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MGS4: Tips & Triks

Gjest Slettet+981234789

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Gjest Slettet+981234789



Trenger du hjelp, tips eller triks til MGS4?



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Beauty Boss Photo Shoots


Did you know the women portraying the Beauty and the Beast Corps are models in real life? And did you happen to get the Camera from the pre-Act 3 Mission Briefing (look behind Sunny's desk)? Here's what we did with Raging Beauty (the general technique works with all of them):


Start by not shooting her too often and run to the top floor of the building. Eventually she'll get upset and a come toward you faster with a green aura. Shoot her a couple of times to calm her down (and keep the rest of the world monochrome), then wait again for a few moments (still running around) until she starts sounding painful and the area turns into a white void with a 3-minute timer. Take out the Camera and once it's out, she'll stop and strike a few poses. Don't get too close (like, an inch away), or she'll attack. Finish her off before time is up!



Half Naked Girl TV Channel


During the first interactive briefing segment when Snake and Otacon are talking to the Colonel on the big TV, maneuver MkII to the table near the screen. Extend his neck as high as it will go and you will see a black remote control on the table. Use his arm (R1) to hit the remote. Doing so will initiate a slide show of Asian models in lingerie. You can hit the remote again if you want to see good ole Roy again.





Reset Camo


Shake the SIXAXIS controller to reset Snake's OctoCamo. Clearing the camo will let a new pattern appear a tad more quickly. You can also do this during cut scenes to affect Snake's appearance.



Easy Drebin Points


Just before you enter Advent Palace where the Militia and PMC's are at a standoff, you can collect an infinite number of rifles 900 DP each and RPG's 6000 DP each. This works best when you've sided with the Militia. Since both sides respawn, just wait until the Militiamen get killed and collect their weapons, exchanging them for easy DP's!





Big Boss Extreme


Complete the game on any difficulty to unlock the Big Boss Extreme difficulty.



Beauty Camo Masks


Defeat the B&B bosses non-lethally to earn a camo mask in their likeness. NOTE: You only need to non-lethally defeat the HUMAN FORM of the B&B Bosses. You may defeat their beast form in any method you choose.



Div Camo Masks


Roy Campbell - Shock Colonel Campbell using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Otacon - Shock Dr. Emmerich using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Raiden Mask A - Shock Sunny using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Raiden Mask B - Shock Dr. Naomi Hunter using the Metal Gear II during the intermission scene.


Drebin - Purchase and keep more than 60 different weapons.


Big Boss - Earn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no alerts; kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Big Boss Extreme difficulty under 5 hours.



Altair's klær


Earn the Assassin's emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: kill or stun 50 or more enemies; CQC hold 50 or more enemies; and be discovered fewer than 25 times



Bonus Våpen



World War I Pistol - Earn the Hound emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no more than 3 alerts (the third alert means failure); kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Naked Normal difficulty (or higher) under 6 hours and 30 minutes.


Desert Eagle, Long Barrel - Earn the Fox emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no more than 5 alerts (the fifth alert means failure); kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Naked Normal difficulty (or higher) under 6 hours.


Thor 45-70 - Earn the Fox Hound emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no more than 3 alerts (the third alert means failure); kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Big Boss Hard difficulty (or higher) under 5 hours and 30 minutes.


Patriot Future Assault Weapon - Earn the Big Boss emblem on a single-player session by doing the following: instigate no alerts; kill no enemies (not even bosses); do not continue (at all); do not use life recovery items (at all); do not use the stealth suit or bandanna special items (you may possess, but not activate them); and complete the game on Big Boss Extreme difficulty under 5 hours.


Race (Ricochet) Gun - Clear the single-player game once.


Solar Gun - Collect the five statues (those of the four Battle Beauties and the Frog Soldier/Haven Troopers in stage 1) using non-lethal means on their respective idols.


* Frog Statue - Stage 1 Middle East, Advent Palace garage, atop the Nomad vehicle.

* Octopus Statue - Stage 2 South America, Research Lab boss room, upper right room.

* Raven Statue - Stage 3 Europe, top floor of the human phase of the boss fight.

* Wolf Statue - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, behind Snake's starting spot in the human phase of the boss fight.

* Mantis Statue - Stage 5 Outer Heaven, near the northern most door during the human phase of the fight.


Scanning Plug S - Log more than 10 hours of Metal Gear Online play time on the same profile as your Metal Gear 4 game. You purchase this from Drebin.


Digital Camera - In the Nomad vehicle during the mission intermission; you can unlock a special photo by picking up this item in stage 4 instead of earlier.


Stealth Item - Complete a single-player session without instigating a single alert (caution is okay, but not alert). You can do this on any difficulty.


Bandanna - Complete a single-player session without killing anyone (including bosses). You can do this on any difficulty.



Ny Ammo


Beat the game once and you'll be able to buy these things once you get back to Drebin.


Emotive ammo (cry) - Finish game once

Emotive ammo (laughter) - Finish game once

Emotive ammo (rage) - Finish game once

Emotive ammo (scream) - Finish game once

Smoke Grenade (blue) - Finish game once

Smoke Grenade (green) - Finish game once

Smoke Grenade (red) - Finish game once

Smoke Grenade (yellow) - Finish game once



iPod Sanger


Snake's iPod can download specific tunes throughout the course of the game. Some songs have an additional "secret" effect when it is played in the game.


Beyond the Bounds - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Tank Hangar. After power is restored, backtrack to the upper catwalk and explore all rooms. When played, this tune increases stun damage done by Snake from non-lethal weapons.


