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Wotlk - Informasjon og Alphaleaks

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* Intellect, Spirit and Stamina buff scrolls now provide buffs equal to their equally levelled class spells.

* Many existing mob abilities now have more descriptive tooltips when linked.



* Entangling Roots can now be used indoors as well.

* Base damage of Maul, Rake and Ravage has been increased.

* Demoralizing Roar now removes more attack power than before.

* Soothe Animal is now instant cast.

* Tiger's Fury no longer costs energy, but now has a 30 second cooldown.

* Hurricane cooldown has been removed.

* Frenzied Regeneration now only has one rank. Frenzied Regeneration will now restore 0.1% of your max health per rage instead.

* Ferocious Bite's damage for extra energy now scales with attack power.

* Nature's Grasp can now be used indoors as well.

* Nature's Reach now reduces threat generated by your Balance spells by 15/30% in addition to it's old effect.

* Brambles now gives your Thorns and Treants a 5/10/15% chance to daze the target for 3 seconds when dealing damage in addition to it's old effect.

* Omen of Clarity is now a passive effect instead of a self-cast buff.

* Feral Charge is now available in Cat Form as well.

* Improved Mark of the Wild has been reduced to a 2 point talent, increasing the effect of Mark of the Wild by 20/40%.

* Nature's Focus has been reduced to a 3 point talent, now reducing chance to be interrupted by 23/46/70%.

* Subtlety has been reduced to a three point talent, now reducing threat and reducing the chance your spells will be dispelled by 10/20/30%

* Improved Tranquility now reduces the cooldown of your Tranquility spell by 25/50% in addition to it's old effect.

* Improved Faerie Fire works for spells too now.

* Survival of the Fittest's effect has been doubled.

* Tree of Life can cast the new Flourish spell. Old extra healing aura has been removed and replaced with Bark's Blessing, which increases healing done on target's of your healing spells by 25% of your spirit for 8 seconds.

* Mangle (Bear) now increases the damage of your Maul ability instead of the Shred ability.



* Scare Beast's tooltip now shows the correct cast time.

* Damage caused by the pet ability Bite has been reduced, it's Focus cost has been reduced as well, and it's cooldown has been removed.

* Screech renamed Demoralizing Screech.

* Furious Howl's buff range increased to 20 yards.

* Shell Shield no longer reduces your turtle's attack speed.

* Steady Shot's bonus damage slightly reduced. Scaling unchanged.



* Invisibility's fade time changed to four seconds from five seconds

* Polymorph now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* Slow Fall now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* All Teleport: <destination> and Portal: <destination> spells now have a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* Mana Gem spells are now simply called "Conjure Mana Gem (Rank #)".

* Arcane Focus now only gives 1% Arcane spell hit chance per point, but will now reduce mana cost of Arcane spell by 1% per point as well.

* Magic Attunement now increases your Arcane spells ranges by 3/6 yards, in addition to it's old effect.

* Prismatic Cloak now reduces the fade time on your Invisibility spell by 1/2 seconds in addition to it's old effect.



* Cooldown on Turn Undead and Turn Evil removed.



* Mind Soothe now only has one rank and works on targets of all levels.

* Mind Soothe now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* Mind Control now only has one rank and works on targets of all levels.

* Mind Control now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* Mind Vision now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* Psychic Scream now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* Shackle Undead now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* Holy Fire now deals more of it's damage on the initial cast, but it's damage over time duration and damage have been reduced. It should still result in a net increase in damage dealt.

* Lightwell cast time reduced to 0.5 seconds.

* Lightwell cooldown reduced to 5 minutes.

* Power Infusion cooldown reduced to 2 minutes.

* The amount of charges on Lightwell has been increased to 10.

* Inspiration can now proc from the Penance spell, in addition to all the old spells that could proc Inspiration.

* Searing Light now also increases the damage of Holy Nova and Penance.

