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Slax Linux ingen diskett

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Prøvde nylig å installere Slax Linux på en Usb minnepinne, men støtte på ett problem hvor det poppet opp et vindu som sier:


Windows-Ingen diskett". Feilmeldingen sier:

"Exception Processing Message 0xc0000013 Parameters 0x760F023C 0x83FF59DC 0x760F023C 0x760F023C


Dette løste jeg ved å redigere bootinst.bat


Her er den uredigerte versjonen:


@echo off


set DISK=none

set BOOTFLAG=boot666s.tmp


echo This file is used to determine current drive letter. It should be deleted. >\%BOOTFLAG%

if not exist \%BOOTFLAG% goto readOnly


echo Wait please, searching for current drive letter.

for %%d in ( C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z ) do if exist %%d:\%BOOTFLAG% set DISK=%%d



if %DISK% == none goto DiskNotFound


echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

echo Welcome to Slax boot installer

echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


echo This installer will setup disk %DISK%: to boot only Slax.


echo Warning! Master Boot Record (MBR) of the device %DISK%: will be overwritten.

echo If %DISK%: is a partition on the same disk drive like your Windows installation,

echo then your Windows will not boot anymore. Be careful!


echo Press any key to continue, or kill this window [x] to abort...

pause > nul



echo Setting up boot record for %DISK%:, wait please...


if %OS% == Windows_NT goto setupNT

goto setup95



\boot\syslinux\syslinux.exe -ma -d \boot\syslinux %DISK%:

goto setupDone



\boot\syslinux\syslinux.com -ma -d \boot\syslinux %DISK%:



echo Disk %DISK%: should be bootable now. Installation finished.

goto pauseit



echo You're starting Slax installer from a read-only media, this will not work.

goto pauseit



echo Error: can't find out current drive letter




echo Read the information above and then press any key to exit...

pause > nul




Og her er den redigerte versjonen:



@echo off


set DISK=none

set BOOTFLAG=boot666s.tmp


echo This file is used to determine current drive letter. It should be deleted. >\%BOOTFLAG%

if not exist \%BOOTFLAG% goto readOnly


echo Wait please, searching for current drive letter.

for %%d in (M) do if exist %%d:\%BOOTFLAG% set DISK=%%d



if %DISK% == none goto DiskNotFound

echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

echo Welcome to Slax boot installer

echo =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


echo This installer will setup disk %DISK%: to boot only Slax.


echo Warning! Master Boot Record (MBR) of the device %DISK%: will be overwritten.

echo If %DISK%: is a partition on the same disk drive like your Windows installation,

echo then your Windows will not boot anymore. Be careful!


echo Press any key to continue, or kill this window [x] to abort...

pause > nul



echo Setting up boot record for %DISK%:, wait please...


if %OS% == Windows_NT goto setupNT

goto setup95



\boot\syslinux\syslinux.exe -ma -d \boot\syslinux %DISK%:

goto setupDone



\boot\syslinux\syslinux.com -ma -d \boot\syslinux %DISK%:



echo Disk %DISK%: should be bootable now. Installation finished.

goto pauseit



echo You're starting Slax installer from a read-only media, this will not work.

goto pauseit



echo Error: can't find out current drive letter




echo Read the information above and then press any key to exit...

pause > nul





Som dere ser så har jeg fjernet alle stasjonsbokstavene untatt den som tilhører Usb pluggen.


Det er merket med rødt der hvor jeg har redigert, det er kun stasjons bokstavene som er tatt bort, untatt M som er min stasjons bokstav.

Endret av Dragonlove
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