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Rettelse, Wild Lands Of Zelata er det eneste stedet du kan lvle fra 20-40. Lenge siden jeg har lvl'et noe i Cimmeria nå i Conals Vally, men der er det vel mest opptil rundt 35 tror jeg hvis jeg ikke husker helt feil. Og da kan man nesten bare dra rett til Field of the Dead siden de første mobsa der er jo fra 37++.

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Rettelse, Wild Lands Of Zelata er det eneste stedet du kan lvle fra 20-40. Lenge siden jeg har lvl'et noe i Cimmeria nå i Conals Vally, men der er det vel mest opptil rundt 35 tror jeg hvis jeg ikke husker helt feil. Og da kan man nesten bare dra rett til Field of the Dead siden de første mobsa der er jo fra 37++.

Conals Valley er hovedsakelig 20-30, er noe elite-greier opp til 32, veldig lite etter det.


Wild Lands of Zelata har masse quests for 30-40 (I tillegg til 20-30 questene).

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Noen som nettopp har startet forfra igjen? Tenkte å hive meg på aoc igjen, og det hadde vært hyggelig med noe å spille med som ikke er for høy lvl. Har en 80character på aquelonia men hadde ikke tenkt å spille videre på den dark templaren. Samme hvilke server. Anyone?

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da har jeg kjøpt meg ny laptop, en toshiba satelite 350 (8600 og ati3650) tenkte jeg skulle installere conan på denne, men har ikke cden med. husker det var en som spurte tidligere. noen som vet hvor man kan laste ned patchern?

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Her er de siste patch notene fra 1.05 patchen hvis noen er interessert



Funcom Added May 28th


* Xibaluku: The Martyr of Votantha should no longer occasionally become a pacifist after resetting.

* Lachlan's dialog in Field of the Dead is no longer missing subtitles.

* Added a sound to the Eiglophian Mountains quest "Out of the Frying Pan". A growling sound can now be heard when telling Attadeus: "Quiet, priest! I heard something!"

* Particle effects in Necromancer pet spells should no longer appear long after the "throw spell" animation.

* Some quest items have new descriptions and inventory icons.

* The squat-emote should now have proper transitions in and out of the animation, and any capes worn will no longer be stiff as a plank during the emote.

* Female characters in character selection screen will no longer freeze after the first idle animation has played.

* The setup of mounted charges has been overhauled, and the charge-animations should play more reliably now.

* Changed the name of several items in Atzel's Fortress. Ulric's Lawful Mace; Westermarck Mace.

* Quite a few lipsynch animations where updated.





* Guild chat should now be available to any new member immediately.

* The Name of the character who is inspected should now update correctly when using 'View Player Equipment'.

* There will now be a warning message when attempting to promote a guild mate if it will result in demoting yourself.





* Capture the Skull matches should now end correctly instead of ending with 3 seconds left in the round.





* Sending commands to your pets should no longer make them stuck during knockback.

* Players who are spellweaving will now be properly affected by knockbacks.

* The general rogue feats Natural Protection and Toughness had their values mixed up, this has now been corrected.

* All silence effects now grant 20 second silence immunity to the target when applied.





* All cone heals should now tick the correct amount of times. The final tick would not register occasionally.

* All team heals now have the same duration: - Emanation of Life's duration has been increased to 20.5 seconds (up from 13 seconds). - Healing Lotus' duration has been increased to 20.5 seconds (up from 17 seconds).






* Increased the duration of Lotus Overdose to 15 seconds.

* Reduced the duration of Avatar of Death to 15 seconds.

* Removed the Lotus Withdraw penalty from Lotus Overdose.



* The duration of the Throat Slash debuff has been increased to 2 seconds.

* Throat Slash now functions as a spell/combo interrupt and not a stun.

* Throat Slash now applies Silence immunity instead of Stun immunity.

* Throat Slash now displays as a level 25 combo.


Herald of Xotli

* Slightly reduced the spell damage coefficient of Tongue of Xotli.

* Slightly reduced the damage done by Tongue of Xotli.



* Slightly reduced the spell damage coefficient of the Chill explosion effect.

* Slightly reduced the damage done by the Chill explosion effect.


