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Den lille tråden for sjokolade

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LD50 - Theobromine ~ 1000 mg/kg


Er visst 1.3% Theobromine i sjokolade.


Hvis du er 85 kg så blir noe sånt som:


LD50: 85000mg - 85g


6538,5g sjokolade, 50% dødelighet.

Endret av ^fmj
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Tror ikke det er theobromin-innholdet du dør av om du spiser 55 kg melkesjokolade på en gang :)


I går kjøpte jeg "sjokolademelk", dvs. en gråbrun væske fra Q-meieriene som de påstår er sjokolademelk. Lettere sjokkert av den totale mangelen på kakaosmak sjekket jeg etiketten, og fant ut at kakaoinnholdet var på 0,5%.


Fullstendig ubrukelig.


Har ellers funnet en bra snarvei til god varm sjokolade. Varmer opp vann, hiver oppi Freia rett-i-koppen-kakao og en knekk Michel Cluizel Noir Infini 99%. Smaker veldig bra, er latterlig enkelt å tilberede, og så får jeg brukt opp Noir Infini-plata jeg var overmodig nok til å kjøpe :)

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LD50 - Theobromine ~ 1000 mg/kg Er visst 1.3% Theobromine i sjokolade.


Hvis du er 85 kg så blir noe sånt som: LD50: 85000mg - 85g 6538,5g sjokolade, 50% dødelighet.

Sjokolade er vist giftigere enn det, siden det  er minst et stoff til i den som er giftig, nemlig Methybromine.


Leste nylig en artikkel om hvor giftig det er, det er vist like giftig for dyr som for mennesker, samme mengde kakao pr kroppsvekt som skal til for å forgifte oss. Sto også om hvilke symtomer man opplever når man holder på å bli forgiftet. Flere av dem har jeg merket selv når jeg har spist mye mørk sjokolade. Det ble en vekker for min del. Her er artikkelen:


If you walk on all fours and have fur or if you walk on two legs and don't have fur, two caffeine-like ingredients in chocolate, Theobromine (aka xantheose) and Methybromine can kill you and your pet animal if ingested. Not only is Theobromine and Methybromine found in chocolate, it's also present in acai berries, tea leaves, the cola nut, cacao, and Cocoa Mulch.


Emails about Cocoa Mulch have been circulating around the Internet since 2003, and more frequently since 2007 when Calypso, a three year old Labrador, had a seizure and dropped dead on a walk after ingesting the garden mulch made from cacao bean shells. The same thing is happening to humans!


Hershey's, the manufacturer of Cocoa Mulch, states that "50% of the dogs that eat Cocoa Mulch can suffer physical harm to a variety of degrees...98% of all dogs won't eat it."


Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "chocolate, acai, cola nut, cacao and cocoa are all highly acidic and their poisonous acids will kill animals quickly and humans slowly. Unfortunately many of these acidic foods are being sold as health foods for the body as antioxidants. Chocolate, acai, cola nut, cocao and cocoa are not antioxidants but highly acidic oxidants that when ingested will steal electron energy from the body and use up stored alkaline buffers. This can then lead to sickness, dis-ease and many so-called diseases in animals and humans. My best advice is to never eat these so-called foods. They are not foods and especially not health foods. They are poison to the body of all animals and humans."


Since there are many other brands of garden mulch, if you have a dog, the best choice to another brand that is free of cocoa.


Easter is a few weeks away and chocolate will grow in abundance in the form of eggs, carrots, and rabbits, so take extra care and keep these tempting treats out of the reach of your animals and especially your children!


In the worse case scenario, here is some information that will help determine what action should be taken if your dog or cat or child eats a bunny ear. The higher the cocoa content the more toxic it becomes.


* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Milk Chocolate is toxic per 1 pound [453 gram] of body weight

* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Semisweet Chocolate is toxic per 3 pounds [1359 gram] of body weight

* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Baker's Chocolate [kakaopulver?] is toxic per 9 pounds [4077 gram] of body weight


For example, 2 ounces [56.7 gram] of Baker's Chocolate can put your 15 pound [6.8 kilo] dog or baby at great risk, while 2 ounces [56.7 gram] of Milk Chocolate will usually cause simple digestive problems.


The clinical signs of chocolate, acai berries, tea leaves, cola nut, cocao and cocoa toxicity are:

Hyper excitability

Hyper irritability

Increased heart rate


Increased urination

Muscle tremors




"The acid sugar combined with the acids Theobromine and Methylbromine found in chocolate and cocao are a deadly combination. Why risk the health and the life of your animal or even your child.



Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young, Woodland Publishing, 1999.

