficulty


The GUN logo


Professional Postman

Find and complete all of the Pony Express side missions

40 G

A postman bag


Bounty Hunter

Find and complete all of the Bounty Hunter side missions

40 G

A wanted poster


The Greatest Hunter

Find and complete all of the Hunting side missions

40 G

A cow skull


Card Shark

Win the Texas Holdem Tournament side mission

40 G



Keeper of the Peace

Find and complete the 'Keep the Peace' side mission

40 G

Two crossed guns


The Unrivaled Horseman

Find and complete all of the Horse Challenges

40 G

A horse


Every weapon collected

Collect every weapon in the game

40 G

A star


Every upgrade collected.

Collect every upgrade in the game

40 G

A star


Professional Prospector

Mine every gold ingot in the West

40 G

A star



Kameo - 1000 - 26

Freed Lenya

Kameo saved Lenya from the Water Temple

100 G

A picture of Lenya


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Freed Halis

Kameo rescued Halis from the Forest Temple

100 G

A picture of Halis


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Freed Yeros

Kameo brought Yeros home from the Snow Temple

100 G

A picture of Yeros


Thorn's Castle ranking

'A' ranking on Thorn's Castle

50 G

A picture of Thorn´s Castle


Forgotten Forest ranking

'A' ranking on Forgotten Forest

50 G

A picture of the Forgotten Forest


Water Temple ranking

'A' ranking on Water Temple

50 G

A picture of the Water Temple


Snow Temple ranking

'A' ranking on Snow Temple

50 G

A picture of the Snow Temple


Thorn's Pass ranking

'A' ranking on Thorn's Pass

50 G

A picture of Thorn´s Pass with a full moon?


Thorn's Airship ranking

'A' ranking on Thorn's Airship

50 G

A picture of a Turtle


Beaten Queen Thyra (Co-Op)

Defeated Queen Thyra in a Co-Op Quest

10 G

A picture of Queen Thyra


Beaten Old Mawood (Co-Op)

Defeated Old Mawood in a Co-Op Quest

10 G

A picture of Old Mawood


Beaten Corallis (Co-Op)

Defeated Corallis in a Co-Op Quest

10 G

A picture of Corallis


Beaten Lord Drok (Co-Op)

Defeated Lord Drok in a Co-Op Quest

10 G

A picture of Lord Drok


Beaten Thorn (Co-Op)

Defeated Thorn in a Co-Op Quest

10 G

A picture of Thorn


Game Complete

The game has been fully completed!!

50 G

A picture of a nice castle with a rainbow


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement.

100 G

A ? in a box



King Kong - 1000 - 9

King of the Jungle

Kong has imposed his supremacy over the inhabitants of the jungle

100 G

King Kong´s face



Jack used fire to scare off enemies and get out of harm's way

100 G

King Kong


Completed game

Completed the game

200 G

King Kong


V-Rex Annihilator

V-Rexes got a taste of Kong’s power!

100 G

King Kong´s face



Jack has protected his friends from getting harmed

100 G

King Kong


King of the V-Rexes

Kong has killed numerous V-Rexes

100 G

King Kong´s face


Foodchain Master

Jack used the foodchain system in order to escape certain death!

100 G

King Kong


King of Skull Island

Kong has killed the Giant Snakes

100 G

King Kong´s face


King of Demolition

Kong has destroyed the village of the Natives

100 G

King Kong



Madden NFL 06 - 1000 - 11

Enter History Book

Enter any of the history book screens in Franchise mode

10 G

A dark trophy


Four Sacks in One Game

Amass four sacks in one game

100 G

A dark trophy


Rush for 200 Yards

Successfully rush for 200 yards or more

100 G

A dark trophy


Activate RS Card

Activate any of the RS cards

10 G

A dark trophy


Complete an Offline Game

Successfully complete an offline game

30 G

A dark trophy


Get a First Down

Gain a first down in any offline game mode

20 G

A dark trophy


Score a Touchdown

Score a Touchdown in any Offline game mode

30 G

A dark trophy


Win a Franchise Game

Win a user-controlled Franchise game

100 G

A dark trophy


Win the Super Bowl

Win the Super Bowl with your Franchise team

100 G

A dark trophy


Complete 30 Years of Franchise

Successfully complete 30 years of Franchise mode

400 G

A dark trophy


Pass for 350 Yards

Successfully pass for over 350 yards or more

100 G

A dark trophy



NBA 2K6 - 1000 - 5

Grab 20 Rebounds With Any Player

This was achieved by getting 20 rebounds in a game with any player

250 G

A Square saying Player 20 Rebounds


Get A Triple-Double

This was achieved by getting a triple-double with any player

250 G

A Square saying Triple 3X2 Double


Make 15 3-Pointers In One Game

This was achieved by making 15 3-pointers in a single game

150 G

A Square saying 15x3s Per Game


Score 140 Points With Any Team

This was achieved by scoring 140 points in a game with any team

200 G

A Square saying Team 140 Points


Score 50 Points With Any Player

This was achieved by scoring 50 points in a game with any player

150 G

A Square saying Player 50 Points



NBA LIVE 06 - 1000 - 12

Rookie Difficulty Win

This user has beaten a CPU opponent in a game set on Rookie difficulty

10 G

A wall trophy


Starter Difficulty Win

This user has beaten a CPU opponent in a game set on Starter difficulty

30 G

A wall trophy


All-Star Difficulty Win

This user has beaten a CPU opponent in a game set on All-Star difficulty

50 G

A small tombstone trophy


Superstar Difficulty Win

This user has beaten a CPU opponent in a game set on Superstar difficulty

75 G

A small tombstone trophy with a star


Online Win

This user has won a game against an online opponent

40 G

A jumping guy trophy


NBA LIVE 06 Created Player

This user has created a player in NBA LIVE 06

20 G

A jumping guy trophy



In Season Mode, a player on the user team has made the NBA All-Star team

75 G

A dribble guy trophy


Clinched Playoffs

In Season Mode, this user's team has made the playoffs

100 G

A guarding guy trophy


Coach of the Year

In Season Mode, the coach of the user team has won the Coach of the Year


100 G

A shooting guy trophy


Best Regular Season Record

In Season Mode, this user's team had the best record at the end of the

regular season

150 G

A guarding guy trophy


Most Valuable Player

In Season Mode, a player from this user's team has won the Most Valuable

Player award

150 G

A dribble guy trophy


NBA Champions

In Season Mode, this user has won the NBA Championship

200 G

A bit trophy



NFS Most Wanted - 1000 - 15

Defeat Hector Domingo “Ming”

Defeated Hector Domingo and took the 6th spot on the Blacklist 15.

25 G

A picture of Hector Domingo "Ming"


Defeat Kira “Kaze” Nakazato

Defeated Kira and took the 7th spot on the Blacklist 15.

25 G

A picture of Kira "Kaze" Nakazato


Defeat Jade Barrett “Jewels”

Defeated Jade Barrett and took the 8th spot on the Blacklist 15.

25 G

A picture of Jade Barrett "Jewels"


Defeat Eugene James “Earl”

Defeated Eugene James and took the 9th spot on the Blacklist 15.

25 G

A picture of Eugene James "Earl"


Defeat Karl Smit “Baron”

Defeated Karl Smit and took the 10th spot on the Blacklist 15.

25 G

A picture of Karl Smit "Baron"


Defeat Lou Park “Big Lou”

Defeated Lou Park and took the 11th spot on the Blacklist 15.

25 G

A picture of Lou Park "Big Lou"


Defeat Isabel Diaz “Izzy”

Defeated Isabel Diaz and took the 12th spot on the Blacklist 15.

10 G

A picture of Isabel Diaz "Izzy"


Defeat Victor Vasquez “Vic”

Defeated Victor Vasquez and took the 13th spot on the Blacklist 15.

10 G

A picture of Victor Vasquez "Vic"


Defeat Vince Kilic “Taz”

Defeated Vince Kilic and took the 14th spot on the Blacklist 15.

10 G

A picture of Vince Kilic "Taz"


Defeat Ho Seun “Sonny”

Defeated Ho Seun and took the 15th spot on the Blacklist 15.

10 G

A picture of Ho Seun "Sonny"


Defeat Wes Allen “Webster”

Defeated Wes Allen and took the 5th spot on the Blacklist 15.

75 G

A picture of Wes Allen "Webster"


Defeat Joe Vega “JV”

Defeated Joe Vega and took the 4th spot on the Blacklist 15.

85 G

A picture of Joe Vega "JV"


Defeat Ronald McCrea “Ronnie”

Defeated Ronald McCrea and took the 3rd spot on the Blacklist 15.

100 G

A picture of Ronald McCrea "Ronnie"


Defeat Toru Sato "Bull"

Defeated Toru Sato and took the 2nd spot on the Blacklist 15.

200 G

A picture of Toru Sato "Bull"


Defeat Clarence Callahan “Razor”

Defeated Razor and took the top spot on the Blacklist 15, becoming the most

notorious racer around.

350 G

A picture of Clarence Callahan "Razor"



NHL 2K6 - 1000 - 5

Score goal when 2 men down (Pro)

Score a goal when 2 men down on Pro difficulty or higher

200 G

A Square with two men behind bars


Score in Under 1:00 (All-Star)

Score a goal in the first minute of play on All-Star difficulty or higher

350 G

A picture of a puck and the time 1:00


Score on a breakaway (Amateur)

Score a goal on a breakaway on Amateur difficulty or higher

50 G

A hockey stick ruching with a puck


Score goal with defenseman (Pro)

Score a goal with a defenseman on Pro difficulty or higher

150 G

A face of a hockeyplayer with few teeths


Score on penalty shot (All-Star)

Score a penalty shot on All-Star difficulty or higher

250 G

A goalkeeper mask



Perfect Dark Zero - 1000 - 50

Completed Co-Op Agent

Completed Co-op Game On Agent Difficulty Setting

10 G

Two people in front of a shield


Completed Single Agent

Completed Single Player Game on Agent Difficulty Setting

10 G

A shield


100 Explosive Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Explosive Kills over all multiplayer games



A bomb in a telescopic sight


100 Melee Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed) over all

multiplayer games played.


A hand in a telescopic sight


10 Flags Captured

DeathMatch Award. Captured 10 Flags in DeathMatch: Capture the Flag.

10 G

A flag


100 Sniper Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over all

multiplayer games played.

20 G

A telescopic sight


100 Headshot Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 100 Headshot Kills over all multiplayer games


20 G

A headshot in a telescopic sight


100 Kills in Killcount

DeathMatch Award. Achieved 100 Kills in DeathMatch: Killcount.

20 G

A human on a target


10 Sniper Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over all

multiplayer games played.

10 G

A telescopic sight


100 Kills in Team Killcount

DeathMatch Award. Achieved 100 Kills in DeathMatch: Team Killcount.

20 G

3 people on a target


Played 10 Deathmatch Games

Multiplayer Award. Played in 10 DeathMatch Games.

10 G

A star on a target


10 Explosive Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Explosive Kills over all multiplayer games


10 G

A bomb on a telescopic sight


10 Headshot Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Headshot Kills over all multiplayer games


10 G

A headshot in a telescopic sight


10 Kills in Team Killcount

DeathMatch Award. Achieved 10 Kills in DeathMatch: Team Killcount.

10 G

3 people on a target


10 Melee Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 10 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed) over all

multiplayer games played.

10 G

A hand in a telescopic sight


10 Kills in Killcount

DeathMatch Award. Achieved 10 Kills in DeathMatch: Killcount.

