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Terrorister fjerndetonerte tilbakestående kvinner i Irak, minst 64 døde på kjæledyrmarkeder

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Ingen tråder om Irak... kanskje på tide med en påminnelse.


To tilbakestående kvinner ble strappet til randen med eksplosiver, sendt inn på to populære fugle- og kjæledyr- markeder, og fjerndetonert. I tillegg til de to tilbakestående kvinnene ligger minst 64 andre mennesker og utallige dyr strødd rundt i som biter i en kjøttsuppe av blod rundt om i Baghdads gater.


Nok engang ser vi hvorfor krigen i Irak er viktig, kanskje til og med et vendepunkt i verdenshistorien, og hvorfor det er viktig at irakerne, amerikanerne, britene, og alle oss andre, vinner en endelig seier i krigen mot Saudi-Arabiske, Iranske, Syriske og andre djevelske, fascistiske terrorister.


Måtte McCain vinne valget og gå til aksjon mot Iran!

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La meg forstå dette riktig. Folk blir sprengt opp pga. en okkupasjon. Og du ønsker å angripe enda mer? Stabiliser de to landene og bruk diplomati. Dette her er konsekvenser av militærintervensjon.


Men det er bestialsk, veldig bestialsk. Og forhåpentligvis mister de militante enda mer støtte når man ser hva de finner på.

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Nok engang ser vi hvorfor krigen i Irak er viktig, kanskje til og med et vendepunkt i verdenshistorien, og hvorfor det er viktig at irakerne, amerikanerne, britene, og alle oss andre, vinner en endelig seier i krigen mot Saudi-Arabiske, Iranske, Syriske og andre djevelske, fascistiske terrorister.

Det var ingen terrorister i Irak før USA invaderte landet og så lenge de er der overbevises stadig nye folk om å dra til Irak for å kjempe mot imperialismen.


Hvordan i alle dager ser du for deg at man skal vinne denne kampen? Hvordan tror du en seier kan se ut?

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Men det endrer ikke styresettet der. Er forferdelig at så mange skal du av selvmordsbombere, men det er også forferdelig at kvinner skal bli steina ihjel hvis de blir smelt på tjukka uten å ha på seg ringen. På den andre siden så virker det ikke som det å invadere landet har fungert så godt.

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På den andre siden så virker det ikke som det å invadere landet å ha fungert så godt.


Det har ikke fungert så godt nei :


"Women Under Attack: The Talibanization of Iraq.


Throughout much of recent history, Iraq was one of the most progressive countries in the Middle East for women. Now women are under systematic attack.




"We live in a state of continuous fear -- if our hair shows on the street, if we're not veiled enough at work," says Yanar Mohammed, 47. "It's a new experience for women in Iraq. After four years, it's turned into Afghanistan under the Taliban.""



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For alt vi vet er disse tilbakestående kvinnene utnuttet og lurt av amerikanerne..


Er påstander der ute om at USA (CIA) selv ligger bak og iscenesetter såkallte selvmordsaksjoner. Hensikten skal være å få intern kamp mellom sjia og sunni, fremfor at de angriper amerikanske mål.


Is the CIA Behind the Iraqi "Insurgents"--and Global Terrorism?




"According to a classified document prepared for Rumsfeld by his Defense Science Board, the new organization--the "Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG)"--would actually carry out secret missions designed to provoke terrorist groups into committing violent acts. The P2OG, a 100-member, so-called "counter-terrorist" organization with a $100-million-a-year budget, would ostensibly target "terrorist leaders," but according to P2OG documents procured by Arkin, would in fact carry out missions designed to "stimulate reactions" among "terrorist groups"--which, according to the Defense Secretary's logic, would subsequently expose them to "counter-attack" by the good guys. In other words, the plan is to execute secret military operations (assassinations, sabotage, "deception") which would intentionally result in terrorist attacks on innocent people, including Americans--essentially, to "combat terrorism" by causing it!"