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Jeg forsøkte noe lignende selv engang, men brukte en hel plate Domori 100%, chili og honning. Det ble litt for mye. ;)

Det høres egentlig litt i meste laget ut ja :ph34r:


Ville ellers tro at honning har litt for mye egen smak til at det blir godt sammen med sjokolade, men kanskje jeg tar feil? Dreper det ikke noen smaksnyanser? Har egentlig fint lite erfaring med honning, aldri fått helt sansen for det.


Ellers var innlegget til magcom en tankevekker :hmm:

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LD50 - Theobromine ~ 1000 mg/kg Er visst 1.3% Theobromine i sjokolade.


Hvis du er 85 kg så blir noe sånt som: LD50: 85000mg - 85g 6538,5g sjokolade, 50% dødelighet.

Sjokolade er vist giftigere enn det, siden det  er minst et stoff til i den som er giftig, nemlig Methybromine.


Leste nylig en artikkel om hvor giftig det er, det er vist like giftig for dyr som for mennesker, samme mengde kakao pr kroppsvekt som skal til for å forgifte oss. Sto også om hvilke symtomer man opplever når man holder på å bli forgiftet. Flere av dem har jeg merket selv når jeg har spist mye mørk sjokolade. Det ble en vekker for min del. Her er artikkelen:


If you walk on all fours and have fur or if you walk on two legs and don't have fur, two caffeine-like ingredients in chocolate, Theobromine (aka xantheose) and Methybromine can kill you and your pet animal if ingested. Not only is Theobromine and Methybromine found in chocolate, it's also present in acai berries, tea leaves, the cola nut, cacao, and Cocoa Mulch.


Emails about Cocoa Mulch have been circulating around the Internet since 2003, and more frequently since 2007 when Calypso, a three year old Labrador, had a seizure and dropped dead on a walk after ingesting the garden mulch made from cacao bean shells. The same thing is happening to humans!


Hershey's, the manufacturer of Cocoa Mulch, states that "50% of the dogs that eat Cocoa Mulch can suffer physical harm to a variety of degrees...98% of all dogs won't eat it."


Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "chocolate, acai, cola nut, cacao and cocoa are all highly acidic and their poisonous acids will kill animals quickly and humans slowly. Unfortunately many of these acidic foods are being sold as health foods for the body as antioxidants. Chocolate, acai, cola nut, cocao and cocoa are not antioxidants but highly acidic oxidants that when ingested will steal electron energy from the body and use up stored alkaline buffers. This can then lead to sickness, dis-ease and many so-called diseases in animals and humans. My best advice is to never eat these so-called foods. They are not foods and especially not health foods. They are poison to the body of all animals and humans."


Since there are many other brands of garden mulch, if you have a dog, the best choice to another brand that is free of cocoa.


Easter is a few weeks away and chocolate will grow in abundance in the form of eggs, carrots, and rabbits, so take extra care and keep these tempting treats out of the reach of your animals and especially your children!


In the worse case scenario, here is some information that will help determine what action should be taken if your dog or cat or child eats a bunny ear. The higher the cocoa content the more toxic it becomes.


* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Milk Chocolate is toxic per 1 pound [453 gram] of body weight

* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Semisweet Chocolate is toxic per 3 pounds [1359 gram] of body weight

* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Baker's Chocolate [kakaopulver?] is toxic per 9 pounds [4077 gram] of body weight


For example, 2 ounces [56.7 gram] of Baker's Chocolate can put your 15 pound [6.8 kilo] dog or baby at great risk, while 2 ounces [56.7 gram] of Milk Chocolate will usually cause simple digestive problems.


The clinical signs of chocolate, acai berries, tea leaves, cola nut, cocao and cocoa toxicity are:

Hyper excitability

Hyper irritability

Increased heart rate


Increased urination

Muscle tremors




"The acid sugar combined with the acids Theobromine and Methylbromine found in chocolate and cocao are a deadly combination. Why risk the health and the life of your animal or even your child.



Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young, Woodland Publishing, 1999.


1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Baker's Chocolate [kakaopulver?] is toxic per 9 pounds [4077 gram] of body weight


Mao. cirka dødelig dose for en grepa kar på 85 kg - 600 g bakesjokolade. Da skulle jeg vært død eller hvertfall rimelig ille ved mer enn en anledning. Det høres ikke riktig ut.

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Klikk for å se/fjerne innholdet nedenfor
LD50 - Theobromine ~ 1000 mg/kg Er visst 1.3% Theobromine i sjokolade.


Hvis du er 85 kg så blir noe sånt som: LD50: 85000mg - 85g 6538,5g sjokolade, 50% dødelighet.

Sjokolade er vist giftigere enn det, siden det  er minst et stoff til i den som er giftig, nemlig Methybromine.


