MrL Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Jeg så såvidt igjennom denne videon, og har bare noen spørsmål for å være helt sikker. Er det sånn at guilder kan bygge byer og krige/ødlegge andre byer igjen? Er det sånn at man må ta over land eller områder, og så beskytte dem? Isåfall, er det mange av disse områdene, for hvis ikke kommer jo bare det som spiller døgnet rundt til å ta over alt å eie spillet .. Lenke til kommentar
Theoneask Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Kanskje du finner svar på noke av det du lurer på her:;func_id=1923 Lenke til kommentar
MrL Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Forfatter Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Hmm virker som man må ha ganske høy status/makt for å gjøre det ja. PÅ en måte er jo det bra fordi det burde kanskje ikke være noe hvem som helst skal kunne gjøre, men alikevel blir det vanskelig å kjempe mot de som kommer til å spille dette døgnet rundt .. Lenke til kommentar
Atomics Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Husk at det er 2 typer byer, den ene typen, Keep er det kun 9 av på hver server, mens Guild Player City kan alle guilds som orker bygge. Dessuten så kan du ikke miste Battle Keepet over natten uten videre, det er satt opp visse regler for å erobre et keep. Lenke til kommentar
MrL Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Forfatter Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 (endret) Husk at det er 2 typer byer, den ene typen, Keep er det kun 9 av på hver server, mens Guild Player City kan alle guilds som orker bygge. Dessuten så kan du ikke miste Battle Keepet over natten uten videre, det er satt opp visse regler for å erobre et keep. Åja så hver guild kan bygge sin by uannsett? Det er jo drit fett! BTW, litt offtopic men blir Age of conan veldig historie basert eller kan det spilles gjennom flere ganger som som f.eks wow som er "evigvarende"? Endret 30. mars 2008 av MrLG Lenke til kommentar
Christeven Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Husk at det er 2 typer byer, den ene typen, Keep er det kun 9 av på hver server, mens Guild Player City kan alle guilds som orker bygge. Dessuten så kan du ikke miste Battle Keepet over natten uten videre, det er satt opp visse regler for å erobre et keep. Åja så hver guild kan bygge sin by uannsett? Det er jo drit fett! BTW, litt offtopic men blir Age of conan veldig historie basert eller kan det spilles gjennom flere ganger som som f.eks wow som er "evigvarende"? alle kan bygge en PvE by, som er instanced. Den kan ikke andre guilder ødelegge. Tild det siste, det er et MMO. Hva tror du.. Lenke til kommentar
MrL Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Forfatter Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Husk at det er 2 typer byer, den ene typen, Keep er det kun 9 av på hver server, mens Guild Player City kan alle guilds som orker bygge. Dessuten så kan du ikke miste Battle Keepet over natten uten videre, det er satt opp visse regler for å erobre et keep. Åja så hver guild kan bygge sin by uannsett? Det er jo drit fett! BTW, litt offtopic men blir Age of conan veldig historie basert eller kan det spilles gjennom flere ganger som som f.eks wow som er "evigvarende"? alle kan bygge en PvE by, som er instanced. Den kan ikke andre guilder ødelegge. Tild det siste, det er et MMO. Hva tror du.. Okei. Men etter det jeg har hørt er det veldig mye dra fra A til B i dette spillet, og det er mer delt inn i soner og det er ikke så mye å utforske selv. Man blir stort sett fortalt hvor man skal, og det virker ikke som man kan ta så mange omveier. Altså det virker som du ikke alltid kan gå hvor du vil, og jeg er redd det kanskje kan ødlegge spillet, for hvis man på en måte må gjøre det sammen om igjen er det kanskje ikke like morro. Dette leste jeg på et annet forumet, her er innlegget: I could not be more excited about this game, but after reading some aoc beta message boards it seems there is a huge problem with the levels being tiny. Here are some quotes pulled from many different messages "I find the zones opened up a tiny bit after Conall's Valley but they arn't on par with what MMOers have come to expect. Your right there is no real exploration, roads lead to everything, and you have to fight your way to everything. Just not well thought out design in my opinion. The zones themselves are beautifully crafted though, just to throw in something positive. I get shivers when I look out over some of the vistas presented. Knowing I can't go check out what's on top of those mountains though leaves me crestfallen in the end. Open world FFA pvp? I just can't see it being that great with