10 G

A human on a target


Completed Single Perfect Agent

Completed Single Player Game on Perfect Agent Difficulty Setting

25 G

A shield


Completed Single Secret Agent

Completed Single Player Game on Secret Agent Difficulty Setting

15 G

A shield


Completed Single Dark Agent

Completed Single Player Game on Dark Agent Difficulty Setting


A shield


Completed Co-Op Secret Agent

Completed Co-Op Game On Secret Agent Difficulty Setting

15 G

Two people in front of a shield


Completed Co-Op Perfect Agent

Completed Co-Op Game On Perfect Agent Difficulty Setting

25 G

Two people in front of a shield


Completed Co-Op Dark Agent

Completed Co-Op Game On Dark Agent Difficulty Setting


Two people in front of a shield


Played 100 Deathmatch Games

Multiplayer Award. Played in 100 DeathMatch Games

20 G

A star on a target


Played 1000 Deathmatch Games

Multiplayer Award. Played in 1000 DeathMatch Games


A star on a target


Played 10 DarkOps Games

Multiplayer Award. Played in 10 DarkOps Games

10 G

A Darkop mark on a target


Played 100 DarkOps Games

Multiplayer Award. Played in 100 DarkOps Games

20 G

A Darkop mark on a target


Played 1000 DarkOps Games

Multiplayer Award. Played in 1000 DarkOps Games


A Darkop mark on a target


1000 Kills in Killcount

DeathMatch Award. Achieved 1000 Kills in DeathMatch: Killcount

30 G

A human on a target


1000 Kills in Team Killcount

DeathMatch Award. Achieved 1000 Kills in DeathMatch: Team Killcount

30 G

3 people on a target


100 Flags Captured

DeathMatch Award. Captured 100 Flags in DeathMatch: Capture the Flag

20 G

A flag on a target


10 Players Infected

DarkOps Award. Infected 10 Players in DarkOps: Infection

10 G

DNA on a target


100 Players Infected

DarkOps Award. Infected 100 Players in DarkOps: Infection

20 G

DNA on a target


1000 Players Infected

DarkOps Award. Infected 1000 Players in DarkOps: Infection


DNA on a target


10 Territories Held

DeathMatch Award. Scored 10 Points in DeathMatch: Territorial Gains

10 G

A flag


100 Territories Held

DeathMatch Award. Scored 100 Points in DeathMatch: Territorial Gains

20 G

A flag


10 Rounds Survived

DarkOps Award. Survived 10 Rounds of DarkOps: Eradication

10 G

A skull on a target


100 Rounds Survived

DarkOps Award. Survived 100 Rounds of DarkOps: Eradication

20 G

A skull on a target


10,000 CR Property Destroyed

DarkOps Award. Destroyed 10K CR of property in DarksOps: Sabotage

10 G

A monkey wrench on a target


100,000 CR Property Destroyed

DarkOps Award. Destroyed 100K CR of property in DarksOps: Sabotage

20 G

A monkey wrench on a target


10 Minutes Survived

DarkOps Award. Survived for 10 minutes in DarkOps: Onslaught

10 G

A castle on a target


100 Minutes Survived

DarkOps Award. Survived for 100 minutes in DarkOps: Onslaught

20 G

A castle on a target


1000 Sniper Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Kills with a Sniper Rifle over all

multiplayer games played


A telescopic sight


1000 Headshot Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Headshot Kills over all multiplayer games


30 G

A headshot in a telescopic sight


1000 Melee Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Melee Kills (armed or unarmed) over all

multiplayer games played


A hand in a telescopic sight


1000 Explosive Kills

Expert Kill Award. Achieved 1000 Explosive Kills over all multiplayer games



A bomb in a telescopic sight


1 Co-op Mission On Dark Agent

Completed One Co-op Mission On Dark Agent

15 G

A shield


5 Co-op Missions On Dark Agent

Completed Five Co-op Missions On Dark Agent

25 G

A shield


1 Solo Mission On Dark Agent

Completed One Single Player Mission On Dark Agent

15 G

A shield


5 Solo Missions On Dark Agent

Completed Five Single Player Missions On Dark Agent

25 G

A shield



PGR3 - 900 - 20

Track Builder

Track Builder

10 G

The PGR Logo


Rank 10

Rank 10

20 G

The PGR Logo


Style Racer Badge

Style Racer Badge

50 G

The PGR Logo


Pro Racer Badge

Pro Racer Badge

60 G

The PGR Logo


Online Professional

Online Professional

60 G

The PGR Logo


Steel Champion

Steel Champion

30 G

The PGR Logo


Bronze Champion

Bronze Champion

50 G

The PGR Logo


Silver Champion

Silver Champion

60 G

The PGR Logo


Gold Champion

Gold Champion

75 G

The PGR Logo


Platinum Champion

Platinum Champion

100 G

The PGR Logo


Rank 5

Rank 5

50 G

The PGR Logo


Rank 1

Rank 1

80 G

The PGR Logo


Ferrari Owners Club

Ferrari Owners Club

45 G

The PGR Logo


Lamborghini Owners Club

Lamborghini Owners Club

45 G

The PGR Logo


Exotic Car Club

Exotic Car Club

45 G

The PGR Logo




10 G

The PGR Logo


Gotham TV Sports Fan

Gotham TV Sports Fan

15 G

The PGR Logo


Arcade Player

Arcade Player

15 G

The PGR Logo


Race Against the Clock

Race Against the Clock

50 G

The PGR Logo


Gotham Hero

Gotham Hero

30 G

The PGR Logo



Quake 2 - 0 - 9

Establish Communications

Establish a communication link to the command ship

0 G

A ssatellite disk


Destroy Strogg Logistical Train

Destroy the Strogg logistical train and restore power to key warehouse


0 G

A cutted cable


Destroy Security Grid

Enter the security pyramid and destroy the security grid protecting the

industrial region

0 G

Barbed wire


Navigate the Mines

Navigate the mines to find a service entrance to the factory

0 G

A splitting door


Shut Down Processing Plant

Shut down all machines in the Strogg processing plant

0 G



Destroy Strogg Main Reactor

Infiltrate and destroy Strogg main reactor

0 G

A stick shooting laser...


Destroy the Big Gun

Destroy the Big Gun

0 G

A big gun


Destroy Black Hole Generator

Close main hangar bay door and destroy the Black Hole Generator

0 G



Assassinate the Makron

Neutralize Strogg leader's communication system

0 G

The Makron leader



Quake 4 - 1000 - 50

Private - Act 2

Completed Act 1 and Act 2 with the rank of Private

20 G

The number 2


Private - Act 1

Completed Act 1 with the rank of Private

15 G

The number 1



Completed a level without taking any damage

10 G

A red armor


Private - Defeated the Strogg

Completed the game with the rank of Private

25 G

The Quake logo


Basic Training

Played over 100 Ranked Multiplayer Matches


The number 100 in a army badge


Number One

Achieved the number one rank on the All Gametypes leaderboard


The number 1


Top Ten

Achieved a ranking in the top ten on the All Gametypes leaderboard


The number 10


Perfect Win

Won a Ranked match without ever being fragged

5 G

A skull


Blaster Master

Completed a level using only the blaster

15 G

The blaster logo



Completed a level using only the hyperblaster

15 G

The hyperblaster logo


The Blazing Buckshot

Completed a level using only the shotgun

15 G

Buckshot ammo


The machine

Completed a level using only the machine gun

15 G

Machinegun ammo


Tooth and Nail

Completed a level using only the nailgun

15 G

Nailgun ammo


The Pineapple King

Completed a level using only the grenade launcher

15 G

A grenade


Ballistics Expert

Completed a level using only the rocket launcher

15 G

A rocket



Completed a level using only the lightning gun

15 G



The Dark Lord

Completed a level using only the dark matter gun

15 G

The nuclear sign


The Sniper

Completed a level only using the railgun

15 G

Railgun ammo


The Bronze Flag

Over 100 captures in Ranked matches


The number 100 in a Flag army badge


Viper Squad

Over 100 frags in Ranked matches

5 G

The number 100 in a skull army badge


Corporal - Act 1

Completed Act 1 with the rank of Corporal

25 G

The number 1


Corporal - Act 2

Completed Act 1 and Act 2 with the rank of Corporal

25 G

The number 2


Corporal - Defeated the Strogg

Completed the game with the rank of Corporal

30 G

The Quake logo


Lieutenant - Act 1

Completed Act 1 with the rank of Lieutenant

25 G

The number 1


Lieutenant - Act 2

Completed Act 1 and Act 2 with the rank of Lieutenant

25 G

The number 2


Lieutenant - Defeated the Strogg

Completed the game with the rank of Lieutenant

30 G

The Quake logo


General - Act 1

Completed Act 1 with the rank of General


The number 1


General - Act 2

Completed Act 1 and Act 2 with the rank of General


The number 2


General - Defeated the Strogg

Completed the game with the rank of General


The Quake logo


Private - Multiplayer

Over 100 win points in Ranked matches

5 G

The number 100 in a Quake army badge


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

20 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box



Ridge Racer 6 - 1000 - 36

15,000 points in Mini Game

Congratulations! The highest ever score of 3,333,360 points was recorded in


5 G

A badge with Pacman and the number 15000


Goal 2 Complete: Basic Route

Congratulations! Don't forget to challenge Goals 1 and 3 if you haven't

cleared them yet

15 G

A G2 badge


Goal 1 Complete: Basic Route

Congratulations! You are still only part way through the expanding Universe!

20 G

A G1 badge


No-Nitrous Victory1: Basic 108

Congratulations! Be sure to look for similar achievements on other races

5 G

A 108 Badge


Goal 3 Complete: Basic Route

Congratulations! Don't forget to challenge Goals 1 and 2 if you haven't

cleared them yet

10 G

A G3 badge


800 km/500 miles driven

Congratulations! 500 miles is equivalent to the distance between LA and the

Grand Canyon

15 G

A 800 km/500 miles badge



Congratulations! The 360-spin is the first trick every Ridge Racer fan tries

5 G

A 360! badge


International Match

Congratulations! Race against more rivals from around the globe

5 G

A globe badge


50 Online Battle Victories

Congratulations! Go for 100 victories!

20 G

A 50 badge


Message from Reiko #1

A quick message from Nagase! "Congratulations! Enjoying the voice chat?"


A Heart #1 badge


Message from Reiko #2

A quick message from Nagase! "Congratulations! Thanks to all the Ridge fans!"


A Heart #2 badge


Message from Reiko #3

A quick message from Nagase! "Congratulations! Have you met Pac-Man already?"


A Heart #3 badge


Message from Reiko #4

A quick message from Nagase! "Congratulations! Did you enjoy the fax story?"


A Heart #4 badge


Message from Reiko #5

A quick message from Nagase! "Congratulations! Good luck in the final route!"


A Heart #5 badge


Class 1 Machines - Complete

Class 1 secret! The charge capacity of the STARNOSE is unbelievable


A car 1 badge


Class 2 Machines - Complete

Class 2 secret! The handling capability of the MELTFIRE is unbelievable


A car 2 badge


Class 3 Machines - Complete

Class 3 secret! The cornering capability of the WILD GANG is unbelievable


A car 3 badge


Class 4 Machines - Complete

Class 4 secret! The double nitrous of the HIJACK is unbelievable


A car 4 badge


No-Nitrous Victory: Single Races

Congratulations! You've won by not using the fully charged nitrous!


A badge with 3 hex


No Crash Victory: Single Races

Congratulations! You've won by showing your quick yet beautiful driving



A sun badge


Xploration Complete!

Congratulations! You've won all 235 races. Boast to your friends about it


A hex badge


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

30 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box



Tiger Woods PGA TOUR06 - 960 - 16

Play Some Online

Compete in each of the online game modes at least once


A picture of a Ethernet cable


Try a Tournament

Play in 5 Online Tournaments


A prize


Getting the Hang of it

Win 5 online matches

25 G

A guy swinging


High Roller

Make 50 wagers


A calendar with a $


Baller Status

Win 50 wagers


A pokal with a $


Number 1

Achieve #1 ranking in any online game mode


A pokal


King of the Hill

Finish an online Tournament at the top of the leaderboard


A crown



Earn a million dollars online


A flag with a $


Aren't You Sick of This Yet?

Compete in 1,000 online matches


A bucket with balls


Great! Can You Do it Again?

Shoot a best round of 62 or less

25 G

A happy guy


Not a Fluke

Have an average score of 65 or less

50 G

A board


Aces Wild

Make 25 Hole in Ones


A arrow in a target


Eagle Extravaganza

Make 50 Eagles


A happy guy


Birdie Buster

Make 100 Birdies


A flag


Short Stick Master

Average less than 1.75 putts per hole

50 G

A club and a ball


On Fire!

Have a win streak of 15 games or more in a game mode


A speech buble with a !



Tony Hawks American Wasteland - 1000 - 45

Classic Mode: 10 goals

10 goals have been completed in Classic Mode!

30 G

A graffiti face


Classic Mode: 20 goals

20 goals have been completed in Classic Mode!

30 G

A graffiti face


Classic Mode: 30 goals

30 goals have been completed in Classic Mode!

30 G

A graffiti face


Classic Mode: 40 goals

40 goals have been completed in Classic Mode!

