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Bruk Iphone/Ipodtouch som en FJERNKONTROLL


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An homage to Apple's iPhone commercials that demonstrates NetBlender's new BD Touch technology that lets your iPhone interact with your Blu-ray Disc Player. This video shows a Blu-ray Disc sending a digital copy of a video to an iPhone.


ABOUT BD TOUCH: BD Touch connects the 10 foot experience of the large screen home theater with the mobile experience offered by the iPhone. The sophisticated UI of the iPhone enables unprecedented user interaction when compared to any other handheld device. BD Touch applications can take advantage of the iPhone's geo location features, 3D sensors and QWERTY keyboard. BD Touch features will work on any BD Live-enabled Blu-ray Disc player such as the PlayStation 3.


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Netblender vil imorgen annonsere ett program kalt BD Touch, enkelt og greit tillater det deg å benytte din iPhone eller iPod touch som en fjernkontroll for din Playstation 3, og i tillegg også tillate automatisk overføring av digital kopier.


I førsteomgang virker dette som kun en mulighet til PS3, men dette forblir ubekreft


Skrevet av Tom Arne Paulsen

torsdag 10. april 2008



Introducing BD Touch


NetBlender's BD Touch technology enhances the capabilities of BD Live by enabling two-way communication with Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch. BD Touch uses the BD Live network connection built into Blu-ray players and the WiFi connection on the iPhone to connect the devices.


The sophisticated UI of the iPhone enables unprecedented user interaction when compared to any other handheld device. BD Touch applications can take advantage of the iPhone's geo location features, 3D sensors and QWERTY keyboard. Video, audio, text, and player commands can be transferred via the connection.


Endless Possibilities

Some implementations of BD Touch will include:


Pushing digital copies of movies to an iPhone from the Blu-ray disc menu.

Automatically cataloguing a viewer’s Blu-ray disc collection and providing movie suggestions

Updating and managing a viewer’s rental queue

Displaying trivia and extra information about a movie in sync with the movie's playback

Turning existing Blu-ray discs into games that use the iPhone as the game controller

Viewing fan-created content in sync with the disc


Endret av Henry9
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Gjest Slettet+981234789

dette var litt mer slit en først antatt,

man må ha en Blu-ray brenner, brenne en BD disk med noe greier på.


får vente til dette kommer ut offisielt..

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Gjest Slettet+981234789

ingen som har det?

ifølge det jeg leste i manualen var at man måtte brenne en BD disk og putte den i ps3...


men rett ,meg hvis jeg ha feil...

Lenke til kommentar
ifølge det jeg leste i manualen var at man måtte brenne en BD disk og putte den i ps3...


men rett ,meg hvis jeg ha feil...

sikker på at det ikke er mulig å bare kopiere over programmet med en usb stick?

rimelig vanskelig for meg å få tak i en Blu-ray brenner.

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