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Flere som har problemer med Aller Edges ”Rabbit”.

Ustoppelig kanin

Allikevel er det flere innholdsleverandører som ikke oppgir denne informasjonen verken på sine hjemmesider eller i meldingene de sender ut.


Aller Edges ”Rabbit” har ingen stoppinformasjon tilgjengelig på Internett, og heller ingen umiddelbar informasjon i meldingene som sendes ut til deres ”aktive” kunder.


Derimot har de en kundeservicetelefon med åpningstid fra 9 til 16, men dette hjelper lite når tjenesten ikke er tilgjengelig innen dette tidsrommet. Da vi ringte Aller Edges kundetelefon klokken 10.00 fikk vi beskjed om at vi trolig hadde ringt utenfor åpningstid eller at supporttjenesten ikke var tilgjengelig.


Først da vi på tredje forsøk kom gjennom, fikk vi stoppet utsendingen av reklame til vårt nummer.

Les mer.

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Her er en liste over kortnummer og kontakt nummer til de som eier disse.

Om det er noen som har problemer med å finne kontakt nummer til disse.. ;)



Kortnr. Navn Mobilnummer. Web-adresse


1880 1880nummeropplysning AS 81511880


1881 Opplysningen Mobil AS 40464870


1890 Carrot 81568068


1900 TV Norge AS 22403830


1901 Aller Edge Media AS 91677601


1904 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


1905 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


1906 Forbrukernett 21500150


1908 Eurobate 23227373


1930 Eurobate 23227373


1932 DFun AS 33319622


1933 SMSFun AS 81568668


1935 Maskina AS 24132100


1936 My Mobile World as 928291111


1937 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


1938 Eurobate 23227373


1939 Esolutions AS 98019000


1960 Carrot 81568068


1961 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


1962 Hot Line 21604048


1963 ViaNett 69206920


1965 Teleteknologi AS 21672100


1966 iTouch Nordics AS 22403830


1967 My Mobile World as 928291111


1968 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


1969 Dataguard 55112233


1980 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


1982 Vajola AS 46811507


1983 Storm Weather Center AS 4755908266


1984 TV2 Interaktiv 55303300


1985 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


1986 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


1987 NRK Aktivum AS 81565900


1988 Mobilnet 22403830


2000 DJuice 09000


2001 Chess 55204600 http://www.chess.no/


2002 Infogate 23198288


2003 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2004 My Mobile World as 928291111


2005 Link Mobility AS 22994400


2006 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2007 Findexa 81544418


2008 NRK Aktivum AS 81565900


2010 Yo Yo Mobil 91356805


2011 Netsize Group SA 80057333


2012 Link Mobility AS 22994400


2015 Minick 0049408080999


2020 Norsk Tipping AS 80031088


2022 Oslo Børs 22341800


2025 Unwire AS 46414848


2026 Stiftelsen SUSS-telefonen 80033866


2028 Mtouch as 4799504384


2029 Ucall 81533042


2030 Eurobate 23227373


2033 Airtouch AS 46404000


2036 CellBee AB 81566178


2040 Carrot 81568068


2045 End2End 004572227221


2048 Plutolife 22925960


2050 Trafikanten 81568068


2051 Bergen Busstasjon AL 37156719


2052 Carrot 81568068


2060 Carrot 81568068


2063 Wireless Maingate 22642000


2064 Wireless Maingate 22642000


2065 ViaNett 69206920


2067 Subclearing AS


2068 Trønder Taxi as 4792427703


2069 Verpet AS 64874777


2075 Egmont 24051300


2077 PSWINCom AS 4757748484


2080 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


2084 Aller Edge Media AS 91677601


2088 Mobilnet 22403830


2097 Wap the Web 73532097


2098 Echovox 41223088308


2099 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2100 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2101 Infogate 23198288


2102 De norske Bokklubbene 22022084


2103 Choice Telenet AS 23326303


2105 Teletopia AS 04000


2111 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


2115 Carrot 81568068


2120 Mobilnet 22403830


2121 Brønnøysundregistrene 75007575


2122 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


2123 GoPocket as 81558123


2125 Netsize Group SA 80057333


2130 Unwire AS 46414848


2131 Mobile Media Services Norge Ltd 4781509900


2134 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2135 MP Media Norge AS 21604048


2140 Eurobate 23227373


2141 Refero As 4799270334


2144 Digander Wireless AB 4793037277


2150 M-Quest as 99252907


2155 MobileTech AS 4740604574


2161 Infogate 23198288


2177 Geomatikk AS 81033400


2180 Mobilporten AS 92633334


2181 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2188 NSB AS 23151980


2200 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2201 Unwire AS 46414848


2203 iTouch Nordics AS 22403830


2205 Hjemmet Mortensen AS 22585000


2210 Apparat AS 4747397501


2211 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2212 Netsize Group SA 80057333


2215 Carrot 81568068


2221 Eurobate 23227373


2222 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


2223 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2224 Netsize Group SA 80057333


2225 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2228 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2229 MobileTech AS 4740604574


2232 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


2233 Carrot 81568068


2240 Fokus Bank ASA 4772907200


2242 Carrot 81568068


2244 iTouch Nordics AS 22403830


2245 FoundIT AS 45449863


2252 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


2255 Aller Edge Media AS 91677601


2258 Carrot 81568068


2260 All Mobile as 81566465


2266 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


2269 Mobia AS 4797729332


2270 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2282 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


2284 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2286 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2288 Cactus Mobile AS 81566128


2290 Mobia AS 4797729332


2298 Sander AS 82010012


2300 Teletopia AS 04000


2303 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2320 Unwire AS 46414848


2325 Ocean Standard Limited 99252907


2326 Askadam AS 97061370


2363 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2400 DB Medialab 33429230


