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Tennvæske er blitt nevnt som en av de farlige tingene vi omgir oss med om sommeren, med muligheter både for forgiftning og forbrenning og som bonus en riktig ekkel duft under bruk og opptenning, men faktisk er det mulig, og enkelt, å unngå tennvæsken fullstendig og attpåtil få en raskere opptenning av grillen.


I mange jernvare- og hagebutikker går det an å kjøpe en metallsylinder for grillopptenning. Grillkull på toppen og en gammel avis i bunnen. Avisen tennes og når den er oppbrent er kullene klare.


En enda enklere måte er å bruke en liten tøyfille (for eksempel et par cm av et utslitt olabuksebein) som er fuktet med litt matolje. Kullene legges i en haug med fillen i bunnen, og igjen, etter noen minutter er kullene klare for grilling. Tennvæske, hvem andre enn produsentene er det som har noen glede av det?


Det finnes som hovedregel to måter å grille på:

1) Direkte. Dette betyr at kjøttet ligge rett over kullene

2) Indirekte. Da ligger kullene på én side av grillen, mens kjøttet ligger på rist på den andre siden. På den siden kjøttet ligger er det lavere temperatur. Derfor kan du grille kjøttet over lengre tid uten at det blir svidd. Dette er alfa og omega for å få et godt resultat ved store kjøttstykker.


En grillaften sammen med familien gir mange hyggelige minner. Men dessverre er det mange som glemmer å utøve nødvendig forsiktighet når de griller. Hvert år påføres mange mennesker og da særlig barn alvorlige skader under grilling. Så ta noen minutter og les gjennom grillrådene.


- Bruk kun godkjent tennvæske. Bensin, rødsprit e.l. må IKKE benyttes ved grilling.


- Tennvæske er den største årsaken til brannskader ved grilling. La derfor ikke barn være alene med grill og tennvæske.


- Ha alltid slokkemiddel tilgjengelig. En bøtte vann, hageslangen eller et brannslokkeapparat gjør nytten og du slipper å løpe langt hvis grillingen kommer ut av kontroll


- Hold stedet der du griller ryddig. Gamle kullposer og tennvæskeflasker brenner godt hvis det skulle begynne å brenne rundt grillen. Tenk også på miljøet rundt deg.


- Bruker du engangsgrill som står på bakken, vær obs på faren for brann i vegetasjonen under grillen. Før grillen tennes, hell en bøtte vann under der grillen skal stå. Sørg også for brannsikkert underlag som steiner, sand eller grus.


- Bruk ikke flagrende tøy når du griller. Plutselig kommer det et vindkast og klærne kan ta fyr.


- Når du er ferdig med å grille, la grillen stå til den blir kald. Det er fortsatt glør inne i grillen og disse må tømmes i en egnet beholder med lokk. Dette kan være en zinkbøtte. Papp og plast må IKKE brukes. Glørne kan blusse opp igjen.


- Brannloven forbyr ikke grilling på balkonger og terrasser, men loven har en aktsomhetsparagraf om plikter og forbud i forbindelse med ild utendørs. Flere borettslag har forbud mot grilling på balkong eller terrasse. Hvis hensyn til reglene.


- Grilling og alkohol hører for mange sammen. Husk at alkohol svekker dømmekraften. Fyll og grilling hører ikke sammen.


- Skulle du brenne deg, husk å kjøle ned skaden med kaldt vann. Er du i tvil om videre behandling, kontakt lege.


For å gjøre kjøttet mørt kan du bruke forskjellige stoffer som hjelper til med å bryte ned bindevevet i kjøttet. Her er noen forslag.


1. Gni inn kjøttet med fersk lime og la det ligge slik noen timer døgn før du marinerer.


2. Gjør det samme som med lime, men bruk papaya isteden (kan være vanskelig å få tak i).


3. Bruk cola i marinaden. Cola inneholder også mye syre, som virker slik at kjøttet blir mørt.


Når du skal marinere kjøtt må du gi marinaden ordentlig med tid til å trekke godt inn i kjøttet og gjøre det saftig og smakfullt.


Om du bruker en egenkomponert marinade, en av mine eller en ferdig kjøpt - reglelen er den samme: Gi marinaden tid!:)


Legg kjøttet i en plastpose og hell over marinaden. Knyt igjen posen og massér posen forsiktig slik at marinaden spres utover alt kjøttet. Legg så posen i kjøleskapet MINST 1 time, men vi anbefaler over natten, eller aller helst 1 døgn.


Kos deg!


Håper dere får bruk for dette. :wee:

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Dette er noe jeg skriver på tentamen nå.

Er snart ferdig. :wee:


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Sunrise or Sundown?


The sun was about to go down behind the mountains just in front of him. The sunset was beautiful from his point of view. And it gave red and orange colored clouds look like something he couldn’t describe. It could look like a red and orange ocean floating towards him. The valley behind him was left in darkness. Every time he looked behind him he could feel the small houses watching him in silence.


His backpack wasn’t very heavy so he could move lightly on the rough terrain. Even though he was in a good shape, he felt that he was getting tired. The backpack dropped to the ground with a loud “bump.” He sat back on a rock, trying to get some sleep before sunrise. The sunset was gone and he was left in darkness.


