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Nytt TF2-innhold! Nye spillmoduser og våpen

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Ifølge linkene kommer VALVe til å slippe nye opplåsbare våpen, klasseendringer og en helt ny spillmodus!

Referred to as a 'large-scale modification' by the developer, it turns out it's unlockable weapons that are set to be made available to each of the game's nine classes.


"The first Medic unlock, for example, is called the Overhealer. Instead of temporarily buffing people's health to 50 percent above their normal maximum, it permanently boosts them to double their standard health. The downside is that it'll be dramatically worse at building Ubercharge - in fact, Valve are toying with not letting it Uber at all."

Den nye spillmodusen Goldrush:

"One team must escort a small mining cart through a series of Dustbowl-like map segments. The cart moves faster the more Blue players are near it, but stops entirely if even one Red player is in range. Blue have to escort the cart all the way to Red's headquarters within a certain time limit".


"We are indeed investigating Soldier changes, and one of the changes we're trying out is focused on making Soldiers a little more careful firing their rockets at point blank targets", Walker has said in a reply to a fan question.


"As for the Pyro scoring, we have a minor tweak coming down the pipe. He's going to get a small amount of points for every enemy he ignites."


Valve promised that a "significant gameplay tweak" for the Medic class is on the way too, and that all the game's classes will eventually receive similar treatment.

Endret av Beges
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Masse interessant der! Goldrush virka kult!


Det var mange bra ideer på comments der:



1. Super powerful rocket launcher with only one rocket before reload and a long reload time. This will help take out those heavies with 600 HP


2. A one-time use medkit that takes a few seconds to apply so they can go out into battle and last longer...provided they take a short break to heal themselves.



1. Caltrops! This is one thing I really missed from TFC that I think was a great scout weapon. (For those unaware, these are little spikes that the scout throws down and makes everyone that steps on them run slower)



1. Dynamite. This was shown in the TF2 Demo vids, but hasn't seen daylight yet.


2. Proximity Mines



1. Something like predator vision. It'd be neat if you could earn and strap on a pair of goggles and make the enemies glow a certain color and everything else fade to black. It'd be much easier to see them for heavy machine gunning.


2. A grenade launcher attachment for the heavy gun. This wouldn't make the demoman obsolete as it would have a low reload rate, but it'd be nice to have something better equipped to taking out sentries than sitting blasting them with an uber for 10 seconds.



1. Walls...it'd be cool if you could build a wall that wasn't indestructible, but took a decent amount of damage to knock down and would give your teammates some cover


2. Some kind of device to detect cloaked spies and make them visible. This would create an interesting dynamic of engineers trying to build these devices on pinch points



1. Some sort of chameleon effect, similar to the spy cloak that makes you blend in more with the background. It'd make them harder to spot and make sniper wars more interesting.


2. Call in an air raid. Give the snipers the ability to call in an air raid once every few minutes and bombard an outdoor location within line of sight which they would mark.



1. Similar to the Scout request, bring back pyro grenades from TFC. It was way cool to be able to throw a grenade and lay down a wall of fire.


2. Another throwback request from TFC is to bring back the pyro's fire rockets.



1. Following KingButtMonkey's idea of engy's building remote cameras, have the engineers and spies work together by having the spies build spy cameras within the enemy base and the engineers build monitors inside their base to view those cameras. This would allow you to get a camera in a useful place and also help facilitate someone to become the coordinator for your team by looking in the camera, seeing what the enemy is doing, and mounting an attack.




A Molotov Cocktail for the pyro;


A water pistol for the scout -to put out the flames & fitting with his child-like theme;


Laser trip wires for the Demoman or engineer;


A poison dart for the spy that doesn't take effect for 30 seconds-which can be cured by a doctor if found in time;


A bear trap for the heavy- slows enemies by 50% or stops them for a certain period;


A grappling hook for the soldier;


sticky videocams for the engineer that last a limited time

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