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download and install PS3 Proxy, PS3 ProxyServer Installer, or PS3 ProxyServer Installer (ENGLISH).



Arlight i got it installed and working... First You have to download these files:


--- google it ------


When finished with the downloading edit these files with notepad ...

Just replace the off with on eg:



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>


<product code="j1" xmb="on" />

<product code="uc2" xmb="on" />

<product code="cel" xmb="on" />

<product code="kr2" xmb="on" />

<product code="cek" xmb="on" />

<product code="mx2" xmb="on" />

<product code="au3" xmb="on" />

<product code="e12" xmb="on" />

<product code="tw1" xmb="on" />

<product code="ru3" xmb="on" />

<product code="cn9" xmb="on" />

<product code="hk5" xmb="on" />



Just copy paste that and well the other one is long so you have to do it yourself. when done with this ..... just overwrite your downloaded xml so that your title remains the same (Put it in your desktop so it would be easier )


---- google it -----


Download this on your desktop and keep it there. Now you have to download and install PS3 Proxy Server.


After installing put your ip address in the ip address bar.. (to check your ip just go to the network connection file and double click the connection you are using (wireless or LAN) and then go to the support be)


After inputting your ip address check the ps3mode thing then go to the Replace Files tab and click on the add button 3 times so you have 3 lines. On each line there is 2 boxes. Put the original link for each file in the left box, and put the link to the file on your computer in the right side box

go back to the first tab and press start


- Turn on your PS3

- Go to settings then down to network settings

- Go to Internet Connection Settings, pick yes when asked if you want to continue

- Pick if you are wired or wireless, press right

- Pick custom Address Settings, press right

- Auto-Detect the operation mode of the network device, press right

- Auto detect Ip Address Setting press right

- Pick auto MTU, press right

- Pick Proxy Use, press right

- Enter the your computers ip address (the one you entered in Ps3 proxy server leave the port at 8080 Press Right

- Pick UpNp enabled (doesn't matter much)

- Confirm settings

- Test the connection if its working then you got it right... restart your ps3 and then there will be Playstation Home icon in your XMB!


har prøvd det , og det fungerer, men serverene er ikke aktive enda


Det her er version 1.0

Endret av kewell79
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Eventuelt nærmer Sony seg Microsoft i god brukergrensesnitt?

Det er sånne ting som gjør det så priceless å lese dette forumet, spesielt på nattestid ... rofl.gif

Indeed. minner meg om gode gamle dager i barnehagen da diskusjonen var om hvem sin pappa som var sterkest. :D

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Najs! når kan dette gjøres uten jallamekk?


edit:15 april. ok



15 april? Som i neste uke? sauce pl0x1

Jeg tror det ikke før jeg får se det. Men jeg vil gjerne tro.



Er noen som teoriserer at Home kommer samtidig som PSN redesign 15. April.

Jeg tviler, men det hadde jo gitt mening for Sony å gjøre dette. Det vil jo fullstending

high-jacke rampelyset til GTA IV i dagene frem mot release. :D

Endret av XDamage
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Ah...bare løse spekulasjoner altså.


OM Home hadde kommet som manna fra himmelen neste torsdag så hadde det jo vært stor stas med kalas, men jeg tviler på at den gemene hop får tilgang til Home før etter sommeren en gang.




I made myself sad :(

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Update: apparently this is all a big fake. The 'exploit', which involves fooling the PS3 into downloading something other than Folding@Home, has apparently been floating around for ages and is easily configured to give users the ability to grab whatever is currently up on the Sony servers. In this case, we've been told it's just the current beta version of Home with some text changed to say 1.00. Shame, but we're still holding out for something big next week... Sony...? =)



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