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Harry potter and the deadly hallows


Harry Potter and the deadly hallows is the seventh and last book about Harry and his friends.Lots have changed in this book compared to the others, and it looks worse for Harry and the rest of the wizard world than ever before. Instead of going back to a Hogwart ruled by the Voldemort regime with Severus Snape as headmaster, he decides to take up the fight against Lord Voldemort himself.He only brings his closest friends Ron and Hermoine and continue the search for the seven hidden pieces of Voldemort's soul, horcruxes. All he have to go by is the few clues that dumbledorf gave behind, but the revelation that Dumbledorf had used dark magic himself put their fatith to a test. Hermione whoose known for her brilliance manages to save the day more the once. Ron, and the rest Weasley family, are courageous to the end. They help Harry to discover Dumbledore's greatest secret, the power of The Deathly Hallows, three magical objects that can conquer death itself.


I can't really tell more without spoiling the plot for those who haven't ready it yet, but I can say that this book is filled to the brim with action. Chases, amazing wizard duels, you name it! You' will also be amazed by the depth in the story. Well, it's hard to write about this book without getting all fanboi'ish, but it's a great book I reccomend everyone to read.

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