Afternoon Delight Skrevet 28. august 2009 Del Skrevet 28. august 2009 Lenke til kommentar
Nοia Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 Der skjulte det seg visst ikke noe Lenke til kommentar
Eirik Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 Lenke til kommentar
w0o0t Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 nina says: hahah, tellja di koffert Lenke til kommentar
Shikaru Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 100-dagerslista til Siv Jensen den er i grunn veldig latterlig i mine øyne Lenke til kommentar
Captn Jack Yarr'ow ! Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 Miri WM 6.1 21054 - MANILA 2.5 :: V 2.1 Lenke til kommentar
Mr. Hermonella Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 # God mode, infinite ammo, and infinite weight capacity tgm No clipping mode tcl All mapmarkers tmm1 Disable enemy combat AI tcai Kill selected target Kill Kill everyone in area Killall Toggle fog of war tfow Toggle debug display tdt Toggle AI tai Teleport to room with all items coc testqaitems Toggle free camera mode tfc Toggle HUD tm Teleport back to game coc megatoncommonhouse Get indicated number of Caps player.additem 000000F [number] Spawn indicated number of items in % condition player.additem [item code], [number], [condition 1-100] Spawn indicated number of persons or objects player.placeatme [object code], [number], [x axis], [y axis] Remove indicated item, person or object player.removeitem [object or item code], [number] Get indicated perk player.addperk [perk code] Remove indicated perk player.removeperk [perk code] Get indicated aid or perk effect player.addspell [perk or aid code] Give player ownership of selected item Setownership Set player level player.setlevel [number] Move to indicated NPC player.moveto [NPC ID] Add indicated number of experience points rewardXP [number] Add indicated number of Karma points rewardKarma [number] Add indicated number of Tag Skill Points addtagskills [number] Add indicated number of points to your S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats modpca [attribute] [number] Add indicated number of points to your skills modpcs [skill name] [number] Add indicated number of Special Points addspecialpoints [number] Set Special Points setspecialpoints [number] Set ability (sneak, barter, etc.) score player.setAV [ability] [number] Set skill values player.ForceAV [number] Permanently set number of action points player.setav actionpoints [number] Set percentage of physical damage absorbed by player player.setav damageresist [1-85] Set percentage of radiation absorbed by player player.setav radresist [1-85] Set percentage of poison damage absorbed by player player.setav poisonresist [0-100] Set percentage of fire damage absorbed by player player.setav fireresist [0-100] Set melee damage done by player player.setav meleedamage [number] Set unarmed damage; must have no weapons equipped player.setav unarmeddamage [number] Set chance to score a critical hit player.setav critchance [0-100] Set weight limit setgs fAVDCarryWeightsBase [number] Set strength multiplier for weight limit setgs fAVDCarryWeightMult [number] Set maximum carrying weight player.setAV carryweight [number] Set jump height; default is 64 setgs fJumpHeightMin [number] Set run speed; default is 4 setgs fMoveRunMult [number] Fully heal player or selected NPC Resethealth Set maximum level obtainable through experience gain setgs iMaxCharacterLevel [level number] Can wear Brotherhood Of Steel armor without training SetPCCanUsePowerArmor 1 Age or de-age targeted character agerace [1 or -1] Age or de-age yourself player.agerace [1 or -1] Equip existing item in selected target's inventory EquipItem [item code] Un-equip existing item in selected target's inventory UnEquipItem [item code] Disable all mines disableallmines Remove all weapons and clothes from target Removeallitems Resurrect dead target resurrect Get information on the selected target's value GetAVInfo [actor value] Match geometry of an NPCs face Player.MatchFaceGeometry [number] Purge cell buffer; frees memory and may increase performance pcb Selects an object; use PRID player to select yourself PRID [name] Set how much an NPC has to trade with SetBarterGold [number] Set name of selected NPC setactorfullname "[first name] [last name]" Set your character's name player.setactorfull name "[first name] [last name]" Teleport to quest's target location movetoqt [optional quest ID] All items for current quest GetQC Complete objectives for current quest CompleteAllObjectives or CompleteQuest Complete current quest