A shimmer of light played with his silver hair, trying to reach down to his face. The beams of light made a halo around his head. But he was no angle, maybe an angle with halo and horns, but there were no wings. What he had done couldn’t be repaired and what he done to her couldn’t be undone.


The shimmering light hit his face and his eyes slightly opened. Looking towards a beautiful sunrise, he got up and started moving away from the valley wich was bathed in a beautiful sunrise. Without saying goodbye to the valley he left it only with a sad glance towards her house, wich was the only house visible in the sunrise beams of light.


After a few hours of walking he started going downhill, away from the valley and the beautiful sunrise and sunset. The sun was now in the middle of the sky, telling him that he should take a break and try to get something to eat. His hands slipped down in the backpack feeling around after his lunchbox. He felt the wooden box and his fingers grabbing it. The lunchbox was made out of a special wood wich was made by his father. The lunchbox was given to him when he filled 15 years. When he first got it, he was really disappointed. He hopped that he could get the knife that his dad had worked with for so long. But he never got that knife. Instead he got a hand made shirt from her. The one he had fell in love with after she moved to the valley. They had been moving from far down in the country, and found the valley. For 8 years they had been living there now. And he had just filled 18 years.


He stared right in the sun, trying not to memorize the valley. He was wondering if they had found out that he had left them. They probably had, it wouldn’t shock him if they were celebrating already. In front of him he could see the foot of the mountain; he had never been this far away from the valley. The only relation he had to the world outside the valley was the caravans coming with food and supplies wich they could buy and trade.

A shriek cut through the silence. His eyes looked in front of him trying to get a grip on what the sound was. Nothing.

It could have been the wind, though it didn’t sound anything like the wind. The backpack dropped to the ground and he searched it for his sword. He pulled his sword, waiting for the sound to come again. But it didn’t come back. The darkness fell upon him and he let out a long drawn sigh. He found a place he could sleep and faded out from the world when he closed his eyes.


The valley had been in conflict all day long. Someone wanted Haru back while someone was happy that he left and someone wanted to track him down and force him to bring back to order. The caravans had just left, though everyone had got what they needed. They knew they would have to leave the valley where they had lived their whole life. Though Haru had protected Elie, the girl he loved. They all knew what he did was wrong.


Elie and Haru had recently been fighting, everyone knew that. Though they didn’t know why they had been fighting. They tried to make her tell them, but she wouldn’t talk. She had just been crying when they mentioned him. Gayle went over to the corpses wich was lying on the soft ground.


The soldiers had tried to rape Elie. Why they had tried to rape her were obvious: they were tired and wanted to have some “fun” as they had told the ones trying to help Elie. The villagers had tried to hide it from Haru, but Haru saw this. It was needed 10 of the villagers to keep him still. But when they let him go, he charged one of the soldiers and sliced the mans chest. The other solider had grabbed his sword and tried to hit Haru. But Haru was a really good swordsman and blocked his attack easily. A light move with Haru’s sword and the soldiers head were off. The villagers were shocked over the scene they had been watching. Haru’s sword was covered with blood when he dropped it to the ground. Haru glanced had glanced at the two corpses before he fell to the ground, his body were shaking because of the adrenaline and fear. He had looked at Elie’s shocked face. And at that point he had realized what he had done. Haru had packed what he needed and left when everyone was sleeping.


Gayle is Haru’s father. And because Elie’s parents were out to get food out in the forest, he had to watch over Elie. Elie had told him why she and Haru had been fighting. Though it was obvious, it shocked Gayle. Haru had wanted to leave the valley for a long time. So when he left he knew that he would never return to the valley.


Haru were in shock.

He saw the 20 – 30 soldiers walking the way into the valley. His body was shaking. Why did he have to kill those two men? The question was repeated in his head several times.

He knew that if he could reach down to the valley before them, he could make the village prepared for the attack. Or he could leave them to his misery. He stood in the forest looking at the beams of light that came through the trees.

He made a decision. He had to help them. The small army would use around 3 days to get to the valley. But he knew a few shortcuts. He started to run.


Elie and Gayle sat on a terrace looking towards the mountains. They had just buried the two corpses. They didn’t say anything. Just looked towards the mountain where Haru had disappeared. It was sunset.


Haru stood where he had begun, looking down in the valley where he had promised himself not to enter again. He saw Elie’s house from here. He pulled his sword started to run down the hill. It took him half an hour to reach down to the valley. When looking at the back of one of the houses made him want to leave. But he leapt out in the open area and shouted:


The ones on the terraces looked up and froze their eyes on him, while the ones inside the houses looked out the windows. Haru continued:

- There is a small army on they way here to kill every single one in this village because what I did.

One of the ones looking at Haru said:

- Why should we help you? You got us in to this problem, now you should get us out.

The people around Haru nodded.

- Yes, this is my problem. But because I did it here they won’t see difference in me and you. They will kill everyone in this village. Only leaving a cloud of smoke left. I ask you now, as a friend. Help me to defeat these soldiers and we would be free from them.

- Hah. We wouldn’t be free. The king would just send a new and bigger army to get us, another man said.

A few men raised and went over to Haru. One of them said:

- But if we leave Haru to do everything, they will still kill the whole village. I support Haru, even though this is his mess, we are still friends. So come on everyone! Let’s get this army.

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