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Hva er ille med Steinerskoler?

Som :--{D sa, så har nok mange folk fordommer mot steinerskolene. Jeg har ikke visst hva en steinerskole er inntil 5 minutter siden, Google hjalp meg.

Men.. det høres litt kjedelig ut egentlig, men det er bare meg, jeg vet ikke hvor mange elever som går på slike skoler heller. Kan godt hende det er koselig (noe jeg antar det er).

Endret av The Prophet
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Steinerskolen er virker som et av de stedene folk i Norge har mest fordommer mot.

Det kan ha noe å gjøre med at elvene derifra fremstår som mer ordentlige og lærevillig enn hva som er normen. "Dydig" ungdom blir mer uglesett enn slaskete ungdom.

Og får mer pryl.

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Gjest Slettet-1nDPpQXNWW

Haha :p


KOmmet meg ut av rommet nu jeg :)


Sitt i stua og ser på den lile 28" CRT skjermen til pappa :p

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Noen snedige fakta:


Steinerskoleelver viser større interesse for undervisningen enn andre elever.

The comparison showed that the Waldorf pupils in the 12th grade thought that the school’s

social studies teaching was interesting and good to a greater extent than the municipal school

pupils in the same grade.


De utviser større moralsk ansvarlighet.

The Waldorf pupils in both grades also felt responsibility for social and moral issues to a

greater extent than the municipal school pupils. More Waldorf pupils thought they had a

responsibility for the moral development of society in the future and felt that as adults they

would have a responsibility to do something about the situations referred to in the evaluation



De er diskuterbart mer nyanserte i sin tenkning.

The comparison between the pupils’ answers to the two evaluation questions showed that the

Waldorf pupils tended to refer to moral qualities such as love, sympathy, solidarity and moral

courage to a somewhat greater extent than the municipal pupils. They also seem to be

characterized by greater thoughtfulness, greater confidence in man’s innate goodness and less

confidence that more police or more severe laws can solve moral problems on a societal level.

Instead the Waldorf pupils stress individual responsibility.


De mobber mindre.

The Waldorf pupils also felt to a lesser extent than the municipal pupils that they were bullied

or unfairly treated. They also felt to a greater extent that teachers or other adults quickly

intervened if a pupil was bullied.


De er mer tolerante.

The Waldorf pupils in general had more open and tolerant attitudes towards homosexual

pupils and pupils with learning difficulties, compared with the municipal school pupils. They

also had more open and tolerant attitudes to both immigrants and religious and political

extremist groups.



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2 prøver og 4 innleveringer jeg ikke har begynt på ennå som skal være ferdig til i morgen. Yey!

Der sitter du jammen meg godt nedtrøkka i salaten, sammen med alle salatbrødrene dine, og kanskje dressingtante og bestefar Løk, og hvis du er heldig, så er nok sure oldemor Tomat der i tillegg!

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