* Shadow Resilience now reduces physical damage taken instead of it's old effect.

* Shadow Focus reduced to give 1% Shadow spell hit per point, but will now additionally reduce Shadow spell costs by 2% per point. Talent now has 3 points total to spend on it, down from 5.

* Spirit Tap now gives a 33/66/100% chance to proc, total talent points that can be put into the talent reduced to 3.

* Improved Spirit Tap added, this new talent gives your Mind Blast and Shadow Word: Death spells a 50/100% chance to give 50% extra spirit and 25% mana regeneration while casting for 8 seconds.

* Improved Shadow Word: Pain now increases the damage dealt by 5/10% instead of it's old effect.

* Mind Flay's range has been increased to 30 yards.

* Shadow Form now reduces threat generated by 30% in additional to it's old effects.

* Mental Strength now increases your Intellect by 3/6/9/12/15% instead if it's old effect.

* Pain Suppresion cooldown increased to 3 minutes.

* Focused Mind now also affects Mind Sear.

* Shadow Power's extra crit chance reduced to 2/4/6/8/10%, but Shadow Power now increases the critical damage bonus of the affected spells by 10/20/30/40/50%.

* Circle of Healing now has a 8 second cooldown.

* Enlightenment now increases spell damage and healing by 1/2/3/4/5% in addition to it's old effects.

* Vampiric Touch now gives mana to your party members for 2% of your shadow damage dealt, down from 5%.



* The stun from Mace Specialization now has a 6 second cooldown.



* Demon Skin/Armor now increase healing on the Warlock by 20% instead of giving health regeneration.

* Demon Armor no longer increases Shadow Resistance.

* Fel Armor now allows 30% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting, but no longer increasing the effects of healing you receive.

* Howl of Terror now has a percentage of base mana cost instead of fixed cost.

* Cataclysm now increases the chance to hit of your destruction spells by 1/2/3/4/5%.

* Improved Shadow Bolt's damage increase reduced to 3/6/9/12/15%.

* Soul Siphon now affects Drain Soul as well.

* Pyroclasm now also works with Conflagrate.

* Aftermath now has two ranks, giving a 5/10% chance to daze.

* Improved Fire Bolt and Improved Lash of Pain have been combined into the new talent Demonic Power. This talent takes the place of Improved Fire Bolt.

* Fel Intellect and Fel Stamina have been combined into the new talent Fel Vitality. This talent takes the place of Fel Intellect.

* Improved Curse of Weakness, Dark Pact and Mana Feed have had their tooltips clarified.

* Improved Succubus now reduces the chance your Succubus will have her Seduction spell interrupted by 25/50/75%, but will no longer increase the effects of Soothing Kiss and Lash of Pain.

* Soul Link now only shares 15% of the damage taken, and no longer increased damage dealt by the demon or it's master. Soul Link moved to tier 3 of the Demonology tree.

* Master Demonologist: Imps now provide 1/2/3/4/5% fire damage and fire crit, Voidwalker provides 2/4/6/8/10% damage reduction, Succubi now provide 1/2/3/4/5% shadow damage and shadow crit, Felhunter now provides 0.2 resistance per level and rank, Felguards will now provide 1/2/3/4/5% extra damage and damage reduction.

* Unstable Affliction's Silence effect reduced to 3 second duration.

* Shadowfury's Stun effect now lasts 3 seconds.



* Shield bash now deals damage equal to 20% of Attack Power

* Thunder Clap's damage increases as you get more Attack Power.

* Rend's Scaling with weapon damage has been improved.

* Sunder Armor's threat now scales with attack power.

* Rend has had it's duration reduced. Total damage dealt is unchanged.

* Challenging Shout cooldown reduced to 3 minutes.

* Revenge's tooltip has been clarified.

* The bonus damage dealt by Cleave and Heroic Strike has been increased.

* There is now only one rank of the Overpower ability. Bonus damage removed.

