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Engelsk tentament! Trenger hjelp (ideer, brainstorming)

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Hey.. skal ha engelsk tentament imorgen!

Jeg trenger litt hjelp med og finne på hva jeg skal skrive om. har ikke fått oppgaven enda, og jeg får den imorgen. må bare få ned noe på notater (kanskje noen artikkler/kilder)

Noen som kan hjelpe meg litt? takker :)


Her er infoen..


Tentamensinformasjon. 10AB, våren 2008.


Tid: 5 timer


Hovedtema for prøven: Changes and contrasts


Struktur: Prøven er delt inn i to deler.

Part A krever kortere svar som følger en instruksjon for oppgaven. Part B består av langsvarsoppgaver som du velger en av. Alle oppgavene er knytta til hovedtemaet og kompetansemålene for engelskfaget.


Forberedelsesdel: Denne delen av prøven skal du bruke til å forberede deg. Du må både lese, bearbeide og sortere ukjent stoff. I tillegg må du ta notater som er knytta til temaet. Du må gjerne samarbeide med medelever, snakke med lærere, bruke lærebøker og andre kilder som du finner nyttige.


Å kunne ta gode notater under forberedelsesdelen og kunne benytte dem på en god måte på skrivedagen, er en viktig forutsetning for et godt svar. Notatene skal ikke inneholde lengre, sammenhengende tekst, kun stikkord/ nøkkelord.


Kilder skal oppgis med nøyaktig internett- adresse, boktittel, bokside, etc.


Kildehenvisninger skal skrives på besvarelsen.


Tillatte hjelpemidler: I forberedelsesdelen er alle hjelpemidler tillatt.


Under prøven kan du bruke ordliste, tekstbok og datamaskin med grammatikk- og stavekontroll. Du har ikke tilgang på internett.


Tekniske opplysninger: Om du skriver på datamaskin, skal dokumentet ha topp- og bunntekst. Bruk Times New Roman, Arial eller Verdana, skriftstørrelse 14 og linjeavstand 1,5.


Her er noe annet læreren ga med

Contrasts and changes


Changes happen in every person’s life. From cradle to grave we are subjects to changes, whether we like it or not. Some changes even take place because we want them to. How would your life be if nothing changed?


Contrasts are also all around us. Just think of the time of year we are entering now. The summer- like days fill us with sunshine and joy while the last remains of winter are still present with their snowy coldness in the woods and mountains.


What do contrasts and changes mean to you?





During the preparation time for this spring’s mock exam you are to prepare for written assignments about contrasts and changes. In this document you will find hyperlinks to songs, lyrics, videos, articles and web pages that all have to do with contrasts and changes. You will also be presented a poem and related texts in Catch 10. All of this material you should study well before the writing day and take special notice of the general information about the mock exam, how it is structured and what you are allowed to bring. During the preparation time you can use all kinds of sources. Spend the preparation time well!



Parent and child


Father and daughter, mother and son, these relations seem to have a special meaning to many. At a certain point in life it is time to move out from the family home and become an independent individual. Read the lyrics, watch the video and listen to this song:






Different groups of people play different parts in the drama of life. During the cause of history the concept of race and class, how you look, how you think and where you come from has influenced our societies. Will this change? Why and how?


The artist 2Pac has a song which might inspire you. Watch his video if you like:



Nelson Mandela has had an enormous impact on thousands, maybe even millions of people, in South Africa but also around the world. Read this article


and listen to one of his speeches.



Will the USA get an African American for president for the first time? Barack Obama uses a slogan in his campaign that you will see on his home page. What do you think he means by this and why would some say that changing the way of politics is important?




Romeo and Juliet


One of Shakespeare’s famous plays can be understood in many ways. Romeo& Juliet face several changes and their story is full of intriguing contrasts.

Take a look at these links:





Unexpected company


In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit… What can unexpected guests mean? Read from this book and see for yourself.





Various texts


In the textbook Catch 10 there are several texts related to our main theme. Read through these texts and ask yourself how they are connected to contrasts and changes:

Don’t ride the bus on Monday

Stay well, live well

Thought you’d forgotten me

And summer is gone








Sonnet: Change You Can But…


Change you can your hair color, not your skin;

Change you can your smile and grin: not your eyes;

Change you can your sex partners, not your kin;

Change you can your sinful life: Be soul-wise!


Change you can your friends and foes, not parents;

Change you can your teacher/guide, not your brain;

Change you can your exam-marks, not talents;

Change you can your habits bad and be sane.


Change you can the environment, not the sun;

Change you can the landscape old, not the soil;

Change you can your temperament and not run;

Change you can your heart and mind: you must toil.


Change you can your ambitions but be brave;

Change you can your life-styles much but behave!




Dr John Celes

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