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Gears of War 2-Kafeèn!

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Seff kommer Gears 2 til pc


Om Gears PC solgte dårlig (noen har nummer?) ser de vel egentlig bare på om det er noe å tjene.

Det koster noen kroner å ansette folk til å gjøre 'port' jobben, og gikk ikke Gears PC nok i pluss skal du ikke se bortifra at de dropper hele greia.


Microsoft bestemmer vel egentlig det her, og de har vel en par regnskapsfolk som setter seg ned å ser på tall.


Tror det ikke passerte 1 mill engang til pc, mens konsollversjonen har vel rundet 5 millioner sist dem snakket om salgstallene til Gears Of War til 360 :)


men da er det godt dem lanserer Gears Of War 2 til 360, selge 4 millioner kopier og lage en pcversjon etter ca 1 år for å hente dem resterende 1 mill eller ikke det engang ;)

Endret av Toman85
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Gjest Slettet+981234789

fikk svar fra Absoluttspill.no om CE versjonen av spillet


Vi regner med å kunne forhåndselge denne, men leverandøren vår har ikke

fått bekreftet detaljer enda.

Så snart vi får bekreftet et antall av leverandøren, så vil vi starte


Foreløpig kan vi ikke garantere at vi får tilgang, men det vil være

uvented om vi ikke gjør det.


så får håpe det ikke blir så lenge til.

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PAX 08 : Gears of War 2 for Xbox 360 Hands On Impressions


The big game that Microsoft was showing off at Penny Arcade Expo this year was Gears of War 2. There is a lot of hype that the game deserves building up to the release on November 7.


They showed a level that one of the lead animator from Epic Games presented on the big screen and they had a multiplayer level up and running on some networked Xboxen 350+10s. The one and only Cliff Bleszinski esquire was busy at the office cracking the whip on the programmers and testers trying to finish the game.


The overall the intensity and volume level of Gears of War was cranked up even more. Gears of War was already a big budget game but this one feels even bigger and more polished. You can easily tell that they did some major work on the heavily upgraded version of the Unreal Engine 3. Despite being an Unreal Engine game it did not look like a typical FPS made with the stock Unreal engine. They really have made an incredible investment in the technology that they used to make this game and it is really showing off. If you have not seen the GDC Unreal Tech demo on Xbox Live than you really need to check it out and see what I mean.


The environments look expanded, destructible and hardcore. The pixel shading techniques, textures, and in-game lighting through ambient occlusion just looks super sweet. It looks a game on a future console. It is a 2008 game running on a gaming console from 2005 but it looks like a game from 2012. Man that was an extremely Gibsonian cyberpunk thing to say. I don't know what Silicone Knights has been complaining about.


It was some of the best multiplayer action anywhere. I had some chainsaw fun and dispensed the "Sawdomy" blows to my fellow PAX attendees on more than one occasions and I am not even remotely good at Gears. The intense chainsaw duals were pretty short but years of mashing buttons gave me a distinct advantage in cutting down the punks.


In a multiplayer game you can crawl on the ground after getting shot before completely bleeding out. If you can make it to a team make they can revive you but if an enemy gets to you they can shoot you or curb stomp execute you. I saw the meat shields demoed where you can use an enemy as a hostage bullet catcher. I seriously doubt that this game is going to be rated E for All.


However they were not showing off the soft body entities aka "Meat Cube" technology in that demo. I wonder how the designers are going to be using that.


I don't know what they are feeding them in Cary North Carolina at the Unreal company picnics but I bet they like their steaks pretty bloody and red.

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Det kommer til å presse programvaren (Unreal Engine 3) som kjører på 360 til det ytterste.

Selve maskinen får vi vente å se hvor mye man kan få ut av. Se på PS2, den er 10 år og produserer fremdeles spill som ser bra ut. Tviler derfor på at 360 har stoppet allerede. Gode utviklere lar seg ikke stoppe av Hardwares, men Software.