Leste nylig en artikkel om hvor giftig det er, det er vist like giftig for dyr som for mennesker, samme mengde kakao pr kroppsvekt som skal til for å forgifte oss. Sto også om hvilke symtomer man opplever når man holder på å bli forgiftet. Flere av dem har jeg merket selv når jeg har spist mye mørk sjokolade. Det ble en vekker for min del. Her er artikkelen:


If you walk on all fours and have fur or if you walk on two legs and don't have fur, two caffeine-like ingredients in chocolate, Theobromine (aka xantheose) and Methybromine can kill you and your pet animal if ingested. Not only is Theobromine and Methybromine found in chocolate, it's also present in acai berries, tea leaves, the cola nut, cacao, and Cocoa Mulch.


Emails about Cocoa Mulch have been circulating around the Internet since 2003, and more frequently since 2007 when Calypso, a three year old Labrador, had a seizure and dropped dead on a walk after ingesting the garden mulch made from cacao bean shells. The same thing is happening to humans!


Hershey's, the manufacturer of Cocoa Mulch, states that "50% of the dogs that eat Cocoa Mulch can suffer physical harm to a variety of degrees...98% of all dogs won't eat it."


Dr. Robert O. Young, Director of Research at the pH Miracle Living Center, "chocolate, acai, cola nut, cacao and cocoa are all highly acidic and their poisonous acids will kill animals quickly and humans slowly. Unfortunately many of these acidic foods are being sold as health foods for the body as antioxidants. Chocolate, acai, cola nut, cocao and cocoa are not antioxidants but highly acidic oxidants that when ingested will steal electron energy from the body and use up stored alkaline buffers. This can then lead to sickness, dis-ease and many so-called diseases in animals and humans. My best advice is to never eat these so-called foods. They are not foods and especially not health foods. They are poison to the body of all animals and humans."


Since there are many other brands of garden mulch, if you have a dog, the best choice to another brand that is free of cocoa.


Easter is a few weeks away and chocolate will grow in abundance in the form of eggs, carrots, and rabbits, so take extra care and keep these tempting treats out of the reach of your animals and especially your children!


In the worse case scenario, here is some information that will help determine what action should be taken if your dog or cat or child eats a bunny ear. The higher the cocoa content the more toxic it becomes.


* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Milk Chocolate is toxic per 1 pound [453 gram] of body weight

* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Semisweet Chocolate is toxic per 3 pounds [1359 gram] of body weight

* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Baker's Chocolate [kakaopulver?] is toxic per 9 pounds [4077 gram] of body weight


For example, 2 ounces [56.7 gram] of Baker's Chocolate can put your 15 pound [6.8 kilo] dog or baby at great risk, while 2 ounces [56.7 gram] of Milk Chocolate will usually cause simple digestive problems.


The clinical signs of chocolate, acai berries, tea leaves, cola nut, cocao and cocoa toxicity are:

Hyper excitability

Hyper irritability

Increased heart rate


Increased urination

Muscle tremors




"The acid sugar combined with the acids Theobromine and Methylbromine found in chocolate and cocao are a deadly combination. Why risk the health and the life of your animal or even your child.



Sick and Tired by Dr. Robert and Shelley Young, Woodland Publishing, 1999.


1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Baker's Chocolate [kakaopulver?] is toxic per 9 pounds [4077 gram] of body weight


Mao. cirka dødelig dose for en grepa kar på 85 kg - 600 g bakesjokolade. Da skulle jeg vært død eller hvertfall rimelig ille ved mer enn en anledning. Det høres ikke riktig ut.

Hadde nok vært død jeg og.

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1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Baker's Chocolate [kakaopulver?] is toxic per 9 pounds [4077 gram] of body weight


Mao. cirka dødelig dose for en grepa kar på 85 kg - 600 g bakesjokolade. Da skulle jeg vært død eller hvertfall rimelig ille ved mer enn en anledning. Det høres ikke riktig ut.

Noe som er lett å glemme er at kakaopulver, eller baker's chocolate er MYE mere konsentrert enn mørk sjokolade. I kakaopulver så er mye av fettet fjernet. Fettet inneholder så vidt jeg vet omtrent ikke noe av de giftstoffene. Mørk sjokolade lages av kakaomasse, kakaosmør og sukker. Kakaomasse består bare av avskallede kakaobønner og har derfor samme fettinnhold som kakaobønner, ca 55%. Når det i tillegg tilsettes kakaosmør i sjokoladen, så blir det enda mindre giftig i den. Derfor vil 600g kakaopulver tilsvare mye mere enn 600g mørk sjokolade. Ut i fra det som sto i artikkelen så vil det være ca 600g x 3= 1800g som er dødelig for din kroppsvekt.


* 1 ounce [28.3 gram] of Semisweet Chocolate is toxic per 3 pounds [1359 gram] of body weight.

Semisweet betyr halvsøt. Derfor menes nok mørk sjokolade, muligens rundt 70%, den er det i alle fall bare halve sukkermengden i. Så da stemmer nok de tallene. 

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