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Firmware 2.4 med ingame XMB og custom soundtracks?

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Omsider ser det ut til at vi også får ingame XMB og custom soundtracks :D Har vært dyyyypt savnet.

Har vært lenge rykter om denne oppdateringen, men når virker det som om det er bra hold i disse ryktene.

Er også rykter om at det vil komme Trophies og ingame messaging.


Update: We’ve now been told that in-game XMB in being checked for full library compatibility and that user-music and Trophies will only work with games created with the brand new tools. More here.


Videogaming247 has it on good authority that the upcoming PS3 Firmware 2.4 will include in-game XMB and Trophy support.


We’re told that the added XMB feature allows users to play their own music in-game.


Programming tools to support the update have apparently now gone out to developers.


We’re unaware that a release date for the software has been set. Sony has already said that in-game XMB wil be added to PS3’s functionality this summer.



We've finally received word that the long awaited, and much rumored, PlayStation 3 Firmware Update 2.40 is indeed the real deal and is said to be coming relatively soon. Many of the most requested features, such as a universal friends list and in-game messaging will be included, in addition to a few rather nice surprises (*cough*soundtracks*cough*). We definitely can't divulge all of the details, but trust us, it's coming.

We aren't yet 100% sure of the actual release date, but all signs point to sometime in June. We're guesing that Sony will probably detail 2.40 in the coming weeks.


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går også noen rykter om at den skal komme før MGS4, som kommer 12. Juni... Så det er bare å krysse fingerene og håpe på at den kommer innen de to ukene:)

Husker selv jeg leste noe om at Firmware 2.4 skulle inneholde ingame XMB og at dette skulle komme før Metal Gear Solid 4's release, altså 12.juni. Så håper inderlig det kommer soooon :D

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