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Yamuchi confirms damage. Oppdatert 4.april med hele intervju!


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Selv om enkelte brukere har vært i tvil på forumet her, om at det vil være mulig å legge til skade senere i GT5 sitt liv, så sier Yamuchi noe annet. Ja vi tror på nissen, Mcbain og Krosjefen!


Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi has revealed that a "major update" is coming for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue later this year, which will add among other things long-awaited vehicle damage.


In an interview with CVG this afternoon, Yamauchi said that the update will also have a big focus on enhancing Prologue's online modes, starting with the addition of various "community building features."


The last bit will come as particularly excellent news to PS3 owners, as the GT5 preview is currently lacking somewhat in the online department.


You can expect the full interview with Mr. Gran Turismo very shortly. Who says it's 'just a demo' now, eh?







Eurogamer: With Prologue now out the door, where do you go from here - straight into full development of the full version of GT5, or are there more steps along the way?


Kazunori Yamauchi: There will be an additional major update to Gran Turismo 5 Prologue before the game is complete.


Eurogamer: So is this a case of basically building the final game, block by block, as you go along?


Kazunori Yamauchi: We're not exactly making it in blocks... But we did have a few more things left undone in GT5 Prologue that we'll be adding along the way. Those would be community features - friends lists and things like that - and also adding damage to the game.


Eurogamer: When you sat down to develop Gran Turismo 5, what were the big things you wanted to do - the key, headline things that you wanted to change about the franchise?


Kazunori Yamauchi: Of course, the quality of games you can make on PS3 is so much higher - and we wanted to establish the benchmark of videogames by creating something that utilises all of its power. The other aspect that we wanted to focus on was building a community, between the user, us, and the automobile manufacturers, so that we could communicate and create a new space, a new world in that respect.


Eurogamer: You said recently that damage would come "soon" - it's coming in GT5, then? We won't be waiting until GT6?


Kazunori Yamauchi: That's the plan, yes! It's actually really difficult to finish the quality that's possible with the PS3, in terms of the fine details - it's a lot harder than we first expected. A lot of things are very dependent on that, and we can't answer right away. However, we are planning to add the community features, and the damage, during Gran Turismo 5 Prologue.


Eurogamer: The online play modes you've provided in Prologue are pretty simple compared to what other racing games do - is improving that a big focus for you?


Kazunori Yamauchi: Yes, there'll be a lot of features added to that. We'll be adding a lot of the necessities, like being able to form your own car clubs within the game, or making racing teams in the game. Things like that, where the users can actually interface with each other, are something that we'll be adding.


Eurogamer: What's happened to the PSP version? It was announced a very long time ago - where has it gone?


Kazunori Yamauchi: We had been developing the PSP version, but the problem was that the PS3 version took much more time and effort than we had first imagined. So that's been delayed - I don't think we'll be able to make the end of this year for the PSP version, but we are working on it.


Eurogamer: In the process of developing GT5, have any of your thoughts on the PSP version changed?


Kazunori Yamauchi: That's definitely true. Once we experienced PS3 online and went through all of that, we came to the conclusion that PSP should not be a standalone product - it should be linked in to the world of Gran Turismo, linked with the PlayStation 3.



Eurogamer: When you look at the games which have come out since GT4 - with Forza Motorsport probably being the most notable - do you see things that you'd like to do, things that have moved the genre forward? Or do you develop Gran Turismo in a vacuum, ignoring the competition?


Kazunori Yamauchi: The latter is actually exactly fitting, I think. We don't reference any other games when we're making Gran Turismo - it's purely based on what we want to achieve as a game.


Actually, I have difficulty playing other games for over five minutes. A lot of the low-level quality just stands out so much in other games that I can't stand them!


Eurogamer: It's a long way down the line, but since you're making a game which simulates reality, will you at some point reach a moment where you say, "This is good enough - this looks real, this feels real"?



Kazunori Yamauchi: You know, I've been asked the same question time and time again since the PSone - but every time the hardware goes up, there's been so much to do! I think this trend will continue. There'll always be a lot more to do.


We're actually very aware of things that we're still not able to do in the game - things that we'd like to keep continuing to add. That's something that I think will be ongoing, forever.