Priest of Mitra

*The damage from Mitra's Searing Eye as been increased against non-undead or demon targets. The damage against Undead and Demons remains the same.



Funcom Added June 2nd


Dark Templar

* Talisman Mastery now grants the Blood Hex and Shadow Hex spells in addition to its current function. These spells are only available while the Talisman Mastery buff is active.

* Blood Hex: Inflicts damage on the target, heals the Templar, and applies the Hexed debuff. The Hexed effect can be stacked up to 3 times and increases the damage and healing done by Blood Hex and the damage dealt by Shadow Hex. The hexes stop if the Talisman Mastery buff is removed from the Templar.

* Shadow Hex: Inflicts damage on the target and applies the Hexed debuff. The Hexed effect can be stacked up to 3 times and increases the damage and healing done by Blood Hex and the damage dealt by Shadow Hex. The hexes stop if the Talisman Mastery buff is removed from the Templar.

* The amount of damage the Dread Shadow can absorb has been greatly increased.



* Fixed the Circle of Magic feat to correctly increase the damage of Shockstrike.

* Shrink will now only affect the Demon pets summoned by the Demonologist.

* Incinerate Stacks: Incinerate will now only stack up for the player that casts it. If an other player casts Fires of Gehenna they will no longer start on the same stack as the other demonlogists that have already stacked up Incinerate. Detonation will now only consume the casters Incinerate stack.



* The feat "Spell - Corpse Detonation" has been removed and replaced with the feat "Spell - Undead Champion: Slaughter Wraith". This new spell allows the summoning of a new undead champion pet, the Slaughter Wraith. This pet costs 6 points to summon and maintain

* The following spells have changed from being point-blank AOE spells to be target AOE spells: Parasitic Soul Swarm, Decay, Soul Frost and Plagued Heart Curse.


Tempest of Set

* The cooldown on Storm Blood has been lowered to 2 minutes.

* Serpent Transmutation has been changed to have a duration of 10 seconds (up from 7), a recast time of 5 minutes (down from 15) and grants 133% invulnerability (down from 160%).

* Removed the internal 1 second cooldown on gaining Soul Prison charges. You will now gain multiple charges if you kill multiple enemies simultaneously.




* Many passive AoE effects, such as Avatar of Xotli, Gangrenous Stench, and Necrotic Leech, will no longer pulse their AoE damage while Shield of the Risen is active.



* The Smuggler in Old Tarantia will now offer to take players to the Tarantia Common District.

Ymirs Pass

* The Amphitheatre of Karutonia: There will be no more Degenerate Fiend invasions.


* New item rewards added to several quests on Tortage, including: Dry Times, Path of the Pirate, The Legendary Turach, Empty Reserves, Of Rotting Flesh, The Evil that Men Do, Tailored Tasks and Letter to the King.

Raid Changes

* All raid monsters except bosses have had their health, damage and mitigation reduced. This makes it slightly less important to have all mitigation debuffs up at all times, and will generally make trash fights and add fights easier.

* Reduced the cast time and damage of Final Blow. It will no longer increase the DPS of the mob.

* Players are now able to mitigate more raid boss spells using special abilities.

* Temporarly removed the lightmap in Black Ring Citadel, making it alot lighter.



* Stacksizes for pots and consumables have been adjusted.



* Attackers are no longer able to keep or get siege weapons while in the defenders raid.

Last edited by Hellfyre : 06-02-2009 at 06:35 PM.




Funcom Added June 3rd



* Female characters in the character selection screen will no longer freeze after the first idle animation has played.


* Screenspace Fog is now supported by ATI cards.


* Rebalanced the spells of all raid mobs.

* Fixed a bug with spellcasting raid npcs so they will not always hit for +95% damage anymore.

* The new Raid NPC is up! Raidmaster will currently be located in Tortage near Fate offering raid gear and much more!



* You now need the correct riding book trained to be able to use your mount.

* Pressing ESC will no longer disrupt the dismount animation.

* Players are unable to mount while jumping/falling anymore.



* The root will no longer be applied from a failed mounted charge attack.

* Fixed an issue that caused a player's health to exceed their max health.



Funcom Added June 4th



* Feat reset costs have been capped to 10 Gold.