* Spell Reflection now costs 15 rage

* The stun from Mace Specialization now has a 6 second cooldown.

* Improved Rend's name changed to Bloodletting, it now also affects the Bloodbath skill.

* Death Wish no longer grants fear immunity.

* Anticipation now increases your chance to dodge by 1% per point, instead of increasing your defense skill.

* Iron Will now reduces the duration of Stun and Charm effects on you by 10/20/30% instead of giving you a chance to resist these effects.

* Improved Bloodrage now increases rage generated by 25/50%.

* Improved Shield Bash now also increases your Shield Slam damage by 5/10%.

* Improved Disarm now reduces the cooldown on your Disarm and Shield Break abilities by 5/10/15 seconds, and additionally will cause any targets you've disarmed to take 5/10/15% extra damage.

* The amount of charges on Sweeping Strikes has been reduced to 3.

* Poleaxe Specialization now also increases the damage your critical strikes with Polearms and Axes do by 1% per point in addition to it's old effect.

* Improved Revenge now increases the damage dealt by your Revenge ability by 8/16/25% in addition to it's old effect.

* Concussion Blow now causes damage equal to 25% of your attack power and has had it's cooldown reduced to 30 seconds. In addition the damage caused by Concusion Blow generates high threat.

* Last Stand's cooldown reduced to 2 minutes.

* Blood Craze now regenerates 2/4/6% of your health after being the victim of a critical strike.

* Bloodthirst now recoverd 1.5% of your max health per hit. Bloodthirst now has only one rank.

* Improved Disciplines (Rank 1) now reduces your cooldowns on Retaliation, Reckless and Shield by 5 minutes and increases their duration by 3 seconds.

Endret av Smeagoldfish
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* Fel Armor now allows 30% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting, but no longer increasing the effects of healing you receive.


Dette må da være trolling. Min warlock har TO spirit, og 0 mp5. tier 6 har 0 spirit 0 mp5. Hvilken regen er det de mener skal "continue when casting" egentlig?

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Ser ut som druid blir det jeg spiller i WotLK

CC innendørs, ekstremt bra ranged AoE, bare slått av SoC, feral charge i catform, passiv OOC, thorn som dazer, bedre SotF. Mulighet til å bli panzermage / lolpvp healer for 50g = ) Feral tank virker dog som det gøyeste.


Mages kan jo glede seg over at nå blir sjansene for å spare litt gull etter et wipe litt større, og enda litt større hvis man dumper noen poeng i arcane = )

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Deathknight spells:

Army of the Dead - Summons an entire legion of your best Ghouls to fight by your side.

Death and Decay - ${$m1+$AP*0.039} shadow damage inflicted every $t1 sec to all targets in the effected area for $d. Has a chance to cause affected targets to cower in fear.

Chromatic Rune Mastery - Whenever a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune activates, it has a 6% chance of converting into a Chromatic Rune. This Rune counts as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Lasts 10 sec.

Degeneration (Rank 3, Level 76) - Instantly attack the target, dealing 60% weapon damage and inflicting a disease dealing ${$m2*7} over 15 sec. This disease will corrupt an existing heal over time spell, removing it and dramatically increasing the damage dealt. While afflicted by this disease, other heal over time effects on the target will have no effect.

Dancing Runeblade - Summons a second Runeblade that fights on its own for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power, doing the same strikes that you do.

Hungering Cold - A wave of cold leeches all heat from the earth, freezing all enemies in the cone-shaped area, and causing 10 damage per Runic Power. The frozen terrain persists for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power and will freeze enemies that attempt to cross it.

Unholy Blight - A creeping swarm of unholy insects surrounds the caster for a 10 yard radius. All enemies caught in the swarm take 120 damage and are plagued with a disease that can stack up to 3 times. Lasts for 1 sec per 10 Runic Power.

Corpse Explosion - "Target a corpse, causing it to explode for 12 damage per 10 Runic Power to all enemies within 10 yards."