30 G

A graffiti face


Classic Mode: 50 goals

50 goals have been completed in Classic Mode!

30 G

A graffiti face


Classic Mode: 100%

Classic Mode is now 100% complete!


A graffiti face


Hollywood Record

A high score has been achieved in Hollywood!

10 G

A graffiti face


Beverly Hills Record

A high score has been achieved in Beverly Hills!

10 G

A graffiti face


Downtown Record

A high score has been achieved in Downtown!

10 G

A graffiti face


East L.A. Record

A high score has been achieved in in East L.A.!

10 G

A graffiti face


Skate Ranch Record

A high score has been achieved in Skate Ranch!


A graffiti face


Casino Record

A high score has been achieved in Casino!

10 G

A graffiti face


Santa Monica Record

A high score has been achieved in Santa Monica!

10 G

A graffiti face


Oil Rig Record

A high score has been achieved in Oil Rig!

10 G

A graffiti face


Vans Park Record

A high score has been achieved in Vans Park!

10 G

A graffiti face


Minneapolis Record

A high score has been achieved in Minneapolis!

10 G

A graffiti face


Santa Cruz Record

A high score has been achieved in Santa Cruz!

10 G

A graffiti face


The Mall Record

A high score has been achieved in the Mall!

10 G

A graffiti face


Chicago Record

A high score has been achieved in Chicago!

10 G

A graffiti face


Kyoto Record

A high score has been achieved in Kyoto!

10 G

A graffiti face


The Ruins Record

A high score has been achieved in the Ruins!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Hollywood

Competed LIVE against other players in Hollywood!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Beverly Hills

Competed LIVE against other players in Beverly Hills!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Downtown

Competed LIVE against other players in Downtown!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in East L.A.

Competed LIVE against other players in East L.A.!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Skate Ranch

Competed LIVE against other players in Skate Ranch!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Casino

Competed LIVE against other players in Casino!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Santa Monica

Competed LIVE against other players in Santa Monica!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Oil Rig

Competed LIVE against other players in Oil Rig!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Vans Park

Competed LIVE against other players in Vans Park!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Minneapolis

Competed LIVE against other players in Minneapolis!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Santa Cruz

Competed LIVE against other players in Santa Cruz!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in The Mall

Competed LIVE against other players in the Mall!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Chicago

Competed LIVE against other players in Chicago!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in Kyoto

Competed LIVE against other players in Kyoto!

10 G

A graffiti face


LIVE in The Ruins

Competed LIVE against other players in Ruins!

10 G

A graffiti face



Completed the game 100%!


A graffiti face


The “New You”

Got a haircut and some new clothes!

50 G

A graffiti face


Meet Iggy at the Ranch

Impressed the crew enough to get into the Skate Ranch!

50 G

A graffiti face


Won the AMJAM

Won the Tony Hawk AMJAM!

50 G

A graffiti face


Hanging with Alva

Learned about Green Pipes Point from Tony Alva!

50 G

A graffiti face


The Snake Run

Mega begins digging up the Snake Run at the Skate Ranch!

50 G

A graffiti face


Rally the Pros

In search of pro skaters and bikers for the video!

50 G

A graffiti face


Iggy’s Out of Jail

Shredding the Casino with Iggy!

50 G

A graffiti face


Party at the Ranch!

Skating the all new Skate Ranch. Story is complete

50 G

A graffiti face




- 10.2. Arcade Games -



Bankshot Billiards 2 - 200 - 12

Trick Shot Master

Complete 50 or more trick shots

15 G

A picture of 3 balls


Bankshot Champion

Win 50 Games

15 G

Number one ball with a gold medal


9-Ball Shark

Complete 5 games of 9-Ball without losing a turn

15 G

A speeding number 9 ball


Lucky Break

Win a game of 9-Ball by sinking the 9-Ball off the break

5 G

Number 9 ball with a four-leaf clover


Bankshot Pro

Win 25 Games

10 G

Number two ball with a silver medal


Bankshot Amateur

Win 5 Games

5 G

Number three ball with a bronze medal


Bankshot Billiards Addict

Play 200 Games

25 G

All 15 balls


Pro Golfer

Come in under par on all the golf tables

15 G

Number 3 ball on a peg


Speed Freak

Complete all time trial tables in under a minute

15 G

4 balls and a timer


8-Ball Shark

Complete 5 games of 8-Ball without losing a turn

15 G

A speeding number 8 ball


Bankshot Hustler

Win a total of 50 games in any game mode, not

including 3-Ball, without losing a turn

25 G

A clock


Bankshot Ultimate Hustler

Shark 5 consecutive games of 8-Ball, or

9-Ball, or Cutthroat, or Euro 8-Ball, or 14.1 Continuous

40 G

A clock



Bejeweled 2 - 200 - 12

Cascade 8

Awarded for x8 cascade

20 G

A triangle gem


Classic Mode

Awarded for completion of 17 levels


A diamondshaped gem


Action Mode

Awarded for completion of 8 levels


A Square gem


Puzzle Mode

Awarded for completion of 80 levels

10 G

A round gem


Endless Mode

Awarded for completion of 280 levels


A Square gem


Twilight Mode

Awarded for completion of 10 levels


A round gem


Hyper Mode

Awarded for completion of 8 levels


A round gem


Cognito Mode

Awarded for earning 50000 scores

20 G

A 8-sided gem


Finity Mode

Awarded for completion of 8 levels


A soccerball gem



Awarded for opening Twilight, Hyper, Cognito, Finity modes


A rounf gem



Awarded for making 10000 power gems


A 6-sided gem



Awarded for making 1000 hyper cubes


A spikeball



Gauntlet - 200 - 12


Finish level 10 on Xbox Live with another player using default settings

15 G

Two crossed swords on a shield


CO-OP Master

Finish level 20 on Xbox Live with another player using default settings

40 G

Two crossed swords on a shield with a crown



Play Xbox Live with 4 players

10 G

Two crossed swords and 4 balls



During a treasure level, successfully collect 11 treasures and exit

15 G

A dungeon door



Successfully kill a thief

10 G

A knife on a thief



Collect 10 treasure chests on Xbox Live using default settings

15 G

A treasure chest


Elf Master

Get 1st place on in game score board with the Elf using default settings

5 G

A portrait of a elf


Warrior Master

Get 1st place on in game score board with the Warrior using default settings

5 G

A portrait of a warrior


Wizard Master

Get 1st place on in game score board with the Wizard using default settings

5 G

A portrait of a wizard


Valkyrie Master

Get 1st place on in game score board with the Valkyrie using default settings

5 G

A portrait of a Valkyrie


High Score

Acquire an Xbox Live CO-OP score of 100,000 using default settings

15 G

The golden Graal


Game Master

Finish level 100 using default settings

60 G

A steel hand



Geometry Wars Evolved - 200 - 12

Score 250,000

Earn 250,000 points

10 G

A picture of a X in a Square


Survived 100,000

Earn 100,000 points without dying

5 G

A Square in a Square


Score 100,000

Earn 100,000 points

5 G

A Square



Survive the first 60 seconds of the game without firing

10 G

A X in a swastika



Earn x10 multiplier


A big eye


Mad Cat Skillz

Collect 9 lives


A hook on a chain



Collect 9 bombs


A chain


Score 500,000

Earn 500,000 points

20 G

3 Squares with a X inside each of them


Score 1,000,000

Earn 1,000,000 points


A big upsidedown U


Survived 250,000

Earn 250,000 points without dying

10 G

A big ring


Survived 500,000

Earn 500,000 points without dying


One big rung, two smaller rings


Survived 1,000,000

Earn 1,000,000 points without dying


One big triangle, two small triangles



Hardwood Backgammon - 200 - 12

Mini Streaker

Win 10 consecutive games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


A star with the number 10


Backgammon Baby

Win a game with a backgammon. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play

20 G

A flashy W


Gammon Grabber

Win a game with a gammon. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play

10 G

A flashy W


Pied Pipper

Win a game by 50 pips. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play

10 G

The number 50


Prime Pied Pipper

Win a game by 75 pips. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play

20 G

The number 75


Double Take

Win a game with a doubling cube bonus. Earn this achievement in

Single Player or Xbox Live play

10 G

A dice


Backgammon Beginner

Win a total of 10 games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


The number 10


Pip Master

Win a total of 25 games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


The number 25


Backgammon Veteran

Play a total of 100 games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


The number 100


Mega Streaker

Win 25 consecutive games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


A star with the number 25


Online Gammoner

Complete 10 games in Xbox Live play


The number 10


Bar Baron

Get four of your opponent’s checkers on the bar at once. Earn it in

Single Player or Xbox Live play


5 checkers



Hardwood Hearts - 200 - 12

Lunar Sniper

Shoot the moon by taking all point cards in a hand. Earn this in Single

Player or Xbox Live play.

10 G

A picture of the moon


Ace of Hearts

Win 10 consecutive games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play.


A star with the number 10


Solar Sniper

Shoot the sun by taking every single trick in a hand. Earn this in Single

Player or Xbox Live play.


A pictur of a U moon


Heart Attack

Win a game by at least 50 points. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live



A heart with the number 50


Habitual Heartbreaker

Break hearts a total of 100 times. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live



A broken heart with the number 100


The Prankster

Take 500 total tricks. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play.


Many small hearts with the number 500


Lunar Satellite

Shoot the moon 3 times in a single game. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox

Live play.


A moon that is shot 3 times


Jack of Hearts

Win a total of 10 games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play.


3 cards with the number 10


King of Hearts

Win 25 games. Earn this playing online or single player.


3 cards with the number 25


Queen of Hearts

Play 10 complete games in Xbox Live play.


A card with the number 10


Hearts Sweetheart

Play a total of 100 games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play.


The number 100


Black Widow Exterminator

Avoid taking the Queen of Spades in 25 total games. Earn this in Single

Player or Xbox Live play


A picture of the Queen of spades with the number 25



Hardwood Spades - 200 - 12

To the Moon

Take all the point cards in a hand. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live



The moon


Online Trickster

Complete 10 games in Xbox Live play

10 G

The number 10


Blind Bidder Extraordinaire

Complete 5 blind nils. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play

10 G

The number 05


Nil Annihilator

Complete 100 nils. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


The number 0100


Spades Prankster

Take a total of 500 tricks. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play