GetQuestCompleted Reset current quest ResetQuest Toggle Power Armor use setpccanusepowerarmor [0 or 1] Sets Tag Skill Points settagskills [number] Modifies player's desired skill player.modav [skill name] [number] Permanently set player's maximum HP player.modav health [number] Turn back into child SetPCYoung Change size of selected object or NPC; default is 1 setscale [-10 to 10] Change player size; 1 = large, -1 =normal player.modScale [-1 or 1] Modify your characters appearance again showracemenu Change your name ShowNameMenu Change gender SexChange Gain one level getXPfornextlevel or advlevel Remove player from all factions removefromallfactions Move during intermission sequences EnablePlayerControls Unlock selected lock or terminals unlock Activate last locked door needed to be opened from another place activate Disable mines DisableAllMines List all items you have player.showinventory Sets an NPC as essential (unkillable) SetEssential [NPC ID] 1 Dogmeat is marked as unkillable setessential 6a772 1 Display file with all objects and their ID Form codes (unique for each save) save fred 1 Set game speed set timescale to [number] View ending exit vats Save with a custom save name save [filename] Load saved game load [filename] Immediately quit game QQQ List all console commands help # Item codes Use one of the following values with the "player.additem [item code], [number], [condition 1-100]" and "player.removeitem [item code], [number]" codes: Item Code Ammunition .308 Caliber Round 0006B53C .32 Caliber Round 000207F7 .44 Round Magnum 0002937E 10mm Round 00004241 5.56mm Round 00078CC4 5.56mm Round 00004240 5mm Round 0006B53D 5mm Round 000615A8 Alien Powercell 00029364 BB - Ammo 0002935B Bottlecap Mines 0000433A Dart 00047419 Dart 0002936E Electron Charge Pack 000615AF Electron Charge Pack 0006B53E Energy Cell 00020772 Energy Cell 00078CC2 Flamer Fuel 00029371 Flamer Fuel 00078CC1 Frag Grenades 00004330 Frag Mines 0000433C Mesmetron Power Cell 0006A80D Microfusion Cell 00078CC3 Microfusion Cell 00004485 Mini Nuke 00020799 Missile 000B8791 Missile 0005F706 Missile 00078CC5 Missiles 00029383 Pulse Grenades 00004331 Railway Spikes 00029384 Shotgun Shell 00028EEA Shotgun Shell 0004C5F9 Sonic Energy 00056634 Armor Advanced Radiation Suit 0003307A All-Purpose Science Suit 000CB605 Apocalypse Gladiator Armor 000CB5F6 Apocalypse Gladiator Helmet 000CB5F7 Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 00034121 Armored Vault 101 Jumpsuit 0006C587 Army Power Armor 00061A72 Athlete of the Wastes Outfit 000340FB Ballcap with Glasses 00028FFA Bandana 00073D57 Biker Goggles 0009B188 BirthSkirt 0007CFF0 Blast Off Helmet 0007494C Blast Off Pajamas 0005B6EA Boogeyman's Hood 0008F775 Brahmin-Skin Outfit 00018DE5 Brotherhood of Steel Powered Armor 00075203 Brotherhood of Steel Powered Helmet 00075201 Brotherhood Power Armor 00075201 Brotherhood Power Helmet 00075203 Brotherhood Scribe Robe 000854CF Button's Wig 0008A6DD Child Blastoff Helmet 0007C109 Chinese Commando Hat 00078646 Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D2 Colonel Autumn's Uniform 0005157E Combat Armor 00020420 Combat Helmet 00020426 Commando Armor 000CB544 Composite Recon Armor 000CB5FA Composite Recon Helmet 000CB5FB Crow's Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0 Crow's Eyebot Helmet 000B17A0 Dad's Wasteland Outfit 00079F09 Defender Armor 000CB543 Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000340D3 Dirty Chinese Jumpsuit 000CB603 Dirty Pre-War Businesswear 0005C682 Dirty Pre-War Casualwear 000340CF Dirty Pre-War Kid's Outfit 000340C4 Dirty Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB70 Dirty Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB6F Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D1 Dirty Pre-War Spring Outfit 00066C71 Doctor Li's Glasses 0005C9A0 Doctor Li's Outfit 000340DA Elder Lyons' Robe 00087274 Enclave Officer Hat 00078647 Enclave Officer Uniform 000340DE Enclave Power Armor 00023B62 Enclave Power Armor 0004443E Enclave Scientist Outfit 0001B5BD Enclave Shocktrooper Armor 000CB5F3 Enclave Shocktrooper Helmet 000CB5F4 Environment Suit 000C09D4 Eulogy Jones' Hat 00034126 Explorer's Gear 000CB549 Eyebot Helmet 0004E6A0 Eyeglasses 000340FD Ghoul Mask 0001DC1C GlassesReadingChild 0005DC82 Grimy Pre-War Businesswear 000B1056 Hand-Me-Down Raider Armor 000CB5FE Handyman Jumpsuit 000BF6FD Hat of the People 000CB604 Head Wrap 00074296 Head Wrap 00074334 Head Wrap 00074335 Head Wrap 00074336 Highway Scar Armor 000CB5FF Hockey Mask 00033598 Junior Officer Outfit 000340F9 Kid's Ballcap with Glasses 0009B185 Kid's Baseball