* Fixed an issue that caused bad lag spikes and disconnects.


* Additional hate from combos is only added when in defensive stance.



Funcom Added June 5th


Bear Shaman

* All Manifestation spells will now overwrite each other when cast.


Dark Templar

* Doubled the proc rate of the Drain Strength debuff (was 5 PPM, now 10 PPM).



* Shield of Infernal Flames will now last 1 hour. Up from 30 mins.



* The necromancer pet "Blighted One" had a slight health fix, and will now appear with 100% healthbar on the client when it is a full health. This change is only visual, and does not affect the combat performance.



* Fixed an issue causing the opener damage of Piercing Shot I to be significantly higher than it should be.




* Player pets now have more hit points.

* Updated two of the NPCs Super Natural Spells that had way to high DPS.




* Boosted all tier 2 raid gear loot!

* You can now resurrect in BRC!

* All Raid mob stats have been evaluated and adjusted.


Funcom Added June 12th




* Charge abilities will now go on cooldown when the charge starts instead of when the charge ends.

* Magic and Defense Rating buffs should no longer appear in your spellbook or on your hot bars.

* Solo spellcaster NPC and some group spellcaster NPC have had their damage output toned down a bit.

* Fixed an exploit that allowed players to walk on water while stealthed.

* Attack driection on new combo icons should now always display when new combo is learned.

* Updated Spellweaving buff effects to increase Base Spell Damage instead of Spell Damage Modifier.



* The heal particle effect for Renewal, Blood Flow, and Healing Lotus will continue to display until the heal is finished.



* Goad and Goad Mob now apply a blocker effect to their targets. This blocker prevents Goad and Goad Mob from affecting this target for 30 seconds.

* Reduced the cooldown of Goad to 90 seconds.

* The hate bonus on soldier Defensive Stance has been increased to 5%.



Bear Shaman

* Particles now display when casting Rune of Resistance or Rune of Resilience.



*Furious Resurgence casting time reduced to 1 second [down from 4 seconds].

*Furious Resurgence no longer requires you to have Furious Inspiration stacks running when using the ability.


Dark Templar

* All ranks of martyrdom will now place a team heal effect that lasts for 20seconds.

* All ranks of martyrdom now has a team heal particle effect associated with it.



* Reduced the radius of the Black Ashes effect to match the radius of Inferno of Amher.

* Spellweaving buff Hand of Doom will now correctly give a 100% crit chance to Gate of Hell, Inferno of Amher, Shockblast, Thunderclap and Waves of Flame. The 100% crit chance to Hell's Garden has been removed from the buff.


Priest of Mitra

* The Priest of Mitra spellweaving buffs no longer affect the obsolete spell Shielding Litany.

* Mitra's Will now reduces the mana penalty of Purification of Mitra by 30/60/90% (up from 25/50/75%).

* Ether Discharge will now restore mana for each target affected by Wave of Life.


Tempest of Set

* Tempest of Set buff Degradation of Set will now apply the intended Elemental Wrack debuff instead of Spiritual Wrack.




* Increased his magical resistances.

* Decreased his health.

* The damage increase gained by the adds in the Ahazu-Zagam encounter will now be visible on their debuff list. This is a purely visual change.



* Reduced her health.

* Increased the power of the final stack of the Unholy Invulnerability debuff used by the Shadow Imp Lord.


Champion of The Honorguard

* Reduced his health and DPS.



* Reduced the health of Chatha.

* Chatha is no longer immune to hate modifying abilities in phase 2.

* Increased the health of Satorus.

* Increased the power of the "strength in numbers" reactive damage shield.



* Reduced Excorant's mitigation values in Phase 1 to allow tanks to hold aggro more easily.

* Reduced the hitpoints of Blood-Fused Black Ring Gargoyle.

* Increased the cooldown of Blood-fused Black Ring Gargoyle fear.



* Reduced the health of Leviathus.



* Decreased his health.

* Increased the health, dps and magic resists of the adds.

* Made the first poison invulnerability debuff a reactive procc as well as a spell cast by Sabazios.

* The poison invulnerability debuff in the Sabazios-encounter has been renamed to Toxic Frailty, and it will now display a stack counter on the debuff icon.

