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In-Game lyd i headset på PS3?

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Noen som vet om det er mulig å få lyden som er i spillene på PS3 til å virke på ett hodesett?

I dette tilfellet ett Logitech Clearchat Pro USB.


Er ikke alltid det er like kult å kjøre dette over anlegget, siden jeg har naboer over, under og ved siden av meg.... :-S


Finnes det ett triks for å få dette til å virke?

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kvifor ikkje eit headsett med standard jack som du plugger rett i tven.:?:)


Hadde det bare vært en audio utgang på skjermen jeg bruker, så hadde det ikke vært noe problem.

For øyeblikket kjører jeg PS3 på en Samsung 24" 244t Widescreen skjerm, skal ha meg en 42" lcd tv om noen måneder, men inntil da hadde det vært ok om PS3'en funket med å koble til ett headset på den...

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aha..! skjønner!


ja da må vel eit usb headsett til ja...finnes vel ein drøss som kan bruker vel..dei fleste med usb kontakt sikkert...


Om noen har erfaring med dette, vennligst gi en oppskrift på hva som må gjøres



men du har allerede eit usb headsett.?


instillinger- audio settings


du har vel kansje rota innpå der allerede men.;)

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aha..! skjønner!


ja da må vel eit usb headsett til ja...finnes vel ein drøss som kan bruker vel..dei fleste med usb kontakt sikkert...


Om noen har erfaring med dette, vennligst gi en oppskrift på hva som må gjøres



men du har allerede eit usb headsett.?


instillinger- audio settings


du har vel kansje rota innpå der allerede men.;)


Var der inne nå, Mikrofonen ser ut til å virke greit, men er ikke den jeg er interessert i å bruke uansett.

Hører ikke "klikk" lydene når jeg skifter menyer f.eks, in-game lyd eller musikk som jeg vil spille av? Why?

Endret av eiso9598
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Jeg fant dette nå:

( http://boardsus.playstation.com/playstatio...sage.id=2091165 )


I decided that I wanted to use my ps3 on my desk and connected to my computer monitor while keeping it easy to switch inputs between PC and ps3 and achieving 1080p resolution for the ps3. With that goal in mind I found that doing this opens up a multitude of problems.:


1. I found most 1080p monitors to be quiet pricey and the smallest size was 24" so I had to find something I could afford. Furthermore, most monitors do not have the ability to switch inputs without unplugging one before plugging the other in, and that would have been a hassle.


2. Most of us do not have receivers and home audio systems near our PC, we use headsets and the ps3 makes it slightly difficult to do this. I realized that USB headsets did not work due to the fact that the ps3 would only use USB to output chat sound and not game sound. I play online on my ps3 as well so I needed a headset option that would both allow me to hear the game sound and chat through the headphones as well as having a mic that let me output my own chat. To top it off, I did not want to have two headsets on my desk, so I needed something that could easily be switched between my PC and my PS3.


3. I took into account that Unreal Tournament 3 is supposed to be incorporating keyboard and mouse use with the game. I didn't not want two sets of keyboards and mice on my desk, and I needed a system that would allow easy switching between the PS3 and the PC.


I have seen many unanswered threads asking for advice on these problems, especially the first two, and since I found a decent work around for all of them I thought I would post the products I bought and how I set them up for a great desk experience with my PS3.


1. I found a great monitor at a great price that sufficiently fixed all of my video problems. The Westinghouse L2410NM is a great monitor with an HDMI input that I use for my PS3 and an RGB input that I use for my PC as well as an interface that allows for easy switching between the two. This 24" monitor works perfectly for running my PS3 at 1080p and my PC at 1920x1200 and I seriously believe that this screen is better than much more expensive brands.


