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Xbox spill på billigsalg - under 300 kroner (NB!: Ingen requests i tråden!)


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Noen som veit kor eg kan kjøpe Ninja Gaiden 2 billigere enn 500,- ?

Den asiatiske versjonen hos Play-Asia.com er jo rimelig. Står også at det er engelsk tale på den. :)



har selv bestillt der ;)

er det mulig det tar 5 dager fra det er sendt til det kommer? hadde vert digg og fått det til neste helg.



Jeg fikk vel Gears of War etter 7 dager..

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Heter det forresten "toll" i england også? visste ikke noe annet ord å bruke :hmm: Men de tok sikkert hintet

Customs heter det i alle fall på flyplasser.


Tror ordet du letter etter er VAT (value added tax) dersom du snakker om avgift du skal betale ved import til Norge. Customs referer vel til den fysiske tollstasjonene, og ikke avgiften du må betale.

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Ok sendte en klage til [email protected] nå så håper de faktisk leser den å kan starte å prise pakkene riktig :p Skrev som følger:






Recently i have had some problems with the packages you guys send me. You price the the package to £38 even though the content is much cheaper. This first happend a few weeks ago when i recieved Lost Odyssey to the Xbox360. The game itself costed £19.99 inc shipping but the price on the package was £38 so it got stopped in the Toll and they added 25% Norwegian VAT to the price and handling expenses becasue it was above the price limit that you can import to Norway.



The current free import price limit is 200kr (£20) and since the price on the package was priced to £38 i was ordered to pay the VAT before i could recieve the game. Luckily i got this fixed by calling www.toll.no where they told me that if the reciept inside the package was really showing £19.99 as i told them and not £38 as the package said on the outside it was ok and they would remove the fine so i could take the game home with me without any more trouble. To do this i had to go to the post office and explain my situation to the people working there and they had to call toll.no (wich took 40 minutes to get through on the line) and then open the package while on the phone with them and confirm that the reciept inside said £19.99 and then they had to fax a copy of it to them. After that was done they let me bring the game home with me without any more trouble or expenses.




So you see how much extra trouble this wrong pricing of the package is causing?



Anyways. Since i have ordered hundreds of DVD's and loads of games from you guys in the past and never have had any problems i didn't take this so hard cause i said to myself that accidents do happen and this was probably just a one time thing and would not happen again so i didnt want to complain about it, until now.. Becasue it has happened again! I got a bill in the mail today asking me to pay out a game (Army of Two to X360) at the post office from play.com that was priced to £38 so now i have to go through all that previous trouble AGAIN to get my game with me home. This game costs £17.99 and is also the price thats on the reciept and the sum that was taken out of my bank account when it was mailed to me so why you guys set the price on the package to £38 is really confusing me. And why that exact number?? Why don't you just put the price on the package to the same price as the content as you did before? It doesent make sence and also causes both me and the people at the post office alot of trouble because they are the ones that have to fix it while i have to be there guiding them through the problem.



I have also noticed that it's not just me this is happening to becasue the Norwegian forums on the internet are full of annoyed people having the same issue. We all buy games that costs under £20 so it would slip through the toll but even their packages are being priced at £38 casuing them to pay extra (Actually 190kr (£19). Almost the same price as the game itself or even more) so this seems to be becoming a plague.



So im telling you this with ha faint hope that you guys will start pricing the packages with the same price as the reciept from our orders so we dont end up getting these uneccasary problems :)



Kind regards and sorry for my bad english but i hope most of this made sense anyways :)



Engelsken min er ikke på topp å jeg gjenntar meg selv en del ganger men forhåpentligvis skjønner de det meste :) Heter det forresten "toll" i england også? visste ikke noe annet ord å bruke :hmm: Men de tok sikkert hintet


Har du fått svar fra Play?


Var på postkontoret i dag og som vanelig tok jeg med meg utskrift fra ordrebekreftelse og utskrift fra ordresiden til Play.com.


Men nå viser det seg at Posten har hatt så mye jobb med feilprisete pakker fra Play.com.

Og at de hadde gitt Play.com en frist på å fikse feilprisingen sin og at denne fristen nå hadde gått ut.

Så nå nekter posten å tollbehandle pakkene fra Play.com på nytt og jeg må ta det opp med Play.com direkte.


Så det endte med at jeg måtte gå tomhendt fra posten i dag :no:



Jeg har full forståelse for at posten nekter dette da de helt klart får mye ekstra jobb og utgifter på en feil som ikke er deres.



Skal sende en mail til Play.com nå og høre hva de har å si.

Kan vel ikke være for mye å forlange at de merker pakkene med riktig verdi? :wallbash:

Dette begynner å bli kjipt :(

Endret av Typho
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