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Den offisielle Aion: Tower of Eternity tråden !

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Vel det skal ikke være noe beta i det hele tatt for us/eu, men det skal være noe som heter Previewe event noen helger. Husk spillet har vært testet og testet og testet i korea nå så om det ikke blir noe ordentlig beta her betyr ikke det at det kommer til å være fult av bugs. Den eneste de trenger å gjøre nå fra korea versionen til eu/us er å bytte ut mye tekst.


Og du må bli invita for å bli med i Previewe så er ikke bare å bli med. Men de som har fått invite står det bare at det skal være Previewe event i 2009 og at vi må vente på mere info mere en det får vi ikke greie på.

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Ser virkelig fram til dette spillet :)

Har nettopp sluttet med aoc og håper at aion kan bli det neste store for meg.


En ting jeg ikke skjønner er hvorfor de drøyer så lenge med å slippe spillet i vesten..? Nå som spillet er ute i Korea betyr det jo at de i teorien også kan gi ut spillet her? Som du sier Ramusama, så er det å oversette og bytte ut tekst det eneste de trenger å gjøre.

Jeg vil ha spillet nå! :p

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Ser virkelig fram til dette spillet :)

Har nettopp sluttet med aoc og håper at aion kan bli det neste store for meg.


En ting jeg ikke skjønner er hvorfor de drøyer så lenge med å slippe spillet i vesten..? Nå som spillet er ute i Korea betyr det jo at de i teorien også kan gi ut spillet her? Som du sier Ramusama, så er det å oversette og bytte ut tekst det eneste de trenger å gjøre.

Jeg vil ha spillet nå! :p


Skal man få høye salgstall og drive litt markedsføring så trengs det nok mer enn å bare oversette litt tekst.

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Ser virkelig fram til dette spillet :)

Har nettopp sluttet med aoc og håper at aion kan bli det neste store for meg.


En ting jeg ikke skjønner er hvorfor de drøyer så lenge med å slippe spillet i vesten..? Nå som spillet er ute i Korea betyr det jo at de i teorien også kan gi ut spillet her? Som du sier Ramusama, så er det å oversette og bytte ut tekst det eneste de trenger å gjøre.

Jeg vil ha spillet nå! :p


Skal man få høye salgstall og drive litt markedsføring så trengs det nok mer enn å bare oversette litt tekst.


Ehhh skjønt ikke helt hva du mente.

Hvis det er reklame og markedsføring som du sier som du menere er de andre de må gjøre er jo ikke det noe med spillet i seg selv å gjøre. Man trenger ikke forandre noe med spillet i seg selv for å lage noe reklame. Det enneste de trenger å forandre med spillet i seg selv er å oversette det har ncsoft sagt selv opp til flere ganger. Spillet er "ferdig" for asia og det eneste som mangler er å oversette. Seff er det litt bugs som må fikses og ting som må addes med det er det alltid med et mmo.


Og xBANAN spillet er ikke ute i Korea, det er/var (husker ikke hvor lenge den skulle være) obt der men det har ikke sluppet ut enda.

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Update # 5


Today, we met with Asmodian 하야덴 of Devil Legion from 루미엘 server, the man with 700,000 abyss points. He talked with us briefly about the [Guardian Transformation] and its use in abyss.


Q. Could you give us a brief introduction of yourself and your legion?


I am a 26 yr old student living in 대구. I am currently in Devil legion. Our legion is a raid-oriented legion with some emphasis on socializing : )


Q. It's quite impressive that you got that much points as a student. How did you do



Nothing special really, I basically ate, slept, and 'abyssed.'



charismatic even without the transformation


Q. How long did it take to get to [Rank 5 Lieutenant] from [Rank 9 Soldier]?


I already had [Rank 4 Soldier] during open beta. I got [Rank 1 Soldier] 2 weeks ago, [Rank 2 Lieutenant] last week, and got [Rank 5 Lieutenant] this week.


Q. How much abyss points do you get per day on average?


I really went out of my way this week to get past [Rank 4 Lieutenant]. Based on [Rank 2 Lieutenant] status, I got about 30,000~40,000 points per day. I had 1,993 kills last week.



Rank 5 Lietanent, 722,184 points, and 4421 Total Kills!


Q. Was it hard getting that many points? Do you think you can get to Commander in Chief (Top rank)?


One death at [Rank 2 Lietanent] meant loss of 1,600 points. I was dying about three times a day so I thought it was gonna be really hard at [Rank 5 Litanent], but when I got the [Guardian Transformation], I am starting to think I can get there. Oh yeah, and meteorites.. I died to meteorites three times last week.