2402 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2404 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2407 Aller Edge Media AS 91677601


2422 Echovox 41223088308


2424 VG Multimedia AS 4722000000


2440 Neovada Telecom AS 22685000


2442 Carrot 81568068


2444 Mobia AS 4797729332


2448 Sander AS 82010012


2450 Teletopia AS 04000


2456 Ocean Standard Limited 99252907


2460 Yo Yo Mobil 91356805


2494 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


2500 Telenor Mobil AS 09000


2708 Aspiro AS 4781573573 http://www.aspiro.com


2711 TelcoPay AG 448884327


2712 Gul.No AS 51680208


2713 Kalador Entertainment


2714 Wap the Web 73532097


2715 My Mobile World as 928291111


2716 Funmobile Limited


2717 IntraHouse 70125850


2721 Gameloft S A 22577785


2722 MobileTech AS 4740604574


2723 Glu Mobile Limited 442073681137


2724 EDB Business Partner 4781559518


2725 Phonehits AB 0468302588


2726 Rubberduck Media Lab AS 97611694


2732 SIA Tekara Softeks 37122313131


2750 Ullevål Universitetssykehus 22119090


2751 Politidirektoratet 77698500


2752 Helse Stavanger 81533700


2753 Locus AS 4733484203


2755 Visibilly AB 46703944122


2756 Mapsolutions as 22365060


2758 Alarmsentral Brann Øst AS 48248719


2759 Link Mobility AS 22994400


2760 NRK Aktivum AS 81565900


2761 TV Norge AS 22403830


2762 TV2 Interaktiv 55303300


2763 My Mobile World as 928291111


2764 Apparat AS 4747397501


2768 Rubberduck Media Lab AS 97611694


8001 CargoNet 22895955


8007 Drammen Taxi 97542852


8011 NSB Persontrafikk 92630074


8012 Taxisentralen i Bergen 92020940


8034 Taxus


8035 Taxus


9965 Rubberduck Media Lab AS 97611694


02000 Link Mobility AS 22994400


02020 Mobyson AS 4751580258


02223 PSWINCom AS 57748484


02244 Carrot 81568068


02255 TV2 Interaktiv


02323 PSWINCom AS 57748484


02324 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


02360 PSWINCom AS 57748484


02400 Ericsson IPX 46856866333


02620 PSWINCom AS 57748484


02637 Forbrukerrådet 4757748484


02800 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


03002 Carrot 81568068


03100 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


03123 MobileTech AS


03124 Carrot 81568068


03133 PSWINCom AS 57748484


03222 Carrot 81568068


03232 MobileTech AS


03240 PSWINCom AS 57748484


03330 Rikstrygdeverket 4751580258


03466 PSWINCom AS 57748484


03800 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


04000 Teletopia AS 04000


04005 Stavanger kommune 51507090


04420 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


04800 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


05000 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


05060 Carrot 81568068


05123 PSWINCom AS 57748484


05150 Stavanger Aftenblad ASA 57748484


05252 MobileTech AS


05500 Bergens Tidende 05500


05973 Lyse Energi AS 51908136


06090 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


06100 PSWINCom AS 57748484


06879 Førde Kommune 4757828885


07200 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


07362 PSWINCom AS 57748484


07600 Carrot 81568068


07700 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


07701 Carrot 81568068


07979 NextGenTel AS 57748484


08008 Chess 55204600 http://www.chess.no/


08353 Carrot 81568068


08476 PSWINCom AS 57748484


08588 Carrot 81568068


08825 PSWINCom AS 57748484


08880 Carrot 81568068


09060 Network Norway AS 57748484


09191 Carrot 81568068


09966 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


09999 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


19111 SMS Com 51894500


19119 Netsize Group SA 80057333


19120 Sveve ANS 4791808999


19121 Esolutions AS 98019000


19126 Carrot 81568068


19150 Safetel


19154 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


19159 Carrot 81568068


19180 Mobilporten AS 92633334


19182 Triangel Software AS 90691202


19196 Unified Messaging Systems as 4723501600


26001 Systor Vest AS 51580258


26020 Conecto AS 67157886


26031 Telenor Mobil AS


26032 Lyse Energi AS 51908136


26035 Braathens ASA 81520000


26036 Braathens ASA 81520000


26040 Chess 55204600 http://www.chess.no/


26060 Allprofil AS 4791379556


26080 Link Mobility AS 22994400


26100 EDB Fellesdata 22528080


26110 Sparebank 1 Midt Norge 07300


26112 PSWINCom AS 57748484


26114 Front Invest DA 4722202400


26115 Teleperformance Norge as 4735022070


26118 Netsize Group SA 80057333


26120 Terra Gruppen AS 4790602628


26123 Telenor Telecom Solutions 81548548


26124 Telenor Mobil AS


26125 Citroen Norge 22892923


26126 Ventelo 04500


26128 MobileTech AS


26136 Braathens ASA 81520000


26140 Telenor Telecom Solutions 80030030


26150 Bergens Tidende 05500


26160 Cocell 98875950


26162 Widerøe Flyveselskap as 4797111684


26166 PSWINCom AS 57748484


26170 TDC AS 51202651


26177 Plasus Technologies AS 73985858


26188 Visibilly AB 46703944122


26199 PSWINCom AS 57748484


26200 Scangit AS 22958164


26205 Rubicon TV


26262 Contopronto AS 81550850


26263 Telenor Mobil AS


26267 Norsk Tipping AS


26300 Respons TV AS 22850434


26400 TV2 Interaktiv 55303300


26444 Carrot 81568068


26500 TV Norge AS 22403830


26600 Aspiro AS http://www.aspiro.com


26626 Rikstrygdeverket 4751580258


26700 TV2 Interaktiv 55303300


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