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Problemet med ATI kort og aoc er som vanlig drivere eller noe annet krøll..


Akkurat nå er dx10 bugget igjen med skygger som følger med deg hele tiden og gjør alt mørkt. Virker også som det bare er ati brukere som har dette problemet.

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Problemet med ATI kort og aoc er som vanlig drivere eller noe annet krøll..


Akkurat nå er dx10 bugget igjen med skygger som følger med deg hele tiden og gjør alt mørkt. Virker også som det bare er ati brukere som har dette problemet.


Samma problemet med skyggene jeg og.. Har ATi kort

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Jepp, langt ifra FAIL. Står klart og tydelig at det er en TESTversjon, og det er ingen som tvinger deg til å bruke den. Testversjonen er lansert på live for å kunne lokalisere feilene raskest mulig, slik at de kan lansere "fullversjonen".


Og skjønner det godt at de setter den til Live for å teste, siden TestLive serveren er ganske død for øyeblikket.

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Downet Excorant i går med guildet. Knallmorsom kamp!


Vi også prøvde den i går...ble masse wipes der, ja :)

Var bare 20 stk, og mangla endel dps, men interessant kamp. Forøvrig første gang jeg er i BRC. Må vel studere litt taktikk for disse bossene.




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Taktikkoffiseren vår har satt seg ned og skrevet komplett taktikkguide for både Wing 1 og Wing 2, så om ønskelig kan jeg poste iallefall for Wing 1?


Merk: Taktikken er på engelsk, men regner ikke med at det blir noe problem.

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Taktikkoffiseren vår har satt seg ned og skrevet komplett taktikkguide for både Wing 1 og Wing 2, så om ønskelig kan jeg poste iallefall for Wing 1?


Merk: Taktikken er på engelsk, men regner ikke med at det blir noe problem.


Gjerne det. Engelsk er ikke noe problem :)




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Gjerne det. Engelsk er ikke noe problem :)





Excorant the Gargoyle Master


This is the 1st Boss of BRC Wing 1. It’s a 2 Phases encounter were you need to kill the Boss twice.



PHASE 1: Human Form


This is the initial Phase with the Gargoyle Master in Human form. During this phase the boss will randomly petrify participants and the raid will have to kill the Gargoyle Adds he will animate (2 at a time each 45 seconds) before been able to face him in Human Form, it will end after the raid “kill” him, at which point, after a few seconds dead, he will stand up and transform in a big Gargoyle, starting Phase 2.


Task 1: Boss Tanking

A tank will have to move the Boss from his initial position at the Molten Lava Cauldron along the center of the room to the middle of each Gargoyle pair. Wait there for the gargoyles to animate and then move to the next pair, until no more Gargoyles can be animated and the fight continues close to the closed Door until the Human Form is killed.


Task 2: Gargoyle Adds Tanking

At regular intervals the 2 Gargoyles closer to the Cauldron will animate and go straight to attack the Boss Tank. 2 OfftTanks will have to intercept them 1 each, generate fast hate, and get them together so the Raid can DPS them fast before the next pair animates.


Task 3: DPS

You will have to be quick and precise as the Offtanks don’t have too much time to generate initial hate, so you will have to wait a bit to DPS after each Gargoyle Pair animates, but once you start, go full out as the current pair needs to die before the next one animates. Notice that Gargoyle adds can fear occasionally, so if you are a ranged DPS remember that a feared tank cannot retain agro on them, so be ready to kite and lure the Adds towards the Offtank for him to Goad back. You can’t loose a second here. After all the Adds are dead, you will DPS the Boss itself. After he drops dead, remember to step away and let the tanks to be close or at the beginning of Phase 2 he will target you instead of a tank.


Task 4: Unpetrifier

Usually one healer will be assigned the role of “The Unpetrifier”. On death, each Gargoyle Add will drop a pool of sand on the floor, this is the component you need to use the Unpetrify spell that magical users can learn by visiting the cauldrons on the halls just before the Boss room. Normally the Raid Leader will tell you who is the person to unpetrify, but in general it will always be a pack of 3 or more players that are together on the center of the room. The Unpetrify spell is a cone so be sure you position yourself correctly to “release” as much ppl as possible on each Sand spent.