Mark of Blood (spell or talent?) - "Place a Mark of Blood on an enemy or ally. Whenever the marked target is healed, all party members receive a fraction of that healing. If a marked target that grants experience or honor is killed, all party members are healed for 10% of their total health. Each person can be healed for a maximum of 3000 per Mark."

Icebound Fortitude - Consumes all available Runic Power, causing the Death Knight to become immune to Stun effects and increasing armor by 50% for up to 12 sec. Does not remove existing Stun effects. [60 sec cooldown]


Deathknight talents:

Black Ice - Increases your Frost and Unholy spell damage by 1/2/3/4/5%.

Dirge - Whenever you kill a diseased target that yields experience or honor you have a 1/2/3/4/5% chance of the corpse riding as a free Ghoul. You can have a maximum of 2 Ghouls at one time.

Spell Deflection - Reduces all spell damage taken by 3/6/9/12/15% for 10 sec following a successful parry.

Bladed Armor - You gain 4/8/12/16/20 attack power for every 1000 points of your armor value.

Butcher - Whenever you kill an enemy that grants experience or honor, you generate Runic Power. In addition, Runic Power takes longer to decay outside of combat.

Bone Armor (Rank 1) - "The caster is surrounded by 4 whirling bones. Each bone reduces the damage from the next spell or melee attack by 40% but is then consumed. Lasts 5 min." [Power type: 5, power cost: 25, cooldown: 30 sec]

Chromatic Rune Mastery - "Whenever a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune activates, it has a 2/4/6% chance of converting into a Chromatic Rune. This Rune counts as a Blood, Frost or Unholy Rune. Lasts 10 sec."

Rage of Rivendare - You do 2/4/6/8/10% additional weapon damage to diseased targets.

Tundra Stalker - "You deal 2/4/6/8/10% more melee damage to targets under the effects of Icy Touch, Chains of Ice, Howling Blast or Hungering Cold."

Deathchill (Rank 1, Level 56) - "Launches an Icy Touch at every enemy within 40 yards, dealing 4 damage per Runic Power to each target and causing a high amount of threat." [0 power cost, cooldown: 60 sec]

Wandering Plague - "When the diseases you inflicted upon an enemy target cause damage, there is a 5/10/15% chance the disease will instead damage all enemies within 8 yards. This damage will not cancel spells normally cancelled when targets take damage."

Improved Corpse Explosion - "While Corpse Explosion is active, corpses have a 10/15/20/25/30% chance to explode for increased damage."

Crypt Fever - "Diseases caused by you or your Ghouls also reduce an enemy's attributes by 5/10/15% per disease."

Ravenous Dead - "Increases the Strength of you and your ghouls by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the cooldown on Raise Dead by 30 sec."

Pestilence - "When an enemy that grants experience or honor dies while suffering from one of your diseases, its corpse has a 10/20/30% chance of producing 1/1-3/3-5 Blood Worms. Blood Worms attack your enemies, healing you for the amount of damage they deal for 15 sec or until killed."

Sudden Doom - "Your Blood Strikes have a 4/8/12/16/20% chance to make your next Death Coil consume no Runic Power if cast within 8 sec."

Scent of Blood - "After being struck by a ranged or melee critical hit, you gain the Scent of Blood effect, causing your melee hits to steal life from the enemy for the next 6 sec."

Improved Icebound Fortitude - "Increases the duration of your Icebound Fortitude. In addition your Icebound Fortitude will dispel any damage over time effects and replace them with heal over time effects."