Robert Fisk; (korrespondent The Indpendent)


Unknown Americans' are provoking civil war in Iraq


"One young Iraqi man told us that he was trained by the Americans as a policeman in Baghdad and he spent 70 per cent of his time learning to drive and 30 per cent in weapons training. They said to him: 'Come back in a week.' When he went back, they gave him a mobile phone and told him to drive into a crowded area near a mosque and phone them. He waited in the car but couldn't get the right mobile signal. So he got out of the car to where he received a better signal. Then his car blew up."


"There was another man, trained by the Americans for the police. He too was given a mobile and told to drive to an area where there was a crowd - maybe a protest - and to call them and tell them what was happening. Again, his new mobile was not working. So he went to a landline phone and called the Americans and told them: 'Here I am, in the place you sent me and I can tell you what's happening here.' And at that moment there was a big explosion in his car."


Det finnes enda fler historier f.eks. om hvordan irakere blir stoppet i (trafikk)kontroller og beordres å forlate kjøretøyet for "en samtale", og senere har oppdaget at amerikansk personell har plassert skjulte sprenglegmer i bilen.


Man kan tro hva man vil, men det er vel åpenbart at USA er de (eneste) som tjener på intern irakisk strid? :whistle:

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Det er mange firmaer som tjener godt på å hjelpe USA å drive krigen i Irak og disse kan absolutt ha en økonomisk interesse av at situasjonen forverrer seg, da blir oppdraget forlenget og de kan kreve høyere pris pga. risiko. Hvilken interesse administrasjonen i USA skal ha av dette er imidlertid uklart for meg.


Også terrororganisasjoner vil selvsagt tjene på at det er en tilspisset situasjon.

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Mekanicus, det der maa vaere noe av det dummeste jeg har lest.

Amerikanerne har ALT og tape paa en borgerkrig mens Iran og AQ vil gj0re alt de kan for aa s0rge for at det er et vepsebol. Hva slags signal ville det sendt til andre land i midt0sten hvis Irak hadde stabilisert seg?

Her gjør du feilen å tro at alle fra USA har samme agenda. Om du er en statsansatt, våpenprodusent eller jobber for et selskap ala Hailburton så har du veldig forskjellige mål.

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Mekanicus, det der maa vaere noe av det dummeste jeg har lest.

Amerikanerne har ALT og tape paa en borgerkrig mens Iran og AQ vil gj0re alt de kan for aa s0rge for at det er et vepsebol. Hva slags signal ville det sendt til andre land i midt0sten hvis Irak hadde stabilisert seg?

Her gjør du feilen å tro at alle fra USA har samme agenda. Om du er en statsansatt, våpenprodusent eller jobber for et selskap ala Hailburton så har du veldig forskjellige mål.


Og hva betyr det hvilken agenda vanlige amerikanere har så lenge Bush er president?


Ellers er det jo en relativt kjent sak at amerikanere bare slåss der det er penger og/eller prestisje og hente...

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Mekanicus, det der maa vaere noe av det dummeste jeg har lest.

Amerikanerne har ALT og tape paa en borgerkrig mens Iran og AQ vil gj0re alt de kan for aa s0rge for at det er et vepsebol. Hva slags signal ville det sendt til andre land i midt0sten hvis Irak hadde stabilisert seg?

Her gjør du feilen å tro at alle fra USA har samme agenda. Om du er en statsansatt, våpenprodusent eller jobber for et selskap ala Hailburton så har du veldig forskjellige mål.


Og hva betyr det hvilken agenda vanlige amerikanere har så lenge Bush er president?


Ellers er det jo en relativt kjent sak at amerikanere bare slåss der det er penger og/eller prestisje og hente...


Yupp, mye penger i Somalia og Kosovo.


Nettopp! Ikke mange amerikanere heller ;)

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Her gj0r du feilen og tror at private selskaper virkelig kan sette langsiktige doktriner og strategier i Irak som koster Amerikanske liv i lengden.