Q. Ever died as Guardian?


Well, I don't die unless I get hit by a lot at the same time (focused burst). Oh and I don't die even if I get hit by meteorites : D I was so happy.



Guardian Transformation looked similar to ones in fortresses


Q. Tell us more about the transformation; How is it?


One word; Overpowered. It lasts 20 minutes with 1 hr cooldown. I get to have about 86,000 HP and 150,000 MP. Also, everyone in the area gets notified when I use the transformation. Not only that, whenever I use a lieutenant skill, it broadcasts what I used where. Kind of annoying since I use it every 20 seconds. Then again, the transformation is only usable in abyss.


Q. Do you get increased flight time?




Q. How overpowered is the Guardian transformation?


I can capture an artifact in lower abyss by myself. I also get this [Abyssal Hurricane] skill. It does 1115~1175 physical damage to 6 targets in 20m radius around myself. It has 20 sec cooldown.

Q. Must be very powerful in Sieges, How is it?


You said it. Since I can spam it every 20 seconds, I get loads of kill and points : )




Q. Many are complaining about [Voice of Destruction], what are your thoughts?


It completely destroys PvP balance. I hope it gets nerfed on next patch. If not, at least make the DoT effect curable with potions.


Q. Exactly how powerful is [Voice of Destruction]?


I think I got around 30,000 points purely out of this skill. If the party doesn't have a cleric in it, it's pretty much dead. 18 people at a time. Yeah sure there will be a few that resists it.

Q. Are you satisfied with Aion?


Yes, somewhat, but PvP balance is seriously broken. Overall, everyone dies too easily except templars and clerics. Also, divine stones are way too overpowered.



Asmodian 햐이덴 used Abyssal Hurricane I in Southern 라데스란.


Q. Divine stones are overpowered? Why?


Every single divine stone is overpowered. Once the proc effect activates, there is no way to remove it. The rate of proc kicking in and the duration is way too high. I could say that my success was largely due to the divine stones. I used silence and blind stones.


Q. Any last comments?


I really wanted to say this. There's no real incentive to abyss. Monsters here only range up to lvl 40. If lvl 41+ mobs spawned here and there were some other stuffs, maybe more people would come and there would be more pvp. As of now, its just few lvl 40+ players ganking each other. I really want NCsoft to take this into consideration.


Dette trenger en skikkelig nerf. Balansering og forbedre overlevelsen på de forskjellige klassene.

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Update #6 @ Patch Notes


Patch Notes 3/12/08



1. Fixed unnatural movement for short characters when they use the skill "Dash"

2. Fixed bug that prevented from death emote from showing when player died in middle of attack motion

3. Fixed Motion Cancel macro exploit




1. Lowered aggro amount from heal skills from lvl 1~30 for chanters and clerics

2. Increased bow skill speed for rangers

3. Hellfire's chance to hit has been lowered




1. Fixed typos on some quest dialogues

2. Fixed the bug where training scarecrows would be moved when hit by assassin's skill




1. Increased success rate for crafting

2. Fixed typo on a pattern for a helm

3. Increased item stack amount from 100 to 1000 per slot in inventory (herbs, ore, whatever etc)

4. Fixed the bug where stat increase from bravery scroll wouldn't show on character stat screen

5. You can no longer use another polymorph item when you are polymorphed.




1. Increased experience gain from quests

2. Changed confusing monster names

3. Fixed some broken quests




1. Fixed the bug that prevented anyone from looting an item if no one in party rolled for it

2. You can now whisper a character by right clicking on the character's name on the chat window

3. Fixed some terrains

4. Fixed some graphic bugs



[Known Issue]


1. There's currently a bug that forces game to shut down when there's 20 players in an force party and the co-force leader opens management window. This will be fixed in a latter patch.


Patch Notes 10/12/08




1. Since abyss is a constant danger zone (The 2 minutes in-and-1-shotted-by-sorc-zone as someone from korean forums like to call it), we’ve increased the amount of xp for abyss mobs.