Cap 000340C1 Kid's Cave Rat Outfit 000340E4 Kid's Murray the Mole Hat 00078643 Kid's Party Hat 00028FF8 Kid's Police Hat 000340E1 Lab Technician Outfit 000340D7 Leather Armor 00020423 Leather Armor 0002DC05 Leather Armor 00066C72 Leather Armor 00066C74 Ledoux's Hockey Mask 0007401C Lesko's Lab Coat 000C24F9 Lincoln's Hat 0004445B Linden's Outcast Power Armor 00070877 Lucky Shades 000CB54B Lyons' Pride Power Armor 00061A73 MacCready's Helmet 0002D11B Makeshift Gas Mask 000C111A Maple's Garb 0005A6CA Mayor MacCready's Outfit 000340E7 Merc Adventurer Outfit 00034124 Merc Charmer Outfit 00034122 Merc Charmer Outfit 000CB606 Merc Cruiser Outfit 000C5D34 Merc Cruiser Outfit 000CB60B Merc Grunt Outfit 000A3045 Merc Grunt Outfit 000CB60A Merc Troublemaker Outfit 00034123 Merc Veteran Outfit 0008C83C Metal Armor 0003307F Metal Helmet 00033080 Modified Utility Jumpsuit 0007C17C Motorcycle Helmet 0009B186 Mysterious Stranger Hat 0006B467 Mysterious Stranger Outfit 0006696D Naughty Nightwear 000C8E07 Oasis Druid Hood 0009B18A Oasis Exile Hood 000C942D Oasis Robe 000340E8 Oasis Villager Robe 000340E9 Outcast Power Armor 00060C70 Outcast Power Helmet 00060C72 Outcast Recon Helmet 000645ED Party Hat 00050E44 Party HatStanley 000B75E2 Pint-Sized Slasher Mask 000340FC Pip-Boy 3000 00015038 Pip-Boy 3000 000236D8 Pip-Boy Glove 00025B83 Police Hat 000AB491 Poplar's Hood 0005A6CB Power Armor 00014E13 Power Armor 00025083 Power Armor 00066C73 Power Helmet 00014C08 Power-Suit Armor 000CB60C Pre-War Baseball Cap 00028FF9 Pre-War Bonnet 000340CD Pre-War Casualwear 0001EA6D Pre-War Casualwear 000CB60D Pre-War Hat 000340C8 Pre-War Kid's Outfit 000340C3 Pre-War Outfit and Watch 0008198C Pre-War Outfit and Watch 000ABBE2 Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 0005BB66 Pre-War Parkstroller Outfit 000CB60F Pre-War Relaxedwear 0005BB63 Pre-War Spring Outfit 000340D0 Prototype Medic Power Armor 0007836E Pyro Helmet 000CB600 Radiation Suit 00033078 Ragamuffin Outfit 000340F8 Ragamuffin Tophat 00074950 Raider Arclight Helmet 00078644 Raider Badlands Armor 0003307D Raider Blastmaster Armor 0003307E Raider Blastmaster Helmet 0005B6E8 Raider Painspike Armor 0002042F Raider Psycho-Tic Helmet 00020432 Raider Sadist Armor 0003307C Raider Wastehound Helmet 00078645 Ranger Armor 00023030 Ranger Battle Armor 00023030 Ranger Battle Helmet 00034105 Recon Armor Helmet 00028EAD Recon Armor 0003064D Red Racer Jumpsuit 0003411B Red's Bandana 000340EB Red's Jumpsuit 000340EA Regulator Duster 0003E54A Rivet City Security Helmet 000239CB Rivet City Security Uniform 000239CC Road Rascal Leather Armor 000CB5F5 RobCo Jumpsuit 0003411A Robo-Thor Helmet 000CB5F8 Roving Trader Hat 00078648 Roving Trader Outfit 0002B385 Scientist Outfit 000340D9 Sexy Sleepwear 000340E6 Shady Hat 0007C17D Sharp-Dressed Raider's Armor 000CB5FC Shellshocked Combat Armor 000CB5EF Shellshocked Combat Helmet 000CB5F0 Sheriff's Duster 00020429 Sheriff's Hat 0002DD80 Slave Collar 0002F563 Slave Collar 0003D1FE Sleepwear 000CB60E Stormchaser Hat 0009B189 Sunglasses 0005C99F Surgical Mask 0003E591 T-51b Power Armor 000A6F77 T-51b Power Helmet 000A6F78 Takoma Park Little Leaguer Cap 000C72FB Talon Combat Armor 000A6F76 Talon Combat Armor 000CB5F2 Talon Combat Helmet 000B0278 Talon Combat Helmet 000CB5F1 Talon Company Armor 000A6F76 Tenpenny Security Helmet 0005B6EB Tenpenny Security Uniform 00034119 Tenpenny's Suit 00096CB7 Tesla Armor 0006B464 Tesla Armor 0008F571 Tesla Helmet 0006B465 The AntAgonizer's Costume 0003411D The AntAgonizer's Helmet 0003411F The Devil's Pigtails 000CB5FD The Mechanist's Costume 0003411E The Mechanist's Helmet 00034120 The Surgeon's Lab Coat 000C71E1 Three Dog's Glasses 000ACDA4 Three Dog's Head Wrap 00073FEC Tinted Reading Glasses 0001C295 Torcher's Mask 000C7C4E Tortiseshell Glasses 0005C9A1 Tunnel Snake Outfit 0002042E Tunnel Snake Outfit 00061D98 Underwear 00089B52 Vance's Longcoat Outfit 00083C5C Vault 101 Child's Jumpsuit 000340F2 Vault 101 Security Armor 0001CBDD Vault 101 Security Helmet 0003411C Vault 101 Utility Jumpsuit 000425BA Vault 106 Jumpsuit 000B73F2 Vault 108 Jumpsuit 000B73F1 Vault 112 Jumpsuit 000340EF Vault 77 Jumpsuit 000CAFBE Vault 87 Jumpsuit 000340ED Vault 92 Jumpsuit 000B73F3 Vault Lab Uniform 0001CBDC Wanderer's Leather Armor 000C7C54 Wasteland Doctor Fatigues 000340FE Wasteland Legend Outfit 000CB609 Wasteland Scout Hat 00074952 Wasteland Scout Uniform 000340FA Wasteland Surgeon Outfit 000340FF Wasteland Wanderer Outfit 0001BA00 Bobbleheads Agility 000388E5 Barter 000388F3 Big Guns 00038906 Charisma 00038850 Endurance 00038834 Endurance 00038834 Energy Weapons 0003892F Explosives 00038930 Intelligence 0003885C Lockpick 00038931 Luck 000388E6 Medicine 00038950 Melee Weapons 00038951 Perception 00038833 Perception 00038833 Repair 00038952 Repair 00038952 Science 00038953 Small Guns 00038954 Sneak 00038955 Speech 00038956 Strength 00038832 Unarmed 00038958 Books Big Book of Science 0003403C Big Book of Science 0002D3A4 Chinese Army: Spec. Ops. Training Manual 00034045 D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine 00034043 Dean's Electronics 0003403D Duck and Cover! 