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Lost 4x9 - "The Shape of Things to Come"(USA)

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Hovedperson i episoden/Flashforward: Benjamin Linus.

Forhåndsinfo:Lockes gruppe kommer under angrep, og Jack prøver å finne ut identiteten til et lik som kommer fra sjøen

Endret av Mahavishnu
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Whoah, kick ass episode. Ben er seriøst konge. Elsket Smokey, og skytescenen med Sawyer var bare helt herlig. Scenen mellom Ben og Widmore var også fantastisk, men jeg likte ikke at Ben har tenkt å ta Penny.




Nei, men det var ikke helt overraskende at han skulle gå etter Penny. Bra at vi fikk vite litt rundt hvorfor Sayid begynte å jobbe for Ben også.


Ganske utfyllende oppsumering fra episoden av Variety:



"Lost": Episode 9, "The Shape of Things to Come"


Lost: Sawyer"Who the hell is Jacob?"


As usual, Sawyer cuts through the haze and gives voice to one of the key questions that viewers have had about "Lost" for a long time now.


For sure, "Lost's" stormy, sensational return with No. 9 of this season, "The Shape of Things to Come," written by Brian K. Vaughan and Drew Goddard and helmed by Jack Bender, was one hell of a Big Ben episode, a tour de force for thesp Michael Emerson.


But it was also a big night for Sawyer, who demonstrated the kind of courage and resolve under fire that only those with the highest moral character, integrity and compassion possess. First he does a "Saving Private Ryan" and risks all to save Claire as the invasion begins. Then he tries to do the same for Hurley, only Hurley won't let him. Sawyer, we always knew you had it in ya.


"Lost" scribes surely did give us a lot to process in tonight's return after the five-week, strike-hangover hiatus. Let's review the apparent tangibles before we dive into the 'what the #$%^&?' issues.


**We now know that by Oct. 24, 2005, Ben makes his way to Tunisia.Lost9ben


**We know that Ben kept up with news coverage of the early days of the Iraq war, more than a year before Oceanic flight 815 crashed. Shock and awe, indeed.


**We know that Sayid reconnects with his beloved Nadia after he gets off the island, no doubt because of his notoriety from being one of the Oceanic 6. And we know that Nadia is killed in L.A., three blocks away from the intersection of La Brea and Santa Monica. Don't tell me they were having lunch at the Formosa Cafe? Pink's? Shopping at Target?


**We know that Ben was lying in the episode before to Locke about not knowing what the smoke monster really is. It sure looked like he summoned it toward the end to fend off the invaders. I don't believe we've ever gotten quite as good a look at Smokey as we did in this seg.


**We know, or were told, that Hurley is now an important key to connecting with Jacob. He "knows where the cabin is," Ben sez more than once in this seg.


**We know that Jack and Kate, et al, now know beyond a shadow of a doubt that the landing party has evil intentions. Faraday told them as much. I'm starting to want to strangle him by that skinny tie of his. And I still can't stand Rebecca.


Lost9risk **We know that Charles Widmore drinks Scotch. We know that Ben and Charles Widmore have met before and have been at each other's throats for a long, long time.


**We know that ABC severely tried our patience in the first half-hour with three commercial breaks less than 10 minutes apart. They seemed to be a little bit better in the second half-hour, but please, Alphabet gurus, have mercy with all the breaks.


Now for the most perplexing parts, mythologically speaking:


**What's up with the doctor -- the Mitch Pileggi look-alike -- turning up on the shore with his throat cut?


**"He changed the rules" -- Ben sez in his shock after the Widmore boat captain, Martin Keamy, kills Alex. He sez it again at the end when he's confronting Widmore in his hotel suite and vowing to kill Penelope. "I'm going to make you wish you hadn't changed the rules."


**Ben singles out Hurley as the key to finding Jacob's cabin again. But as the invasion of New Otherton begins, he also tells Locke "it's very important that you survive."


**Sayid says "Benjamin, it was an accident" in the flashforward in Tikrit after Sayid kills the supposed hitman and Ben convinces Sayid that there's a fishy connection to the island and Nadia's death. What's an accident? The murder of the hitman, or is Sayid settling some other score? When last we saw Sayid and Desmond on the boat in the seg "Meet Kevin Johnson," he was so disgusted with Michael for going to work for Ben that he turned "Kevin" into Keamy as an agent of Ben's.


**"I know who you are and what you are," Widmore tells Ben in their confrontation. "Everything you have you took from me." And a few seconds later Widmore further needles him: "That island's mine. It always was and it will be again." Oh, do tell...


Of course there was so much more to ponder. And there was plenty of fun observational stuff.Lost9hurleyaaron


I could be wrong but it seemed like this was the first time we'd seen Vincent in a long time, in the opening scene when Bernard finds the doctor washing ashore. Dog's beautiful and blond as ever.


Loved seeing Locke, Sawyer and Hurley playing Risk, with Hurley bouncing Aaron on his knee. Brought back memories of many an afternoon spent strategizing on how to protect the Eastern theater. Loved Hurley's line about "Australia's the key to the whole game," which seemed fraught with import. It also dawned on me just then that of our core castaway ensemble, Claire is the only one who's actually from Oz.