* The first rank of the poison invulnerability debuff in the Sabazios-encounter will no longer coexist with the others, but be removed when a new one is added to the stack.



* Reduced the health of the adds.



* Reduced the health of Yaremka.



* Reduced the damage of the Dark Flames ability.



Atzel's Fortress

* The boss Osithmes in Aztel's Fortress had his spell Dark Force changed.

Black Ring Citadel

* Reduced textures and fixed UV rendered lightmaps.

Oasis of Zaara

* Tribal Chief Rak'tunab now resets correctly when his totems are out.


* New item rewards added to several quests on Tortage, including: Dry Times, Path of the Pirate, The Legendary Turach, Empty Reserves, Of Rotting Flesh, The Evil that Men Do, Tailored Tasks and Letter to the King.

Tarantia Commons

* Fixed a World Design issue that caused Wharf Rat npcs to fall through geometry.

* Fixed numerous text issues where fixed in some Quest dialogues.

White Sands Isle

* The grass around the resurrection points and camps have been removed.


* The Martyr of Votantha encounter in Xibaluku has been nerfed quite a bit.



* Most caster weapons have had their magical damage values tweaked.

* Changed magic damage distribution on items.

* Bearshaman's 'Boots of Vernant Fury' should now have the correct inventory icon.

* Replaced Magical Health Tap on the Priest of Mitra Raid staff with Magical Mana Tap.

* Tweaked stats on raid quivers and bolts.

* Tweaked pre raid melee weapon progression.

* Lowered Magical Damage Effect cap to approximately 20% for PowerTiers: World Blues and under.



* All versions of the keep building should now have proper collision.

* The defenders have constructed additional hidden tunnels in each battlekeep that allow them to get out of their inner courtyard.



Funcom Added June 16th



* Obsolete spells and abilities should no longer be in your spellbook or on your hotbar upon loggin in.

* When your charge is interrupted (by a root or knockback for example) you won't deal damage anymore.

* Lance of Mitra and other Spells that proc will now proc on huge targets as well correctly (Healing from Lance of Mitra now works with Vistrix)



* The Assassin Raid daggers should now have their original visual back.




* Bottom feeders now properly reset when kited to the top floor.


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Gjest Slettet-NIoHlfL

6 innlegg som fortsatte en stengt tråd, eller var reaksjoner på moderering, er fjernet fra tråden da det er OT. Klage på moderering bør rettes til den aktuelle moderatoren via PM. Generelle tilbakemeldinger kan også postes i tilbakemeldingsforumene våre.


(Ikke kommenter dette innlegget i tråden, reaksjoner på moderering taes via PM)

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Bruker corruption, eneste GUI som passet meg. Stonerune ser jo litt grei ut men orket ikke å fikse keybinds på nytt når jeg prøvde den.


Prøvde å legge inn en gang, men fikk problemer med det. Er det noen gode tips om hvordan man legger in en GUI?

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Du må bruke ett annen program for å patche GUI filene så de blir oppdatert.


Anbefaler AOC UI installer.

Er ganske sikker på at det var det jeg brukte, men den fant ikke spillet, fikk jeg beskjed om. Og spillet er der, jeg har jo prøvd det litt nesten hver eneste dag de siste ukene :p

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Du må bruke ett annen program for å patche GUI filene så de blir oppdatert.


Anbefaler AOC UI installer.

Er ganske sikker på at det var det jeg brukte, men den fant ikke spillet, fikk jeg beskjed om. Og spillet er der, jeg har jo prøvd det litt nesten hver eneste dag de siste ukene :p


når du har fått åpnet den, så velger du det øverste valget. (pass på at du har valgt riktig mappe... Funcom -> Age of Conan)


Dette gjør du etter du har lagt UI-filene/mappene på riktig sted. (dette er forklart i readme)

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Er det meg eller er conquereror en veldig populær klasse? Springe rundt i tortage, og alle jeg har sett til nå har vært den klassen utenom en barbar. Det er jo kjedelig viss alle er samme klasse som meg! Hvordan er det utover ?


Er nok endel som har starta på en conq, etter at det ble annosert full-plate til conq/dt etter patchen. Men jeg har inntrykk av at det er mest demo/necro/hox/tos rundt omkring.

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