Rogue spells/talents DO NOT EXIST YET. The oft-posted fake ones are not in the DBC at all. The patch notes themselves note the exclusion of new rogue skills


Warrior spells/talents:

Titan's Grip - Allows you to equip two-handed axes, maces and swords in one hand, but you attack 28/26/24/22/20% slower then normal (fury)

Strength of Arms - Increases your Strength and total health by 1/2/3/4/5%. (arms)

Shockwave - "Sends a wave of force in front of the warrior, causing ${$m3/100*$AP} damage (based on attack power) and stunning all enemy targets within 10 yards in a frontal cone for 4 sec. This ability causes a high amount of threat." [20 rage, 45 sec cooldown] (prot)

Sword and Board - When your Devastate and Shield Slam abilities deal damage they have a 2/4/6/8/10% chance of refreshing the cooldown of your Shield Slam ability and reducing its cost by 100% for 5 sec. (prot)

Safeguard - ,"Reduces damage taken by the target of your Intervene ability by 20/40/60% for 6 sec. In addition, your Charge, Intercept and Intervene abilities have a 33%/66%/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used." (prot)

Trauma - "Your normal melee critical strikes increase the effectiveness of Bleed effects on the target by 15/30% for 15 sec."

_Bladestorm - Instantly Whirlwind all nearby targets and for the next 4.5 sec you will perform a whirlwind attack every 1.5 seconds. While under the effects of Bladestorm, you can move but cannot perform any other attacks or abilities but you do not feel pity or remorse or fear and you cannot be stopped unless killed. [25 rage, cooldown: 90 sec] (arms)

Stalwart Protector - You gain 1/2 rage every time you parry or dodge an attack.

Furious Resolve - Reduces threat caused by attacks in Battle and Berserker Stance by 4/7/10% and increases your total Stamina by 1/3/5%. (fury)

Bull Rush - Increases the duration of the Stun effect of your Charge and Intercept abilities by .4/.7/1 seconds. (arms)

Unrelenting Assault - Reduces the cooldown of your Overpower and Revenge abilities by 1/2/3 seconds. (arms)

Bloodsurge - Your Bloodthirst critical hits have a 33/66/100% chance of reducing the swing time of your next Slam by 100% for 5 sec. (fury)

Critical Block - Your successful blocks have a 10/20/30% chance to block double the normal amount. (prot)

Shield Break (Level 75, 15 rage, 1m cooldown) - Break down the enemy's defenses, disarming any shield they have equipped or reducing the chance the enemy will block by 3% for 10 sec.


Talent Tree - http://www.war-tools.com/t52331.html


Mage spells/talents:

Arcane Barrage (Rank 3, Level 80, 610 mana, instant, 3 sec cooldown) - Launches several missiles at the enemy target, causing 936-1145 Arcane damage.


(Rank 1, 60, 335 mana, 385-470)

(Rank 2, 70, 405 mana, 709-866)

Burnout - Increases your spell critical damage bonus with all Fire spells by 5/10/15/20/25% but every time you critical with a Fire spell you lose an additional ?[internal entry blank]% of your total mana.

Chilled to the Bone - Increases the damage caused by your Frostbolt and Ice Lance spells by 1/2/3/4/5% and reduces the movement speed of all chilled targets by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%.

Deep Freeze - Stuns the target for 5 sec. Only usable on Frozen targets. [30 sec cooldown]

Shatter Shield (1200 mana, instant, 30sec cd, Level 80) - "Instantly shields you, absorbing 2000 Physical damage. Lasts 1 min. When the shield is destroyed, all enemies within 10 yards are frozen for 8 sec."

Frostfire Bolt (Rank 1, Level 75) - "Launches a bolt of frostfire at the enemy, causing 629-732 Fire damage, slowing movement speed by 40% and causing an additional 57 Fire damage over 9 sec. If the target is more vulnerable to Frost damage, this spell will cause Frost instead of Fire damage."

Netherwind Presence - Gives your Arcane Missiles, Arcane Barrage, Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt and Frostfire Bolt spells a 1/2/3/4/5% chance to cause the next Arcane Blast, Fireball, Frostbolt or Frostfire Bolt to be instant.


Despite the similar name and effect, this is not the same as the tier 2 bonus.

