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pA engelsk, Hva betyr DTF ? noen som vet ? liksom hva de egentlig betyr ?


DTF = ?


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DTF Danish Tree Federation

DTF Dans Ton Fion (French gaming clan)

DTF Dansk Taekwondo Forbund (Danish Taekwondo Association)

DTF Dansk Tennis Forbund

DTF Data Translation Facility

DTF Data Transmission Feature

DTF Database Transfer Form

DTF Dead Tree Format (paper files)

DTF Dedicated Toll Free

DTF Define The File

DTF Dental Treatment Facility

DTF Development Test Facility

DTF Development Test Flight

DTF DHAPP (Department of Defense HIV/AIDS) Prevention Program Travel Form

DTF Diabetes Trust Foundation (formerly Diabetes Trust Fund)

DTF Dial Tone First payphone

DTF Diesel Technology Forum

DTF Digital Tape Format

DTF Digital Terrain File

DTF Digital Test Data Format

DTF Digital Training Facility

DTF Digital Transmission Facility

DTF Digital Trunk Frame

DTF Discrete Trial Format

DTF Distance-To-Fault (cabling)

DTF Distributed Terascale Facility (National Science Foundation distributed supercomputing grid)

DTF Distribution Time/Frequency

DTF Document Transmission Facility

DTF Downtime Failure

DTF Drop-Tube Furnace

DTF Drug Task Force

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