zeox Skrevet 31. mai 2008 Del Skrevet 31. mai 2008 (endret) Great news! Heads up that the Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Variety Map Pack sponsored by NVIDIA will be available worldwide for our PC players next week on June 5th! NVIDIA is making it possible for PC players to download the map pack for Free on the PC thanks to their sponsorship. In addition, expect to see quite a few promotions popping up leading up to the launch of the map packs on the 5th and beyond. I know NVIDIA has a lot of great things planned for PC users in addition to maps becoming available. There’s going to be some PC specific previews going up online this weekend I believe that will cover how well the maps play on the PC version as well as some contests and promotions happening all next week. I’ll be posting up details on them as they get started all this week! The Variety Map Pack includes four new maps for Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare multiplayer including Broadcast, Chinatown, Killhouse, and Creek. In addition to the map pack hitting, PC Players will be receiving the 1.6 Patch for the PC version of Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare that will add support for the new maps, fix a server crash exploit recently reported by the community, and a few additional features / bug fixes. I will post a full patch notes list next week. http://iamfourzerotwo.com/2008/05/30/varie...ts-pc-june-5th/ Endret 31. mai 2008 av zeox Lenke til kommentar
The Stig Skrevet 31. mai 2008 Del Skrevet 31. mai 2008 Weee Dette var en ordentlig gladnyhet, er rimelig lei av de "gamle" brettene nå. Var også en anelse irritert over at konsollfolket fikk nye brett, mens "vi" (PC-folket) satt igjen uten noenting nytt, men nå får vi det altså attpåtil gratis! Lenke til kommentar
NOddi Skrevet 1. juni 2008 Del Skrevet 1. juni 2008 Weee!! Selv om jeg må starte å levle HELT på nytt av bare fordi jeg skiftet domene ='( Lenke til kommentar
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