TIP 1: What to do if you are petrified? Been petrified is not an instant effect, you will notice how you move slowly for 10 seconds before becoming fully paralyzed. Well, what you have to do, as soon as you detect that you are moving slower than usual, is move ASAP towards the center of the room and get close to other persons petrified. At some point the “Unpetrifier” will be commanded to release persons there (If that happens be sure you move away immediatly as seems that there is a chance you are petrified again if you don't do so). If by the end of Phase 1, all Sand Pools are spent and you are still petrified, if you are a caster, you can Spellweave to your death and hope for a conq rezz… If you can’t spellweave… Get some popcorn and enjoy watching the fight ;-).




PHASE 2: Gargoyle Form


After killing him in human form, he will cheat the Death, jump back and polymorph into a Giant Gargoyle himself… This time, if the raid kills him again, he will be dead for good.


Task 1: Boss Tanking

This is the delicate part, he hits hard, so 2 or more tanks we will be needed to generate hate and whithstand his hits. Keep in mind that he will also Fear at fixed intervals. After each Fear he resets the hate of ANYONE feared, you included, so charge back and Goad ASAP or he will start to kill DPS.


Task 2: DPS

Simple… Kill the big guy. There is a caveat, although, he fears at fixed intervals moment at which he cleans the hate list from ALL feared persons so is up to you to decide to be close to be feared also and thus safe, or stay away doing dps on fears and risk a tank to get close and Goad him back or die. In any case keep in mind that as of today, he is VERY LIKELY to cast Final Blow if he has even the slightest problem reaching you (because some players block his path or you are hiding behind one of the multiple obstacles of the room) so hiding/blocking his path can be worse than just let yourself be feared as the rest.


Yaremka the Soul Eater

This lengthy fight is a test of patience and coordination while a small group of players keeps the “Rage of the Beast” under control, and the rest of persons DPS the Boss down.


Task 1: Orb Clicker

You will be one of the 4 guys “shocking” Yaremka each time he is about to become enraged. To do so you need to control a few facts. The orb you need to use is hidden on the lateral alcoves on Yaremka’s room. You will be assigned to click one in particular, and it will be the same on BOTH alcoves. The trick about orb using is that you have to wait for Yaremka to become enraged to click your orb, and all 4 users need to do it correctly at the same time for Yaremka to Pacify. So to coordinate this you really need to keep targeted Yaremka and see his casting bar… When you see he STARTS casting a spell called “Enrage” you have to activate your assigned Orb (by Right Clicking it). If after the “Enrage” casting ends you see another spell called “Pacify” you and your fellow clickers have done a good job and you will have to run to the other alcove for the next “Enrage” to happen.


Task 2: Tank

You and another tank will tank this Boss as usual (changing agro) but you need to pay attention to some peculiarities. First, Yaremka need to be carefully positioned between the 2 big floating orbs at each column on the laterals of the room, so after each Enrage you need to lure him to the other side and position it in front of the column, it’s not as hard as it may seem… But sometimes he feels the urge of going very close to the Orb Clickers, if that happens move a bit towards the center of the room to make him return and then try, again to get your back on the column. Second, Yaremka does an unresistable knockback twice per “Enrage” called “Power Smash”, so be sure you tank with your back to the Column or you will be moved around with the risk that as Yaremka follows you, he can get outside the “Shocking” range of the 2 big floating orbs, thus making impossible for the Orb Clickers to Pacify him. Third, even on a perfect Orb Clicking, you will be hit ONCE very hard right after he casts “Enrage”, reserve your Cunning Deflection and activate it when you see Yaremka casting “Enrage” to minimize the damage taken. Fourth, also twice per Enrage, Yaremka will try to cast “Eat your Soul” to the second hated person, there is an specialized ToS team that will take care that this do not happen but, even silenced, Yaremka will try to walk towards the intended target, so it’s important that the 2nd tank be as high on hate as possible so he doesn’t wander from the “shocking zone”. If you are not the current agro holder, try to generate as much hate as possible, and if you see Yaremka wandering away for a moment on each “Eat your Soul” attempt this means you are not the 2nd on hate list, Goad and become the current agro holder so the 2 tanks are ALWAYS on top of the hate list.


Task 3: Silencer

You will take turns with another Tempest of Set to cast Thundering Voice when you see Yaremka casting “Eat your Soul”. He will try to do this twice per Enrage, so EACH ToS will have to silence him once per Enrage. It’s easy to be prepared to cast it as each “Eat your Soul” will happen very soon right after your TV gets out of cooldown. Just be sure you coordinate with the other ToS who cast the 1st TV right after pull. While waiting for TV to get out of CD you can regularly DPS Yaremka. If you stay close to the small steps at a middle position between the 2 big columns Yaremka will be always in range of your TV and you will also be safe of any Knockback he can make. If by whatever reason you fail you TV be sure you say so on TS so the healers can ready themselves to heal the 2nd tank as he will receive a nasty DoT that can kill him.