The first flashforward scene of Ben landing in the Sahara desert -- with a parka on, no less -- made me think of "Lawrence of Arabia," don't ask me why.


Found it interesting that Locke hesitated to act but Hurley did not during the attack when Sawyer was running around with Claire in his arms looking for an open door. Got a kick out of the fact that after all the shooting and explosives lobbed into New Otherton, Miles rang the doorbell of the house when Ben, Locke, Sawyer and Hurley were bunkered in to delivery the walkie-talkie.


Lost: explode Loved the use of "A Day in the Life"-esque dramatic chord in that scene, just before Ben learns that Alex is the hostage.


After Locke and Sawyer put their guns down and decide not to shoot each other, Sawyer shows his true feelings about Hurley. "If you harm one hair on his curly head...so help me God I'll kill you," he tells Locke.


And finally, in the sparring between Widmore and Ben at the end, there's no better way to move us along than plain and simple language Widmore uses to taunt the master psycho-emotional manipulator.


"The hunt is on," Widmore assures Ben.


Posted at 12:10 AM in ABC, Lost | Permalink


Endret av 666=TRIPPLE-SEX
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Hva er det Charles sier på slutten der: "That Alan(?) is mine, Benjamin."


I know who you are and what you are," Widmore tells Ben in their confrontation. "Everything you have you took from me." And a few seconds later Widmore further needles him: "That island's mine. It always was and it will be again." Oh, do tell...

Endret av 666=TRIPPLE-SEX
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bra og spennende episode, men det var mye info som ble gitt på en gang.


Hva var dette med den doktoren fra båten, som de fant i vannet? Når Daniel morser til båten, påstår de at doktoren er ok??


Kontrollerer Ben, smokey?


Hva var dette snakket om at reglene hadde blitt endret?

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aaah, takk :p latterlig av meg å ikke oppfatte det.


Da er det vel mye som tyder på at Widmore har noe med Dharma og gjøre da... Elsker bytheway godeste Martin Keamy. Genialt da han skjøyt Alex, selv om det var veldig synd. Ben feila for engangs skyld. Men han er genial :D


"aah, sårrender, sårrener!!!"

"Oh, so you do speak english?"

Godt å få se mer av Sayid. Men dette virker jo jævlig weird med tanke på Doc Ray. Er han ikke død "enda"

Altså, vil han død i fremtiden, men ender opp som et lik allerede i nåtid. Det er JÆVLIG sykt.

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Hva var dette snakket om at reglene hadde blitt endret?


Sånn som jeg oppfata det, brøyt Widmore reglene da han skøyt Alex. Om det var virkelige regler som de hadde blitt enige om (ikke drepe familie), eller om det var at Ben bare synes det var utrolig feigt/dårlig gjort og skyte dattara til fienden, er jeg ikke sikker om på, men det får vi helt sikkert svar på senere. Uansett ble Ben enda mer motivert på å knuse Widmore enn før.

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bra og spennende episode, men det var mye info som ble gitt på en gang.


Hva var dette med den doktoren fra båten, som de fant i vannet? Når Daniel morser til båten, påstår de at doktoren er ok??


Kontrollerer Ben, smokey?


Hva var dette snakket om at reglene hadde blitt endret?


Ben vet tydligvis mer om monsteret enn han har påstått tidligere i serien, derfor er det antagelig mest sannsynlig at Ben kalte på monstret til å ta seg av leiesoldatene.


"The rules has been changed". Charles Widmore og Benjamin Linus har vært i tottene på hverandre før. Det har vi fått sterkt inntrykk av. Jeg kan tenke meg at det har vært en gylden regel mellom Widmore og Linus om at de aldri skulle gå etter familie (som døtre f.eks). Widmore har gitt blaffen i denne regelen og gav et grønt lys for at leiesoldatene kunne drepe datteren til Linus OM NØDVENDIG. Om det faktisk var nødvendig og drepe datteren kan diskuteres, men for min del så gjorde det ikke noe.


Dette vil jo bare føre til Benjamin blir enda mørkere i sinnet og vil antagelig bli en mer "Evil Mastermind" enn han noen gang har vært i serien. Og det er jo bare krem for oss seere.

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Godt poeng du har der 666, noe som også åpner til at faktisk Charles ikke brøyt reglene. Martin Keamy skøyt jo ikke før Ben sa: "She's not my daughter"


Godt mulig. Det kan være det Charles mente når han påpekte at det var Benjamin som drepte datteren din. Hadde han holdt kjeft så hadde det kanskje bare endt med at Keamy tok datteren hans som gissel og vandra inn i jungelen igjen.

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Du mener angående neste episode..?

Du fikk meg til å leste en spoiler til noe jeg trodde hadde sett i dagens episode. :mad:




En stund trodde jeg faktisk vi skulle få se puppa til Evangeline Lilly (Kate). Men slik ble det jo ikke :no:

Endret av JFM
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