This game, we've called it GT5 Prologue - but it's not really a teaser of things to come. This is the best we can provide at this point in time. It's just that we don't consider it up to par, in terms of volume and things like that, to be called a full game by itself - by our standards, not by other people's standards. That's one thing we want to make clear for people.


Eurogamer: Given what you've just said, do you see Gran Turismo as your life's work? Is this what you're doing for the foreseeable future - or do you see yourself turning around some day and saying, "You know what, I want to make an RPG"?


Kazunori Yamauchi: Well, I've got a lot of ideas for one, so I'd like to be able to say some day, let's make an RPG... But there are a lot of things that we think are still insufficient in GT5. There's so much more to do still. I don't think it'll be any time soon that I'll be able to consider something like that!



Endret av UrgeLoL
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  trydis skrev:
Da kan det jo bli riktig så artig å spille online * tommel opp *


Så får vi håpe "later this year" ikke er nærmere juletider og betyr en utsettelse av fullversjonen.


Tja.. kanskje høsten. Og GT5 har aldri hatt en launch date. Men det har vel hele tiden vært spekulert i slutten av 2008. Men blir ikke overrasket om det blir tidlig 2009. Men uansett så klarer jeg meg. Jevnlige oppdateringer av Prologue i tillegg til MGS4 og GTAIV vil holde meg opptatt resten av året :p

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Leste i et intervju med Yamauchi at de også vil jobbe med å tilføre vær og lyseffekter til spillet. Han nevnte også at onlinedelen var alt for dårlig og at det ville bli gjort en del forbedringer her.

Tør nesten ikke å tenke på hvor bra GT5 kan komme til å bli...

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  Blåbær skrev:
Hva var poenget med å sende ut prologue når den ikke var ferdig?

Spillet var da ferdig det (JAP-utgave), og alt virket som det skulle så langt jeg kunne se. At det kommer oppdateringer og utvidelser i form av nedlastbart innhold gjør ikke et spill til uferdig. I så tilfelle er jo GT-klonen Forza også uferdig siden det kommer oppdateringer til det også.


Og hvorfor sender de Prologue ut på markedet? Fordi de får feedback (i tillegg til at de tjener penger) og vi får noe å spille inntil det fulle spillet kommer i butikkhyllene. Og 185 kroner (Play.com) er jammen meg ikke mye penger for dette spillet!

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Det blir nok syting og klaging på at spillet blir alt for vanskelig med skademodell.

Sneie borti en betongkant i 30km/t: Game over. Bli dultet borti bakfra inn mot en sving: Game over. Bremse skjevt over en curb og ødelegge forhjulet: Game over. Gire ned for tidlig mot en sving og dra turtallet langt over rødstreken: Game over.

Og en bil man har ødelagt kan man jo såklart ikke bruke i senere løp, unntatt hvis man betaler reparasjon... ;)

Bilene man kjører er jo stort sett vanlige gatebiler, som ikke er beregnet på å kjøre videre etter små krasj. Biler som er bygget for konkurranser er mer solide.

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  asdfteam skrev:
Det blir nok syting og klaging på at spillet blir alt for vanskelig med skademodell.

Sneie borti en betongkant i 30km/t: Game over. Bli dultet borti bakfra inn mot en sving: Game over. Bremse skjevt over en curb og ødelegge forhjulet: Game over. Gire ned for tidlig mot en sving og dra turtallet langt over rødstreken: Game over.

Og en bil man har ødelagt kan man jo såklart ikke bruke i senere løp, unntatt hvis man betaler reparasjon... ;)

Bilene man kjører er jo stort sett vanlige gatebiler, som ikke er beregnet på å kjøre videre etter små krasj. Biler som er bygget for konkurranser er mer solide.


Helt enig! Det er egentlig samme for meg hva de gjør..Bare de ikke lager det altfor realistisk.

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Det som skal bli veldig spennende og sjå viss skademodeller blir implementert er korleis du kan skade bilen visuelt opp mot korleis den vil oppføre seg etter skaden. Kor mykje kan skadast, blir du truffen i sida vil døra bli trykt inn, kan fjæringer ryke, motoren skjære seg pga radiator lekasje. korleis blir lyden når bilen har fått seg ein smell...


det er MASSE og ta hensyn til med ein eventuell skademodell...

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