the size of the zones, there is no where to fight and no where to hide really." This pretty much sums it up for my part. AoC feels like you are playing in total independant zones in accordance to your level: First 1-20zone, then jump to 20-30zone, then 30-36zone etc. Also many of these zones feels very crammed. Conall's Valley is very linear and tight; The Border Ranges feels much like pac-man; Khemi is just a loading zone to take you further etc. It feels very disconnected. I heve no feeling of being in Hyborea, or where in Hyborea I am. There is absolutely no exploration: as you enter a new zone you have a GPS-correct map of the whole world - even parts you have never been to. You have a GPS-correct position of that necklace you are to pick up. I don't like that. Even though I read the quests, I feel like I just running from A to B. Can this be fixed? Will this be fixed? I don't know, but I would really like to know. How can a game be called an MMO when it is not Massive at all? What is the point of mounts, when it takes minutes to walk across full zones on foot? How are we going to have massive open PvP when we have no room to go around and do this? Lenke til kommentar
Toxin Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Off likte ikke det jeg leste i den spoileren din MrLG :/ håper dette ikke stemmer. Noen som vet litt mer om dette? Lenke til kommentar
Jext Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Det stemmer for den delen av spillet jeg har spilt hvertfall, som er fra lvl 1-15. Dette dreier seg da mye rundt Tortage som er startområde, så jeg tenkte ikke så mye over det egentlig. Om samme områdestilen fortsetter videre hadde det vært litt kjedelig. Håper hvertfall Border Kingdoms er store åpne områder hvor man kan boltre seg med PvP. Lenke til kommentar
Theoneask Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Stor post om det på denne forum tråden. For folk som ikkje vil registrere seg legger eg alt inn i ein spoiler. Veldig mykje tekst. AoC World and Zone Design woes (long read) A lot of people complain about this issue, here is what some said Quote:Petition / Real questionning about the world design and way of working. This subject has been discussed between several french beta testers and is about the management of zones in age of conan. I will not linked all the existing threads speaking about zones, size of the world and so on... you know about them. ( except maybe this one We really think that this feature is a major part of the game and funcom and devs especially should make modifications on the zones and how they are presented to the players in order to meet players'expectations and avoid disapointing them ! This topic is created to be as constructive, as objective as possible and we would like you to consider our points of view. Here are some remarks, ideas in general : 1) Free roads. On the whole zones are quite big ok. However they are badly exploited. The roads are filled with mobs, sometimes there are even camps. Nothing around those roads are used to improve the fun factor of the game. 2) Main road should be safe, without MOBS ! 3) We must have the possibility to get small roads going in different directions from the main roads and going towards mobs'camps; rather than to paste and place mobs all around the main road. 4) All mobs aggro systematically... why ? they should not aggro every time. 5) increase the size of zones if practicable ! make them bigger ! No need to be fullfilled with lots of things... We are aware that you cannot change everything... That it is impossible but we want to warn you clearly that we you are doing a big mistake ! and that lots of new players will complain about this phenomenon. The fact that the world might be partitioned in such a way gives the impression that you are compelled to put mobs everywhere on the map without paying attention to a certain logic that would be a little bit more intelligent ! Let's continue, more precise : 1) In general, certain populations of mobs are really to important for a same spot. 2) On the White Sand Isle : We can see panthers, gorillas, and picts that are sharing 2 square metres of Living ( vital) space. They are on each other and according to us, it is stupid. And if you want to keep realism; you will NEVER see panthers with gorillas alongisde shores... shocking no ? 3) Conall Valley : Remove npcs/mobs from the main road, especially the central spot with lots of Vanirs. They are sufficiant on both sides of the road to kill it ! 4) Wild Lands : Remove wolves and savage beasts at the entrance of the village. It is really not credible and reallistic ! By the way, add also patrol of soldiers along the wall. Remove the lynx from the road situated west of the npc village. 