0006A80C Footlocker 000199C2 Grognak the Barbarian 00034040 Guns and Bullets 0003403E Lying, Congressional Style 00034044 Motivational Secrets of the Stars 0002D3A3 Nikola Tesla and You 00034041 Paradise Lost 000BACFE Pugilism Illustrated 0003403F Survival Guide Manuscript 0002D3B2 Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor 00034042 Tumblers Today 00034046 U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes 00034048 Wasteland Survival Guide 000C5634 You're SPECIAL! 000AB2EF Consumables Ant Meat 0003C345 Ant Queen Pheromones 00033068 Beer 00015197 Berry Mentats 000BF7C6 Blamco Mac and Cheese 0008C556 Bloatfly Meat 0007C10D Blood Pack 00034051 Brahmin Steak 00015198 Bubblegum 0008C560 Buffout 00015163 Cave Fungus 00038E0C Cram 0008C552 Crispy Squirrel Bits 00031948 Crunchy Mutfruit 0001519C Dandy Boy Apples 0008C554 Dirty Water 000151A4 Dog Meat 00034050 Fancy Lads Snack Cakes 0008C55A Fire Ant Nectar 00085ABB Fresh Apple 00015196 Fresh Carrot 00015199 Fresh Pear 0001519F Fresh Potato 000151A0 Grape Mentats 000BF7C5 Gum Drops 0008C564 Hatchling Mirelurk Meat 00065175 Human Flesh 0003404F Ice Cold Nuka-Cola 00040DCB Iguana Bits 0001519A Iguana on a Stick 0001519B InstaMash 0008C558 Jet 00015164 Junk Food 0003359C Med-X 00050F8F Mentats 00015165 Mirelurk Cakes 0003404D Mirelurk Meat 0003404E Miss. Quantum Pie 00049076 Mole Rat Meat 0003404C Mole Rat Wonder Meat 000ABD17 Mutfruit 00034049 Noodles 0001519D Nuka-Cola 0001519E Nuka-Cola Quantum 000284F9 NukaLurk Meat 00095F48 Orange Mentats 000BF7C7 Pork N' Beans 0008C55E Potato Crisps 0008C562 Psycho 00015166 Purified Water 000151A3 Radroach Meat 0009C957 Salisbury Steak 000293A9 Scotch 000151A1 Softshell Mirelurk Meat 000552CE Squirrel on a Stick 00031949 Squirrel Stew 0003194A Stimpaks 00015169 Strange Meat 0002E376 Strange Meat Pie 0007E173 Sugar Bombs 0008C551 Sweetroll 00030A23 Ultrajet 000C9CF4 Vodka 00032C74 Whiskey 00032C75 Wine 0003404A Yao Guai Meat 0003404B YumYum Deviled Eggs 0008C55C Miscellaneous Bobby Pins 0000000A Bottle Caps 0000000F Finger 000604DE Medical Brace 0002210D Stealth Boy 00043E94 Weapons .32 Pistol 0000080A .44 magnum 00050F92 10mm Pistol 0001A334 10mm Pistol 0000434F 10mm Pistol 0006F210 10mm SMG (Sydney's "Ultra") 0006E7CC 10mm Sub Machine gun 00004321 A3-21's Plasma Rifle 0006B539 Acid Spit 000B8793 Acid Spit 0006E8CE Alien Blaster 00004322 Ant's Sting 000C553E Assault Rifle 0001FFEC Baseball Bat 0000421C BB Gun 000C0327 BB Gun 00004323 Black Bart's Bane 0006B535 Blackhawk 000303A2 Board of Education 000C310F Bottlecap Mine 0000433A Brass Knuckles 00004324 Breaker 000CB546 Butch's Toothpick 00078440 Buzzsaw 0003BC6F Chinese Assault Rifle 00046BDD Chinese Assault Rifle 0000080B Chinese Officer's Sword 0006415D Chinese Officer's Sword 0002B3CB Chinese Pistol 00004325 Chinese Pistol (Zhu-Rong v418) 00060C2C Clover's Cleaver 000C80B8 Col. Autumn's 10mm Pistol 0006B531 Col. Autumn's Laser Pistol 000ABBE4 Combat Knife 00004326 Combat Knife 00064093 Combat Shotgun 0003713D Combat Shotgun 00004327 Curse Breaker 000C80BB Dart Gun 0000432A Deathclaw Gauntlet 0000432B Electrical Zap 00022FF1 Eugene 0006B538 Excalibat 000C80BC Experimental MIRV 0003422B Fat Man 0000432C Fawkes' Super Sledge 0007843F Fire Hydrant 00021367 Firelance 000C80BA Fisto! 000CB601 Flamer 00078C60 Flamer 0000432D Flamer 000C58EE Flamer 000A0C02 Flamer 0009E8DF Flamer 0007C10B Flamer 00039550 Frag Grenade 00004330 Frag Mine 0000433C Frag Mine 00028172 GasTrap Dummy 000001F6 Gatling Laser 0000432E Gatling Laser 0000432E Hand Laser 00018B9E Highwayman's Friend 00078442 Hunting Rifle 00004333 Jack 000C6E5B Knife 00004334 Laser 00050ED0 Laser 0007B23A Laser 0007B237 Laser Pistol 000B4178 Laser Pistol 00063E8A Laser Pistol 00004335 Laser Rifle 00074795 Laser Rifle 00004336 Law Dog 0006B532 Lead Pipe 00004337 Liberty Laser 00033FE2 LibertyPrimeWeapBomb 0005932F Lincoln's Repeater 0003C07A Love Tap 000C80B9 Mesmeron 00004339 Mesmetron 000BF5A4 Minigun 0000433F Mirelurk Bait Grenade 00030664 Miss Launcher 000B2644 Missile Launcher 00057E8F