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The Internet Protocol (IP) is a data-oriented protocol used for communicating data across a packet-switched internetwork.


IP is a network layer protocol in the Internet protocol suite and is encapsulated in a data link layer protocol (e.g., Ethernet). As a lower layer protocol, IP provides the service of communicable unique global addressing amongst computers.


til dette



Det Sykehuslege Protokollen IP ) er en data - orientert protokollen anvendt for kommuniserer data vannrett en pakken - avbrøt internetwork. IP er en nettverk lag protokollen inne det Sykehuslege protokollen suite og er innkapslet inne en data koble sammen lag protokollen (e.g., Eter ). Som lavere lag protokollen IP skaffer kundebetjeningen av nattverdsgjest enestående fleste adressering blant datamaskiner.
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Og tilbake til engelsk:


Facts Intern Ledger IP ) am a combining orientated ledger applied for communicate combining across a package discontinued internetwork. IP am a network lag ledger in facts Intern ledger suite and am encapsulated in a combining couple together lag ledger (e.g., Ether ). As inferior lag ledger IP brings service at communicant unique global addressing amid computers.


Vi tar turen til fremmede land (slovensk)


dejstvo stažist v bolnišnici velika nagrobna ploča IP ) moram a združljiv obrniti se proti vzhodu velika nagrobna ploča praktičen zakaj biti obhajan združljiv čez a paket ustaviti internetwork. IP moram a omrežje obotavljanje velika nagrobna ploča v dejstvo stažist v bolnišnici velika nagrobna ploča spremstvo ter moram encapsulated v a združljiv par vkup obotavljanje velika nagrobna ploča (e.g., eter ). kot nižji obotavljanje velika nagrobna ploča IP privleči usluga v obveščevalec edin kroglast ogovor med računalo.


Og tilbake til norsk:


veritabel sykehuslege hovedbok IP ) JEG mĺ imidlertid consonantly orientert hovedbok utile hvorfor meddele consonantly ung imidlertid pakke ungear internetwork. IP JEG mĺ imidlertid trelliswork vakling hovedbok innen veritabel sykehuslege hovedbok suite og JEG mĺ innkapslet innen imidlertid consonantly to sammen vakling hovedbok (e.g., eter ). undivulged verre vakling hovedbok IP bringe vt omdreining innen intelligencer alene krum henvende seg gul kobber computer.


Bra side :thumbup:

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Hørt om Lost in Translation? Kjekk webside som automatisk oversetter frem og tilbake mellom ørten språk ved hjelp av oversettermaskinen Babelfish.


Teksten i orignalposten, oversatt til fransk -> engelsk -> tysk -> engelsk -> italiensk -> engelsk -> portugisisk -> engelsk -> spansk -> engelsk:


The Internet Protocol (IP) is d-distributed the machine of the book,

that one is used that, the end to indicate the data of interréseau

the commutation to the assemblies. The IP is a machine of the book of

the layer to change in the continuation of the protocol of the

Internet and it becomes including a machine of the book of the layer

of the connection completely (by the example, Ethernet). As the

machine of the book of flagstone low, the IP releases only the work

available of the portable total of the rotation under the computers.


Hvis man tar med kinesisk og japansk i "oversetter-kjeden":


What worries to the habits about the Internet Protocol (IP) for the

data expresses, the end to cross the Internet of the switch, who is

the data of relati of the assemblies to the book does he to him it

machine, of that one consultation. The IP is concentrated in agreement

with negotiated of harmonious the layer of connection with the

cooperation of the machine of the book of the level of the network of

tupple of the Internet Protocol (like an example, Ethernet) the level

to the left of. As the hierarchic machine of the deepest book of the

system, the model of the infection of the IP puts in the ways the

calculation, the complete works of the conference to the disposition.




For øvrig er det beste med slike oversettelser når en del amerikanske websidemakere tror at de faktisk er gode oversettere, og smeller til med oversettelser i alle verdens språk. Resultatet blir fort heller flaut for dem. :yes:

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My name is Joney.


Meg navnet er Joney.




Jeg heter Joney.


I am heating Joney.


