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Call of Duty 4 oppdatering sendt til godkjenning. (X360)


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Robert Bowling, Infinity Ward Community Relations Manager, has announced that the new feature patch for the Xbox 360 version of Call of Duty 4 has finished it’s internal testing and development and has officially been sent off to Microsoft for Certification.

Kilde: TeamXbox


New Kill Cams


We’ve added new Kill Cams for everything. So now those “WTF!” grenades that seemingly come from no where, you can see that a guy threw it over the house, it hit a tree branch, bounced off a rock, into a tiny window, where you happened to be pointing out of, and say…… whoa. Follow behind RPGs and M203’s kill cams, claymores, Airstrikes where you can follow the bomb from the plane until it hits you.


Host Migration


Now you won’t have to be dropped back by yourself when a host leaves. Instead, everyone will stay together, a new host will be assigned, and the game will auto-start back up. Keeping everyone together, no more re-inviting, re-joining games because some host leaves. This has been a tall order and something that we’ve put a lot of work into which has allowed us to really optimize online play all around not just specifically with Host migration.


Improved Sniper / ACOG Accuracy


Sniper and ACOG scopes have been tweaked and are really improved. I use to not snipe at all (mainly because I’m a horrible sniper), but now it’s so much more fluid and natural, while still having the same difficulty to use, it has no more “WTF I know I hit that guy!” moments.


Upgraded Spectator Cam


Now when you’re in spectator mode you can follow them in 3rd person, switch to their first person view, or rotate the camera in a full 360 degrees around whoever you’re watching.


Quick Mute Option


Users will now be able to quick mute players on the fly by pulling up the scoreboard in-game or via the lobby by simply going to their name and hitting the mute assigned button. As quickly as calling in and designating an airstike. So no longer getting killed while trying to make your way through the Xbox blades for the mute option so you can shut up the guy who always seems to find it funny to sing into his mic or cover up for his lack of skill by telling you how to play Domination his way.

Birger :)

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Gjest Slettet-uVTr2vDm
Jejeje jeeee wooo




Menne, digg da, nå mangler de bare å fjerne et drøss med våpen og perfeksjonere kniven


Jeg er bare glad at kniven ikke er som i CS, det er til å grine av.

Ellers kan jeg se noen våpen bli byttet ut.

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Vel det er kanskje ike så mange perks som må forsvinne, men jeg liker ikke skorpion. Hvorfor?

Fordi at jeg suger med skorpion og alle andre eier meg med den. Dessuten burde de ha de våpnene som faktisk brukes i krigshandlinger og ikke hele våpenarsenalet gjennom tidene. De har jo pokker meg satt in et våpen fra Andre Verdenskrig(MP44 hvis dere er nysgjerrige:) )

Endret av MrCoolGuy
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Who in their right mind would put an ACOG scope on a Sniper Rifle?!

That's what i want to know!!


Betyr dette også at probleme med bare ett halv party kommer inn i spillet er fikset?

Det er det største problemet jeg har med dette spillet, utenom at sniperen min ikke kan treffe noen på 20m avstand.


La oss si vi er 6stk som vil spille Team Deathmatch. Party leaderen trykker Find Game og vi venter... ofte lenge. Når vi endelig har kommet inn i game-lobbyen og sitter og vetoer osv så merker vi at 4 av de andre er borte, så da er det ut til meny, fikse ny lobby og invite på nytt.


Enten kommer alle i partyet inn, eller så kommer ingen inn, thats the way it should be!

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