5) Fotd : Remove all mobs/camps/spots situated on the main road. Again they are lots of other camps on both sides of the road. Avoid always putting such massive implementations of suchs things on the main roads ! 6) Khophsef : Remove spots of Bandits at the exit of Bhasbur ! Remove snakes, and other dirty beasts from the road leading to the village situated at the centre of this zone ! 7) Eiglophian : Remove the cannibal patrols from the road going from east to west, and also the one leading to the cimmerian North east camp. We found that there were lots of Vanir/Ymirsh unexploited. ===> We think that the presence of mobs near the main roads are not a good thing. You can easily remove them without having a nefast influence of the game. It would even reduce the tube effect ! Let's give us the possibility to leave the main roads to find mobs, and feel the world. 8) Aztel Approach : It seems impossible to modify things in that zone. 9) No sensation for long distance travels : no boats for exemple for changes between aquilonia/ Stygia, Cimmeria 10) Several landcapes seem fixed... without any elements in movement 11) No npcs enough who are working, discussing, doing nothing, ... in the world Lots of us don't like those worlds... where 80% of what is inside is only there to allow players to level up. There is no or just little interest to travel via such kinds of zones, there is no aim except leveling. Nothing fun to explore, to discover. No hidden caves, no sub-fields, no small local villages with npc ( families ) working in it, a mill along the river, A herd of animals running in the nature, Shipwrecks to see and visit... As far as we go in the game, and we take levels, stronger is our feeling that everything is calculated, predictable, zoned... There is nothing except mobs, mobs, mobs, and again mobs to gain xp... Lots of places are just simply narrow, corridor-like a tube through which there is no other mean to walk. World is like hack and slash. It is beautiful, there is a nice ambiance but nothing allowing exploration. Zones are created for pve or pvp but don't bring Sense of freedom. Another think we would like to show you is that knowing the organisation of the world... We can imagine how it will be on a pvp server... and for us the world as it is now is not compatible with a pvp server : As Vinterstum said : Quote: Originally Posted by Vinterstum Is the world designed for FFA PvP? Nope Will plenty of people still want it? Yep. Enough to fill one or more servers? Most likely In my own personal experience of these kinds of servers (Mostly Mordred in DAoC, some on AC's Darktide), players don't really need the world to be specifically designed for PvP to enjoy it, as long as there's a few safe zones and zoning safeguards. But again, our plans for this (server rulesets in general) isn't something that's finalized and not something I can really discuss . Is the world designed for FFA PvP? Nope Will plenty of people still want it? Yep. It is because of the different sondages.... but what will be the rulesets on them ? Do you intend to change the proportion of monsters present in the area to allo a better pvp experience between players ? Like this players would avoir to be aggro by other players at one side and mobs in the other side... You have taken some months to modify the combat system... according to your beta testers ( Internally I suppose.... ) That is why we make this important thread regrouping lots of experienced beta testers ! Why wouldn't we have any influence to make you change this big important feature in the game before launch ? Lots of beta testers have repeated it and we think you will get lots of negatives comments after launch if nothing is done to improbe it ! Contributions on this topic by : Keoregh, Ankala, Tryst, rackam77, Majandra, bbkcid, Hemcey and others... Quote:Well I'm not French, but I whole heartedly agree with alot of what you said there. White Sands Isle- I couldn't give a flying rats ass about gorillas and panthers being near each other but that zone consists of the beach, when it should be the whole island. The fact that I had to run around the entire island to get from point A to point B was ridiculous. Not only that (and this goes for alot of zones) if you die close to your goal you are forced to fight your way through it all again. Much like a level of Sonic the Hedgehog or some other platform crap. I find the zones opened up a tiny bit after Conall's Valley but they arn't on par with what MMOers have come to expect. Your right there is no real exploration, roads