Task 4: DPS

This is a long fight, so focus on doing as much DPS as possible… Because of the same reason, we call for a CEASE FIRE until Yaremka has done his 1st Enrage. This is to give the Tanks enough hate advantage to not have an accidental agro theft late on the fight. If you are melee, after the initial cease fire is lifted by the Raid Leader, go mad and fully DPS it. Ranged DPS, watchout your DPS as the tanks will be regularly knockbacked and cannot generate hate while moving Yaremka from one column to the other, so as a rule of thumb, is better if you don’t attack Yaremka while the tanks are travelling from one lateral to the other… Remember wasting 10 minutes of fight because you steal agro, luring Yaremka away from the pacification zone, triggering a wipe, it’s not worth the 10 or 20 extra seconds doing “safe DPS” will change your top DPS generation... So think how you can contribute “better” for the kill.


TIP 1: You not seeing Yaremka casting bar? There are 2 common causes of this:

1) Debuffs are hiding the casting bar. Before the fight, actvate the option “Show timer bar” on your GUI advanced tab and move the bar to a position you can see always (By right click dragging the, now visible, bar).

2) Forced detarget bug… As of today there is a nasty bug on AoC GUI. If you wander far away from a mob you have targeted you can’t retarget it directly and most important, you WILL NOT SEE ITS casting bar even if you see its HP bars. So BE SURE that when you get far away you target someone else and then retarget Yaremka if your task requires an acqurate readout of the Casting Bar (Quite often this bug affects the Orb Clickers).


TIP 2: Is Yaremka circling around the columns? No... He is not playing hide'n seek. If you are a melee DPS you need to open a path so Yaremka can follow the tanks to the position in front of the Columns. So wait on the laterals until Yaremka is stabilized by the tanks and stays static between the floating orbs before "closing in" and occupy all the space around it.



Sabazios the Insane

Revision History:

27/03/2009: Initial Release


The last encounter of Wing 1 and, opposed as you may expect, the easiest of all. This is an AOE gank fest were everyone can go mad, unleash their ultimate powers of doom and then brag happily about how well they performed on the DPS meter :biggrin:.


Task 1: Wall of Steel member

You will be part of a Wall of Steel, creating a solid line of tanks that will block the space between the wall and the Snake Statue on the right alcove from were Sabazios stands. Your goal is not moving at all and generate hate/goad Sabazios regularly so he can’t get past you. Collateraly, if you do a good job as WoS member, no small add will pass through to harm the AoE DPS behind you.


Task 2: DPS

Use as much AoE DPS as you can, while keeping your single target attack on Sabazios. Spellweave and launch ANYTHING you can… The best defense you can have here is killing everything before it can do enough damage to you or some other person. The small snakes stun, which is quite annoying buf if you take care of been close to other AoE users, they will protect you while you recover. Remember that you need to let the tanks in the front and allow healers to spread around so their heals can affect everyone. So pay attention before the pull to position yourself correctly, and allowing the other to position also.


TIP 1: This is too crowded, how I can reach my target? Remember that Crouch can allow you to pass through other persons, so use this to move while the madness is unleashed or before pulling to reach the ideal position for your way to do DPS. Don’t be afraid of using Crouch once the fight has started, all those penalties only affect you if you are attacked by another player.




Det var det, lykke til! :thumbup:

Endret av Azraille
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Jepp, langt ifra FAIL. Står klart og tydelig at det er en TESTversjon, og det er ingen som tvinger deg til å bruke den. Testversjonen er lansert på live for å kunne lokalisere feilene raskest mulig, slik at de kan lansere "fullversjonen".


Og skjønner det godt at de setter den til Live for å teste, siden TestLive serveren er ganske død for øyeblikket.


Sa da aldri at det var fail på testserveren.

Sa at det var fail at de ennå ikke har fikset det på live serverne.

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Sa da aldri at det var fail på testserveren.

Sa at det var fail at de ennå ikke har fikset det på live serverne.

Fordi det er Driectx 10 TEST VERSJON. Ikke meningen at den skal funke 110%.

Funker fint med mitt ATI Kort, prøv nyeste ATI updaten som kom 23 mars elns? :p

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