Mage Armor(Rank 6) - "Increases your resistance to all magic by 40 and allows 30% of your mana regeneration to continue while casting. In addition, the duration of all harmful Magic effects used against you is reduced by 50%."

Food: Sweet Potato Pie (75), Strudel (79)

Water: Rain Water (74), Crystal Spring Water (78)

Gem: Mana Sapphire (77, 3412 mana)


Talent Tree - http://www.war-tools.com/t52325.html

Alternative Talent Tree - http://www.war-tools.com/t52314.html


Druid spells/talents

Living Seed - When you gain a critical effect from your Swiftmend, Regrowth, Nourish or Healing Touch spell you have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to plant a Living Seed on the target for [broken]% of the amount healed. The Living Seed will bloom when the target is next attacked. Lasts 15 sec.

Spark of Nature- "Increases the critical effect chance of your Swiftmend and Nourish spells by 5/10/15%."

Improved Tree of Life- "Increases your Armor while in Tree of Life Form by 120/240/360%, and increases the effect of your Bark's Blessing by 1/3/5%"

Nature's Fury - "Converts 2/4/6/8/10% of your bonus healing into bonus spell damage. In addition, your Wrath and Starfire spells have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance of applying the Nature's Fury debuff on the target. The Nature's Fury debuff increases Nature and Arcane damage done to the target by 2%. Lasts 10 sec. Stacks up to 3 times."

Starfall (Rank 1, Level 80, 866 mana, instant, 3 min cooldown) - "You summon a flurry of stars from the sky on all targets within 30 yards of the caster, each doing 500 Arcane damage, and an additional 170 Arcane to all nearby targets within 10 yards. Maximum 20 stars. Lasts 10 sec."

Infected Wounds - Your Shred, Maul and Mangle attacks have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to cause an Infected Wound in the target. The Infected Wound reduces the movement speed and casting speed of the target by 10%. Stacks up to 5 times. Lasts 12 sec.

Berserk - Removes all Stun, Fear, Snare and Movement Impairing Effects and increases your energy regeneration rate by 100% while in Cat form, and increases your total health by 20% while in Bear form. After the effect ends, the health is lost. Effect lasts 20 seconds.

Flourish (Rank 1, Level 80, 450 mana, instant) - "Heals friendly party or raid members within 10 yards of the target for 665 over 7 sec. The healing is applied quickly at first, and slows down as the Flourish reaches its full duration."

Improved Moonkin Form - "Your Moonkin Aura also causes affected targets to have a 33/66/100% chance to gain 100% spell haste when they critically hit with spells for [broken] seconds. This effect cannot occur more than once every few seconds."

Replenish - "Your Rejuvenation and Flourish spells have a 4/7/10% chance to restore 10 Energy, 4 Rage, [broken]% Mana or 10 Runic Power per tick."

Typhoon - "You summon a violent Typhoon that does 745 Nature damage when in contact with hostile targets, slowing their movement speed by [broken]%. If hit twice from the same Typhoon, the enemy will be knocked back 5 yards. Typhoon will travel 20 yards and last up to 8 sec."

Gale Winds - "Increases damage done by your Hurricane and Typhoon spells by 25/50%, and increases the range of your Cyclone spell by 10/20%."

Defense Curl - "You have a 33/66/100% chance when critically struck while in Bear Form, Dire Bear Form and Cat Form to increase your Agility and Armor by 40% for 6 sec."

Owlkin Frenzy - "Attacks done to you while in Moonkin form have a 5/10/15% chance to cause you to go into a Frenzy, increasing your spell haste by 25% and increasing your damage by 10%. Lasts 10 sec."

Eclipse - "When you critically hit with Starfire, you have a 20/40/60% chance of increasing damage done by Wrath by 10%. When you critically hit with Wrath, you have a 20/40/60% chance of increasing your critical strike chance with Starfire by 10%. Effect lasts 12 sec."