2. I found that I could use the USB plug to use only as an Input of chat and I could use the PS3's A/V cable to output the chat, I also had an adapter cable that converted the two channel red and white stereo cables into a female 3.5mm adapter plug which is perfect for headphones ( I believe you can buy these at radio shack but I'm not positive, I received mine with a speaker system I bought, I know they exist and they can't cost more than $5-$10.). So I went on a search for a headset that had both standard plugs and a USB adapter and I found the Plantronics .AUDIO 770. I plugged the black 3.5mm plug into the adapter that was plugged into the A/V cable of the PS3 and I connected the pink 3.5mm plug into the USB adapter and plugged that into the PS3. I then changed the chat options to input sound through USB and output sound through A/V. This worked like a charm and I love these headphones they are comfortable and are designed to fit over your ears instead of sitting on top of them. To make it easy to switch between my PC and PS3 I bought a pair of 3.5mm extension cables and attached them to the side of my desk while plugging the other end to my computers sound card. I believe that any headphones with this type of connection set up will work, however these are the only ones I have tested and am positive will work perfectly. There is one downside, the PS3 does not have volume control and the maximum volume it puts out on these headphones is enough to be considered the perfect level to most, however I like my sound blasting (I will probably go deaf very early in my life) and the solution to that is Buying a headphone amplifier which can be found at a price range of $50-$200. I have not yet taken the time to buy one as the headphones on the ps3 are loud enough to please me in a quiet room, but I may buy one of the Cmoy amps in the near future.


3. This was an easy fix and most people have probably though to rig something similar up, however I will post what my set up is anyway. I bought a Logitech G5 USB mouse as well as a Logitech G15 Usb keyboard. The keyboard has two USB ports so I plugged the mouse into one of them so as to only take up one USB slot on my PC and PS3. I then bought a USB extension cord which I attached on my desk next to the other extension cords that I used for the headset. With this set up I can easily switch keyboard/mouse usage between my PC and PS3.


With my current set up switching from PC gaming to PS3 gaming takes the press of one button on my monitor and the switching of 3 wires that are laid out in front of me, I don't even need to get out of my chair or move (yeah I guess I'm pretty lazy).


If you guys have any other Ideas post them here. I know there are a lot of people who set their ps3 up on a desk and have faced all of these problems or are still facing them and it is great to hear of different ways to maximize our ps3 experience.




Er jo i grunnen helt sykt at Sony ikke kan lage til støtte for in-game lyd ut til USB enheter.

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ser ikke helt hvorfor dem skal bry seg.. 98% av spillerne foretrekker vanlig lyd, og resten har phono eller jack utgang på tven eller forsterker... utenom deg da eiso ;)


har forøvrig samme headset som deg, FY FAEN for en dårlig mic, måtte kjøpe ekstra mic da kompisene mine klikket galne når jeg prater på ventrilo med det.. Er en irriterende basslyd i bakgrunnen.. nedtur :(

Endret av Fenixen
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  • 4 uker senere...

Savner også støtte for in-game lyd. Har et Plantronics USB headset, og det hadde vert veldig greit å kunne brukt det, fremfor å skaffe meg et utenom, siden tv'en ikke har USB inngang liksom.


Jeg mener, når mikrofonen funker, hvorfor funker ikke resten? Det virker litt halvhjertet. Tror nok ikke vi er de eneste som savner dette. PS3 har støtte for så mye.. Sony kunne like så greit lagt til støtte for in-game lyd i tillegg til mic.

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Nei, det der er bare en overgang til optisk minijack-plugg.

Så det funker ikke den andre veien? Altså at man plugger den i den optiske utgangen på ps3, kobler til et minijack headset i den, innstiller optisk utgang som lydutgang.

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Det vil ikke hjelpe, hvis man ikke har et headset som støtter digital lyd direkte...

Man er jo uansett like langt, for et slikt headset ville man jo ikke fått brukt mikrofon på.

Jeg koblet headset til med den multi-AV kabelen som følger med, og en overgang fra phono til minijack-kontakt. Men da får jeg jo ikke brukt mikrofonen på headsettet. Mikrofonen på USB-headsettet jeg har virker fint, men der får jeg ikke lyd ut... Irriterende.

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