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Fikk en del errors...

Error	1	Name 'im' is not declared.	C:\Documents and Settings\Ørjan\Mine dokumenter\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Windows Application\Windows Application\Form1.vb	17	9	Windows Application
Error	2	Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.	C:\Documents and Settings\Ørjan\Mine dokumenter\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Windows Application\Windows Application\Form1.vb	17	12	Windows Application
Error	3	Name 'openfile' is not declared.	C:\Documents and Settings\Ørjan\Mine dokumenter\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Windows Application\Windows Application\Form1.vb	17	12	Windows Application
Error	4	Comma, ')', or a valid expression continuation expected.	C:\Documents and Settings\Ørjan\Mine dokumenter\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Windows Application\Windows Application\Form1.vb	17	21	Windows Application
Error	5	Name 'openfile' is not declared.	C:\Documents and Settings\Ørjan\Mine dokumenter\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Windows Application\Windows Application\Form1.vb	18	9	Windows Application
Error	6	Name 'openfile' is not declared.	C:\Documents and Settings\Ørjan\Mine dokumenter\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Windows Application\Windows Application\Form1.vb	19	12	Windows Application
Error	7	Name 'OpenTheFilePlease' is not declared.	C:\Documents and Settings\Ørjan\Mine dokumenter\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Windows Application\Windows Application\Form1.vb	20	13	Windows Application
Error	8	Name 'openfile' is not declared.	C:\Documents and Settings\Ørjan\Mine dokumenter\Visual Studio 2008\Projects\Windows Application\Windows Application\Form1.vb	20	31	Windows Application

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	Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
	im openfile As New OpenFileDialog()
	openfile.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*"
	If openfile.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
	End If
End Sub

Håper jeg ikke har glemt å skifte noe...

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Okay takk, det virket faktisk :D

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
	Dim openfile As New OpenFileDialog()
	openfile.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*"
	If openfile.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then
		PictureBox1.ImageLocation = openfile.FileName
	End If
End Sub


Jeg fant også en på Microsoft MSDN, men din mæte var lettere... :p

Dim myStream As Stream = Nothing
	Dim openFileDialog1 As New OpenFileDialog()

	openFileDialog1.InitialDirectory = "c:\"
	openFileDialog1.Filter = "txt files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"
	openFileDialog1.FilterIndex = 2
	openFileDialog1.RestoreDirectory = True

	If openFileDialog1.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
			myStream = openFileDialog1.OpenFile()
			If (myStream IsNot Nothing) Then
				' Insert code to read the stream here.
			End If
		Catch Ex As Exception
			MessageBox.Show("Cannot read file from disk. Original error: " & Ex.Message)
			' Check this again, since we need to make sure we didn't throw an exception on open.
			If (myStream IsNot Nothing) Then
			End If
		End Try
	End If

Endret av kake_fisk
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  • 2 måneder senere...
Men kom noen med forslag til lagring???

Putt inn en CDR plate. Åpne Nero og brenn i vei......


hehe, bare måtte ;-)


Du, sjekk ut hjelpen din på begreper som Stream, StreamWrite, StreamRead etc. etc. Tipper du kommer i mål med disse.


F.eks. noe slik:

StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText("Min Kule Tekst fil.txt");
sw.WriteLine("Dette er en tekst som blir skrevet i filen");




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