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Extremetech/hardocp R350 Review er ute

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OMG, 9600PRO har jo møkkaspecs! Det er dårligere enn 9500PRO jo! :grumpy: Begynnner å gå i surr/lei av produktbetegnelsene til ATI og Nvidia. skjønner ikke møkk! :lol:


Heh.. :roll:


ATI Radeon 9600 PRO 400 MHz/600 DDR 9.6 GB/s



ATI Radeon 9500 PRO 275 MHz/550 DDR 8.8 GB/s

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Tror ikke R350-kjernen er ny. Det ser bare ut til at det er en overklokka R300 kjerne (utifra benchmarks og det faktum at de har samme antall transistorer). PCB er forandra for å tillate disse høye hastighetene uten problemer.

Min mistanke kan være bekreftet (hentet fra Nordichardware):

Today I discovered a fact that made parts of our Radeon 9800 pro review obsolete. On page 14, which you can read here, we talk about architectural improvements in the R350. Our tests showed that at the same clockspeed using the same drivers the 9800 Pro was 5-10 % faster than the 9700 Pro.

Apparently we didn't see the whole truth.

Tommti-Systems has found out a way to make the 9700 Pro benefit from driver optimizations that were intended for the 9800 Pro. Thomas of Tommti hasn't published the actual method yet but his findings certainly indicate that the 9700 Pro and the 9800 Pro would perform almost identical while using the same clock frequencies.

Thus the performance benefits we saw have little/nothing to do with the R350 architecture but were rather software optimizations.

We apologize for our assumptious behavior and once we get a chance to test it further we will update our preview accordingly.


Consider that this info concerns all other preview that you may have read too.

Please note that the drivers we used were not intended for Radeon 9700 Pro to begin with. Perhaps the Catalyst 3.2 will sport these optimizations for both architectures. Let's just say that we won't try to pass any judgement just yet.

We've contacted ATi and are awaiting their reply.


Read all about the tests here. The site is in german but the interesting part is the numbers and graphs.

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OMG, 9600PRO har jo møkkaspecs! Det er dårligere enn 9500PRO jo! :grumpy: Begynnner å gå i surr/lei av produktbetegnelsene til ATI og Nvidia. skjønner ikke møkk! :lol:


Heh.. :roll:


ATI Radeon 9600 PRO 400 MHz/600 DDR 9.6 GB/s



ATI Radeon 9500 PRO 275 MHz/550 DDR 8.8 GB/s


Jeg fortsetter:


ATI Radeon 9600 PRO Pixel Fillrate: 1.6 Gigapixel/s Pixel Pipelines: 4

ATI Radeon 9500 PRO Pixel Fillrate: 2.2 Gigapixel/s Pixel Pipelines: 8


Men.... 9600PRO klarer seg nok vs 9500PRO :grumpy: , men det gjør ikke 9600!

Samme specs, men hastigheter på: 325/400

det blir "møkka" kort det! (?)


we'll see :)

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128bit minnebus er ikke nok til å kjøre 8 32bit pixler per clock. R9500Pro kan kun output 4 pixler per clock og har dermed ikke så mye høyere singel-texutre fillrate enn R9500.

Men med muli- textureing så har 9500Pro en større fordel da det skjer over flere clock cycles og dermed omtrent dobbler den texel fillraten fra R9500. Enkelt sagt så oppfører R9500Pro seg som et 4x2 oppsett.

9600Pro vil ha høyere singel-texture fillrate enn 9500Pro og det er det som er viktig siden multi-texturing er noe man går mer og mer bort ifra.

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The RV350 will be made available in two forms - the Radeon 9600 Pro and the Radeon 9600. The Pro will feature a 400MHz core clock and 300MHz DDR memory (effectively 600MHz), while the non-Pro will be clocked at 325/200DDR (effectively 325/400). Note that both of the engine clocks are higher than the Radeon 9500 Pro (45% and 18% for the Pro and non-Pro, respectively), but only the Pro features more raw memory bandwidth. Remember that the Radeon 9500 Pro will enjoy higher fill rates courtesy of its 8-pipe design, but the Radeon 9600 Pro's higher clock rate and significantly improved memory controller should be able to eat into that advantage.




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