lead to everything, and you have to fight your way to everything. Just not well thought out design in my opinion. The zones themselves are beautifully crafted though, just to throw in something positive. I get shivers when I look out over some of the vistas presented. Knowing I can't go check out what's on top of those mountains though leaves me crestfallen in the end. Open world FFA pvp? I just can't see it being that great with the size of the zones, there is no where to fight and no where to hide really. I'm still reserving my judgement on the combat until I can hotkey my combo's properly, but I'm feeling right now that they would have been better off just junking the whole combo system. The combo's don't work fast enough for the combat to feel exciting and viceral. Another thing I've noticed is that my 43 Barbarian has no way to close the distance on ranged mobs. I don't know about other melee classes, but, that is a huge mistake. The pvp will just become a huge kite fest. Anyway, that's just my 2 cents. Quote:Does anyone else think the game is too small? or is it just me? As people start to get to the higher levels the world seems to be way to small to be called an MMO. From what I am gathering this could possibly be the smallest mainstream MMO to have been released. Can this be fixed? Will this be fixed? I don't know, but I would really like to know. How can a game be called an MMO when it is not Massive at all? What is the point of mounts, when it takes minutes to walk across full zones on foot? How are we going to have massive open PvP when we have no room to go around and do this? I would just like to know an honest answer from the Devs. Will the game be released in the world as it is now? or will there be some sort of magical patch/update that opens up all of these zones and makes them so much larger? In My opinion this game will fail if it is released like it is. I would be willing to put money on it, and a lot of it. All I am asking is for the devs to say yes we know the size of the world is an issue, and it is something that will be fixed before launch. that statement alone would get me excited once again about this game, but as it stands right now I have a hard time logging into a game that seems to be failing, and nothing is being done about it. I have been following this game since some point in 2005, I was excited to get into beta, when I first got into beta I was excited, I played a bit, and was concerned about the "small world" feeling. everyone then said oh wait until you get to higher levels, it really opens up much more. Well I am still worried about the "small world" feeling, and I don't think there is anything that can be done about it now, unless the devs have some sort of ace up their sleeves. Now I am not really expecting a dev response to this thread, but at least some fellow beta testers to agree or disagree about the size of the world to at least get their attention so this can be fixed. Quote:I don't think anyone in this thread is whining. They are doing their job as beta testers to inform the company, Funcom, what needs to be improved on their game in order for it to be: 1). Successful in the long run 2). Successful enough in the short run (beginning) for them to get enough funds to continue to improve the game. As no game is released perfect. Most companies depend on initial revenue to further advance their game. Massive does not necissarily equal seamless..this is true. Everquest was not seamless and was quite massive. But, and golly gee this is the crucial aspect, it wasn't 'over' instanced. Then again, you could explore the old continent of Norath for hours and hours. I can explore ever square inch of the current Hyboria in .... 25 minutes? Obviously not counting loading screens. Invisible walls != massive. Think Guildwars. Think NWN. Are you trying to argue that those two games are MMOs? I hope so, I'd love a good laugh at your expense. Because the current form of AoC is very much like those two games. It's not like 1 or 2 people are upset about this "bottleneck" concept. It's a LARGE majority of testers that are complaining about this concept. What saddens me even worse is the news is already out. I can't sit for 10 minutes in another MMO without hearing someone in ooc chat shoot down AoC because of it's non-mmo, bottlenecked world. That bothers me the most because that further reduces the "initial revenue" I was referring to earlier. And yes, bottlenecked worlds can be fixed. But as the poster above me explained, the engine was designed with instancing in mind. That was the first and biggest mistake in this instance, no pun intended. But