10 G

Spades and the number 500


To the Moon and Back

Complete two moon shots in a single game. Earn this in Single Player or

Xbox Live play


The moon shot two times


Bidder Beginner

Win a total of 10 games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play

10 G

Some cards and the number 10


King of Spades

Win a total of 25 games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


The king of spades


Ace of Spades

Win 25 consecutive games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


A big Spades


Jack of Spades

Win 10 consecutive games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


The jack of spades


Spades Veteran

Play a total of 100 games. Earn this in Single Player or Xbox Live play


The number 100


Light Packer

Complete a game without taking any bags. Earn this in Single Player or

Xbox Live play

10 G

A crossed bag



Hexic HD - 200 - 12

Hexic Addict

100 Games

25 G

Many gems


Collapse Master

5000 Total Combos

10 G

A combo


Millionaire Extraordinaire

1,000,000 Total Points

25 G

A golden gem



Beat Survival

15 G

Metal gems


Tick-Tock Doc

75,000 Points in Timed

20 G

Gems and a clock



Black Pearl

15 G

One black gem


Marathon Mogul

150,000 Points in Marathon

20 G

A golden star


Star Gazer

Bonus-Star Cluster

5 G

3 stargems


Cluster Buster

25 Total Combos

5 G

A silver star


Flower Child


15 G

7 gems


Big Cheese of the South Seas

Black-Pearl Cluster

20 G

3 black gems


Grand Pearl Pooh-Bah

Black-Pearl Flower

25 G

7 black gems



Joust - 200 - 12

Wave 5

Make your way to wave 5 using default settings

10 G

A picture of a bird with the number 5 next to it



Find a way to defeat a Pterodactyl

15 G

A picture of a flying Pterodactyl



Finish wave 1 without dying while using default settings

5 G

A picture of the birds head


Wave 10

Make your way to wave 10 using default settings

15 G

A picture of a bird with the number 10 next to it


Wave 30

Make your way to wave 30 using default settings


A picture of a bird with the number 30 next to it


Wave 100

Make your way to wave 100 using default settings


A picture of a bird with the number 100 next to it


High score

Get 1st place on in game score board using default settings

10 G

A picture of a prize with a wing


Triple Pterodactyl

Defeat 3 Pterodactyls in one game using default settings

25 G

A picture of 3 flying Pterodactyl



Finish wave 5 on Xbox Live with another player using default settings

10 G

A picture of two crossed lances


CO-OP Master

Finish wave 5 on Xbox Live with another player using default settings


A picture of two crossed lances



Stay in wave 1 for 120 seconds without dying while using default settings

10 G

A stopwatch with wings



Play on Xbox Live Ranked VERSUS and gain the rank of 5


A skull in front of two crossed bones



Mutant Storm Reloaded - 200 - 12

Yellow Belt

Get the difficulty to Yellow Belt

10 G

A yellow belt


Orange Belt

Get the difficulty to Orange Belt

10 G

A orange belt


Green Belt

Get the difficulty to Green Belt

15 G

A green belt


Purple Belt

Get the difficulty to Purple Belt

15 G

A purple belt


Blue Belt

Get the difficulty to Blue Belt

20 G

A blue belt


Brown Belt

Get the difficulty to Brown Belt

20 G

A brown belt


Black Belt

Get the difficulty to Black Belt

30 G

A black bet


Adventure Mode completed

Complete all 89 levels in Adventure Mode

15 G

A star


Tally Mode completed

Complete all 89 levels in Tally Mode

15 G

A +


2x Multiplier

Get the multiplier to x2

5 G

A x2


4x Multiplier

Get the multiplier to x4

10 G

A x4


Black Belt Grandmaster

Complete all 89 levels in Adventure Mode on Black Belt starting from level 1

35 G

A ying & yang in a star



Outpost Kaloki X - 200 - 12

Friend of Wally

Built a habitat for Wally

10 G

A Picture of a giraffe


Fed and Entertained

Completed Adventure Story Chapter 8: Military Madness


A picture of a Mermaid Man


Honorary Fish

Completed Adventure Story Chapter 10: Deja Vu


A picture of a guy


Adventure Story Complete

Finished the Adventure Story


A picture of a guy


Adventure Story Gold

Finished the Adventure Story with all gold medals


A picture of a girl



Completed War Story Mission 4: Into the Warp

15 G

A picture of a man in a telescopic sight


Max Power

Convinced Max Power to lend a hand in War Story Mission 6: The Attack


A three-eyed alien


War Story Complete

Finished the War Story


A picture of a general


War Story Gold

Finished the War Story with all gold medals


A picture of a man


Eight-Port Master

Master of The Eight-Port Challenge


A picture of a city in space


Sir Protector From Asteroids

Completed The Hammer Scenario


A picture of a aseroid



Achieved a Gold Medal time in the Survival scenario


A picture of a fighting alien



Smash TV - 200 - 12

Second Boss

Beat the final boss in level two using default settings

5 G

The head of the second boss


High score

Get 1st place on in game score board using default settings

5 G

A trophy


Cash Pile

Acquire 2,000,000 points by the end of level 1

5 G

A pile of cash


First Boss

Beat the final boss in level one using default settings

5 G

The head of the first boss


Third Mini Boss

Beat the mini boss in level three using default settings

5 G

The head of the miniboss


Final Boss

Beat the final boss in level three using default settings

5 G

The heah of the last boss


Level 1 Master

Finish level 1 without continuing while using default settings


A small medal with the number 1


Level 2 Master

Finish level 2 without continuing while using default settings


A bigger medal with the number 2


Level 3 Master

Finish level 3 without continuing while using default settings


A big medal with the number 3



Successfully finish level 1 with another player using default settings

20 G

Two players heads


Co-Op Master

Successfully finish the game with another player using default settings


Two players heads with spikes


Game Master

Finish the entire game without continuing while using default settings


The biggest medal with a star



Zuma - 200 - 12


Awarded for playing the game for 24 hours.

10 G

A medal


Chain 16

Awarded for 16 chains in a row.

10 G

A waterdrop medal


Temple of Zukulkan

Awarded for completion of Temple of Zukulkan.

10 G

A sun medal


Quetzal Quatl

Awarded for completion of Quetzal Quatl temple.

10 G

A tiger medal


Popo Poyolli

Awarded for completion of Popo Poyolli temple.

20 G

A bird medal


Secret shrine of Zuma

Awarded for completion of Secret shrine of Zuma temple.


A fat guy showing you his tung medal



Awarded for completion of Adventure mode.


A frog medal


Sharp Shooter

Awarded for completing 1 level in 5 or fewer seconds.


A fat face medal


Coin Collector

Awarded for collecting 100 coins.

20 G

A frog medal


Score Champion

Awarded for earning 2,000,000 scores.


A skullstar medal


Gap Finder

Awarded for earning 100 gaps.

20 G

A wave medal


Son of Sun

Awarded for achieving Son of Sun rank in Gauntlet mode.


A skull shield




- 10.3. Japanese Special -



I´ll add "for Japanese Only" and games that´s only yet released in Japan.

Since I can zero Japanese (well, I know how the Macross Logo looks like but

that will not help me here ;) ), I´ll use Babelfish to translate it to English,

so expect some Engrish ^_^

It seems that Tetris: The Grandmaster will be a Japanese only game.

I bet that Tet lith is the Japanese name of Tetris: The Grandmaster.



Every Party - 1000 - 46

Around it does the ? studious person

The ? it is the palpus thin around the ?: 1 time it cleared.

15 G

A pokal


God power child mayor

We release around the ?: 1 lap it cleared.


A pokal


Normal butler

The ? it is, around the ? chair the ?: 5 normal battles you played.

(Prayer 2 or more)


A pokal


Point butler

The ? it is, around the ? chair the ?: 5 point battles you played.

(Prayer 2 or more)


A pokal



The ? it is, around the ? chair the ?: With the normal/point battle,

the mini- game (3 type everything count) prayer 2 or more participating,

25 times you played. (Controller two or more)


A pokal


?pulling out! Mini- game star 3

The mini- game it is go: In the ?pulling out battle 3 game, fighting with

the COM ????? 3 person, 3 time ? ? it did and the ? ? did.


A pokal


Like this it is to see the can member

Like this it is to see the can: 5 victories were achieved in the conference.


A pokal


Like this it is to see can challenge

Like this it is to see the can: 2 successive wins were achieved in the



A pokal



Like this it is to see the can: It became room length in the conference and

5 time victories did.


A pokal


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement

10 G

A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box



Tetris: The Grandmaster Ace - 1000 - 50

Tet degree of lith difficulty normal


50 G

A tetris logo


Promotion examination nine class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Promotion examination eight class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Promotion examination seven class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Promotion examination six class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Promotion examination five class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Promotion examination four class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Promotion examination three class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Promotion examination two class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Promotion examination one class

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Tet lith load big load



A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith C

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith C +

Being promoted!


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith B?

Being promoted! !


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith B

Being promoted! !


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith B +

Being promoted! !


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith A?

Being promoted! ! !


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith A

Being promoted! ! !


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith A +

Being promoted! ! !


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith S?

Being promoted! ! ! !


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith S

Being promoted! ! ! !


A tetris logo


Opposition Tet lith S +

Being promoted! ! ! !


A tetris logo


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box


Secret Achievement

Continue playing to unlock this secret achievement


A ? in a box




- 10.4. Special -



These achievements are special.

The OXM360 is on the Official Xbox Magazie 360 demo disc. It unlocks nothing

and it can not give you any points. The only reason it´s there are that

Microsoft told the magazine makers that it MUST be there. So it´s there to

mess up your total achievement score, since you can not get those 1000 points.

The Xbox 360 Inner Circle and Xbox 360 Team are special badgers that only

people from Microsoft can have.

The PlayOnline Viewer is for people playing the Final Fantasy XI BETA.

At the moment, only Japanese players have those.



OXM360 - 1000 - 4




A box saying OXM 360





A box saying OXM 360





A box saying OXM 360





A box saying OXM 360





A box saying OXM 360



PlayOnline Viewer - 0 - 0



Xbox 360 Inner Circle - 0 - 1

Zero Hour VIP

Zero Hour VIP

0 G

A green square with the words 0 HOUR



Xbox 360 Team - 0 - 1

Xbox 360 Launch Team

November 22nd, 2005 we brought the world a new way to play games and have

fun. Jump in

0 G

A launch Team logo




= 11. Bad Microsoft =



Here I will list all errors that the 360 can have, and what Microsoft could

have done better.




- 11.1. Change this Microsoft -



Let me play games while downloading!

Let us do things while we download stuff. It´s not fun to go away some hours

because we want to download a demo.


Download UI.

The downloads start at 5%. For large downloads, this means that # will be at

5% for 5-10 minutes and it seems like its not going.

When you resume a download, it starts at 50% (its really not at 50% tho).

They need to include a kbps bar so you know how fast its going, along with

total kbps downloaded so far (very much like when you download a file in IE)


Unfinished Downloading.

When you click to download a file, then don´t finish downloading it, a

checkmark should not be beside the filename.

You should be able to mark downloads as "seen" or "read" so you know which

ones are truly new.


A Demo and Trailer tab.

Demos and trailers need its own tab.category under marketplace and not share



Better Media Control.

If you play a trailer downloaded from the Marketplace, you can only Stop and

Pause it.

If you play a DVD, you can do so much more. It would be great if we could play

the trailers fast forward if we want to see a specific part of the trailer.


Who is talking?

It´s great that we can leave negative feedback on idiots that can´t shut up

about what they will do with Jews when you play online, but you don´t

know who said it. If it showed the name of the ones that´s talking, we could

see who it was.




- 11.2. I AM ERROR -



The Scratching Disc.


Some have discovered that their X-Box 360 can scratch the gaming disc. Some say

it was because they had their 360 vertical.

The truth is this. Vertical and Horizontal does´nt matter. It´s the movement

that does it.


Yes movements. Movements as in earthquake, as in your friends running around,

as in changing the unit from vertical to horizontal, as in changing the unit

from horizontal to vertical, as in kicking on the unit, as in tripping over the

controller cable and fall.

So don´t run at home kids.



The unit is overheating.


Go back and read the manual. What does it say about how to place the unit.

Do not block any ventilation openings on the console or power supply.

Do not place the console or power supply on a bed, sofa, or other soft surface

that may block ventilation openings.

Do not place the console or power supply in a confined space, such as a

bookcase, rack, or stereo cabinet, unless the space is well ventilated.

Do not place the console or power supply near any heat sources, such as

radiators, heat registers, stoves, or amplifiers.



It does not turn on.


Be sure that the power cord is inserted correct.

Disconnect and connect the power cord.

Press the Power button. It shall now start if it´s working correct.

If not, try pressing to eject button on the unit. If the unit turns on, there

may be a problem with the power button that may require service.

Look for flashing red lights on the Ring of Light and examine the light on the

Xbox 360 external power supply. Info about the lights below.

After you firmly connect the power cord, see whether the power cord is plugged

in to any device other than a typical power outlet. For example, the power cord

may be attached to an extension cord. If this is the case, remove this device

and then plug the power supply directly in a power outlet.

If the Xbox 360 still does not turn on, verify that the outlet is working by

testing other devices in the same outlet. If no other devices work, the outlet

may not be working. Examine your circuit breaker, and then contact a licensed

electrician for help.

If the outlet is working but the Xbox 360 console does not turn on, remove the

power supply power cord from the wall and from the Xbox 360 console. Examine

the power cord that connects to the Xbox 360 console for damage.



Rings of Light.


The lower-right quadrant of the Ring of Light flash red on the front of the

Xbox 360. This means that the unit experiences a hardware failure. Try to

restart the unit. If it does´nt work, call support.

The lower-right quadrant of the Ring of Light flash red on the front of the

Xbox 360 and you receive the following Universal Error Message in

multiple languages: System Error. Contact Xbox Customer Support.

This means that the unit experiences a hardware failure. Try to restart the

unit. If it does´nt work, call support.

The two left quadrants of the Ring of Light flash red on the front of the

Xbox 360. This means that the unit is overheating.

Let the unit cool down (this can take some hours). Then go up in this FAQ

and read "The unit is overheating". If is still the same, call support.

Three lights on the Ring of Light flash red on the front of the Xbox 360.

The upper-right quadrant light is the only light that does not flash red.

This means that the unit has a hardware failure.