2. Increased drop rate for rare items (greens) for mobs past lvl 30


3. Fixed the bug where asmodians could acquire elyo only patterns in “Baluse” region treasure chests


4. Lowered item drop rate for weak group mobs


5. Names of certain monsters were changed


6. Fixed typos


[Temple of the Flames]


1. It can only be entered once every 30 minutes.


- The countdown till next possible entrance starts upon entering


- Resets upon entrance after 30 minutes


- This timer is shared among players that entered together


2. Unique items can be acquired from boss monsters other than the final boss


3. New Unique items added to drop list




1. Increased prices of consumables in abyss shop


- Low grade hp / mana pot : 50 AP -> 100 AP


- Med grade hp / mana pot : 100 AP -> 150 AP


- High grade hp / mana pot : 150 AP -> 200 AP


2. Lowered prices of Items (Wep/armor/accessories) in abyss shop


3. You will no longer be booted from the game from prolonged afk period when you are performing a “create all” for crafting


4. Changed name of an item


5. Changed Asmodian gathering proficiency requirements for following areas


-Chi-ko-ri : 170 -> 190


-Heisia : 190 -> 170


6. Fixed the issue where item icon did not match with the item name


7. Fixed the “same name” divine stones


8. Changed sound effect for soulbind animation (for items)


9. Changed colors for items lvl30~50




1. Fixed combo bug using macro




1. Templar’s “Pull” skill now genrates more aggro


2. Ranger’s skills will now start auto-attack (1Jump 3Skills -> 1Jump 1Skill now. Without skill motion that is. Based on reports from ranger players who tried it after patch)


- auto attack will stop if Ranger uses Sleep arrow or trap arrow that releases target upon attack


3. Increased damage of skills “Snipe I / Trap Arrow I / Volley I” that Rangers learn at lvl 10~16 (Aka, Lvl 10~16 Rangers are more powerful!)


4. Ranger’s stigma of “Cutting Escape(?)” is now useable with bow equipped


5. Increased Ranger’s Aerial Volley skill speed (Non-factor patch. Damage too lame to begin with)


6. Increased Chanter’s “Aura of Spellpower” effect of spell power increase and added “chance to hit” effect to that same aura


7. Changed description of Chanter’s “Aura of Brilliance” to “mp regeneration every 6 seconds..”


8. Spiritmaster’s “Something of Revenge” effect now applies for “fire/water/wind/earth aura” skills




1. Added rewards to certain infiltration quests


2. When ‘Elenen and Morehein’ armor reward quests are done in a party, quest item looting method is now changed from ‘Party loot’ to ‘personal’


3. Quest item for ‘Sataloka’s Heart’ quest does not disappear if the player fails the quest


4. The letter quest that arrives at lvl 30 is now “un-abandonable”


5. Fixed monster name and kill count for ‘kill undead’ quest


6. Fixed quests that were either improperly explained or impossible to progress




1. Fixed sell button bug


2. The right click info from chat logs does not close anymore when camera is moved


3. Fixed places where players would get stuck


4. Fixed ungather-able ores in ‘Interodeca’ region


5. Added WoW’s item comparison system (Place cursor on item info and it’ll show your equipped item info next to it)


6. Fixed the bug where special letters in macros would disappear upon logging


7. Fixed login screen pop up bug


8. Fixed wrong system message bug when a player tries to friendadd when his friendlist is full


9. Changed /targetassist macro command to /assisttarget’starget


10. Fixed incorrect tips shown on loading screen


11. Fixed “walk through walls” bug


Patch Notes 17/12/08




1. If you change/cancel targets, auto attack now stops.


2. If flight time is less than 15 seconds, "Caution! Flight time is running low." message appears on-screen.


3. Fixed issue with auto attack skills where the player could use them while moving?




Fixed an issue with windowed mode going to maximized mode.




1. The following items have been corrected graphically (so they don't glitch out anymore): Baekyeomui sword, baekyeomui book, baekyeomui Spellbook, baekyeomui Two-Handed Sword, baekyeomui cane, baekyeomui Long Bow


2. Fixed an issue where armor combinations caused graphical issues (causing items to disappear/etc).


3. Some items had incorrect names/spelling. This has been fixed.




1. Ranger skill 'Arrow Assault' has had its damage increased.


2. Ranger skill 'Snare Shot' is now usable while moving.


3. The feature where rangers using a skill, activates their auto-attack, has been reverted back to the state before the 10/12/08 update.


4. Spirit's base HP and HP gained from upgrading the skill level has been increased(i.e. more base HP and even more HP for stage 2,3&4 summons)


5. All Spirits have their movement speed increased.

(Fire Spirit: 7 → 8 / Wind Spirit: 10 → 11 / Earth Spirit: 5 → 7 / Water Spirit: 6 → 8)


6. Spirit Master's 'Cancel Magic' has had its cast time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 0.5 seconds. The cooldown is increased from 6 seconds to 10 seconds.


7. Fixed issues with Spirit Master's attack 'Command' skills.


8. Cleric's level 45 skills '[Elyos]Light of Youstiel I' and '[Asmodian]Light of Marukutan I' have had their cooldowns changed to 3 minutes(was previously 20 seconds).