keeping all of that in mind, it's not zoning that will cause failure. It's the lack of travel, the lack of exploration, the lack of a world. If you zoned into an area the size of, for the sake of comparison - The Barrens from WoW, then went and zoned into another area similar in size; everything is peachy. But when you zone into an area not 1/2 that size, not 1/4 that size, not even 1/5 that size and they are all that small, then you have problems. When you see a forest in front of you but cannot go explore it because of a invisible wall sitting in front of you, then you have problems. When one of the largest port cities in the world is the size of, here is another comparison - an outpost, then you have problems. The engine 'may' be the problem, in which case there is not much that can be done. But I am hoping the engine isn't the problem, I don't mind load screens. I am hoping the areas can be opened up, rather it be in patches or game updates. "IF" they can hold on to enough subscribers at launch to gather the funds needed to do such..that's where the doom statements come in. So to sum it up; No, people shouldn't "just deal with it". Testers should do their job and give the constructive criticisms, even if it borders on nagging. Quote:Funcom did a great job with Tortage. I'm afraid that is the only area that I'm happily enjoyed playing in. Even though it had zones, but it was made for a single player perspective. After leaving Tortage for the first time, I can say that the world seems small, even though I imagine that Hyboria would be big as that map Funcom showed. Travelling to Old Tarantia, Khemi, or Cimmeria is a quick talk to an npc. I wasn't too happy about it because I like to explore what the game's landscape and environment, and it offer me zones with up to 2 minute loading time and within those zones are compacted. It is also hard to tell which zone is instance or open on the first play through, but seeing another beta member in the area which tells me that the area I'm in is open. Now I can see why most beta testers aren't too happy, neither am I. I don't agree to some testers that just know whats going on and ignore the fact that this isn't a problem. A lot of popular and successful mmorpgs in the past had a seamlessly world and a few instances which is grand in size and you can travel for hours or at least get lost in exploration. Now I wonder if the graphics is the issue to prevent a non seamlessly world. Quote:Loading screens and zoning while changing from one map to each other is fine by me. I'd prefer if they didn't exist but I can live with them.This is something that's already in use in exactly the same way in Tabula Rasa and I've never seen it brought up on forums or reviews as a negative. In TR you get to another area by passing through one of two or three passes to adjoining areas. Once you've got to that area you find a dropship pad and from then on you no longer have to walk to get to the area. The main gripe I have with the world in AoC is the fact that none of the areas feel like they're connected to each other. I want to have to initially explore and find my way to the next zone myself. You then get a feel for the world and where everything is in relation to each other. I want to be able to look at my world map and know that if i head south in Cimmeria and cross a few zones I can eventually get to the northern area of Aquilonia. Just because each area is a seperate zone shouldn't stop me from doing that. It's unrealistic to expect FC to change the design of the game to remove zoning but surely they can make the world feel more like a world rather than a collection of zones you can visit. I go to an NPC in Old Tarantia and tell him to bring me to Wildlands, so poof I appear in Wildlands and I have absolutely no idea where in Hyboria I actually am. It would be unrealistic to walk there every time I want to get there but I should have to do it the first time , talk to the npc there and learn the instant route.. Obviously you would need to get a ship to Stygia since there are a lot of areas between Aquilonia and Stygia that aren't in the game yet. In my opinion that's the only route you should have without getting there by your own hard work first. I would also like to have to do a quest chain for the ship captain before he'd take me on board. Quote:This pretty much sums it up for my part. AoC feels like you are playing in total independant zones in accordance to your level: First 1-20zone, then jump to 20-30zone, then 30-36zone etc. Also many of these zones feels very crammed. Conall's Valley is very linear and tight; The Border Ranges feels much like pac-man; Khemi