Try to restart the unit. If that does not resolve the issue, unplug all the

cables from the unit, and then firmly plug the cables in.

Still not working?

Power-off the unit, remove the harddisk, and then turn on the console.

If the 3x Red LED error light is no longer displayed, turn-off the unit,

re-attach the hard disk drive, and then turn on the console.

Still problem? Call the support.

All four lights on the Ring of Light flash red on the front of the Xbox 360.

This means that the AV cable is not being detected by the console.

Make sure that the AV cable is correctly connected to the unit.

Remove it and reconnect it.


The cable often meets some slight resistance before being fully inserted.

Not fully inserting the cable will result in either all for lights flashing

on the ring of light, or may simply result in no video on the screen.

The cable is fully inserted when the largest part of the connector is nearly

touching the units case.

If the four flashing red lights continue to flash, try wiping the metal area

of the AV pack with a dry cloth. The metal area is the end that plugs into

the unit. Wipe the metal area thoroughly, and then try the AV Pack again.

If the AV cable is correctly connected but the four red lights are still

flashing, substitute a different AV cable if you have one available.

Call the support.



The power supply light.


The power supply light is not illuminated.

If the power supply light is not illuminated, the power supply typically is

disconnected from the wall socket.

However, if the light is not illuminated but the power supply is connected to

the wall socket, there may be a problem with the power supply.

Let the power supply cool for several hours. The power supply may have

overheated. The power supply should again work after it cools. Adequate

cooling may take several hours. Make sure that the power supply has sufficient

ventilation during the cooling period. Do not try to turn on the console

during the cooling period.

Disconnect and reconnect the power supply. After you firmly connect the power

cord, see whether the power cord is plugged in to any device other than a

typical power outlet. For example, the power cord may be attached to an

extension cord. If this is the case, remove this device and then plug the

power supply directly in a power outlet.

If the Xbox 360 still does not turn on, verify that the outlet is working by

testing other devices in the same outlet. If no other devices work, the outlet

may not be working. Examine your circuit breaker, and then contact a licensed

electrician for help.

The power supply light is orange.

An orange light is illuminated on the power supply when the unit is turned off

or when the power supply is disconnected from the unit. This behavior is

typical and indicates that the power supply is in standby.

If the power supply light is orange and the unit will not turn on, there may

be a problem with the unit.

The power supply light can be orange and the unit not power on if the power

supply cord is not fully inserted in the unit.

Disconnect the power supply from the console, and then reconnect the power

supply. Make sure that the power supply cord is fully inserted in the unit.

You will hear a “click” sound when the power supply cord is fully inserted.

Let it cool down. Read the "The unit is overheating" section above.

Try to find if something else is wrong.

Call the support.

The power supply light is red.

This means that something is wrong in the external power supply.

Temporarily disconnect the power supply from the unit and from the wall

socket, wait 30 seconds, and then again plug the power supply into the unit

and into the wall socket.

Allow the power supply to cool for several hours. The red light may indicate

that the power supply has overheated. The power supply should turn back on

after it cools. Make sure that the power supply has sufficient ventilation

during cooling. Do not try to turn on the console while the power supply is


The power supply needs service.



Support Page.


Microsoft have some nice support pages. You can always look at them...








PC can´t see Xbox.


Install .NET framework 1.1.

Verify UPnP is active.

Verify the Windows Media Connect service is active.

Having a Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector? Remove it and it will work.



Error Message E74


You played your game and your unit suddenly died. After some hour it starts

again, with the message Error Message E74.

This means that something is bad with the harddrive.

Call the support and they will let you send it in.



Can't Retrieve Information From Xbox LIVE. Please Try Again Later.


You must do a Account Recovery.

If you can download small but not big files, look at

http://forums.xbox.com/754088/ShowPost.aspx for more info, and post there.




= 12. Region Free? =



It seems that Microsoft have put the region free question on the gaming

developers, since it has come reports that´s saying that some games are region

free. Just don´t expect and games from Microsoft (Rare) to be region free.


Region Free games:


Amped 3 seems to work on a PAL unit...

Call of Duty 2



Quake 4

Ridge Racer 6 (US VERSION)

Tony Hawks : American Wasteland



Not Region Free games


US Project Gotham Racing 3

US Kameo

US Perfect Dark: Zero




= 13. The rest =




- 13.1. FAQ -



Q001 - Your FAQ sucks!


A - Then read another one or make one yourself.


Q002 - You can´t play games on a Core system!


A - Yes you can. You can´t save without adding a memory card or a harddrive.

And you can´t play X-Box 1 games. But you can still play most X-Box 360



Q003 - I can´t register on Xbox Live, HELP!!!!


A - You are trying to register or transfer you account on the launch day.

At the same time as another million American users. This means that the

server got so hammered so it goes down from time to time.

Try again later, and call the support.


Q004 - I got a Core system and bought a harddrive. It´s installed but it

does´nt work. Help me!!!


A - It seems that some Core owners with a harddrive have a problem. The

harddrive seems to work, but they can´t install MP3´s, photos or make

a gamer profile. As now there seems to be no solution, so call the support.


Q005 - What TV is best for X-Box 360?


A - I have no idea, ask a seller. A TV that supports both 720p and 1080i cost

more then a TV that supports only one of them.


Q006 - WHERE CAN I BUY A XBOX 360?!?!?!?!?


A - Look in the stores. It´s a shortout now, because Microsoft have made so few

units and wants a worldwide release.


Q007 - Why are Microsoft giving away a million units to Paris Hilton?


A - 9000 units was used in lottery. A few of these was giving away to Hilton

& CO. All winners are humans, most gamers, so it exist as many 360 owners

now as if they had been sold. Besides, 9000 units extra means that not

every store will get even one extra.


Q008 - Hideo said that Metal Gear Solid 4 will come to 360, is it true?


A - Hideo Kojima said that the MGS4 Techdemo could easily be ported to

X-Box 360. Not that he will do it.


Q009 - My friend said that Rare will port Perfect Dark Zero to Revolution.

Is it true, or is he a Nintendo fanboy?


A - Rare said that they could port PDZ to Revolution without a problem.

Some things would change, for example they would probably use the remote

as a gun, making the game a little different to play.


Q010 - X-Box 360 cost to much!!!!


A - Microsoft are loosing money on every unit they sell. Think how much it will

cost if they wanted to earn som money on each unit.


Q011 - They are selling 360´s on ebay for 3050$!!!


A - Supply and demand. This is how the world works.


Q012 - How do I know if my TV supports HD?


A - Read the manual. Use google. See if you have 5 inputs close to each other.


Q013 - 3050$? A Premium was sold for 5100$!!! People are crazy!!!!


A - See question 011.


Q014 - Where is my free month of Live Gold? I can´t see any card?


A - When you create a new profile, choose Xbox Live Silver, and it shall pop

up that you will get a free month of Gold. If it does´nt work, call the



Q015 - Xbox is spelled Xbox, not X-Box!!!


A - I know, but I like to spell it X-Box. My FAQ, my rules.


Q016 - Where are the great graphics? It does´nt look so great as I thought

it would!


A - First generation games are not even using 20% of the power in a unit.

Besides, the 360 is using 3 cores. Making something run on 2 cores are

hell, 3 is even worse. And think of the PS3, using 7 of them...


Q017 - Where are my 20GB? I can only see 13!!!


A - When you format a harddrive, you loose some space. This lost space is

telling the unit what the stuff on the disk is.

13 is for the user to fill up, with pics, music, Live arcade and so on.

4 is "hidden" for gamesaves.

the rest is for swap and lost.


Q018 - I can´t copy music from my IPod!


A - You can only stream music from a IPod. If the music is in MP3. No ACC here.


Q019 - Where is the CD that allows me to play old X-Box games?


A - Somewhere on Xbox.com in a near future.


Q020 - My 360 stopped working!!!


A - Are you blocking the ventilation holes? Have you placed your unit in a hot

place? Call the support.


Q021 - When is a new shipment coming?


A - If you are lucky, before X-Mas. If you are unlucky, in January.


Q022 - Why are Microsoft selling units in Japan and Europe instead of selling

to everybody that wants one in USA first? USA ROX!!!


A - 1. They want a release before X-Mas. X-Mas means more units sold.

2. Europe and Japan are paying even more for the units then what USA are

doing. This means that Microsoft are not loosing as much money on each

unit they sell outside USA.

3. The place down under are not getting it until March.


Q023 - Microsoft are tricking you all, they are holding back many units!


A - The shortage is true. Why would Microsoft hold back so many units if they

knew that every unit they release before X-mas will sell?


Q024 - Why are people doing so crazy stuff to get a X-Box 360?


A - What crazy stuff? Buying it on ebay for thousands of dollar? Trying to rob

stores on units? Trying to steal units from kids? Smashing windows because

stores are not selling them one? Yes it exist examples of all these things.

Why? Because they believe they will feel like a God if they have one on

the Launch day. And they can tell their friends that hav´nt got any unit

that they are better then them.





A - Nice for you.


Q026 - Why did´nt you write anything about this or that?


A - Because I´m lazy. Thank you, now I must do a update.


Q026 - How do I change themes on the dashboard?


A - Push the Guide button on your controller and go to Personal Settings.


Q027 - You said somewhere in you're guide that xbox 360 have sold out in most

stores around America. Do you happen to know how much consoles were

originally planned for the release date? Eg 2 million units?


A - The numbers I´ve heard are that they released around one million units in

USA. No idea how many of each sort it was. I´ve also heard that UK will

only get 50.000 or 500.000 units at launch day, depending on where you

read it. But I have no official numbers, seems impossible to find that.


Q028 - You mentioned that Japan will only have 11 xbox games that are BC. Does

that include Australia? I was kinda hoping 200 games being BC would

apply for Australia as well as America loll.


A - Microsoft have only released eleven games on the list, but they will

probably add more before the Japanese launch (at least I hope so).

My guess is that the Australian BC list will probably be the same as the

European list. I guess so because we both have the same TV standard and the

Australian xbox.com seems to list the same list.

But what worries me about Australian is that if you look at the Australian

version of xbox.com (www.xbox.com/en-AU) and look at Games - All Games, it

seems that no games will have HDTV Support o_O

I hope this is a error on the page.


Q029 - I was reading your guide, and found it very informative. However, when

I began reading what you were saying about 1080i being better than 720p.

I understand you probably aren't an enthusiast, and I don't mean to

insult you, because anyone with any knowledge of HD knows 720p>1080i.

Especially when it comes to video games, with a great deal of fast

moving objects, 720p reigns supreme.


Read up.


A - Thanks. It is interesting reading, and we can all be wrong sometimes.

I still believe that 1080i is better on smaller TV´s and 720p is better on

on bigger TV´s.

It´s up to each user to see it for themself what they like most, so I

demand that every user of a X-Box 360 look for themself what they like


...if they have a TV or monitor that supports it.


Q030 - Hey man I read your FAQ and I really couldn't find anything that tells

me how to put videos on the 360 hard drive. Is it possible to do that?


A - Right now it seems that nobody knows how to do with movies. It seems that

we can´t do it yet, but you are supposed to be able to stream it from

your XP PC with Windows Media Connect. But that also seems to not work so

well yet...

So to be honest, have no idea yet.


Q031 - Hello! My name is Mr.X and I love your guide. I love it so much so I

want it on my site @ xyz.com. I have 250.000+ visitors every day.

Can I host it?


A - I have a policy to only host my stuff at Gamefaqs these days, because I´m

so lazy. To let other sites host it will only make people cry in the end.

One example was one of my earlier FAQ´s, GTA San Andreas to PS2. I let so

many host it, so I forgot to update half of them, including Gamefaqs.

In the end, Gamefaqs took it down.

So I´m saying no, but you can use it as a base if you want, if you rewrite

bigger parts of it and put the name Foppe somewhere in the credz ;)


Q032 - Is Using the 360 or xbox to play dvd (movies) will reduce the life of

the drive?


A - It shall not do it. But since we hav´nt tried it that much yet, we ar´nt

100% sure about it, just 83%.


Q033 - I read all the questions in your FAQ, but to be honest, I didn't read

the ENTIRE thing, but I did read a heafty portion of it looking for the

answer to this question; I can only seem to sonnect two controllers at

once. Help! Thank you very much.


A - This is a question that I´ve got a lot.