Missile Launcher 00004340 Nail Board 000A01DD Nail Board 00063FDC Nuka-Grenade 00004342 O'Grady's Peacemaker 0007843D Occam's Razor 000CB602 Ol' Painless 00066C76 Plasma Grenade 00004332 Plasma Gun 0007C10C Plasma Gun 0003954F Plasma Mine 0000433D Plasma Pistol 00004343 Plasma Rifle 00004344 Plunkett's Valid Points 000CAFA9 Police Batton 00004345 Pool Cue 00004346 Power Fist 00004347 Protectron's Gaze 000C553F Pulse Grenade 00004331 Pulse Mine 0000433E Radioactive Spit 00058717 Railway Rifle 00004348 Repellent Stick 0002D3B7 Reservist's Rifle 00092966 Ripper 00004349 Rock-it launcher 0000434B Rolling Pin 00029769 Rolling Pin 000B2943 Sawed-Off Shotgun 0000434C Sawed-Off Shotgun 000AE8AE Scoped .44 Magnum 0000434D SentryBot Laser Gatling 000389AF SentryBot Minigun 00057E8E Shishkebab 0000434E Shriek 0007F598 Silenced 10mm Pistol 00004350 Slasher Knife 0002869C Sledge Hammer 00004351 Sledgehammer 00063FA2 Smuglers End (Laser Pistol) 0006B536 Sniper Rifle 00004353 Spiked Knuckels 00004354 Stabhappy 000C80BE Super Sledge 000B0E7C Super Sledge 00004352 Switchblade 0006407F Switchblade 000289C3 Sydney's 10mm "Ultra" SMG 0005DEEE The Break 00066C77 The Kneecapper 0006B53A The Shocker 000BFF62 The Tenderizer 000A874B The Terrible Shotgun 0006B534 Tire Iron 00004328 Vampire's Edge 00078441 Vertibird Bomb Gun 0003E5E2 Vertibird Gun 00089C51 Victory Rifle 000CB548 Wazer Wifle 00061793 # Person and object codes Use one of the following values with the "player.placeatme [object code], [number], [x axis], [y axis]" code. Note: Use "1" for the value of the x axis and y axis. You can use the same values with the "player.removeitem [object or item code], [number]" code to remove the same item. Result Code Andy 0009B172 Andy 0006B237 Andy 00074163 AudioTemplateAntQueen 000B15F9 AudioTemplateBlowFly 0009B91A AudioTemplateBrahmin 00028047 AudioTemplateBrahminPack 000AA7C0 AudioTemplateDeathclaw 000A7B1E AudioTemplateDog 0003E632 AudioTemplateFeralGhoul 00065712 AudioTemplateMirelurk 00078803 AudioTemplateMirelurkKing 000C4977 AudioTemplateMoleRat 0007079D AudioTemplateRadRoach 0003AEF7 AudioTemplateRadScorpion 000AF619 AudioTemplateRobotMrHandy 0004D036 AudioTemplateRobotProtectron 0005FCCB AudioTemplateRobotRobobrain 0005CC52 AudioTemplateRobotSentrybot 0005CC51 AudioTemplateSentryTurret 000B9B5C AudioTemplateSuperMutantBehemoth 00024103 AudioTemplateTurretCeiling 0001E821 AudioTemplateYaoGuai 0003FB04 Backup Protectron Unit 000C053E Bandit 0007DCFB Bloatfly 00092C3D Brahmin 00021490 Brahmin 000A4E5D Brahmin 00027FAD Brahmin 000CA032 Brahmin 000A5396 Brahmin 0001F67C Brahmin 0001CFA2 Brahmin 0008B5FE Brahmin 0007E1B4 Button Gwinnett 00003A78 Centaur 00068646 Centaur 0001CF90 Cerberus 0002B8EA Clancy 0002D3BE Crow's Pack Brahmin 00027DEB Dean Dewey 0002F582 Deathclaw 000AF836 Deathclaw 000C290A Deathclaw 000B0449 Deathclaw 00031E29 Deathclaw 000BCC4D Deathclaw 0004E140 Deathclaw 0004EE09 Deathclaw 0003210D Deathclaw 0001CF72 Deathclaw 0001CF9A Deathclaw 000C3280 Deputy Steel 0001D76F Deputy Weld 0002040E Doc 0004E79C Dog 0001CF9C Dog 00076926 Dogmeat 0006A772 Enclave Eyebot 00062DEA Enclave Eyebot 00079F2B Enclave Eyebot 0005AE49 Enclave Eyebot 0006A901 Enclave Eyebot 00059BC0 Enclave Eyebot 0001CF73 Enclave Eyebot 00062EAC Enclave Eyebot 00043EC0 Enclave Eyebot 00097161 Enclave Sentry Bot 000AEC21 Enclave Sentry Bot 000AEC51 Enclave Sentry Bot 000AF5E5 Enclave Sentry Bot 000AF5E4 Ethyl 0002B8E5 Eye Intercom 00034020 Eye Intercom 000BC11C Eye Intercom 0008F086 Factory Protectron 000BAE92 Failed FEV Subject 0007B861 Fawkes 0003D34E Feral Ghoul 0009FAFA Feral Ghoul 000BAD1A Feral Ghoul 00072B87 Feral Ghoul 00072B59 Feral Ghoul 00052B9A Feral Ghoul 00003AD8 Feral Ghoul 0005C342 Feral Ghoul 000AE86C Feral Ghoul 0001CF7A Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B8A Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B88 Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B79 Feral Ghoul Roamer 0001CF77 Feral Ghoul Roamer 00072B7F Feral Ghoul Roamer 000A09CF Fire Ant 000C8063 Fire Ant Nest Guardian 0006020B Fire Ant Soldier 000AEDE4 Fire Ant Soldier 000393ED Fire Ant Soldier 000854D5 Fire Ant Warrior 000C58EF Fire Ant Warrior 000C72C9 Fire Ant Worker 000393EC Fire Ant Worker 000AEDE3 Fire Ant Worker 00083EB5 Fluffy 0001FEC8 Four Score 00027FA7 Giant Ant 00027053 Giant Ant 0001FB34 Giant Ant 000BF5B8 Giant Ant 0002F005 Giant Ant Queen 0001CF7F Giant Ant Queen 00034785 Giant Radscorpion 000307C2 Giant Radscorpion 0001CF9E Giant Radscorpion 00032D2B Giant Soldier Ant 0001CF80 Giant Soldier Ant 00032D2A Giant Soldier Ant 00029036 Giant Worker Ant 