Big Boss - Earn the Big Boss emblem (see another code on this page for the criteria). This tune will increase stun damage (as above) and increases Snake's accuracy when played.


Bio-hazard - Stage 3 Europe, Midtown. Hold-up a resistance soldier and perform a body search. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to scream in terror.


Destiny's Call - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item. Naturally, the faction should be allied or neutral, or they will not reciprocate. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to go enraged.


Flowing Destiny - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Canyon. Before leaving the canyon area, examine the rocky walls for a hole hiding this item. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to weep like a little girl.


Fury, The - Stage 2 South America, Cove Valley Village. Inside the fire ravaged house. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to go enraged.


MGS 4 Love Theme / Action - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item. Naturally, the faction should be allied or neutral, or they will not reciprocate. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to weep like a little girl.


Opening - Old L.A. 2040 - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2. Input 78925 into Otacon's lab computer. This tune will increase Snake's accuracy.


Policenaughts Ending - Stage 4 Shadow Moses, Nuclear Warhead Storage B2. Input 13462 into Otacon's lab computer. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to fall asleep on touch.


Rock Me - Stage 2 South America, Confinement Facility. Island in the south-eastern quadrant. This tune increases Snake's amount of life recovered from items and other means.


Sailor - Stage 2 South America, Vista Mansion. Between the east wall and a cargo container. This tune increases Snake's amount of life recovered from items and other means.


Show Time - A random gift from a militia or rebel soldier if Snake gives them a healing item. Naturally, the faction should be allied or neutral, or they will not reciprocate. This tune will cause soldiers held by Snake to scream in terror.

Snake Eater - Unlocked by earning all 40 game clear emblems. This tune will increase the life recovery rate of Snake through items and other actions.


Subsistence - Play at least one game of Metal Gear Online. You must start the match with at least two players (and not simply wander around alone or on the Training Servers). This tune will increase Snake's accuracy.


Oishii Chuhan Seikatsu - During the white world phase, the bosses will start to dance (they can still attack you if you get too close). Also, Sunny will dance when you pause the game. She can be seen dancing in the bottom left-hand corner of the pause menu.




Extras Passord


ipod tunes unlockable via passwords

Extras menu > Enter Password:








Andre Otacon Passord


Enter these passwords in Act 4 when prompted by Otacon to earn some secret goodies.


14893 100,000 DP

78925 iPod song

13462 iPod song

12893 20% off store






Ekstra batteri (Solid Eye/MK.II/III)


Extra Battery Pack

During an interactive mission briefing activate the Mk. II. Using the Mk. II head back towards the helicoptor and look to the left of it. You will see the battery back sitting on the floor next to the wall.






In the first briefing, behind Sunnys desk, down stairs



Bonus bilder


Touching moments are available to you if you wait to get the Camera.

Don't get the Camera in the Nomad until the Act 4 Mission Briefing (it first appears in the Act 2 MB). Doing so will get you a series of bonus pictures with it -- a goofy set with Sunny and Naomi.





Endret av Slettet+981234789
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Gjest Slettet+981234789

ja det kan man, f.eks Act 1. start midt slutt.

alle over er ganske i starten av Act 1 tror jeg,

Endret av Slettet+981234789
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hva i alledager er den filmen som er før starten (gravplassen)

og den med kokkene i? skjønte ingen ting


Dette er referanser til tidligere spill og ikke minst historien i MGS. Legger man sammen 2 & 2 så skjønner man at disse filmene rett og slett er helt geniale


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Sliter med act 3:

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
Den delen hvor man skal følge den personen til resistansen/Big Mama. Sliter med den, selv om jeg tror det er gangske simpelt. Støtter alltid på noen soldater som ødelegger for meg. Noen tips eller snarveier takk!
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Har ett tekknikst spørsmål: er jo så heldig at jeg har ett 5.1. og opplever at allt av lyd som foregår bak meg inkl. bakgrunslyder kommer i fronthøytalerne, og det som egntlig skulle komme i front kommer bak. det eneste som kommer rett er vokal, som kommer fra senter. er dette meningen? det er nemlig veldig frustrernde og distraherende.



Beklager rotete grammatikk

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Gjest Slettet+981234789

riktig instillinger på Ps3 og Reciever?

feil koblet høytalere?

ampen din har sikkert også en surround innstilling, lyd nivå rundt om.

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Sliter med act 3:

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
Den delen hvor man skal følge den personen til resistansen/Big Mama. Sliter med den, selv om jeg tror det er gangske simpelt. Støtter alltid på noen soldater som ødelegger for meg. Noen tips eller snarveier takk!


Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
Jeg brukte octocamo og facecamo slik at jeg var omtrent usynlig, var endel enklere da enn med forkledningen man starter med.
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Gjest Slettet+981234789

merkelig, kan du beskrive litt mer om hvordan lyden oppfører seg?

MGS4 har ganske bra surround, som blir plassert etter hvor i rummet lyden er.

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merkelig, kan du beskrive litt mer om hvordan lyden oppfører seg?

MGS4 har ganske bra surround, som blir plassert etter hvor i rummet lyden er.


Dets beste eskepelt er helt i begyndelsen: når en bil slipper ut soldater, er det helt stille, bortsett fra litt bakgrunds action (dominerende i front) og alt jeg hører i fra "døra"/falllemmen til bilen er ett pfft lyded i fra hydralikken.


sagt på en bedre måte, så er det konflikt mello kamera vinkelr og hvor lyden kommer fra. bode ingame og i filmer.

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