is just a loading zone to take you further etc. It feels very disconnected. I heve no feeling of being in Hyborea, or where in Hyborea I am. There is absolutely no exploration: as you enter a new zone you have a GPS-correct map of the whole world - even parts you have never been to. You have a GPS-correct position of that necklace you are to pick up. I don't like that. Even though I read the quests, I feel like I just running from A to B. LOTRO handled all this brilliantly, imho (Even WoW for that sake). You discover the map as you move; you discover travelling routes as you open up the world; the world feels connected - ie I can physically walk from Rivendell in the east to Hobbiton in the west; the quests force you to explore new areas etc. I think people expect to see this in the new generation of mmo's. The feeling of being in a big, open, connected world is important for many players - the immersion of "being there" should not be underestimated Yeah I have read about the technical difficulties that this "open-world" architecture implies - in that case I think FC should have chosen a middle way - fancy graphics is not all... (I think EQ2 felt a bit too much "loady". Even tiny cities very divided into numerious loading zones - just bacame a bit much for me). Anyway: the reason we give this feedback is that we care about AoC. I have followed AoC since the development started. I want FC to succeed! But I fear they might fail - much due to what I and others have mentioned above and in numerous other threads. Lenke til kommentar
Robinvi Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Del Skrevet 30. mars 2008 Er nok enig i alt det der, og det har heletiden vært den største bekymringen min. Tror nok ikke det vil være fikset før release, men jeg tror spillet fortsatt kan bli bra. Jeg må rett og slett bare prøve det førstm før jeg bestemmer meg helt. Lenke til kommentar
Toxin Skrevet 1. april 2008 Del Skrevet 1. april 2008 Hmm ble veldig betenkt nå, virket som om det var mye som var galt. Hadde egentlig tenkt å forhåndsbestille men nå venter jeg nok til anmeldelsene tikker inn. Er de positive så kjøper jeg det nok. Lenke til kommentar
sageman Skrevet 1. april 2008 Del Skrevet 1. april 2008 Ble litt bekymret jeg også, men så gikk jeg inn og las tråden og ble noe mer beroliget. Det er en stund siden (og et par patcher siden) den posten. Lenke til kommentar
Spillorakelet Skrevet 1. april 2008 Del Skrevet 1. april 2008 Det er en grunn til at det er beta testere folkens.. Lenke til kommentar
Christeven Skrevet 1. april 2008 Del Skrevet 1. april 2008 (endret) sier flere patcher på flere hundre MB i måneden folk noe, spesielt når man som sageman sier leser gammelt sladder.. Endret 1. april 2008 av Christeven Lenke til kommentar
MrL Skrevet 1. april 2008 Forfatter Del Skrevet 1. april 2008 sier flere patcher på flere hundre MB i måneden folk noe, spesielt når man som sageman sier leser gammelt sladder.. Vell patcher kan fikse opp mye sikkert, men hvis hele verdenen er bygget opp sånn er det kanskje vanskelig å lage en patch som totalt omgjør spillet. Men er ikke beta tester, så skal ikke si for mye Lenke til kommentar
Toxin Skrevet 1. april 2008 Del Skrevet 1. april 2008 Men kan man patche en heil verden som er potensiellt feildesignet. Om verden er for liten etc så er det jo ikke så mye man kan gjøre med det nå... Greit nok det å fjerne mobs osv fra veiene, er ikke det som bekymrer meg, men følelsen av at verden er liten og at sonene føles "avkoblede" fra verden. Er jo ikke i beta selv så vet ikke selv hvordan det er...håper det er bedre enn inntrykket jeg fikk nå. Lenke til kommentar
Martinma Skrevet 1. april 2008 Del Skrevet 1. april 2008 Om uncom innser feilene blir det sikkert rettet om med digre patcher.. er jo bedre det, enn å la det være Lenke til kommentar
WyZarD Skrevet 1. april 2008 Del Skrevet 1. april 2008 Det var meget dyster lesning. Det går heller ikke an å gjemme seg bak beta-taggen hele tiden. Hvis det er gammel informasjon (hvor gammel er den) så kan jo endringer ha kommet, men hvor mye kan de egentlig endre på hvordan verdenen er bygd opp? Lenke til kommentar
arlion Skrevet 2. april 2008 Del Skrevet 2. april 2008 tja om zooninga er i likhet av Everques 2, så anser jeg ikke det som en irriterende ting egentlig, 10 til 30 sekunder loading mellom områdene overlever folk, om man ikke har tolmodighet til det, vel det er jo opp den enkelte, men personlig bryr jeg meg ikke om at verdenen er delt opp i soner. om dette faktisk kan hjelpe på eventuell lag, og slike ting, ønsker jeg det heller velkommen. Lenke til kommentar
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