0001CF81 Ginger 0007DD06 Glowing One 0003D807 Glowing One 00058772 Glowing One 00072B82 Glowing One 00073204 Glowing One 0001CF7B Godfrey 0007F476 Harith's Pack Brahmin 00027DE7 Hoff's Pack Brahmin 00031189 Hooligan 0007DCF5 Invader Ant 00034777 Jitters 0002F585 Liberty Prime 0005FD26 Mad Brahmin 000CAAC0 Maintenance Protectron 0002D509 Marigold Ant Queen 0003181D Mark I Turret 000603AA Mark II Turret 0008F7B0 Mark II Turret 0006F772 Mark II Turret 0007B235 Mark II Turret 0008646C Mark II Turret 0008646B Mark II Turret 0008646A Mark IV Turret 0007B23B Mark IV Turret 0008646E Mark IV Turret 0008646F Mark IV Turret 0008646D Mark V Turret 000A8A5C Mark VI Turret 0003118D Mark VI Turret 0007C166 Masterbrain 0001EE61 Meat 0002B8E7 Metro Protectron 0001D6E2 Metro Protectron 0003CAC5 Milo, Shipping Foreman 0004D5B7 Mirelurk 0004E5EB Mirelurk 000A29F4 Mirelurk 000A289F Mirelurk 0001CF83 Mirelurk Hunter 0001CF84 Mirelurk King 0007D410 Mirelurk King 0002D3BD Mirelurk King 00047E87 Mister Buckingham 0001E746 Mister Gutsy 0009487F Mister Gutsy 00021EC1 Mister Gutsy 0007BDA7 Mister Gutsy 00021EC0 Mister Gutsy 00021EBD Mister Gutsy 000391AE Mister Gutsy 00021EBE Mister Handy 00036F89 Mister Handy 00058A0C Mister Handy 000AC5F3 Mister Handy 00033581 Mister Handy 0002977A Mister Mulberry 0001D770 Mole Rat 000A3D15 Mole Rat 0008840C Mole Rat 000526E2 Mole Rat 0005BB10 Mole Rat 00053389 Mole Rat 00054D75 Mole Rat 0001CF9F Mr. Handy 000296C5 Muffy 0003358A Mutated Forager Ant 00032909 Muttface 0007DD0B Nuka-Cola Security 00030522 Outcast Protectron 00071896 Outcast Robobrain 0006C5CD Pete 0007DD0D Private Jones 0001E747 Protectron 0001CF8B Protectron 000A53F0 Protectron 00036F87 Protectron 000A592B Protectron 000ABD6F Protectron 0005BB02 Protectron 00039AF9 Protectron 000B2997 Protectron 00067386 Protectron 0006639F Protectron 000663A4 Protectron 0005AC77 Protectron 0001CF8E Protectron 0006639E Protectron 0001CF8D Protectron 00094868 Protectron 0001CF8F Protectron 000A4527 Protectron 000A4426 Protectron 000A4524 Protectron 000A4528 Protectron 000A4529 Protectron 0005C3AA Protectron 00031810 Protectron 0003995B Pumpkin 000C79DE Radroach 000C8231 Radroach 0002D4C7 Radroach 0002A171 Radroach 0006490C Radroach 0001CF7C Radroach 0005B3BE Radroach 0002D6F7 Radroach 00032D2C Radroach 000306CC Radroach 000C595E Radroach 000A11FA Radroach 0009E897 Radroach 0003E592 Radroach 0001EFE3 Radroach 00020AF7 Radroach 000569B2 Radroach 000522DB Radroach 0006B238 Radroach 0006B970 Radroach 000A25B1 Radroach 00030D89 Radscorpion 00044DCE Radscorpion 0001CF9D Raider Guard Dog 0001CF87 Rex 0007DD14 Robobrain 0001CF6D Robobrain 0001CF89 Robobrain 0001CF74 Robobrain 0001CF70 Robobrain 000A5C6C Robobrain 000500B8 Robobrain 0009487E Robobrain 0004B03D Rotting Brahmin Corpse 0001D3CD Samuel 000CAADA Sawbones 0002131F Scavenger's Dog 00073E07 Scavenger's Dog 00073242 Scavenger's Dog 000C938B Scavenger's Dog 0007323E Scavenger's Dog 00073E10 Scavenger's Dog 00073E1D Scavenger's Yao Guai 00073243 Scavenger's Yao Guai 00073E1E Scavenger's Yao Guai 0007323F Scavenger's Yao Guai 0007480F Scavenger's Yao Guai 00073E23 Scavenger's Yao Guai 00073244 Scavenger's Yao Guai 00073E12 Scavenger's Yao Guai 00073E08 Sentry Bot 000A5D4E Sentry Bot 0005F9CC Sentry Bot 000AB4A1 Sentry Bot 0001CF8A Sentry Bot 0001CF75 Sentry Bot 0001CF71 Sentry Bot 0001CF6E Sentry Bot 0005F9D1 Sentry Bot 000A5C6E Sentry Bot 00094881 Sentry Bot 0005F9CB Sentry Bot 0002D06B Sentry Bot 00094880 Sentry Bot 0005F9CA Sentry Bot 0003A6FF Sergeant RL-3 00094867 Shakes 00018FAE Stefan 0006C559 Super Mutant 000B05E4 Super Mutant 000B05E5 Super Mutant 00020776 Super Mutant 00094EC5 Super Mutant 00094EC6 Super Mutant 00027FB4 Super Mutant 000BE92D Super Mutant 0003A147 Super Mutant 000205D9 Super Mutant 0001CF93 Super Mutant 000C8513 Super Mutant 0004147C Super Mutant 000B05E3 Super Mutant 00014C50 Super Mutant 0002DB93 Super Mutant 0001D529 Super Mutant 0001D6EA Super Mutant 0001D6EC Super Mutant 0009E8E8 Super Mutant 0002DB94 Super Mutant 0009E8E4 Super Mutant 0009E8E7 Super Mutant 0009E8E6 Super Mutant 0009EE04 Super Mutant 0009E8E9 Super Mutant 0002AB96 Super Mutant 0004147E Super Mutant 0009E8E5 Super Mutant 0009E8E3 Super Mutant 000513EE Super Mutant 000251B2 Super Mutant 00014C79 Super Mutant 000C34D2 Super Mutant 00029035 Super Mutant Behemoth 0001CF95 Super Mutant Behemoth 0001F567 Super Mutant Behemoth 0006F587 Super Mutant Behemoth 00028FED Super Mutant Behemoth 0004BAF8 Super Mutant Behemoth 00097F30 Super Mutant Brute 0009E8DE Super Mutant Brute 00092C4C Super Mutant Brute 0003A148 Super Mutant Brute 