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Disse to sitatene illustrerer oversettelsesproblematikken, og hvordan den best skal løses eller rettere sagt ignoreres :woot:

We know the only true translation is the 1600's version in English.


It's too risky for anybody to translate that into other languages. Mistakes can creep in... and that can lead to heresy. True Christians should only read English.

If your original Hebrew disagrees with my original King James --- your original Hebrew is wrong. If your original Hebrew agrees with my original King James, your original Hebrew is right.


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hvordan har disse folka overlevd lenge nok til å lære å skrive, disse er jo så dumme at man skulle tro de ville ha drept seg selv med et uhell for lenge siden, disse for Homer, Peter og Fry til å virke som Einstein


Ja, det var det jeg også lurte på. Og hvordan i h*****e har de klart å lære seg å bruke en datamaskin og logge inn på et forum?

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Indiske muslimar eg har prata med seier at det er heilt vanleg i deira miljø. Folk med universitetsutdanning i naturfag kan ha heilt motsette syn avhenging av situasjonen. Yrkesutøving og personleg tru ser ut til å vere fullstending frikobla. Dei meinte at det hadde med at skulesystemet mykje er bygd opp rundt pugging, heller enn kritisk tenking, og da kjenner vi jo Erasmus Montanus frå eiga historie ;)

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Disse to sitatene illustrerer oversettelsesproblematikken, og hvordan den best skal løses eller rettere sagt ignoreres :woot:
We know the only true translation is the 1600's version in English.


It's too risky for anybody to translate that into other languages. Mistakes can creep in... and that can lead to heresy. True Christians should only read English.

If your original Hebrew disagrees with my original King James --- your original Hebrew is wrong. If your original Hebrew agrees with my original King James, your original Hebrew is right.



Jeg var inne og så på den originale tråden der de diskuterte dette, og beviset for at engelsk er guds språk er at i King James' Bible så er alle samtaler mellom gud og profetene på engelsk, og det samme mellom jesus og alle han treffer. (!) Alle som påpekte at han holdt på med sirkelargumentasjon ble bedt om å bevise det med bibelvers.

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Vorpal fant favoritten min.

Den må tenkes på ett par sekunder, for den er så enormt mye dummere enn den ser ut til ved første øyekast.


Norsk oversettelse:


En av de grunnleggende lovene innenfor fysikk er termodynamikkens andre lov.

Denne forteller oss at etter hvert som tiden flyter, går energien over i lavere former; entropien øker.

Evolusjon mener noe annet enn en lov som er akseptert av ALLE, OVER ALT: Evolusjon sier at vi startet i det enkle, og at vi over tid ble mer komplekse.

Det er bare ikke mulig: MED MINDRE det finnes en kjempesvær kilde til energi som forsyner jorden med enorme mengder energi. Dersom det fantes en slik kilde ville forskerene garantert visst om den.



En kjempesvær kilde til energi som gjør livet på jorden mulig?

SOLA for fanden!


Herre min hatt, jeg får tårer i øynene og ett halvt år lagt til livsløpet mitt hver gang jeg gjenoppdager dette gullkornet.


Akkurat den der var sinnsykt bra ja. Samtidig som det er artig å lese på den siden er det litt skummelt også...

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Mange bra poster på henviste sider. Blir ikke mye religiøs av å lese disse.


Hva med denne?


I honestly don't care about your rights. If it were up to me, all Atheists would be burnt at the stake and or cast into a river with weights tied to their ankles and or placed before the firing squad, etc etc etc.


Er vi fortapte?

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Mange bra poster på henviste sider. Blir ikke mye religiøs av å lese disse.


Hva med denne?


I honestly don't care about your rights. If it were up to me, all Atheists would be burnt at the stake and or cast into a river with weights tied to their ankles and or placed before the firing squad, etc etc etc.


Er vi fortapte?

Halleluhja, kirstendommen er god

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I honestly don't care about your rights. If it were up to me, all Atheists would be burnt at the stake and or cast into a river with weights tied to their ankles and or placed before the firing squad, etc etc etc.


"What makes the Christian religion different from every other religion is love. I'm probably going to get in trouble with the Buddhists and Hindus and Jews and Muslims out there for saying this, but it's true. I'm not saying that other religions don't concern themselves with love (because every religion worth the title does deal with love), but that in Christianity love is the central reality, not just one among a number of other values, and it is given far more importance than in any other religion. This emphasis on love is what sets Christianity far above every other religion because love is the central reality of human life." (Herfra.)


Entydige svar finnes ikke, selv ikke hos dem som har funnet "sannheten".

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Top Ten Signs you're a dumbass atheist:


10. You vigorously deny the existence of God, yet you frequently blame him for everything that is wrong in modern society.

9. You repeatedly insist that man did not, in fact, evolve from an ape. Apes and men both evolved from another species who did not resemble Curious George in any way.

8. You criticize Christians who don't know their Bible, yet you have never opened any of Darwin's texts.

7. While all created evidence and reasoning point to a Creator and absolute truth, you prefer to hide behind relativism and a theory of evolution which does not, in fact, describe the creation of the universe at all.

6. You can't seem to understand the fundamental differences between fundamental Muslims and fundamental Christians (hint: strap-on TNT)

5. You willingly attribute all historical atrocities in Europe to a demographic that contained approximately 100% of Europeans during the period in question.

4. You also like to ignore the beneficial discoveries of the aforementioned demographic.

3. You don't realize that a closed system can be defined however the observer wants, so you throw out technological phrases to try to ignore the implications of thermodynamics.

2. You accuse Christians of being hateful and you hope that they DIAF.

1. Your biggest complaint is that these typically hopeful and caring people want to share the greatest single thing in their life with you. You're like an idiot who wipes with winning lottery tickets. Clap. Clap.




Agent C2H6O


Clap. Clap. Hahahaha. :D

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Var faktisk en post der som jeg ikke syntes var så gærn. Man kan ha noe imot den mentaliteten, men det er snakk om generelt sivilisert oppførsel.


I have no suggestions on what the Cheneys should do in this situation, but I can tell you what I did.


I have a gay daughter and have been loving and accepting of her and her partner, but not of their lifestyle. We have made clear our opinions, but my wife and I do not make life uncomfortable for them because of our opinions.


When they announced that they were going to try and get pregnant, we sat them down and explained our position. We explained why we believed that children should have a mother and a father and told them that, should they go though with this, we would sue for custody of our grandchild. We assured them that living in the South that we had a better than even chance of winning.


Though they were not happy with our decision, they still visited and were welcomed and we have always been welcomed at their home. They thought of moving elsewhere but didn't like any of the places with more liberal laws. (A lesson in how liberalism ruins a place) It has now been eight years and still no babies.


Legg også merke til at Gud eller kristendom ikke er referert til på noen som helst måte. Jeg skjønner egentlig ikke helt hva det sitatet har å gjøre i den listen.


Ellers var det mye god underholdning. Gode argumenter mot universell stemmerett :p


EDIT: rettet opp en gramatikkleif.

Endret av dedeee
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