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dette er en plugin til wordpress som forteller om jeg er pålogget msn messenger. Men det er et par linker jeg vil ha vekk (se bilde). Hvor er dette i coden, med andre ord, hva må jeg slette i coden for å få vekk disse to linkene (altså hele den linja som sier "mutube >> IM Online" nederst i bildet)?


Dette er mest for morroskyld, og prøver å lære meg litt forskjellig av dette.


På forhånd takk =)






Plugin Name: IM Online
Plugin URI: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/im-online/
Description: Display status for MSN, Yahoo!, AOL, Jabber and ICQ via <a href="http://www.onlinestatus.org">onlinestatus.org</a>.
Author: Martin Fitzpatrick
Version: 4.6
Author URI: http://www.mutube.com

@define("IMONLINE_VERSION", "4.6");
@define('IMONLINE_DIRPATH','/wp-content/plugins' . strrchr(dirname(__FILE__),'/') . '/');


@define("IMONLINE_DEBUG", false);

/*  Copyright 2006  MARTIN FITZPATRICK  (email : [email protected])

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA


  These are out of the main function block below so they can be called
  from outside "widget-space".  This means we can re-use code for widget
  and non-widget versions


//Kept external for backward compatibility
if(!function_exists('imonline_status')) {

function imonline_status() {
global $imonline;





 All functions in here called at startup (after other plugins have loaded, in case
 we need to wait for the widget-plugin.
 Both versions (widget & none) handled in here to allow for re-use of code


class imonline {

var $servers=array(
//		"http://www.the-server.net:8000/",
//		"http://www.the-server.net:8001/",
//		"http://www.the-server.net:8002/",
//		"http://www.the-server.net:8003/",

var $networks=array("aim"=>"AIM",

var $seconds;
var $debug=array();

function debug($msg=false)
		if($msg){ $this->debug[]=(time()- $this->seconds) . 'secs > ' . $msg; }
		else {	foreach ($this->debug as $line) {$content.=$line . "\n"; } return $content; }

function display() {

		$options = get_option('widget_imonline');

		$options = $this->update_status($options);

		//Generate base url to this local server
		echo '<!-- Begin Online Status Indicator code -->' . "\n" . '<!-- http://www.onlinestatus.org/ -->' . "\n" . '<!-- IM ONLINE ' . IMONLINE_VERSION .  '-->' . "\n" . '<div id="imonline">';

		$options = get_option('widget_imonline');

		if(is_array($options['accounts'])) {
			foreach($options['accounts'] as $account)

		?><p class="imonline-tag" style="text-align:right"><small><a href="http://www.mutube.com/projects/">mutube</a> » <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/im-online/">IM Online</a></small></p></div>
		<!-- End Online Status Indicator code --><?php 


function display_icon($account) {


	switch ($account['network']) {
		case 'aim':$url_send="aim:goim?screenname=" . $account['userid']; break;
		case 'irc':$url_send="irc://" . trim(strstr($account['userid'],'@'),'@'); break;
		case 'icq':$url_send="http://www.icq.com/people/about_me.php?uin=" . $account['userid']; break;
		case 'jabber':$url_send="xmpp:" . $account['userid']; break;
		case 'skype':$url_send="skype:" . $account['userid'] . '?chat'; break;
		case 'yahoo':$url_send="ymsgr:sendIM?" . $account['userid']; break;
		case 'msn':$url_send="msnim:chat?contact=" . $account['userid']; break;

	$icons_baseurl = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . IMONLINE_DIRPATH . "images/";

	switch ($account['status']) {
		case 'online':break;
		case 'offline':break;

	echo $extra_send;
	$imageurl=$icons_baseurl . $account['network'] . $account['status'] . ".gif";

	?><a href="<?php echo $url_send ?>" onclick="<?php echo $onclick_send ?>" style="display:inline" title="<?php echo '[' . $this->networks[$account['network']] . '] ' . $account['userid']; ?> (Update: <?php echo round( max(0,($account['status-update']-time())/60) ); ?>mins)"><img src="<?php echo $imageurl; ?>" style="margin-left:5px;border:0px" alt="<?php echo $this->networks[$account['network']] . " : " . ucfirst($account['status']); ?> "/></a><?php


function update_status($options) {

	$this->debug('Updating Status.');

	//Select accounts to update based on timeout values
		{ if($options['accounts'][$a]['status-update'] <= time()){array_push($va,$a);} }

	$this->debug(sizeof($va) . ' statuses to update');

	//More than the defined wait has passed for at least one.  Update.		
	if( sizeof($va)>0 ){			


		$plugin_baseurl = get_bloginfo('wpurl') . IMONLINE_DIRPATH;
		$plugin_baseurl = str_replace("http://","",$plugin_baseurl);

			if (!is_array($options['servers'])){
				$options['servers']=$this->servers; //Reset server preference?

