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Flott arbeid, hva med mulighet for flere mapper i ett album?

Og kommer du til å offentligjøre kode slik at andre kan ta det i bruk?



GPL? :innocent:


Scriptet er jo 100% manuelt. Det er ikke noe hokus-pokus-php-involvert her. Alle thumbnails må lages manuelt og alle HTML-koder.


Så, scriptet står der. Use and abuse, I don't care :p. Eller kanskje ta med danielforsbakk.com :p





Lookin' good DaNIeL.

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Er det mulig å tvinge nettleseren til å lese en side i ISO-8859-1 charsett i stede for UTF-8?






header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1');



    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content=" text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
    <!-- ..... ->
<!-- .... ->

Endret av Shadows0
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Er det mulig å tvinge nettleseren til å lese en side i ISO-8859-1 charsett i stede for UTF-8?




print "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\n\n";


Python bruker samme som perl, bare fjern ";" på slutten.



resource.setContentType ("text/html;charset=ISO-8859-1");



<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1" %>




Endret av DemoniZer
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Klar over at dette blir litt 2.0, men tror ikke at en refleksjon kunne passet bedre til foretaksnavnet dog :)


Eieren ville ha x'en i fokus, samt en stilrent look.


Hvilken font er det? :)



Det er Steelfish, om jeg husker riktig :)

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Dreamhost: Good luck, have fun.




Hello -


This email is regarding a potential security concern related to your

'******' FTP account.


We have detected what appears to be the exploit of a number of

accounts belonging to DreamHost customers, and it appears that your

account was one of those affected.


We're still working to determine how this occurred, but it appears

that a 3rd party found a way to obtain the password information

associated with approximately 3,500 separate FTP accounts and has

used that information to append data to the index files of customer

sites using automated scripts (primarily for search engine

optimization purposes).


Our records indicate that only roughly 20% of the accounts accessed -

less than 0.15% of the total accounts that we host - actually had

any changes made to them. Most accounts were untouched.


We ask that you do the following as soon as possible:


1. Immediately change your FTP password, as well as that of any other

accounts that may share the same password. We recommend the use of

passwords containing 8 or more random letters and numbers. You may

change your FTP password from the web panel ("Users" section, "Manage

Users" sub-section).


2. Review your hosted accounts/sites and ensure that nothing has been

uploaded or changed that you did not do yourself. Many of the

unauthorized logins did not result in changes at all (the intruder

logged in, obtained a directory listing and quickly logged back out)

but to be sure you should carefully review the full contents of your



Again, only about 20% of the exploited accounts showed any

modifications, and of those the only known changes have been to site

index documents (ie. 'index.php', 'index.html', etc - though we

recommend looking for other changes as well).


It appears that the same intruder also attempted to gain direct

access to our internal customer information database, but this was

thwarted by protections we have in place to prevent such access.

Similarly, we have seen no indication that the intruder accessed

other customer account services such as email or MySQL databases.


In the last 24 hours we have made numerous significant behind-the-

scenes changes to improve internal security, including the discovery

and patching to prevent a handful of possible exploits.


We will, of course, continue to investigate the source of this

particular security breach and keep customers apprised of what we

find. Once we learn more, we will be sure to post updates as they

become available to our status weblog:




Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions or concerns,

please let us know.


- DreamHost Security Team


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Alt stresset du har hatt med Dreamhost, og den tidligere der alt du hadde ble slettet


Hm, stemmer. Dritt, altså.

Berre sytten minutt til eg får testa om Macbooken tåler Pirates of the Caribbean 2 i 1080p på ein 40" ekstern. Joy.

Endret av Henrik Lied
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