9. The chanter's skill descriptions for their chants now display the actual values of the chant's effects.


10. The chanter's 'Incantation of Revival' has been given a higher rank priority than the cleric's 'Light of Renewal'(meaning Incantation of Revival will always override Light of Renewal when both of them are cast)


Kommer til å holde denne tråden oppdatert.

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Takk for infoen Stifi.

Mye bra å lese på.


Bare hyggelig.


Da var våres guild promotional video ferdig.


Det er vel ikke lenge før vi stenger rekrutterings fasen.

Men har du en god mmo bakgrunnd og liker å satse høyt. Skader det vel ikke å skrive en application til oss. Kan være din sponsor.


Vi vil trolig spille på EU server. Og har valgt å stå ved Elyos rasen.

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Update # 7 [Announcement 01/02/09] Public Ban List


3062 accounts in 37 servers have been banned at the new year's day, but still not enough...


NC KR Ban List History

12/16/08 758 accounts banned

12/18/08 378 accounts banned

12/23/08 1206 accounts banned

01/02/09 3062 accounts banned




Og spillet er ikke releaset ennå.


Update #8: Abyss ranking information

Minimum standing: Out of the players on the server, you need to be the best out of X.

Points Lost: Killed by a same level player you lose this many AP.

Points Gained: Killing a same level player you gain this many AP.

Necessary minimum: You need at least this many AP to get that rank.




Update # 9: Crafting Professions



- Healing potions

- Mana potions

- Flight potion (+flighttime)

- Scrolls (e.g. +20 Fire resistance for 10 minutes)

- Manastones (socketing - e.g. +14 defense for shields)

- Spellbook (Sorcerer-Weapon)

- Pearl (Spiritmaster-Weapon)


Jewel crafting:

- Bows

- 2-Handed Staffs

- Ring

- Earring

- Necklace

- Goggles (Head accessoire?)


- Bufffood (+flighttime, +HP, etc. for 10 minutes)

- Meal (Hp-Rgeneration)

- Trinken (Mp-Regeneration)


Armor smithing:

- Chainmail (Boots, Gloves, Bracers, Helmets, Shoulder, Upper Body, Lower Body)

- Plate Mail (Boots, Gloves, Bracers, Helmets, Shoulder, Upper Body, Lower Body)

- Shield



- Leather (Boots, Gloves, Bracers, Helmets, Shoulder, Upper Body, Lower Body)

- Cloth (Boots, Gloves, Bracers, Helmets, Shoulder, Upper Body, Lower Body)

- Belt


Weapon smithing:

- Sword

- Dagger

- 2-Handed Sword

- Polearm

- Mace


------ Class Recommendations ------



- Tailoring (primary, armor-oriented)

- Weaponsmithing (primary, weapon-oriented)

- Cooking (secondary, buff-oriented)


- Alchemy (primary, weapon-oriented)

- Tailoring (primary, armor-oriented)

- Cooking (secondary, buff-oriented)



- Armorsmithing (primary, armor-oriented)

- Weaponsmithing (primary, weapon-oriented)

- Cooking (secondary, buff-oriented)



- Jewelcrafting (primary, weapon-oriented)

- Tailoring (primary, armor-oriented)

- Cooking (secondary, buff-oriented)



- Jewelcrafting (primary, weapon-oriented)

- Armorsmithing (primary, armor-oriented)

- Cooking (secondary, buff-oriented)



- Armorsmithing (primary, armor-oriented)

- Weaponsmithing (primary, weapon-oriented)

- Cooking (secondary, buff-oriented)



- Armorsmithing (primary, armor-oriented)

- Weaponsmithing (primary, weapon-oriented)

- Cooking (secondary, buff-oriented)



- Alchemy (primary, weapon-oriented)

- Tailoring (primary, armor-oriented)

- Cooking (secondary, buff-oriented)

Endret av Stifi
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har du peiling på om de har satt noe europeisk dato, Stifi?

Dette virker ufattelig lovende. elsker designet :)


Er ennå ukjent for oss i EU. Skulle jeg hører noe mere, poster jeg det her. Så, stikk innom tråden.


Har hørt spillet er fullt av bots allerede, slik som Lineage 2. :(


Siden spillet er så tidlig ute i release, vil det være lett tilgjengelig med boter/cheaters/hackers. Det er pga av at ncsoft fokuserer mere på å fullføre spillet i tide, en å legge så stor vekt på de som utnytter seg grovt. De vil selvføgelig gjøre opp dette, så snart spillet er ute.



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Update 12: screenshots fra retail version/OBT beta


























UI fokusert screenshots;


















Bildene er tatt fra medlemer i guildet.


Kommer flere

Endret av Stifi
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