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Gjest Slettet+981234789

ja det beste Unreal 3 motoren klarer på Xbox 360, ikke selve hardwaren,

de kan altids lage bedre grafikk motorer,

men Gears 2 blir unektlig en grafikk fest

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Etter min mening er det eneste Gears 2 trenger på grafikkfronten rett og slett mer skygge og lys leking.

Og det får vi jo nå, med en hel del attåt, så skal ikke se bortifra at mange må bite i det sure eplet etter å ha sagt at det ikke ser noe bedre ut enn Gears 1. For lys/skygge, økte rekkevidder og massivt økt antall fiender på skjermen, samt skarpere teksturer, nye våpen, nye karakterer, nye fiender, nye kjørety, nye multiplayer modes osv ser ikke ut som Gears 1,5.


Det ser ut som Gears 1: Unleashed ;) FUCK YEAH!

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Just got back from playing Gears 2 on the PAX showroom floor. How was it? Well, it’s more Gears, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. There was an 8 player team deathmatch LAN going on at the booth so I decided to pick up a pad as a Locust.


What was the first thing I did? Team-killed my closest ally by mistake. Sorry! You kinda looked like Carmine! Geez! Although that was a dick move on my part it did give me a look at the new through-the-back (”anal rage” I like to call it) chainsaw kill, which was disgustingly awesome. After getting a dirty look from the guy two screens over that I probably just killed I ran for some cover. One of the things I disliked about the first Gears was how the cover system revolved around the A button and the A button only. Well, it looks like they didn’t change a damn thing. I can’t wait to unintentionally run for cover when I actually wanted to roll dodge away from the shotgun-wielding teenager that’s about to tell me I “f*ckin’ suck at this game” on Xbox Live. Oh well.


The graphics were much smoother than the original Gears. I would have paid more attention to them if I wasn’t looking at the chainsaw duels happening right in front of me. When you and your opponent Lancer melee each other simultaneously it results in a game of who-can-tap-the-B-button-faster. The slower guy ends up looking like the leftover beef concoction in my fridge that my roommates back in Rochester are probably looking at right now and saying “What the f*ck is this sh*t?” It’s a nice little addition to Gears that really like. I was on a decent kill streak until some dude went Charizard on my dumb, unsuspecting ass with the flamethrower.


Gears-lovers, this new title is the same Gears you love but with new weapons, items, and moves that will make the game seem deeper. Gears-haters, keeping hating I guess, because it’s more Marcus Fenix & Co. than you can handle. Although I wasn’t a huge Gears 1 fan I’m actually looking forward to getting in a game with my buddies this Fall.


- Chu Boi


Lukter jeg Chainsaw Teamkilling? :evil:

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Gears Of War 2 is going to be great, right? Huge battlefields comprising hundreds of warriors. New levels of devastation that genuinely elevate things to the state of all-out war. A truly, truly epic fight for the future of the planet. It absolutely cannot fail to be fun.


But before you get ready to dive into all of that, there are a few things you should be aware of. Things that just don't come up during the first game's vague "Here are the bad guys, kill them all" exposition. You see Gears Of War actually has a hell of a lot of backstory, most of which didn't make it into the game itself. And when all things are taken into account, that war you're going to be reveling in in November really isn't what you might think it is.


Brave humans battling valiantly for the bright future of their world against a soulless alien horde? Not at all. Arrogant human invaders trying vainly to maintain their stranglehold on an abused and suppressed planet. That's more like it. Read on to find out why we've been playing the bad guys all along.



The human race are planet-raping colonials

Think about this. Gears Of War is set on the planet Sera, not Earth. All of the protagonists look human and have American accents, inherently meaning that they are of Terran descent. Which means that Sera was colonised by the human race at some point in the game's distant past. Which in turn means that any negative actions they've perpetrated against the planet - and as we're about to detail, there are quite a few - are made doubly transgressive by the fact that they've essentially invaded an innocent world and f*cked it right up through their own hedonistic wants and arrogance.


How many groups and nations have done similar things throughout real human history and how many of them are exactly popular now?


