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String a = showInputDialog("Tast inn antall");

String b = showInputDialog("Tast inn kjøpspris");

String c = showInputDialog("Tast inn salgspris");

double aa;

double bb;

double cc;


aa = Double.parseDouble(a);

bb = Double.parseDouble(b);

cc = Double.parseDouble©;


double kostnad = aa*bb;

double salgsum = aa*cc;

double endelig = salgsum - kostnad;


showMessageDialog(null, "Ditt utbytte er på " + endelig + ".kr");

showMessageDialog(null, "Din behøvede kapital er på "+ kostnad +".kr");

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Usopp sat down next to Zoro and waited for the doctor to emerge. When he returned, the chibi reindeer was summoned. Thinking he was to be entertained with one of Usopp's fantastical tales, he ran over as fast as he could, plopping himself down next to Zoro and in front of Usopp. "What is it Usopp?"


"Well, even though the great Captain Usopp-sama is overflowing with knowledge of the ways of the world," he paused for dramatic effect, "this great and honourable storyteller was wondering if you could tell him a story for a change."


Chopper was surprised! Was there a story out there that the great Captain Usopp didn't know? He was hesitant to believe this blasphemy.

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