To connect your wired controller, you need to use a USB port. The 360 have

two USB ports in the front of the unit, and one on the backside. Now you

will think that that´s only 3 controllers. And you are correct. To use 4

controllers, you need at least one wireless. And if you want to stream

music from one USB port, you need at least two wireless controllers.

If you are using only wireless controllers and can´t get them to work, try

to redo what you did to connect the first controller. With other words...

Press and hold down the Xbox Guide button until the controller turns on.

If your console is not on, press the Power button to turn on the console.

Press and release the connect button on the console.

Press and release the connect button on the controller.

After the Ring of Light on the controller and console spin and flash once,

the controller is connected. The quadrant that remains lit indicates the

controller's position.

And remember to insert the battery first.


Q034 - When is the second shipment?


A - It seems that the second shipment will be this Friday (25th November), with

a new shipment every Friday. This is based on the info most stores are

getting today (23rd). It´s to early to know if this is rumors or truth.


Q035 - WHere is the ACC codec you talked about?


A - Use Xbox Live and go to Xbox Live Marketplace, then Game Downloads.

Select All Games, Alphabetical List of Games. Select Optional iPod Support,

download it and you can now listen to ACC files.

Can only be downloaded one time for each gamer profile.


Q036 - My X-Box 360 have stopped working, it´s just some red lights that works.

Help me!!!!!!


A - Those red lights tells you what´s wrong, take a look in the manual.

You can always try to remove all cables and put them in again.

Be sure to put them in ALL the way in. Sometime you need to use some power

to get it all in.

If nothing works, call the support.


Q037 - Does the premium bundle come with standard AV hookup or only the HD?


A - It´s a combination of the two. There is Red, Green, Blue, another Red and

White for audio, and a Yellow added.

To use it as a Composite, just put in the Red, White and Yellow.


Q038 - Will playing the 360 on a non HD tv make it look like the old Xbox?

Or will it still be super sexy graphics?


A - It will look great, even without HD.


Q039 - I tried out the backward compatabilty with Halo 2, but it said I had an

important message from XBox Live and I needed to view it at the account

management. I went to it and nothing showed up. What shall I do?


A - It has to do with parental settings go to the dashboard, system settings,

then family settings and mess around with the options.


Q040 - Why did´nt you answer my mail or updated your FAQ?


A - Because I have other things to do then to be online 24/7. Calm down and I

will send you a mail.


Q041 - why is the xbox 360 coming out on march 2 in australia why cant it

come out before x-mas?


A - That´s because Microsoft decided to release it in Australia / New Zealand

the second March. Maybe they believed that they dad so few units to sell

so they waited with the release down under until they was sure that

everybody there would get one.


Q042 - what online stuff is TOTALLY free? (i mean, is silver free?)


A - Yes Xbox Live Silver is totally free. The only thing you need to pay is

the internet bill.


Q043 - Ive got a linksys wireless network card, will it work on my 360?


A - To be honest, I have no idea.

But you can look at


if you get into trouble.


Q044 - Are rechargeable AA batteries included with the wireless controller?


A - Yes they are included.

*UPDATE* My mistake. AA batteries are included, but they are NOT



Q045 - Is there a way to directly connect your wireless controller to the 360,

so you dont need batteries if you run out of batteries (i mean someting



A - You need to buy a Play & Charge for this. With a Play & Charge you can

connect your wireless controller to your X-Box 360 and charge the batteries

in the controller. The batteries must still be in the controller.



Q046 - Will it look better on a 17" monitor or on a 27" 480i tv? Is the VGA

thingy included?


A - You can run your games at 1080i on your monitor, so you get a higher

resolution in a smaller place. It is really hard to say, since it does

look better, but it is a smaller space, so you have to decide it yourself

if it´s worth to do it.

You must buy the VGA cable separatly.



Q047 - Why are you always using 83%? (if you dont feel like answering then

dont, the question is not pertinent anyway...)


A - 83%? Do do mean the version number?

I do know that there are so much that I could include, which I probably

will include sometime in the future, so that´s why I´m putting the version

number at 80-90 now. I want the FAQ to be mostly complete before I give it

a 1.00-number.


Q050 - Read the questin: Wich resolution is 720p using?


A - 720p is using the 1280 x 720 resolution.


Q051 - I just wanted to know if we could play Japanese games on a U.S 360 and

vice versa. Rock on!


A - You are not supported to do it, but people seems to have discovered that

some US games are working great on Japanese units. Did they rush out the

games so they forgot to add a region lock on them? Or was it a nice thing

they did with the early released games?

Call of Duty 2, Condemned, Gun, and Tony Hawk: American Wasteland are the

games that seems to not have any region locks, maybe something for European

gamers to test?


Q052 - I am having problems connecting 2 differnt computers to the 360, my wife

and my computer are both on the network, and we each have our own music

on the PC's and want to use them to play. But my computer is the only

one to ever show up. Any ideas, or can you confirm that its only 1 pc

at a time?


A - I have no idea. I think it´s strange that it only will support one PC.

I know that it´s possible to have two X-Box 360 to share different media

from the same PC, but I have no idea with more then one PC.


Q053 - Is there a way to save the music and/or pictures on the 360 from your

computer, instead of streaming them? That way when i go to other

peoples house i have my music and pictures to use.


A - You can save music from Audio CD´s, but not from MP3 CD´s. I guess

Microsoft thought that there was a bigger chance that MP3 CD´s was more

illegal then Audio CD´s. As for pictures, I don´t think so. I know that

the 360 can read JPEG´s from a CD but I don´t think you can save them.


Q054 - I really need to know which is the best Highspeed internet service to

get for Xbox live. I know the differences in the prices but my problem

consists of a different issue. it involves speed.

If I get Verison DSL, it will be 50x faster than dialup.

If I get Optimum online, it will be 150x faster than dialup!

And in worse case sceneario, if I get Direct-way(DirectTV service) it

will be 50x faster than dialup. but much more expensive.

What I want to know is if I get a slower system, such as DSL, how will

it affect my gameplay while on X-box live? Will it slow it down? Or will

it be the same? And is Direct-way X-box live compatiable?????


A - Dial-up (for example, 56K), ISDN, and satellite Internet services are not

supported by Xbox Live. DSL or Cable are working great.

The difference between using a DSL and something faster while playing

Xbox Live shall be nothing at all. The game shall run as fast on each


The only difference I can think of is that you can have more heavily

downloads with your PC at the same time as you play Xbox Live without

eventually laggy gameplay if you have a higher Internet connection.

So take it easy with all anime downloads while you play Xbox Live ;)

Direct-way as in the company or as in putting the internet directly into

your Xbox?

If it is the company that sends Internet with your satellite disk, they are

not on the official list of "Internet providers that supports Xbox Live"

and I´ve heard stories about people having problem using Live with them.

If you mean if the 360 is compatible with "Internet directly to the unit

with no PC between" then yes, you can do it.


Q055 - I've been playing Need For Speed: Most Wanted for a couple days and got

about 5 accomplishments unlocked. The only problem was that it was on

my offline account but I wanted to put it on my online account. I tried

moving it to my online account and did, but the accomplishments didn't

show up. The saved game moved and works on the online account, it's just

that the accomplishments didn't. I was wondering if there was anyway

that this could be possible, and if so, how?


A - Honestly, I have no idea. Have you tried to start a new game with your

online account, using it when you play offline and unlock some



Q056 - does Project Gotham Racing 3 have co-op (It is listed in your guide as

having it.)? I picked this game up on launch day, and so far I haven't

seen the ability to do co-op, nor does it say that you are able to do

it on the back of the game. If I'm wrong, could you tell me how to

access this feature?


A - I got my information from the official Xbox.com so I think it´s strange

that it´s not correct.

...but they are also listing Tony Hawk as a singleplayergame that have

coop, how can you have coop with one player?


Ah, that´s the problem. Your friend needs to have a profile on your 360.

Sign him in, then choose the non-career races, and the second person should

be able to join. I hope...


Q057 - only thing i wanna say about the xbox 360 is that some of them crash

after first use there have been reports of people playing it one day,

turning it off and the next day they go to turn it on and it won't turn



A - Yes I´ve heard strange stories about crashing units. I´ll dig deeper into

it and add a Crashing-section in the next or nextnext update.


Q058 - whats ACC? and can it play all old xbox games or just the ones you

listed? Also why does it only play the games you listed


A - ACC is a file format that Apple uses for their IPod. See it as another

sound format, like MP3, MP2, Wav, OGG and so on.

You can only play those games listed because Microsoft emulates the older

games with software (like playing Snes roms on your PC) instead of emulate

them with hardware (like the PS2 does with PS1-games). Instead of making a

big emulator, they make many small emulators that only plays one game each.

This means that they need to make a new emulator for each new game. This

means that you does´nt need to download the whole emulator each time they

have added a new game, and they can make each emulator to emulate just that

game nicely, instead of making a new game crash/making it impossible to

play some other game, which can be the case with a big emulator.

Microsoft are working on adding more games in the future.

The fastest way to see is to insert your Xbox game into the 360, wait for

the "Please insert a Xbox or 360 game", go to Xbox Live marketplace and it

will show you a download if it´s done.

If you don´t have Xbox Live, you can look at xbox.com for a download to

your PC, so you can burn it and install it. Or letting them send a CD for a

small price.


Q059 - hey man i got a ? I was wondering i got the x box 360 and i got 4 wire

controllers. I found 3 spots to put them in is there a 4th?


A - You must have at least one wireless controller to have 4 controllers.



Siguiendo los pasos que proponen es de lo mas facil GANAR DINERO ^___^


A - ...



Q061 - I saw that your guide said that with Xbox Live Gold, I could play

select Xbox Live Xbox games. Does this mean I can't play Xbox Live

Xbox games with Silver?


A - You can not play games on Xbox Live without a Xbox Live Gold account.

As a Silver member, you can try it with "Preview Xbox Live Gold during

free weekend trials", but I have no idea when that is or how often it is.


Q062 - What theme are you using on your Dashboard?


A - None. I do not even own a X-Box 360, and I have no plans gettign one in

the future.


Q063 - If I get a wireless controller, and then the batteries run out of power,

and i dont have any play and charge thing, what do I do?


A - You can buy a Play & charge or you can buy new batteries.

Or you can get rechargable batteries and charge them when you don´t play.


Q064 - How do you like the new xbox how do you feel about it? the reason I'm

asking is because I want to know if its worth buying. I know you know

there are a lot of rumors going around saying the xbox 360 is some crap,

they messed up with the whole hard drive thing it cost too much, etc.,

after all the press on the new systems I'm for the PS3 and Revolution

they seem like they have more to offer then the xbox360.

Not only that they want you to pay $400 $500 $2000 what have you and at

this point I rather just get it for free or win it from somewhere.

So that's the main question is it wroth getting?


A - My personal feeling about the 360 is that it´s not bad. Microsoft have

really put their heart in the 360 to make it easy to play online, and

online gaming is always fun.

The price is a little heavy but I guess that it will go down when the PS3

and Revolution is released.

I like all 3 of the next-gen systems.

The PS3 for Metal Gear Solid 4, the Revolution for the new controller and

all Nintendogames, and the 360 for the games that will not be released on

either PS3 or Revolution.

Right now, the 360 feels like a egoboost, but it does´nt really exist any

games that shows us what the next-gen is all about. I´m not surprised,

since it´s all firstgeneration-games we are talking about.


I would not say that it´s crap. Sure the price is high but it also cost a

bit to make it. It always exist faulty units in the production, but it´s

not even 3% of them that are faulty. Most people that say their 360 broke

are either Sony fanboys that trolls or people that have placed the unit

wrong (in a hot place, have covered the ventilation holes, and so on).


To make it short, if we want to play all great games that is released, we

must open our wallets and buy all 3 systems. I´m waiting for a pricedrop,

but it will be a long wait.


Q065 - I read on www.slashdot.org that a quick fix if your 360 kept crashing

and such was to lift the external power supply so it would get some

air and not overheat. Something you might want to mention, I guess.


A - Thanks, I´ll add it in a crashingsection later.



Q066 - I would like to get my hands on an x-box 360 and connect it to the

internet to get the maximum out of it. The thing is that, in my house,

my modem is located as far as can be from where my consoles are. How

does the internet/x-box connection work? Will I have to use a 35 feet

cable? Do I really need to buy the wireless adaptor?


A - 35 feet is not so long, you can use a 35 feet cable without a problem.