00094EC8 Super Mutant Brute 0009E8E1 Super Mutant Brute 0009E8E2 Super Mutant Brute 00094EC7 Super Mutant Brute 0009E8E0 Super Mutant Brute 00092C4F Super Mutant Brute 00094ECA Super Mutant Brute 000513F1 Super Mutant Brute 00027FB6 Super Mutant Brute 00027FB3 Super Mutant Brute 00094EC9 Super Mutant Master 00027FB2 Super Mutant Master 00094ECC Super Mutant Master 0003A149 Super Mutant Master 00094ECE Super Mutant Master 00094ECB Super Mutant Master 00094ECD Super Mutant Master 00092C4D Super Mutant Master 00092C4E Talon Company Guard Dog 0008F0CF Thomas Jefferson 000C053F Uncle Leo 0004F793 Vicious Dog 000AB48B Vicious Dog 000381DF Vicious Dog 0005CC80 Vicious Dog 000406AA Vicious Dog 0001D418 Wadsworth 0007F477 Wolfgang's Pack Brahmin 00027DE5 Yao Guai 0001CFA0 Yao Guai 000C394C Yao Guai 000838B4 # Perk codes Use one of the following values with the "player.addperk [perk code]" and "player.removeperk [perk code]" codes. Note: All "Survival" and "Junior Survivor" are perks from "The Wasteland Survival Guide" quest line. Perk Code Adamantium Skeleton 00094EC4 Action Boy 00031DBA Action Girl 0007B202 Animal Friend 00031DB5 Ant Senses (Quest Perk) 000C1A6C Ant Strength (Quest Perk) 000C1A6B Barkskin (Quest Perk) 00035E04 Better Criticals 00031DBB Black Widow 00094EB8 Bloody Mess 00094EBA Cannible 00094EBC Chemist 0009982D Chem Resistant 00099827 Child at Heart 00003142 Commando 00099828 Comprehension 00031DE1 Computer Wiz 00031DC4 Concentrated Fire 00044CAF Contract Killer 00044CA8 Cyborg 00044CAB Daddy's Boy 00044948 Daddy's Girl 00069310 Dream Crusher (Quest Perk) 00030FEB Demolition Expert 00031DAB Educated 00031DD8 Explorer 00031DE5 Entomologist 00031DD9 Fast Metabolism 00094EBF Finesse 00094EC1 Fortune Finder 00031DE3 Grim Reaper Spirit 00099834 Gun Nut 0004494E Gunslinger 00094EBB Hemophiliac (Quest Perk) 00003131 Here and Now 00031DAC Impartial Meditation 00044CAD Infiltrator 00044CB0 Intense Training 00044CB1 Iron Fist 00031DDB Junior Survivor (A) (Quest Perk) +5 Max Health, +2% Rad, Poison Resistance 0002D3A2 Junior Survivor (B) (Quest Perk) +4 Medicine and Science, +2% Rad and Poison Resistance 000331D4 Junior Survivor © (Quest Perk) +2% Damage and Rad, Poison Resistance 000331D5 Junior Survivor (D) (Quest Perk) +2 Speech and Sneak, +2% Rad and Poison Resistance 000331D6 Junior Survivor (E) (Quest Perk) +1% Critical Chance, +2% Rad and Poison Resistance 000331D7 Lady Killer 00094EB9 Law Bringer 00044CAC Lead Belly 00044CA9 Light Step 00031DB7 Life Giver 00031DB1 Little Leaguer 00014B97 Master Trader 00031DB8 Mister Sandman 00031DAD Mysterious Stranger 00031DBC Nerd Rage 00044CA7 Night Person 00094EBD Ninja 00031DCC Paralyzing Palm 00044CAA PowerArmor Training (Quest Perk) 00058FDF PyroManiac 00031DB2 Rad Resistance 00031DA9 Rad Regeneration (Quest Perk) 0003066B Robotics Expert 00031DC2 Scoundrel 00044CA6 Scrounger 00031DAA Silent Running 00031DB3 Size Matters 0009982E Sniper 00031DB4 Solar Powered 00031DC5 Strong Back 00031DDE Survival Expert (A) (Quest Perk) +10 Max Health,+ 4% Rad and Poison Resistance 0002D3A1 Survival Expert (B) (Quest Perk) +4 Medicine and Science, +4% Rad and Poison Resistance) 000331D8 Survival Expert © +4% Damage and Rad, Poison Resistance 000331D9 Survival Expert (D) (Quest Perk) +4 Speech and Sneak, +4% Rad and Poison Resistance) 000331DA Survival Expert (E) (Quest Perk) +2% Critical Chance, +4% Rad and Poison Resistance) 000331DB Survival Guru (A) (Quest Perk) +15 Max Health, +6% Rad, and Poison Resistance 0002D3A0 Survival Guru (B) (Quest Perk) +6 Medicine and Science, +6% Rad and Poison Resistance 000331DC Survival Guru © (Quest Perk) (+6% Damage and Rad, and Poison Resistance 000331DD Survival Guru (D) (Quest Perk) +6 Speech and Sneak, +6% Rad, and Poison, Resistance 000331DE Survival Guru (E) (Quest Perk) +3% Critical Chance, +6% Rad and Poison Resistance 000331DF Swift Learner 00031DD3 Tag 00031DBD Thief 00031DD6 Toughness 00031DE0 Well Rested 00061822 Wired Reflexes (Quest Perk) 00024D5C # Perk and aid effect codes Use one of the following values with the "player.addspell [perk or aid code]" code: Result Code Action Boy 00031D90 Action Girl 0007B200 Adv. Rad Poison 00032DEF Agility Boost 000630F1 Alcohol Withdrawal 0006AA60 Ant Senses 000C2527 Ant Strength 000C2526 Atomization 0005B141 Average Water 00000147 Bad Water 00045656 Barkskin 0006F590 Barter Boost 000630F3 Better Rivet City Prices 0006F592 Big Guns Boost 000630F4 Bloody Mess 00077641 Bloody Mess 00079AE3 Buffout Withdrawal 00033066 Burning Explosion 000A73D7 BurningNormal 00060C12 BurningNormalSkin 00061DE1 Charisma Boost 