Huff da :blink:



Jeg får en følelse att jeg har sett denne tråden i Off-Topic ...


mitt svar:

:list_item: Dette er jo off-topic da!

:list_item: Eller som det heter på engelsk: This am certainly off topic as!

Endret av Joney
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Original English Text:

Belle & Sebastian are an indie pop band formed in Glasgow, Scotland in January 1996. They have been called the greatest Scottish band ever

Translated back to English:

& of beautiful; Sebastian are a tape of noise of indie formed in

Glasgow, Scotland in January 1996. They were called the largest

Scottish tape never

Translated back to English:

& of beautiful; Sebastian is formed a tape of disturbs of Indians

to Glasgow, Scozia in the month of January of 1996. They have not

never been calls the greatest Scottishband to you

Translated back to English:

& of pretty; Sebastian is given forms an adhesive tape of disturbs

of indians the Glasgow, Scozia in the month of January of 1996. It

they had not never been atendimentos the greatest Scottishband

og så, til slutt:

Translated back to English:

& of enough; Sebastian occurs the forms that a sticky tape of

disturba of Indians the Glasgow, Scozia in the month of January of

1996. He never the greatest Scottishband had been atendimentos


likte spesielt "Sebastian is formed a tape of disturbs of Indians

to Glasgow"

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It was a gait a believable It was a gait a believable As liked rock 'n part As liked rock 'n part It was a rocketroll It was a rocketroll As be able count at twelve As be able count at twelve And sing haba haba have was praying Haba haba haba , to to to je very much to the point very much to the point



A a little negergutt A a little negergutt Packing case comparison krutt Packing case comparison krutt At a contest kinaputt At a kjempekinaputt But saw said facts only futt But saw said facts only futt And he said ; have was praying haba haba Haba haba haba , to to to je very much to the point very much to the point



Mikke mikke mice Mikke mikke mice Lived in a cottage Lived in a cottage He owned bowls and murmur He owned bowls and murmur But saw arrived facts a chit But saw arrived facts a chit And he said haba haba haba Haba haba haba to to to je very much to the point very much to the point



A a little Chinese A a little Chinese Sit and reading Sit and reading Breathing in and pant Breathing in and pant Reading saw facts whiz Reading saw facts whiz Say haba haba haba Haba haba haba to to to je very much to the point very much to the point



Aha have have aha have have Ahi winter lair winter lair ahi winter lair winter lair Aho ho ho Aho ho ho And hutte tutte tu And hutte tutte tu And haba haba haba Haba haba haba to to åje very much to the point very much to the point very much to the point



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Original English Text:

I eat breakfast for dinner

Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

Translated to Japanese:



Translated back to English:

I eat breakfast for dinner


Translated to Chinese:



Translated back to English:

I eat the breakfast am the full meal


Translated to French:

Je mange le petit déjeuner AM le plein repas


Translated back to English:

I eat the breakfast AM the full meal


Translated to German:

Ich esse das Frühstück morgens die volle Mahlzeit


Translated back to English:

I eat the breakfast in the morning the full meal


Translated to Italian:

Mangio la prima colazione alla mattina il pasto completo


Translated back to English:

I eat the first breakfast to the morning the complete meal


Translated to Portuguese:

Eu como o primeiro pequeno almoço à manhã a refeição completa


Translated back to English:

I eat first the small lunch to the morning the full meal


Translated to Spanish:

Yo como primero el almuerzo pequeño a la mañana la comida completa

Translated back to English:

I eat the first small lunch to the morning the complete food

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Gjest Slettet-aNZFa3

Det er jo bare bruke den siden, hvis man leiter etter metoder med å imitere Yoda :D


EDIT: Det er skikkelig morsomt å ta det fra English -> English :lol:

Endret av Slettet-aNZFa3
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Det er jo bare bruke den siden, hvis man leiter etter metoder med å imitere Yoda :D


EDIT: Det er skikkelig morsomt å ta det fra English -> English :lol:

Oh man, I cant see my dick anywhere. Where did it go?


Oh adolescence , immateriality obliquity be attentive my invulnerability anywhere. Here did it elapse?

