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ser bra ut og vurderer 4870,håper bare det ikke blir mye mas med drivere da nvida har overtaket på spillutviklerne og kortet er vel bortimot "utdatert" før directx 10.1 gjør nytte før seg,eller?

Hmm ser ikke helt den da AC gjorde gooood nytte for seg på HD3870 DX10.1 før de fjernet "nytten" fra AC.

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Nå gikk jo AC raskere uten dx10.1 på ati.




NVIDIA performance is more or less identical between the two game versions, but we see quite a few changes on the ATI side of things. It's interesting that overall performance appears to improve slightly on ATI hardware with the updated version of the game, outside of anti-aliasing performance.

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Nå gikk jo AC raskere uten dx10.1 på ati.




NVIDIA performance is more or less identical between the two game versions, but we see quite a few changes on the ATI side of things. It's interesting that overall performance appears to improve slightly on ATI hardware with the updated version of the game, outside of anti-aliasing performance.


Dette var jo en heftig selektiv konklusjon da, om du leser litt mere så finner du vel ut at dette er kun uten AA. Fordelene med DX10.1 beskrives greit av Anandtech, og han går ganske hardt ut mot disse som bagatelliserer DX10.1. Og om noen noensinne var i tvil om samrøret mellom NV og UBI, så bør Anandtech's oppsummering om dette leses grundig.


Fra samme review du linker til:


"So why did Ubisoft remove DirectX 10.1 support? The official statement reads as follows: "The performance gains seen by players who are currently playing AC with a DX10.1 graphics card are in large part due to the fact that our implementation removes a render pass during post-effect which is costly." An additional render pass is certainly a costly function; what the above statement doesn't clearly state is that DirectX 10.1 allows one fewer rendering pass when running anti-aliasing, and this is a good thing. We contacted AMD/ATI, NVIDIA, and Ubisoft to see if we could get some more clarification on what's going on. Not surprisingly, ATI was the only company willing to talk with us, and even they wouldn't come right out and say exactly what occurred.


Reading between the lines, it seems clear that NVIDIA and Ubisoft reached some sort of agreement where DirectX 10.1 support was pulled with the patch. ATI obviously can't come out and rip on Ubisoft for this decision, because they need to maintain their business relationship. We on the other hand have no such qualms. Money might not have changed hands directly, but as part of NVIDIA's "The Way It's Meant to Be Played" program, it's a safe bet that NVIDIA wasn't happy about seeing DirectX 10.1 support in the game -- particularly when that support caused ATI's hardware to significantly outperform NVIDIA's hardware in certain situations.


Last October at NVIDIA's Editors Day, we had the "opportunity" to hear from several gaming industry professionals about how unimportant DirectX 10.1 was, and how most companies weren't even considering supporting it. Amazingly, even Microsoft was willing to go on stage and state that DirectX 10.1 was only a minor update and not something to worry about. NVIDIA clearly has reasons for supporting that stance, as their current hardware -- and supposedly even their upcoming hardware -- will continue to support only the DirectX 10.0 feature set.


NVIDIA is within their rights to make such a decision, and software developers are likewise entitled to decide whether or not they want to support DirectX 10.1. What we don't like is when other factors stand in the way of using technology, and that seems to be the case here. Ubisoft needs to show that they are not being pressured into removing DX 10.1 support by NVIDIA, and frankly the only way they can do that is to put the support backing in a future patch. It was there once, and it worked well as far as we could determine; bring it back (and let us anti-alias higher resolutions)."


DX10.1 er en stor fordel, og er et godt poeng ved ved valg av grafikk kort. Om noen av spillprodusentene har baller til å implementere DX10.1, så er det ingen tvil om at det er en fordel med denne støtten ATI har på de nye kortene sine.

Endret av Ourasi
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.... og jammen var ikke ATi/AMD sine grafer fulle av forholdstall de også. Ganske morsomt hvordan ørten folk i de 3 første sidene av denne tråden whinet om hvordan NVidia brukte denne markedsføringsstrategien.

Det er to viktige forskjeller på AMDs og Nvidias forholdstall:

- AMD har ikke kuttet grafen ved 0,8 sånn at en 20% økning ser ut som en dobling av ytelsen.

- AMD har opplyst om oppløsning og innstillinger (1920x1200 4xAA 8xAF)


AMD har altså gitt langt mer ærlige forhåndsresultater, selv om jeg selvfølgelig helst skulle sett et utvalg objektive tester i stedet for. AMD har heller ikke sammenlignet sin neste generasjon GPU mot Nividas neste generasjon GPU så de er ikke noe bedre på akkurat det punktet. Men det er jo forståelig nå mens NDA-ene fortsatt gjelder.

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Jeg synes det er interessant at Nvidia også ser på andre bruksområder enn kun 3D. Jeg driver en del med video redigering, og synes tanken med at man kan bruke GT200 til encoding og transcoding av video er god. I hvert fall hvis ventetiden går såpass ned som det de presenterer i denne videoen.


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