		//Extract servers (listed in order of pref)			
		for($s=0;$s<sizeof($options['servers']);$s++) //try each one
			$this->debug('Attempting server #' . $s);

			$server = $options['servers'][$s];
			$url_request =	$server . 
							$options['accounts'][$account]['network'] . '/'  .
							$options['accounts'][$account]['userid'] .
							'/onurl=' . $plugin_baseurl . 'online' . 
							'/offurl=' . $plugin_baseurl . 'offline' .
							'/unknownurl=' . $plugin_baseurl . 'unknown';				

			$this->debug('URL:' . $url_request);

			//We only update status if it is not unknown.
			//Make sure we don't result in blank status.

			if ( ($result==='online') || ($result==='offline') ) { 

				$this->debug('Valid result: ' . $result);
				//Success, move this server to top preference

				$options['accounts'][$account]['status'] = $result;			
				$success = true;

			} else {					
				//Limit to loop of 
				//$s = $options['accounts'][$account]['server'];
				//$options['accounts'][$account]['server'] = ($s>=sizeof($this->servers)-1)?0:$s+1;
				$options['accounts'][$account]['status'] = 'unknown';
				$success = false;
				$this->debug('Invalid result. Retrying.');


		//Delay time for next check.
		$options['accounts'][$account]['status-update'] = time()+(60*$options['update']);

		//Save the result for next time
		update_option('widget_imonline', $options);

	return $success;

/*	Because PHP now blocks cURL redirects under certain conditions, this function
	provides that functionality in the plugin itself. */
/* 	Note that this function is broken to speed up Online Status checking, does not
	return file but end of URL. Do not use for any other purposes.
	See online php.net documentation for working version of this function */

function curl_exec_redirect($ch)
	$data = false;

	$data = curl_exec($ch);

	list($header, $data) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $data, 2);

	$http_code = curl_getinfo($ch, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);

	if ($http_code == 301 || $http_code == 302)
			$matches = array();
			preg_match('/Location:(.*?)\n/', $header, $matches);
			$redir = @parse_url(trim(array_pop($matches)));
			$this->debug('Redirect: ' . $redir);

			if ($redir) {

				$data = substr(strrchr($redir['path'],"/"),1);

			} else { return false; /* Invalid redirection URL */  }

	} else { return false; /* Not redirecting. Boo. */ }

	return $data;


/* Fetch remote url, using cURL if available or fallback to file_get_contents */
function fetch_url($url)

	/* Use cURL if it is available, otherwise attempt fopen */
		$this->debug('Using (Modified) cURL for request...');

			Request data using cURL library
			With thanks to Marcin Juszkiewicz

		$ch = curl_init();

		@curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, true);
		@curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
		@curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, true);	//Die if we received >404
		@curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);	//x seconds to give up this connect

		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);

		// grab URL and pass it to the browser
		$data = $this->curl_exec_redirect($ch);

		$this->debug('Result: ' . $data);			

		if ((curl_errno($ch)) || ($data===true)) {

			// close curl resource, and free up system resources

		$this->debug('cURL closed.');			

	} else { /* If cURL is not installed use file_get_contents */
		$this->debug('cURL not installed. Using file_get_contents()...');
		$ctx = stream_context_create(array('http' => array('timeout' => 5 ) ) ); 
		$data=@file_get_contents ( $url, 0, $ctx );
		$this->debug('Result: ' . $data);	

		return $data;

	 This form used by both widget & non widget forms (non-widget requires wrapper elsewhere,
	 the widget wrapper is provided by the system

	function control_form() {

	// Get our options and see if we're handling a form submission.
	$options = get_option('widget_imonline');

	if ( !is_array($options) )
		$options = array(
							'title'=>'IM Online',

	//Upgrade code - copies details over from previous installation using old data layout.
	//Still requires saving to apply modifications to db
	if(!is_array($options['accounts']) && strlen($options['msn'].$options['yahoo'].$options['skype'].$options['icq'].$options['jabber'].$options['irc'].$options['aim'])>0)
		foreach($this->networks as $net=>$netname)


	if ( $_POST['imonline-submit'] ) {

		// Remember to sanitize and format use input appropriately.
		$options['update'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['imonline-update']));


		$options['servers']=$this->servers; //Reset server preference?
		shuffle($options['servers']); //Do not favour any server (prevent hammering)

			if($_POST['account-'. $account .'-userid']!="")
				$options['accounts'][$saveaccount]['status-update']=time(); //Update immediately

				//No valid status set yet... unknown status
				$options['accounts'][$saveaccount]['status'] = 'unknown';

				//Update status here? Probably best not to? Sloowww//

		array_splice($options['accounts'],$saveaccount,IMONLINE_MAX_ACCOUNTS-$saveaccount); //Clear end of account array

		update_option('widget_imonline', $options);

			$this->debug('IM Online v' . IMONLINE_VERSION . ': Debug Enabled');	
			@wp_mail(get_settings('admin_email'), "IM Online Debug Information", $this->debug(), "");


	// Here is our little form segment. Notice that we don't need a
	// complete form. This will be embedded into the existing form.