Tree Form addition - "Your heals also grant friendly targets your Bark's Blessing, increasing healing done to them by 25% of your total Spirit. Bark's Blessing lasts 8 sec." - While it may seem identical to the already present aura, note that it affects any friendly targets (vs only party members), and may stack with the aura.

Nourish- "Heals a friendly target for 1550 to 1800. Heals for an additional 387.5 to 450 if Rejuvenation is on the target."


Talent tree: http://www.war-tools.com/t52319.html


Shaman spells/talents

Due to the nature (internally: 0 mana cost, 0 cooldown) of these spells, and the fact that there are no new shaman talents in the DBCs, it may be that they are actually boss abilities.

Temporal Rift - Channels a temporal rift on an enemy target for $d. While trapped in the rift, all damage done to the target is increased by $s1%. In addition, for every 2000 damage done to a target affected by Temporal Rift, 1 Shock Charge is generated.

(Unknown name) - Halts the passage of time, freezing all enemies within $r1 in place for $d. This attack applies 5 Shock Charges to each affected target

Priest spells/talents

Dispersion (51pt shadow, 5m cooldown) - You disperse into pure shadow energy, reducing all damage taken by 90%. You are unable to attack or cast spells, but you regenerate 6% health and mana every 1 sec for 6 sec.

Persecution - Gives your Holy damage spells a 4/7/10% chance to Incapacitate the target for 3 sec.

Rapture - "Causes your party members to gain mana equal to x/x/x/x/x% of the healing done by your Greater Heal, Flash Heal and Penance spells." [spell applies dummy aura - serverside script]

Divine Providence - "Increases the amount healed by Circle of Healing, Binding Heal, Prayer of Healing and Prayer of Mending by 2/4/6/8/10%."

Guardian Spirit (51pt holy, instant, 3m cooldown) - "Calls upon a guardian spirit to heal and watch over the friendly target. The spirit heals the target for 624 every 2 sec, and also prevents the target from dying by sacrificing itself. Lasts 10 sec."

Growing Pains - "Converts 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus healing into bonus spell damage. In addition, your Mind Flay has a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to refresh the duration of your Shadow Word: Pain on the target."

Psychic Horror - "Causes your Psychic Scream spell to have a chance to Fear the target in horror for 4 sec."

Improved Shadowform - "Your Fade ability now has a 50/100% chance to remove all movement impairing effects when used while in Shadowform, and gives you a 25/50% chance to avoid interruption caused by damage when casting any Shadow spell while in Shadow form."

Serendipity - "If your Greater Heal or Flash Heal spells heal the target for less than 50% of its intended effect, you have a 33/66/100% chance to be refunded the mana cost of the spell. This effect has a 10 second cooldown."

Aspiration - "Reduces the cooldown of your Inner Focus, Power Infusion and Pain Suppression spells by 10/20%."

Divine Aegis - "Critical heals create a protective shield on the target, absorbing 20/40/60% of the amount healed. Lasts 12 sec."

Grace - "Your Flash Heal, Greater Heal, and Penance spells bless the target with Grace, reducing damage done to the target by 1/2/3%, and increasing healing done to the target by 1/2/3%. This effect will stack up to 3 times."

Dark Spirit - "Increases your Shadow damage by up to 10/20/30% of your total Spirit."

Test of Faith - "Increases healing by 5/10/15% and spell critical effect chance by 4/7/10% on friendly targets at or below 50% health."

Divine Hymn (instant, 10m cooldown) - "You recite a holy hymn, granting your party protection from attackers. Any attacks done to you or your party will cause the attacker to be afflicted by sleep for 20 sec. Divine Hymn will last 10 sec."

Mind Sear (level 75, channeled, 545 mana) - "Causes an explosion of shadow magic around the enemy target, causing 481-519 Shadow damage every 1 sec for 5 sec to all targets within 10 yards."


