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AoC: Open Beta 1.Mai - utsatt til kl 22.00 norsk tid.

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Etter å ha lastet ned general beta, har jeg nå startet på open beta... cursed...


Men på torrent fra piratbukta, ligger jeg på ~300kb/s da, i motsetning til fileplanets 50-100kb/s. Laster ut med 1.5mb/s da...



Øh... b=bit, B=byte? Tror jeg skrev feil, men dere tar poenget :p

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Plutselig stoppa downloaden min, og jeg pausa den og starta på nytt. Da bumpet jeg borti den stygge Opera-buggen at fila plutselig er "complete", og selvfølgelig ubrukelig. Måtte starte på nytt. :hrm:


Håper serverene får mindre belastning i natt sånn som i dag morges så jeg er ferdig med fila i morgen. ;<

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Her er mailen som kom fra Funcom:


Welcome to the Age of Conan Beta!


We are happy to invite you to the savage world of Hyboria, and we hope you will have great fun in the next few days. Our servers will open tonight at 2200 GMT / 1700 EST, and from this point on you are free to play as much as you like!


Prior to starting your journey we want to give you some important information about what to expect, and where you can get help should you need it.


First of all, remember that you are playing a beta version of Age of Conan, where we on purpose are stressing our servers to simulate a hectic launch environment. This means that you may experience technical issues as you start playing.


Simulating launch is what final stress testing is all about, but we will monitor all of this closely to make your experience as good as possible.


Since there is no NDA on the Open Beta you are completely free to speak about your experiences in public, and you can also take screenshots and videos should you wish to. Together with IGN we have established forums which will be staffed by Funcom Customer Service and Community representatives. There you can discuss any topic you like. Should you have any questions, or would like the latest upto date info on potential technical issues and solutions, these forums are our main venue for communication for as long as the Open Beta last.


You can find the IGN forums here: http://vnboards.ign.com/age_of_conan/b22995/.


We would ask you to keep in mind that this is not the full and final version of the game. You will get a significant taste of what we have created, and you will be able to play all classes and cultures. You are also able to test our PvP mini-games. To join a match simply the upper left icon with two people, and go to the PvP tab to apply for a match.


Prior to starting your experience you may watch two tutorial videos explaining the combat system and our interface. Links to their location will be found on the IGN forums and on the Age of Conan forums (http://community.ageofconan.com/) later tonight. We advise you to view these videos prior to playing.


We thank you sincerely for your willingness to aid, and your patience should any issues occur. Above all we hope you will have lots of fun as you crush your enemies


We’ll see you in Hyboria soon!


Regards, The Age of Conan development team

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Spørsmål - om jeg skal teste ut betaen NÅ - hvor går jeg hen, hvor mye er det å laste ned?



tror fortsatt at ign (dvs. fileplanet.com) er stedet.


Nedlastning ca 13gb + 3-400mb med patcher etter installasjon :)


...men du får ikke testet nå, du må nok vente til 24.00 (kanskje lenger) som alle oss andre :p

Endret av xantarion
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