Q067 - I understand there is a Silver and Gold XBOX Live accounts correct?

The silver is free you say? As in you buy the xbox 360 and its free

from out of the box?


A - Yes it is free from out the box, as long as you have a fast enough

Internet. When you create your profile the first time you start your unit,

just choose that you want to join Xbox Live and then choose Silver.

The only thing you need to pay is your ordinary Internet bill.


Q068 - Will you be able to buy the Combination High-Definition Component and

Standard A/V Cable later?


A - Unless Microsoft screws up, yes you can.


Q069 - Will you be able to transfer your Xbox Live account to the Xbox 360?


A - Yes. And you can still use it on your old Xbox even after you have

transfered it to the 360.


Q070 - I bought the hard drive seperate, but I tried to play Star Wars

Battlefront 2, but it said something about downloading something off of

Xbox.com. What do I have to download, if anything, off of Xbox.com,

because I have searched their site and it didnt say anything about

downloading software to play newer Xbox games?


A - That site is hard to find stuff on, even if you know where to search >_>

The site you are searchign for is

http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/backwardscompatibility.htm . You can

download it directly to your system with Xbox Live if you want.

To bad that Star Wars: Battlefront II does´nt seem to be on the list at the

moment, but I hope it will soon be there.


Q071 - Since I got the Core system, and bought the Hard Drive, then will I be

able to save games without having to buy a memory card?


A - Yes, you will save to the harddrive instead.



Q072 - I was wondering, if the X-Box 360 has a built in Ethernet Port, can i

connect my ADSL modem to the X-Box so that i can use the internet? If i

can't, please tell me another way. Thanks!


A - Yes it has a Ethernet port so it´s just to connect.


Q073 - Can a TV with 1024 x 768p use 720p?


A - It should go, unless the TV hates 720p. Look in the manual.


Q074 - I'm on Dialup and am also an xbox live gold member. It works fine with

4 cars on PGR3, and kinda is choppy in NFS:MW. But just thought I'd let

you know. *shrugs*


A - Nice info. I thought that Microsoft had something that blocked it if it was

slowslowslow (no offense), seems I was wrong ^_^


Q075 - I found it amusing that you don't have a 360, nor do you plan to own



A - If somebody gave me one, I would take it ;)

Don´t take me wrong, it´s a nice little machine but I think it´s to early

to pay that much for it. Maybe some time in the future when it exist some

"real" killergames on it. Until then, I´m waiting for a Revolution ;)


Q076 - I just want to know what setting I would put the VGA cable on (720p,

1080i, etc etc) if I used it on my monitor. Maximum Resolution for it

is 1280x1024.


A - 1080i is 1920x1080, which is higher then 1280x1024.

720p is 1280x720, so I would go for 720p.


Q077 - I was wondering if the Xbox 360 controller was compatible with

computers, it does have a USB port. Would you happen to know if you

could use the 360 controller for PC games. That's all.


A - Yes you can use the wired controller on your PC.

The wireless one will only charge if you plug it in with a Play & Charge.


Q078 - In England we write £279, not 279£.


A - Thanks for the info, in USA they also write $279, not 279$.


Q079 - Can you make an MP3 data disk and then copy the MP3s from the cd to

your Xbox 360 hard drive?


A - At the moment, it seems that you can´t copy MP3´s from a cd. Only if it is

a Audio CD.


Q080 - what are the PAL options for the tv in Europe and is the map expansion

Halo also playable on X-Box 360 for Europe?


A - The PAL TV Options for European 360´s are 50Hz and PAL 60Hz. The only Halo

map expansion I know are the one for Halo 2, and that is playable on the

European version.


Q081 - I have AOL and i am wondering if i can play xbox silver/gold with it...

I have ver. 9.0.


A - It depends...

AOL High-Speed Broadband service supports both cable and DSL. Currently,

you cannot connect to Xbox Live using AOL High-Speed Broadband cable

service. Contact AOL High-Speed Broadband for more information and updates

about this issue.

You may be able to connect to Xbox Live using AOL High-Speed Broadband DSL

service. To do so from the Xbox Dashboard, select Settings, and then select

Network Settings.

From the Network Settings screen, select PPPoE Settings.

For username, type your AOL screen name in the format "[email protected]"

and then your password (all lowercase and with any spaces or special

characters removed).

To connect to Xbox Live using the new settings, return (BACK) to the

Network Settings screen, and then select Connect.

If you cannot connect, contact AOL High-Speed Broadband for more

information and updates about this issue.


Q082 - You are a ******* idiot that hav´nt answered my mails!


A - I am a lazy person that have a life. If somebody paid me for sitting 24/7

in front of the computer, I would gladly update the FAQ everytime I get a

new mail or some info is reported somewhere.

And what you know, I could have been shot, killed, been in hospital, been

in a war or something else. So calm down and I´ll answer your mail.


Q083 - Is there a way to download more Gamer Pictures for the XBOX 360 Gamer

Profile? Can they be created? What size and file format are they? How

do you use them?


A - It seems that you can not create your own Gamer pictures, I guess that

Microsoft did´nt want any goatse out there...

Look in the Live Marketplace and you will see Gamer Pictures that you can

download from different games. These costs you Microsoft Points, which

means that you have to pay real money to get some new pics that you can

use... That´s cheap, Microsoft. Let´s hope that some games in the future

(maybe demo discs)`will have some free ones included.


Q084 - Can You have dial-up internet connection and still be able to go on

X-box live and download arcade games and have all the other benifits of

X-box live?, if so How do I do it? Thanks in advance


A - Theoretically, yes you can. It will be slow, but it is not impossible.

You must have the dial-up connection to your computer and having the 360

in a network with your computer with a Ethernet cable, then share the

Internet to your network somehow. I don´t know exactly how to do that.


Q085 - Hey. I was reading your Xbox 360 FAQ on gamefaqs.com and I noticed one

of the questions was in Spanish. I found the translation.

In Spanish-

QUE VAS A PERDER SI PRUEBAS. Siguiendo los pasos que proponen es de lo

mas facil GANAR DINERO


In English-

THAT YOU ARE GOING TO LOSE IF TESTS. Following the steps that propose

it is of but the facil thing TO MAKE MONEY

It's not 100% accurate, but whatever.


A - I knew that it was some kind of spammail, the whole thing was that it had

the 360 FAQ in the header. ANd I´ve got 10 more of those >_>

If anybody wants to send me spam, please remove the fricking 360 from the



Q086 - I have an Xbox 360 and I am looking at your backwords compatibility list

of Xbox games that work if you have a hardrive. So I have a harddrive

and I try to play Fable because its on your list and it just says

"This original Xbox game is not supported on your Xbox 360 console. An

update to support this game may be available. For More info, go to


So what the hell is wrong?


A - It wants you to go to

http://www.xbox.com/en-US/games/backwardscompatibility.htm and read how to

do. You can either download the patch from Xbox Live, download a file to

your computer and burn it and use the burned disc on your 360 or letting

Microsoft send you a CD for a small price.


Q087 - Does Starwars Battlefront I or II work on the 360?


A - At the moment, it does not seem that they will work. I hope they will soon



Q088 - On the Connections section, you name the different connectors you can

use. I think you missed out HDMI and DVI. HDMI is what most people will

be using to connect stuff to their HDTV - it contains the picture and

sound and delivers good quality. I'm not quite sure on DVI - something

to do with monitors but you can still use it to connect to a HDTV. I'm

definately not an expert on this but what I say I think is right. And if

I missed it being mentioned somewhere in your guide- sorry. Thanks.


Oh and the guy who whined about not getting stuff in the USA first...

f*** him. The USA get nearly everything before Europe does, so he cant

complain (no offence to USA).


A - You are correct in that HDMI and DVI connectors are better then RCA and

Component. The only problem is that Micrsoft are not releasing any HDMI or

DVI cables, and it does´nt seems that they will do, at least not yet.

And I´ve not seen any thirdpart having any plans on doing so either.


Oh and the guy who whined about not getting stuff in the USA first...

You are so correct.


Q089 - in your FAQ in the last section, where you answered people's e-mails,

you said Europe and Japan are paying more, I don't know about Japan but

here in Ireland we're paying 400 Euro total (including Tax). In America

it's $400 + tax, with changeover it adds up to be equal, America doesn't

add tax until after you buy it, other countries have it pre-added, so

the price you see is the price you pay.


A - Thank God it´s easier to see how much it will cost with taxes in Europe.


Q090 - Is there a minimum broadband spec for connecting the X-box360 for

online gaming? My DSL provider(Verizon) said that the 768k would not

work and told me I would need the highest speed (1.5) which is fifteen

dollars more. I have been trying to get an answer to this question to

no avail. The wait times in the text chat and phone customer service

are outrageous. Thank you in advance for any assistance you may offer

regarding this query.


A - Microsoft are saying "cable or DSL", not how fast the DSL must be.

Verizon is on the official Xbox Live Compatible ISPs so they should know

what they are talking about...

But I´ve got mails from people that are using Xbox Live Gold from a dial up

so I gues that it should not be all impossible. Some games were even

running without lagg, guess they was lucky.


Q091 - Now i have not had the oppertunity to test this myself, but I'm sure if

someone really wanted to connect 4 wired controllers to their XBox, all

they would need to do is purchase a USB hub, most of them add four

ports, and most of them are between 30-50$CAD.


A - I´ve been thinking about this earlier and it seems that it could work.

Unless Microsoft have made something with the USB ports so it can only use

one unit at the same time.

Can somebody confirm this?


Q092 - How many Xbox 360s was released in Europe?


A - The inofficial Launchday release says it was 300.000 units in Europe.

100.000 of these was in UK...


Q093 - The 360 cost to much!!!


A - Meridian is releasing a DVDplayer that costs 20.000$. THAT is to much.


Q094 - WHat game have sold most?


A - It exist a list that shows the top 5 best selling Xbox 360-games from

Walmart, Amazon and Gamestop. Walmart and Amazon are both the same with:

1. Call of Duty 2

2. Madden NFL 06

3. Need for Speed Most Wanted

4. Peter Jackson’s King Kong

5. Project Gotham Racing 3


Gamestop´s list are:

1. Call of Duty 2

2. Project Gotham Racing 3

3. Perfect Dark Zero

4. Dead or Alive 4 (pre-order)

5. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (pre-order)


So I guess that CoD2 are the winner?


Q095 - The wireless controller is not wireless? When I put it in the Play &

Charge, I´m to lazy to remove it when it´s done charging, and thereby

I´m having a wire in my wireless controller!


A - You are so lazy, so you does´nt deserve a X-Box 360.


Q096 - Why are IGN Nintendo fanboys? They hate the 360!!!


A - No. What have I said about trusting IGN?

The "10 reasons to wait for a Revolution instead of buying a 360"-article

was written on the NINTENDO part of IGN. If you had a website that was

about the 360, would you then post 10 reasons why to buy a PSP instead?


Q097 - The 360 Power supply are huge!!! ANd the noice is huge!!! I hate it!!!


A - It is not so huge. It´s better to have it outside then to have it inside,

which means that the unit would have been bigger and getting hotter.

And the noise is not so high. If you can´t take it, sell your 360.


Q098 - My friend lies that Microsoft is loosing money on the 360!


A - Your friend is correct. According to Business Week, Microsoft could be

losing up to 126$ on each unit sold.

Microsoft lost money on each Xbox1 they are selling and Sony are loosing

money on each PS2 they are selling. Only Nintendo are earning money on

their gaming part of the company.


Q099 - Why are you writing a FAQ about the 360 if you does´nt even want one,

SOny fanboy!!


A - Because I can. And I am no fanboy. If you gave me one, I would take it.

The reason why I´m writing one is that I saw that the need for the FAQ

existed a week before the American launch. And the need is still big.

This FAQ is one of the most used on Gamefaqs at the moment. It is on place

4 on the Top 10 FAQ Pages today. It was on place 3 not long ago, but Animal

Crossing WW was released. The first and second game on the list (Dragon

Quest VIII and WWE SD vs Raw 06) have each many FAQ´s while Animal Crossing

WW and Xbox 360 Hardware are only having one FAQ each.



Q100 - How many units have been sold on ebay?


A - According to eBay president and CEO Meg Whitman, 40,000 Xbox 360 units have

been sold on eBay. If launch supply estimates from American Technology

Research are accurate, that would mean that 10% of all Xbox 360 units sold

in the US were either sold or resold through eBay.