Warlock spells/talents

Fel Armor(Rank 4) - "Surrounds the caster with fel energy, increasing spell damage by up to 180 and allows 30% of your mana and health regeneration to continue while casting."

Demon Armor(Rank 8) - "Protects the caster, increasing armor by 950, and increasing the amount of health generated through spells and effects by 20%."

Everlasting Affliction - Your Corruption, Siphon Life and Seed of Corruption spells gain an additional 4/8/12/16/20% of your bonus spell damage effects, and your Drain Life and Shadow Bolt spells have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to reset the duration of your Corruption spell on the target.

Atrocity - "You devastate the area, causing Corruption (Rank 8) to all targets within 15 yards. In addition, your Corruption spell will do 434 Shadow damage to the target when it finishes its duration."

Love Struck - "While the Succubus is active, physical attacks done to you or your Succubus have a chance to heal you or your Succubus instead of doing damage. The healing caused by Love Struck will not exceed 50% of the Warlock or Succubus' total health. This effect has a 6 second cooldown."

Demonic Pact - Increases your Spirit by 1/2/3/4/5% while your Demon is active. In addition, your pet attacks have a 7/14/21/28/35% chance to increase your party's total Health and Damage by 1%. Stacks up to 3 times. Lasts 10 sec.

Metamorphosis - "You transform into a Demon, with full health and mana. While in Demon Form, you gain Demonic abilities and your armor is increased to 360%, but your pet no longer is summoned."

When leaving Demon Form, your health and mana is returned back to normal and your pet is re-summoned. Lasts 45 sec. [5 min cooldown]

Eternal Flames - Your Searing Pain and Incinerate spells have a 20/40/60/80/100% chance to refresh the duration of your Immolate spell on the target, and increases the critical strike damage of your Destruction spells by an additional 2/4/6/8/10%.

Decimate - Your next Shadow or Fire spell is instant cast, and does damage in the form of Chaos damage, ignoring all resistances, absorption, and immunity mechanics. After the end of the Decimated cast, you become exhausted, disabling you from casting a spell of the same school for 3 sec.

Haunt (Rank 1, Level 80, 650 mana, 30 sec cooldown) - You send a corrupted soul into the target, doing 800 damage over 2 sec. Haunt will continue to travel between targets who suffer from your Corruption spell. After traveling from up to three targets, the corrupted soul will return to you, healing you for 50% of the total damage done.

Empowered Imp- Increases the damage done by your Imp by 5/10/15%, and all critical hits done by your Imp have a 20/40/60% chance to increase your spell critical hit chance by 100%. This effect lasts 8 sec.

Molten Core - Your Shadow spells and damage over time effects have a 4/7/10% chance to increase the damage of your Fire spells by 10% for 6 sec.

Backdraft - Increases the critical chance of your Conflagrate, Immolate and Shadowflame spells by 4/7/10%.

Torture - After you critically strike with a Shadow spell, your next Searing Pain or Immolate spells have a [broken]% chance to become instant cast. This ability has a 20 second cooldown.

Eradication - Your Corruption, Siphon Life, and Curse of Agony ticks have a 5/10/15% chance to increase your spell casting speed by [broken]% for 8 sec. This effect has a 10 second cooldown.

Fel Synergy - Your Summoned Demons share an additional 5/10% of your Armor, Intellect and Stamina, and you have a 50/100% chance to heal your pet for 15% of the amount of damage done by you.

Demonic Empathy - When you or your pet is critically hit, the other has a 33/66/100% chance to have their casting or attack speed increased by 30% for 8 sec.

Shadowflame (Rank 1, Level 75, 745 mana, instant, 15 sec cooldown) - Targets in a cone in front of the caster take 934-1020 Shadow damage and an additional 492 Fire damage over 8 sec.


Warlock Talent tree: http://www.war-tools.com/t52431.html



Martyr - "Redirect all harmful spells directed at friendly targets to yourself for $d."

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