The humans weren't satisfied with one world war, so they had another

Although Gears' backstory isn't properly detailed throughout the first game, a little fishing reveals that the human race's time on Sera has largely been spent being childish pricks. You'd think that the crap we've pulled on Earth over the last century alone would have made the human race want to make a fresh start given a shiny new planet to live on, but no. They just saw it as a big blank canvas to really go to town on, having had more than enough practice in the past to get pretty damn good at the old killin' business.


According to 'Destroyed Beauty', the art book released with the Gears special-edition, Sera had been plagued with human war for millennia before the Locust ever set foot on the surface. That means that Gears is set a SERIOUSLY long time into the future, and that in all of that time humanity hadn't managed to develop past its violent instincts one jot. By that point, you'd have expected the human race to have evolved into benevolent beings made of pure energy, light and Brian Eno music, but unfortunately not. They're still just great big twats.


Of course, the human race of Gears did eventually get its shit together and live in peace for a while, but even then it took the threat of armageddon to give it the necessary slap in the face. And how did they celebrate? By starting another, seventy-nine year war. Over a gooey natural energy source. But of course, it was gold and called Imulsion, making the conflict TOTALLY different from our current international war-mongering over oil reserves. Oh yes, we HAD moved on.



The Gears are the tools of an oppressive, right-wing regime

According to 'Destroyed Beauty', The Coalition of Ordered Governments (Cera's ruling party and bestower of COG orders) was an obscure political party during the near eighty years of the Pendulum Wars. It only really rose to dominance when the catastrophic Locust attack of Emergence Day made the human population desperate for radical leadership. Seeing the same opportunity spotted by more than one real-world human dictator, the COG stepped up.


Thus, the Fortification Act was introduced, reacting to the extremely dire circumstances with the activation of emergency legislative powers for the ruling party, a temporary, legal loss of civil liberties and the introduction of martial law. Those same political tactics have been enjoyed by such luminaries as Emperor Palpatine and Adolf Hitler. And look how they turned out.



The Locust are in no way the bad guys

Sera's subterranean residents might be intent on seeing "every last man, woman and child dead", but can you really blame them? As the indigenous people of Sera, they tolerated the arrival of the surface-dwelling humans and quietly co-existed for a very long time, seemingly happy to let the new neighbours have the sunlight while they maintained their own natural habitat. It took thousands of years of planet-razing war, an invasion of their underground domain, the reaping of their Imulsion resources and yet another petty human war of greed before they made a stand. The fallout may have been brutal, but up until that point the Locust had showed remarkable restrained, all things considered.


Despite their bloody retribution, these are an intelligent, evolved people, as evidenced by their societal organisation and well-developed technology. The Gears might find it convenient to see them as feral nightmares from the deep, but nothing could be further from the truth. Yeah, they look pretty damn ugly by human standards, but let's not forget that making assumptions of character based on outer appearance is one of the cornerstones of basic racism, after all. And while the Locust troops we encounter in the game appear to be angry, single-minded killers, don't Marus and co. very probably appear the same to them?


Gears lore states that all attempts at peaceful negotiation with the Locust met with violence, but with several THOUSAND years of almost unfailing, selfish, aggressive human behaviour as a track record, their distrust and unwillingness to interact with our species is entirely understandable. In their position, we'd feel exactly the same way.



Humanity reacted to the Locust 'invasion' by wiping out 90% of the planet

Of course, the Locust didn't actually invade at all. They just made a stand against an outside force which had proven itself to be nothing but an unrelenting threat to their home. But when the humans realised that all hope for a victory was lost, what did they do? Cut their losses and retreat? Accept the consequences of their ceaseless stupidity and start making plans for evacuation to another planet, vowing never to make the same mistakes again?


No, they made the belligerent and petulent move of holing up on the impenetrable ground of Jacinto Plateau and using orbital weapon technology to decimate the rest of Sera, scorching Locust and human straggler alike. Humanity wiped out 90% of Sera's surface that day, and who knows how many of its own kind. Talk about taking your ball home because you're losing the match.


The COG's last 'victorious' act achieved nothing but prove once and for all that the Locust were right. The human species, to paraphrase The Matrix's Agent Smith, was naught but a malignant virus upon the planet's surface from the moment it arrived.



Remind us again, what exactly are we fighting for here?

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