			<div style="">
			<table class="form-table">
			<tr><th scope="column" colspan="3">Network Settings</th></tr>

				?><tr><td style="text-align:right">
				<select name="account-<?php echo $account ?>-network">

				foreach($this->networks as $network_id=>$network_name)
					echo '<option value="' . $network_id . '"';
					if($network_id==$options['accounts'][$account]['network']) echo ' selected="selected" ';
					echo '>' . $network_name . '</option>';
<input style="width: 200px;" name="account-<?php echo $account; ?>-userid" type="text" value="<?php echo $options['accounts'][$account]['userid']?>" /></td></tr>


			<tr><th scope="row">Check interval</th><td>Update every <input style="width: 20px;" id="imonline-update" name="imonline-update" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($options['update'], ENT_QUOTES);?>" /> minutes</td></tr>

<p style="text-align:justify;">If you have problems getting online status get a <input style="padding:0; margin:0; background: none; " class="button" type="submit" name="imonline-debug" value="connection report" onclick="alert('An message will be sent to the Admin email address with connection test information. Please check shortly.');"> and <a href="mailto:[email protected]">email it to me.</a></p>

	<input type="hidden" id="imonline-submit" name="imonline-submit" value="1" />



	   If it is, then we use the widget system for admin. If it isn't we use the old-style.
	   Note, the "standard" output method is available regardless of where you're editing
	   the admin options.


		// This is the function that outputs imonline status.
	function widget($args) {

	// $args is an array of strings that help widgets to conform to
	// the active theme: before_widget, before_title, after_widget,
	// and after_title are the array keys. Default tags: li and h2.

	// Each widget can store its own options. We keep strings here.
	$options = get_option('widget_imonline');
			$title = $options['title'];

	// These lines generate our output. Widgets can be very complex
	// but as you can see here, they can also be very, very simple.
	echo $before_widget . $before_title . $title . $after_title;
		$this->display(); //main call to get imonline icon
	echo $after_widget;

	function widget_control() {

	// Get our options and see if we're handling a form submission.
	$options = get_option('widget_imonline');

	if ( !is_array($options) )
		$options = array(
							'title'=>'IM Online',

	//Upgrade code - copies details over from previous installation using old data layout.
	//Still requires saving to apply modifications to db

	if ( $_POST['imonline-submit'] ) {
		$options['title'] = strip_tags(stripslashes($_POST['imonline-title']));
		update_option('widget_imonline', $options);

	<label for="imonline-title" >Title:</label> <input style="width: 200px;" id="imonline-title" name="imonline-title" type="text" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($options['title'], ENT_QUOTES);?>" />
	<input type="hidden" id="imonline-submit" name="imonline-submit" value="1" />


	function settings_control()
	 ?><div class="wrap">
	 <h2>IM Online Options</h2>
	 <div style="margin-top:20px;">
	 <form action="" method="post">


	 <p class="submit"><input type="submit" value="Save changes »"></p>


	function add_pages()
	 add_options_page("IM Online Options", "IM Online", 10, "im-online", array(&$this,'settings_control'));

	function init()
		$this->seconds = time(); //Reset execution time clock for debug

		$args = array('height' => 80, 'width' => 300);
		add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this,'add_pages'));

		if ( function_exists('wp_register_sidebar_widget') )
		{   //Do Widget-specific code
			wp_register_sidebar_widget('im-online', 'IM Online', 'imonline_widget', $args);
			wp_register_widget_control('im-online', 'IM Online', 'imonline_widget_control', $args);
		} else if( function_exists('sbm_get_option') ) {
			register_sidebar_module('IM Online', 'imonline_widget',$args);
			register_sidebar_module_control('IM Online', 'imonline_widget_control', 'im-online');



$imonline = new imonline();

These functions are external to the class above to allow compatibility with SBM
which does not allow calls to be passed to a class member.
These functions are dummy passthru's for the real functions above

function imonline_widget($args){
	global $imonline;
	if(!is_admin()){ $imonline->widget($args);}

function imonline_widget_control(){
	global $imonline;


// Run our code later in case this loads prior to any required plugins.
add_action('plugins_loaded', array(&$imonline,'init'));




Endret av w3p
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<p class="imonline-tag" style="text-align:right"><small><a href="http://www.mutube.com/projects/">mutube</a> » <a href="http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/im-online/">IM Online</a></small></p></div>
<!-- End Online Status Indicator code -->


i metoden display()

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GPL lisensen sier vel at man ikke har lov til å fjerne eventuelle copyrighter, hvilket du nå gjør.

Ehhh ... nei? GPL er jo «copyleft» som er et «anti-copyright»-opplegg. Ergo vil GPL aldri gi deg den type beskyttelse. Hele ideen bak GPL er tross alt at du har frihet til å gjør omtrent hva du vil med programmet ;)

Endret av Ernie
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