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IGN anmelder Devil May Cry 4; "the PS3 winds up winning out just slightly"

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Like most multi-console games, any review would inevitably have to come down to which system is better, and for this instance, the PS3 winds up winning out just slightly. It's not in the gameplay department, because DMC4 plays the same regardless of which system that you play on. Nor is it in the visual department, because visual issues are virtually negligible. For example, the 360 has some harder edges to some characters during cutscenes, and a little more screen tearing than the PS3 at times. The PS3 can be a wee bit darker during some scenes, though. Both systems show off a certain amount of render passing that pops into focus on sweeping vista shots, but they occur at the same time on each system and are quickly dismissed. However, observing these differences will only come via frame-by-frame analysis of each game side-by-side. Even then, you're still receiving an incredible visual experience.


No, the edge comes in the fact that the PS3 installs a large amount of game files to the hard drive, dramatically reducing load times between stages and cinematics. I've timed the game on both systems numerous times, and each time has been consistently in the PS3's favor. Transitions to gameplay from starting menus are relatively close, frequently within half a second or so of each other, but when you're loading up a cutscene or having another pause in the action, the 360's times are easily three times that of the PS3.

Viser seg at den sammenligningsvideoen vi så for en stund siden var bare piss.

Her er forøvrig hele anmeldelsen

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Virket som et bra spill. Satser på at Absoluttspill sender allerede onsdag slik at jeg får det på torsdag. :) Kult å se at PS3 versjonen er å foretrekke foran 360 versjonen for en gangs skyld. Selv om jeg egentlig ikke bryr meg så veldig om akkurat det så lenge PS3 versjonen av et spill er spillbar.

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frameraten er bedre


Er alltid frameraten bedre på din PS3?

Du sa akkurat det samme om Burnout Paradise demoen.


Jeg har fin flyt i Burnout Paradise og DMC 4 demoen (Xbox 360), ingen framerate problemer.

Jeg baserer meg på anmelderene sier, dem kan jo ikke lyve da..

Er ikke min feil det ser bedre til PS3 enn 360, spesielt loadetidene som er forskjellig fra 360 til PS3

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Gjest Slettet-NIoHlfL

Det var svært vanlig på xbox, gormers, i og med HDD var standard på alle maskiner. Det er også mulig på X360, men få utviklere tar seg bryet da spillet uansett må funke uten HDD.

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jaja...virker som ps3 eigere blir satt på tolmodigheitsprøve når dei skal putte i plata og spille sitt nyinnkjøpte devil may cry spill...


det viser seg att det tar ca 20 minutt å installere 5 GB med data frå skiva som blir overført til HDD for å redusera loadetider..


This is Waiting!


Det virker jo ikke som om det er merkbar forskjell på loadetidene:


Following that the opening load time on PS3 was five seconds against eight on 360. And then three seconds versus four, and four versus five seconds in following load screens, PS3 - 360. As you can see there's not much in it.


1up preview

PS3 versus Xbox 360. The differences are negligible. The 360 has 'load times,' according to some, since it loads off the DVD. But these load times amount to barely noticeable 3 or 4 second loads between areas, while the PS3 version cuts the gap down to a couple seconds
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