000630E8 Concussion 0006533A Crit. Rad Poison 00032DED Cyborg 00031D8D Daddy's Boy (1) 0004494B Daddy's Boy (2) 0004494C Daddy's Boy (3) 0004494D Daddy's Girl (1) 00077789 Daddy's Girl (2) 0007778A Daddy's Girl (3) 0007778B Deadly Rad Poison 00032DF0 Disintegration 000BDA30 Disintegration 0005C6C3 EMP Disable 0005B148 Enclave Eyebot Broadcast 0003E616 Endurance Boost 000630E7 Energy Weapons Boost 000630F5 Explosives Boost 000630F6 Fatal Rad Poison 000448E2 Finesse (1) 00094EC0 Galaxy News Broadcast Effect 000C0548 Good Luck 000C34D1 Good Water 00020517 Gooification 00092C48 Gun Nut (1) 0004494F Gun Nut (2) 00044950 Gun Nut (3) 00044951 Head Crippled 00067572 Immune to Fire 000B7CC9 Immune to Radiation 00060C16 Imolation 00044AF6 Impartial Mediation 00044CA3 Improved Barter 000A5F23 Improved Barter 000A5F21 Improved Medicine 000A5F1E Improved Medicine 000A5F24 Improved Repair 000A5F20 Improved Repair 000A5F25 Improved Science 000A5F1F Improved Science 000A5F26 Improved Speech 000A5F22 Improved Speech 000A5F27 Intelligence Boost 000630F0 Iron Fist (1) 00031DA0 Iron Fist (2) 00031DA1 Iron Fist (3) 00031DA2 Jet Withdrawal 00033067 Kamikaze 00094EC3 Lethal Water 00020D76 Life Giver (1) 00031D88 Life Giver (2) 00031D8A Life Giver (3) 00031D8B Little Leaguer (1) 00031D9F Little Leaguer (2) 00044949 Little Leaguer (3) 0004494A Lockpick Boost 000630F8 Luck Boost 000630F2 Med-X Withdrawal 0002AE29 Medicine Boost 000630F9 Melee Weapons Boost 000630FA Mentats Withdrawal 00033063 Mesmetron Migraine 0001E004 Minor Rad Poison 00032DEE More Burning 0001DEA8 Nectar Withdrawal 0005E2AD Nerd Rage! 00044CA4 Night Person 00094EBE Ninja 0007B201 Paralyzing Palm 0006B20B Perception Boost 000630E6 Poison 0004D844 Poison 0004D843 Poison 0006B20E Poison Immunity 0007D4F3 Psycho Withdrawal 00033064 Purified Water 000B878F Qtm. Cola Withdrawal 0009ADE7 Rad Poisoning 0009ADE8 Rad Resistance 00031D85 Rad. Limb Healing 0006F5A2 Radiation Burst 0006191A Radiation Healing 000617BE Radiation Resistance 000617BD Radiation Resistance 0006E770 Repair Boost 000630FB Sawbones' Precision 000BD074 Science Boost 000630FC Scoundrel (1) 00044CA5 Scoundrel (2) 00044CA1 Scoundrel (3) 00044CA2 Sharpshooter 0005C6B9 Silent Running 00031D8C Size Matters (1) 0009982F Size Matters (2) 00099830 Size Matters (3) 00099831 Sly Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F59E Sly Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F599 Sly Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F594 Small Guns Boost 000630FD Smart Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F5A0 Smart Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F59B Smart Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F596 Sneak Boost 000630FE Snide Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F59D Snide Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F598 Snide Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F593 Solar Powered 00031D94 Speech Boost 000630FF Stealth Boy Invis Spell 0007E474 Stealth Shield 0008AF5C Strength Boost 000630E5 Suit Med-X 0006CABE Terrible Water 00020D77 Thief (1) 00031D92 Thief (2) 00031D95 Thief (3) 00031D9B Tough Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F59F Tough Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F59A Tough Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F595 Toughness 00031D7D Ultrajet Withdrawal 000C9CF5 Unarmed Boost 00063100 Wasteland Survival Assistant 0006F5A1 Wasteland Survival Expert 0006F59C Wasteland Survival Guru 0006F597 WaterBreathing 0005876C Well Rested 00062696 Well Rested 00062697 [iRONI]Jeg Jukser Aldri! [/iRONI] Lenke til kommentar
Batnobbit Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 Take no prisoners, take no shit Megadeth ftw Lenke til kommentar
kris98 Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 Lenke til kommentar
TobbeOo Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 1f u c4n r34d th1s u r34lly n33d t0 g37 l41d Lenke til kommentar
Zulærn Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 Lenke til kommentar
Afternoon Delight Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 Marvin Spectrum Lenke til kommentar
KKake Skrevet 29. august 2009 Del Skrevet 29. august 2009 Lenke til kommentar
2ball_ Skrevet 30. august 2009 Del Skrevet 30. august 2009 (endret) jeg tenner nesten på meg sev jeg er så dødsbra, lizz ;; Edit: :!: Endret 30. august 2009 av 2ball(s) Lenke til kommentar
Afternoon Delight Skrevet 30. august 2009 Del Skrevet 30. august 2009 [/url] [/url] Must see!! lattis tror han er seriøs! Lenke til kommentar
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