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scammer blir regelrett eid.


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Jeg sitter og leser den nå og skjønner ikke en dritt.. Virker som om det meste av linker er blitt fjerna av moderatorene på sida.. Kan noen bekrefte dette for meg?



"His domain registration, his myspace page (now deleted, as he's a pedophile)"


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vil ikke akkurat kalle det en scammer? han driver med underground marketing, men ikke scamming (ok, noen ville kanskje si at å prøve å få folk til å gamle er scamming samme f. da.. :) )


Forsovidt ganske morsomt... alt den informasjonen de finner om deg :p

Endret av MrLee
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For de som ikke gidder å lese hele tråden, så er det et fint sammendrag av hendelsen (så langt):


Pedophile Spammer Gets OWNED!


I found possibly one of the funniest forum threads of the year on a car forum today. It all started when some poker affiliate (NICHOLAS ADAM SITKO or Nick for short) started spamming his website accross several forums. Unfortunately for Nick, people decided that they did not like getting spammed, and decided to see if they could fight back. A WHOIS search was performed on his website revealing the following information:



nick sitko

100 Kensington Blvd. apt. 1102

Bluffton, SC 29910



They had found his address, and his real name. On further search some more information came about. It turns out that Nick is a pedophile and convicted sex offender.


People started posting more pictures of him, and the thread started spreading like wildfire on forums accross the Internet. It is still in the early stages, but hopefully this will teach Little Nicky why spamming is BAD!


People really need to learn that in the past you may have been able to hide behind your computer on the Internet, but nowadays people are much smarter so if you screw around and do unethical things, someone WILL find you!


You can see the original thread here:




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Oppsumering stjålet fra tråden:


Cliff's note


Page 1

– Spammer NSX_NICK tries to peddle his website by bragging he’s made a bunch of money and bought a NSX for $63k in cash.


– Spammer gets exposed as owner of said website and his name is Nick Sitko.



– NSX_NICK denies identity and address.


Page 2

– NSX_NICK gets exposed for lying about paying in cash.



– A Nick Sitko is found on South Carolina Sex Offenders website. http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showp...0&postcount=48


Page 3

– Nick Sitko is found on familywatchdog.us http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showp...&postcount=115


– Thread starts to spread around the interweb.


Page 4

– NSX_NICK attempts damage control still denies identity and address and the fact that he’s a pedo. He’s still claiming that he bought the NSX with $63K in a suitcase full of 20s.


Page 5

– NSX_NICK lies some more against direct evidence.


Page 6

– NSX_NICK lies some more while being a condescending douche, bragging about his income and new Porsche 911.


Page 7

– NSX_NICK gets exposed for lying about his income by his postings in other threads.



– NSX_NICK’s lie bout not owning the poker site advertised in his profile is exposed when pictures of his NSX is found in the site’s image directories.




Page 8

– Nick Sitko myspage page is found. His picture matches the sex offender websites and his myspace is peddling the same gambling sites, proving conclusively what we knew all along that Nick Sitko the spammer/gambler and Nick Sitko the pedo is one and the same.




– Anonymous poster ran the tag of Nick’s NSX and it comes back to a Nick Sitko with the same exact address as the spammer/pedo, proving conclusively that the poster NSX_NICK is in fact Nick Sitko the pedo spammer. Anonymous poster also discovers Nick’s NSX has a lien holder on it.



Page 9 and 10

– Nick Sitko still denies his own identity, but gets caught deleting his NSX pictures from the poker site’s directory.





Page 11

– User Kevin1965 pops up, poses as a random stranger and defends Nick, citing libel, defamation etc. One can safely assume this is one of Nick’s acquaintances or it’s Nick himself.


Page 12

– Kevin1965 for exposed for cutting and pasting from a Defamation of Character article.


Kevin 1965, total stranger, then claim he just spoke with Nick’s attorney and proceeds to defend Nick’s pedophile charges.


Page 14

– Kevin1965 gets his lies thoroughly exposed by a real attorney.



– More corroborating evidence from Nick’s mechanic, proving NSX_NICK and Nick Sitko the spammer pedo are one and the same.



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Ganske sykt at de i USA har fått lov til å legge ut slike offentlige sexforbryter lister på internett.

Hvis eksempelvis en drita full 18 åring lar seg rive med og har sex med ei på 15 og blir straffet for det, er det ikke da nok med fengselsstraffen han får? Han trenger vel ikke bli utsatt for en heksejakt resten av livet pga noe dumt han gjorde som ung.

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