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Det spiller ingen rolle hvor stor eller mektig din motstander er. Det eneste som betyr noe, er at du praktiserer din kunst til fullkommenhet.



Feilen med verden er at de dumme er så skråsikre på alt, og de kloke så fulle av tvil.

-Bertrand Russell



Den som har fornærmet deg er enten sterkere eller svakere enn deg. Hvis han er svakere, spar ham, hvis han er sterkere, spar deg selv.




Det er lettere å tilgi sin fiende enn sin venn.




This project is so important, we can't let things that are more important interfere with it.




Loven er som en telefonstolpe; du kan ikke hoppe over, men du kan gå rundt.



Everybody wants to be the sun in your life... but I would rather be the moon that shines on you in your darkest times



If you want to climb a mountain, do not look for stairs.



By wheels the traveller arrives sooner, but by foot, stronger.



It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice!



First, they ignore you.

Then they laugh at you.

Then they fight you.

Then you win.

- Gandhi



Livet er som å spille en fiolinsolo i full offentlighet der du lærer å spille mens du holder på.

- Samuel Butler



Livet er en sykdom som lindres av søvnen hver sekstende time. Den er et smertestillende middel. Døden er botemiddelet.

- Nicolas Sébastien Roch de Chamfort



Livet er som en drøm noen ganger. Spesielt når jeg titter ned og oppdager at jeg har glemt å ta på buksene.

- Nils Arne Eggen



Livet er et spill med elendige odds. Hvis det var et veddemål, ville du ikke gå med på det.

- Tom Stoppard



Livet er som et løp der det å komme først i mål ikke er å regne som en seier, men en kan vinne flere seirer i rundene underveis.

- Victor



Minds are like trash cans: when open, people fill them with junk.



Men det er umulig å si noe som sjokkerer en norsklærer.

Dag Solstad



They go out and tell people, "Pull yourselves up by your bootstraps" … and then they steal their boots!

- Dennis Kucinich



The inaccuracy of your perception is hardly an issue I can address.

- LordFu



Soldat: Sir, vi er omringet.

General: Perfekt, nå kan vi angripe i hvilken som helst retning.



The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success.

- Bruce Feirstein



Genius may have its limitations, but stupidity is not thus handicapped.

- Elbert Hubbard



In the republic of mediocrity genius is dangerous.

- Robert G. Ingersoll



There is no great genius without some touch of madness.

- Seneca



The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.

- Albert Einstein



There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.

- Henry David Thoreau

(Den får meg til å tenke på Linux....) :dontgetit:



A mind all logic is like a knife all blade. It makes the hand bleed that uses it.

- Rabindranath Tagore



Conway's Law: If you have four groups working on a compiler, you'll get a 4-pass compiler.

- Melvin Conway



The major difference between a thing that might go wrong and a thing that cannot possibly go wrong is that when a thing that cannot possibly go wrong goes wrong it usually turns out to be impossible to get at and repair.

- Douglas Adams



Just remember: you're not a "dummy," no matter what those computer books claim. The real dummies are the people who, though technically expert, couldn't design hardware and software that's usable by normal consumers if their lives depended upon it.

- Walter Mossberg



There's an old story about the person who wished his computer were as easy to use as his telephone. That wish has come true, since I no longer know how to use my telephone.

- Bjarne Stroustrup



All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can't get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer.

- 1925 IBM Maintenence Manual



Don't screw the rules. They might get pregnant and then you get more rules.



Well, I could be wrong, but I believe diversity is an old wooden ship that was used during the Civil War era.



Some people say 'if you can't beat them, join them'. I say 'If you can't beat them, beat them', because they will be expecting you to join them, so you will have the element of surprise.



This post follows the Law of Usenet: if you post a question, nobody will answer it. If you post an answer, they'll all rush to correct it.

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Gjest Bruker-127711

"Back in the 80s, I was in bed by 8, and home by 11" - Glenn Quagmire

"Saturday - Sundays friday" Stan Smith

Endret av Bruker-127711
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Douglas Adams på sitt beste:


"(...) Sir Isaac Newton, renowned inventor of the milled-edge coin and the catflap!"

"The what?" said Richard.

"That catflap! A device of the utmost cunning, perspicuity and invention. It is a door within a door, you see, a ..."

"Yes," said Richard, "there was also the small matter of gravity."

"Gravity," said Dirk with a slightly dismissed shrug, "yes, there was that as well, I suppose. Though that, of course, was merely a discovery. It was there to be discovered." ...

"You see?" he said dropping his cigarette butt, "They even keep it on at weekends. Someone was bound to notice sooner or later. But the catflap ... ah, there is a very different matter. Invention, pure creative invention. It is a door within a door, you see."



It can hardly be a coincidence that no language on Earth has ever produced the phrase, 'as pretty as an airport.' Airports are ugly. Some are very ugly. Some attain a degree of ugliness that can only be the result of a special effort.



For Children: You will need to know the difference between Friday and a fried egg. It's quite a simple difference, but an important one. Friday comes at the end of the week, whereas a fried egg comes out of a chicken. Like most things, of course, it isn't quite that simple. The fried egg isn't properly a fried egg until it's been put in a frying pan and fried. This is something you wouldn't do to a Friday, of course, though you might do it on a Friday. You can also fry eggs on a Thursday, if you like, or on a cooker. It's all rather complicated, but it makes a kind of sense if you think about it for a while.



Anything that happens happens, anything that in happening causes something else to happen causes something else to happen, and anything that in happening causes itself to happen again, happens again. Although not necessarily in chronological order.



[The World Wide Web is] the only thing I know of whose shortened form — www — takes three times longer to say than what it's short for.



I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they go by.



What to do if you find yourself stuck with no hope of rescue: Consider yourself lucky that life has been good to you so far. Alternatively, if life hasn't been good to you so far, which given your present circumstances seems more likely, consider yourself lucky that it won't be troubling you much longer.



In the beginning the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move.

Endret av Emomilol
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"Aristotle maintained that women have fewer teeth than men; although he was twice married, it never occurred to him to verify this statement by examining his wives' mouths. "


"I believe in using words, not fists. I believe in my outrage knowing people are living in boxes on the street. I believe in honesty. I believe in a good time. I believe in good food. I believe in sex. "


"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong."


"Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education. "


og mine to favoritter:


"The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. "




"There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge. " <3


Er jo nesten bare en person man trenger å quote i verden, og det er gode gamle Russell!

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Fra filmen "I want Candy"

- "Jeg skal lage en pornofilm folk vil se til den er ferdig..."

- "Det går ikke, da blir du hudløs, mann!"


Prat om gutter her...


90 prosent av alle ishockeyspillere er venstreskyttere, og omtrent 5 prosent er høyreskyttere.


Vi har allerede utryddet gråhvalen to ganger.


Rett meg om jeg ikke tar feil ...


Det er best at du deler pizzaen i fire stykker, for jeg er ikke sulten nok til å ete seks


Du hadde ikke vunnet hvis vi hadde slått deg


Det var umulig å få igang en samtale. Alle snakket for mye.


Jeg sa aldri mesteparten av det jeg sa


Halvparten av løgnene de forteller om meg, er ikke sanne


Gå i duell, du er helt aleine


Jeg oppfant Internett


Vi er forberedt på enhver uforutsett situasjon som måtte - eller ikke måtte - oppstå.


Vi kommer til å ha de best utdannede amerikanerne i verden


Det er viktig å ha alle tankene i hodet samtidig


Jeg har ikke sagt det før, men gjentar det gjerne


Chile har tre muligheter - de kan vinne eller tape

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