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Beste jeg fikk til: :grin:

Norsk: Pappa er kul og heter Per Arne

Engelsk: Dad am bump and am heating Per Hearth


Norsk igjen: Pappa er dunk og varmer opp Per Ildsted


Hmm.. prøve litt mer :p

Norsk: Pappa er dunk og varmer opp Per Ildsted


Italiensk: Papê di mattina buca e di mattina riscaldamento su Per Caminetto

Norsk: Pappa er hull begge to varmer opp opp Sifre Ildsted



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Gjest Slettet-aNZFa3

Engelsk1: My name is Sport, I am programming.


Engelsk2: My indication is Violent death , IMMATERIALITY am list.

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Fra engelsk til engelsk


This is a stupid translator, becouse it cannot translate a single thing right.


Special is a misjudging interpreter , exist it impulse interpret a simple substantiality dextrality.


Og hvis man bruker lost in translation blir det: What worries east stupid decoder, cannot only turn becouse of the

pagination of the right of the material.

Endret av Latterkongen
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Original English Text:

I am to cool.


Translated to Japanese:



Translated back to English:

I should cool.


Translated to Chinese:



Translated back to English:

I should cool.


Translated to French:

Je devrais me refroidir.


Translated back to English:

I should cool me.


Translated to German:

Ich sollte mich abkühlen.


Translated back to English:

I should me cooling.


Translated to Italian:

Io se me che mi raffreddo.


Translated back to English:

I if me that I cool off myself.


Translated to Portuguese:

I se mim que I fresco fora de myself.


Translated back to English:

I if me that cool I is of myself.


Translated to Spanish:

I si que se refresca I está de me.


Translated back to English:

I if that refreshes I is me.




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Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor

Original English Text:

My name is.. Not important. My age is neither any of your business.

What could I write, that would give almost no sence at all


Translated to Japanese:

私の名前はある。重要。私の年齢はどちらののビジネスでない。私書くことができる何がそれは全然ほとんどsence を与えない


Translated back to English:

There is my name. Importance. My age is not business of either ones.

Me something which can write as for that almost does not give sence at



Translated to Chinese:

有我的名字。重要性。我的年龄不是或者一个的商业。我某事至于为那可能写几乎不给sence 根本


Translated back to English:

Has my name. Importance. My age is not or a trade. My something as for

possibly writes for that nearly does not give sence




Translated to French:

A mon nom. Importance. Mon âge n'est pas ou un commerce. Ma quelque

chose quant à probablement écrit pour celle presque ne donne pas le



Translated back to English:

With my name. Importance. My age is not or a trade. My something as

for probably written for that almost does not give the sence


Translated to German:

Mit meinem Namen. Wert. Mein Alter ist nicht oder ein Handel. Mein

etwas was vermutlich geschrieben anbetrifft für das fast gibt nicht

das sence


Translated back to English:

With my name. Worth. My age is not or a trade. My something which

probably written does not concern for that almost gives the sence


Translated to Italian:

Con il mio nome. Valore. La mia età non è o un commercio. La mia

qualcosa che probabilmente scritto non interessi per quella quasi dà

il sence


Translated back to English:

With my name. Value. My age is not or a commerce. Mine something that

probably written interests for that one nearly does not give the



Translated to Portuguese:

Com meu nome. Valor. Minha idade não é ou um comércio. Mine algo

que os interesses provavelmente escritos para esse quase não dão o



Translated back to English:

With my name. Value. My age is not or a commerce. It mines something

that the probably written interests for this almost do not give sence


Translated to Spanish:

Con mi nombre. Valor. Mi edad no es o un comercio. Mina algo que los

intereses probablemente escritos para esto casi no dan a sence


Translated back to English:

With my name. Value. My age is not or a commerce. Mine something that

the interests probably written for this almost do not give sence





Original English Text:

My name is.. Not important. My age is neither any of your business.

What could I write, that would give almost no sence at all


Translated back to English:

With my name. Value. My age is not or a commerce. Mine something that

the interests probably written for this almost do not give sence

Endret av Petersk91
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