Q101 - What is this Final Fantasy XI beta I´ve heard about?


A - A free FFXI Beta disc will follow the UK Xbox 360: The Official Xbox

Magazine in January. You can find it in stores the January 5th.

In Japan it will be distributed with special Japanese 360 launch packages.

No word about any American beta.


Q102 - Why must we go back to have games with many disc instead of having a

Blu-ray drive? This is not Playstation!!!


A - Playstation had it. PS2 had it. Gamecube had it. And Xbox had it.

Games on multiple discs. It´s not like every game will have 4 or more discs

in the future. Game Informer does´nt know what they are talking about when

it sounds so. And when the time comes that we need more discs, I bet that

the programmers are smart enough so you does´nt need to swap them every 15

minute. Now somebody will say that games which are linear, such as Halo,

may work great with a multi-disc format (think Final Fantasy VII), but

games which are, er… cubic, such as Grand Theft Auto, may take a

significant hit in their ease of playability. I see no problems with games

like GTA. Just put the maps on all discs and let the story missions change

between the discs. Maybe even include different maps like say an earthquake

happens before it´s time to switch disc.


Q103 - Why are my 360 so power-hungry?


A - The 360 is more then your Xbox, yes. And so are Plasma TV´s if you compare

them with your older TV.

But calm down, your PC is draining more power then your 360.


Q104 - Is the Xbox Live friends list limit still 100?


A - Yes. But you´ll be able to view your friends friends lists too, which might

help some.


Q105 - Question: do you try to ensure that you provide correct information?

DVI is actually a sort of "uber-standard" in HDTV, since it can transfer

near and/or completley uncompressed video, meaning almost perfect clarity.

The problem (s):

1: not all HDTV's support DVI Inputs.

2: the average DVI cable costs between $100 and #120 USD.

3: Most TV's can't even take advantage of this unless they're (I'll guess)

42in. or larger.

4: Most people don't want to shell out that kind of money even if they have


5: Most people don't even know what the hell they're asking for when they

say "Where are your [insert generic item label here]?"

6: If you do know exactly what you're talking about, you probably confused

your local electronics store worker. Many of them are friggin clueless...

7: As far as I've seen, most DVI cables are rather short. So, if the DVI

input(s) are on the left of your 42+in. TV, and your 360 is on a shelf to

the right of that TV inside an entertainment center, odds are that you'll

have to move something-either the 360 or the entire entertainment center.

Most people don't want to do this and don't realize that they need to

measure cable lengths before they buy something that won't reach...

8: For the money (since almost every new TV now supports some form of "HDTV"

(even if it's only 480p- a sort of highER definition TV, but not exactly

HIGH Definition TV), you're probably better off going with the standard

Component (5-plug) HD-Cables that come standard with the premium system.

Also, if you don't want to shell out alot of $$$ on a surround sound system

(or have one and don't want to shell out that money on an optical audio

cable) then I recommend finding a headphone jack on your TV and buying a

cheap set of cables something like this


wo/bvJZrl0d6x2I3kgOmNn1tY5g336/6.SLID?mco=AD2EAFED&nplm=T4504LL%2FA but

cheaper (I found one in a local Wal-Mart for $5.00). This actually works

very well, and while this won't enable effects like DPL II and the likes,

it will enable you to hear much better sound. Right now, I use the cable to

connect my 27in. 10801/480p/(i think)720p HDTV to my Philips 330W bookshelf

stereo and it sounds oh-so-much better. While I have connected my otehr

systems (PS2 and GameCube) to my TV and not needed this headphone-RCA cable,

I did need it to connect my Xbox since I bought the HD-Cable set (the HD

cable set comes with its' own audio cables, meaning that the only way to get

the sound out of your xbox is through whatever you directly connected your

xbox to-a home theater system that has HD-Cables going from the Component-

Out jack to your TV's Composite-In jack or directly into your TV, meaning

that without this cable, all of your sound comes through the TV speakers.

9: For those without a HDTV, don't even bother. Just wait and get a HDTV

while you wait for the price to drop. I'm not saying that so that I can

possibly increase my chances of getting a system, but I'm saying that so

you don't waste your money just to find out that the graphics aren't all

that much better without a HDTV than the original Xbox. Don't say that I

didn't warn you...

10: If you keep your home too hot, the PSU (Power Supply Unit for all of

you non-informed tech dummies) is probably 99.9% guarnteed to overheat

faster. Most people can't even afford to heat their homes to 90 degrees F,

so please take the reasonable solutions before posting a very stupid

question about this.


A - When I get a list of many questions, I try to split them. But since I liked

your questions, I´m going to put them in at the same place.

And yes, I try to give out the correct information. It´s not easy, and as

a human I´m making mistakes. Are you making mistakes sometimes?

1. I can´t remember saying that all HDTV's are supporting DVI Inputs.

2. I heard you can get one from 86$ if you search.

3. That is probably correct.

4. If they are throwing away 5000$ on a X-Box 360 on ebay, they can

probably buy a cable for 100$. But why would they buy a cable that they

can´t use with their 360?

5. That is correct. People are idiots.

6. So your local electronics store worker does´nt know what they are

working with?

7. Are we talking about the same DVI? If I do a google image search on the

word DVI, it shows what I believe I´m talking about. And that is something

that the 360 does not support...yet...

8. That URL does not work. And yes, the Component cable is the best cable

to use, if your TV supports it.

9. The first generation games on a unit is not even using 13% if the units

power. People that believes that the first generation graphics would blow

are idiots. Compare SMB with SMB3 on Nes, Final Fantasy IV with Super Mario

RPG on SNES, Tekken with Tekken 3 on Playstion, and so on. The games does

have nice graphics even without a HDTV.

10. Yes, if you place the unit on a hot place, it will overheat.

It´s not SO hard to figure out, and it also says so in the manual.

But still, people are idiots...


Q106 - Will the new Xbox be compatible with the old Xbox memory units? I'm

asking this because I would like to play some of my old games on the

new Xbox 360 and it would be a little bit boring having to play the game

that I've already played on the Xbox.


A - No, it is impossible to transfer your old saves to the new Xbox 360, at

least at the moment. So you have to replay all old games again.


Q107 - Why hav´nt you written all points in Gaming Achievements? And why ar´nt

My game there?


A - Because I don´t know all points yet, and I hav´nt added all games yet.

This is something that will take long time, but keep coming back.


Q108 - How do I find that Secret Achievement in game X?


A - I have no idea. Maybe I´ll add how to get them all later, but now I´m

concentrating on getting most games and their achievements on the list.


Q109 - Why does Quake 2 have 0 in achievement points?


A - Because they did it so.


Q110 - Wait a minute, Quake 2 does not exist for Xbox 360! Liar liar pants on



A - It does. It followed a extra disc with it if you got Quake 4. But some

stores seems to have "forgotten" to put it in...


Q111 - Please sign the petition to bring Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV:

Turtles In Time to Xbox Arcade at

http://new.petitiononline.com/11seven/petition.html !!!!!


A - Already done, I was one of the first 150 that did it, now it have 757

signs. Maybe it´s time for the reader to sign now?


Q112 - What are the status of your FAQ?


A - What do you mean by status?

It was released on Gamefaqs at November 22. and then I had been working on

it for a week. It went directly to the Top Ten Faq Pages at Gamefaqs.

Today, 12/11/05, it is on place 4, with these games above:

01 Dragon Quest VIII - PS2

02 WWE SD vs Raw 06 - PS2

03 Animal Crossing WW - DS

The highest rank it have had was place number 1. I guess it was on place 1

around 2-3 days when it was newly released.

The latest version (0.90D) is 233K, but when you read this version 0.92

will be out and be bigger.

And that is all I can think of.


Q113 - I was wondering whether it is possible to play system link with two 360s

through the wireless adapter, and whether its possible to play system

link with one 360 and one original xbox?


A - It shall be possible to get two 360´s in system link with the wireless

adapter, if both have one. Easier would be to connect them with an ordinary

Ethernet cable. I don´t think that you can play with a Xbox and a Xbox 360

in a system link.




- 13.2. Credits -



"Provide credit where it is due."


Gamefaqs - No Gamefaqs, no need for this FAQ to exist.

Microsoft - For making the X-Box 360

Xbox.com - The official site.

Joystiq.com - One of the best places for online news.

Danny Yu - For finding some bad errors.

Paul - For lettign me know that Canon Powershot Pro1 works with the 360.

Grinshpon - Overheating info.

James - For confirming that DVD+R/RW´s with music and pics are supported.

KK0425 - For correcting my mistake about included rechargable AA batteries in

the wireless controller and music on DVD-ROM.

Dee - For making my head hurt about HD, 1080i, 720p and other fun TV info.

Brokaliv - Telling me that burned DVD movies works perfect.

Nicholas Rouse - For telling me that Microsoft had added the Bankshot Billiards

Xbox Live Arcade Game in the 12-month premium pack.

Sanskar Wagley - For translating the Spanish spam mail.

Zach Wagner - Told me that dial up does work with Xbox Live o_O

Bill Barbato - For the updated Japanese BC list and that US Halo 2 runs on a

Japanese 360.




- 13.3. Legal Information -



This may be not be reproduced under any circumstances except for personal,

private use. It may not be placed on any web site or otherwise distributed

publicly without advance written permission. Use of this guide on any other

web site or as a part of any public display is strictly prohibited, and a

violation of copyright.


This information is provided "as-is". Use of any information in this document

is entirely at your own risk. Neither the Author, or any site hosting this

document is liable for any damage you cause to your X-Box 360, PC, animal or

anything else after reading this document.


You can find the latest versions of this FAQ at GameFAQs (www.gamefaqs.com).


The following sites have permission to use this guide:





If you see another site using my guide and it is not listed here, please

contact me with the title "Faq stealing".


All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their

respective trademark and copyright holders.




- 13.4. Email Policy -



A simple list of rules for sending me email:


1. If you send me a question which cannot be found on my FAQ. I will try to


2. Please be specific in order for me to understand your question.

3. Check the latest version of this FAQ before sending questions.

4. Do not send attachments in any emails to me without my consent.

5. Do not ask questions that have already been answered fully in this FAQ.

6. Do not attempt to send me SPAM, the quoted address is not my primary address

and has spam-filtering in place.

7. If I don't reply to you, just e-mail me nicely and I’ll try to reply ASAP.

Please appreciate that I am a very busy person, with a business to run, so

if I don't reply promptly, please don't be upset.


Any email that does not comply with these rules will most likely be deleted.




- 13.5. Version Information -



0.92: Updated 11.2. I AM ERROR, 10. Gaming Achievements, added 12. Region Free?

Updated 8.4. Launch Marketplace, updated Japanese Launch information.

Added 10.3. Japanese Special.

0.90D: Updated 10. Gaming Achievements and the FAQ.

Added 10.3. Special.

0.90c: Updated 5.4.3 Backward Compatibility Japan list, updated the FAQ.

Added 10.2. Arcade Games and 10.1. Ordinary Games.

0.90b: Updated FAQ, added 9.3.4 Burned Movie DVDs, 9.4 PSP, 9.4.1 Music,

9.4.2 Pictures, 10. Gaming Achievements, 11. Bad Microsoft,

11.1. Change this Microsoft, 11.2. I AM ERROR, updated

3.1. Launch Dates, Packages and Prices, 9.7 Extern harddrive,

5.4.5 Removed Backward Compatibility list and probably something I forgot

0.88: Just updating the FAQ section and 10.3. Legal Information. And some


0.87: More questions in the FAQ, more info about Australia (!!!), added a new

section called 9. Media.

0.85: Seems that the FAQ section was lost...and a lot of useless space...


0.80: Everything!

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Flytter dorullen fra pulten og bruker mus og tastatur. Slår opp konstruktiv kritikk på internett (nei ikke søk xxx! kopier og lim inn Konstruktiv kritikk i søkefeltet), så kanskje dere lærer noe nytt.


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Når dere har forstått betydningen så kan dere kanskje svare korrekt?

Går vel an å ha det litt moro på andres bekostnign vel? :p Det er jo tross alt internettene vi snakker om her.


Men helt seriøst tror jeg de fleste hadde gått til Wikipeida eller Google om de trengte informasjon. Håpløst å gjør ordsøk i den digre tekstveggen der.

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