Ikke glem at USA har 60 000 kontraktører i Irak. Man har sågar satt torturen ut på anbud, det ble avslørt i forbindelse med Abu Ghraib avsløringen. Kontraktører på USA's paylist opptrådde som avhørsledere og sadister, side ved side av regulære soldater.


Irak minner om "War without rules", og bl.a. er det grunn til å tro at amerikanerne selv har initiert konflikten mellom sjiamuslimer og sunnimuslimer ved å ha iscenesatt diverse bombeeksplosjoner hos de to gruppene. Heldigvis lykkes de ikke alltid;


"A few days ago, an American manned check point confiscated the driver license of a driver and told him to report to an American military camp near Baghdad airport for interrogation and in order to retrieve his license. The next day, the driver did visit the camp and he was allowed in the camp with his car. He was admitted to a room for an interrogation that lasted half an hour. At the end of the session, the American interrogator told him: ?OK, there is nothing against you, but you do know that Iraq is now sovereign and is in charge of its own affairs. Hence, we have forwarded your papers and license to al-Kadhimia police station for processing. Therefore, go there with this clearance to reclaim your license. At the police station, ask for Lt. Hussain Mohammed, who is waiting for you now. Go there now quickly, before he leaves his shift work?.


The driver did leave in a hurry, but was soon alarmed with a feeling that his car was driving as if carrying a heavy load, and he also became suspicious of a low flying helicopter that kept hovering overhead, as if trailing him. He stopped the car and inspected it carefully. He found nearly 100 kilograms of explosives hidden in the back seat and along the two back doors.


The only feasible explanation for this incident is that the car was indeed booby trapped by the Americans and intended for the al-Khadimiya Shiite district of Baghdad. The helicopter was monitoring his movement and witnessing the anticipated ?hideous attack by foreign elements?.


The same scenario was repeated in Mosul, in the north of Iraq. A car was confiscated along with the driver?s license. He did follow up on the matter and finally reclaimed his car but was told to go to a police station to reclaim his license. Fortunately for him, the car broke down on the way to the police station. The inspecting car mechanic discovered that the spare tire was fully laden with explosives."





"On May 13, 2005, a 64 years old Iraqi farmer, Haj Haidar Abu Sijjad, took his tomato load in his pickup truck from Hilla to Baghdad, accompanied by Ali, his 11 years old grandson. They were stopped at an American check point and were asked to dismount. An American soldier climbed on the back of the pickup truck, followed by another a few minutes later, and thoroughly inspected the tomato filled plastic containers for about 10 minutes. Haj Haidar and his grandson were then allowed to proceed to Baghdad.


A minute later, his grandson told him that he saw one of the American soldiers putting a grey melon size object in the back among the tomato containers. The Haj immediately slammed on the brakes and stopped the car at the side of the road, at a relatively far distance from the check point. He found a time bomb with the clock ticking tucked among his tomatoes. He immediately recognized it, as he was an ex-army soldier. Panicking, he grabbed his grandson and ran away from the car. Then, realizing that the car was his only means of work, he went back, took the bomb and carried it in fear. He threw it in a deep ditch by the side of the road that was dug by Iraqi soldiers in preparation for the war, two years ago.


Upon returning from Baghdad, he found out that the bomb had indeed exploded, killing three sheep and injuring their shepherd in his head. He thanked God for giving him the courage to go back and remove the bomb, and for the luck in that the American soldiers did not notice his sudden stop at a distance and his getting rid of the bomb.


"They intended it to explode in Baghdad and claim that it is the work of the 'terrorists', or 'insurgents' or who call themselves the 'Resistance'.


I decided to expose them and asked your reporter to take me to Baghdad to tell you the story. They are to be exposed as they now want to sow strife in Iraq and taint the Resistance after failing to defeat it militarily. Do not forget to mention my name. I fear nobody but God, as I am a follower of Muqtada al-Sadir."

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Gjest Bruker-95147
Måtte McCain vinne valget og gå til aksjon mot Iran!


Så du synes ikke de (det vil da si at også vi) har nok å styre med i Afghanistan og Irak?


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